Replication Action Properties

The replication action properties in the BUI and CLI are different, as described in the following tables.


When you change a replication action property, the new setting takes effect with the next replication update unless specified otherwise.

The following table describes replication action properties that are available in both the BUI and the CLI.

Table 7-1 Replication Action Properties (BUI and CLI)

BUI Property CLI Property Description

Disable compression


The replication stream is compressed by default. Disable if compression is provided by another means, such as a WAN accelerator. For more information, see Compressed Replication.

Disable raw crypto mode rawcrypto Raw crypto replication is enabled by default, and data is not decrypted on the source appliance before it is sent to the target appliance. To disable in the CLI, set rawcrypto to off. For more information, see Raw Crypto Replication.

Distant target


In a multi-target reversal and cascaded replication configuration, it defines the topology transformation during the reverse on the potential source. Can be set for only project-level, non-cascading actions when potential_target is TRUE. For more information, see Cascaded Replication.

Update frequency


In the BUI, select Scheduled or Continuous for Update frequency. In the CLI, set the continuous property to true or false. For more information, see Replication Update Frequency.

Enable deduplication


When set, enables deduplication on replication streams. For more information, see Deduplicated Replication.

Power icon image showing the power icon


When enabled (true in the CLI), replication updates can be sent. When disabled (false in the CLI), the power icon image showing the power icon is not highlighted, and replication updates cannot be sent.

Export data path


Specifies the path to an NFS share for this action, using the format: nfs://server/path. This property exports the replication stream to a file on an NFS server, which can be physically moved to the remote target site, and then imported to a replication target. For procedures, see Creating an Offline Replication - BUI, CLI.

Include clone origin as data


Controls the replication of each share that was cloned from a share that is external to the replication package on the target. Select this option to insert a complete copy of the clone origin snapshot's data into the replica of the clone. If you deselect this option, a clone created from an external origin snapshot will share storage with the replica of the clone origin snapshot that resides in replication target's pool. Sharing storage saves space, but if the replication target does not contain the external clone origin snapshot, the replication of the clone will fail. For details, see Cloning a Replication Package or Share.

Include Snapshots


Determines whether replication updates include non-replication snapshots. For details, see Replication Snapshot Management.

Limit bandwidth


Specifies a maximum speed for this replication update (in terms of amount of data transferred over the network per second). Use this property to limit bandwidth, especially during an initial replication update. If you change this property during a replication update, the new setting takes effect immediately.



Storage pool on the target where this project will be replicated. This property is specified when an action is initially configured and not shown thereafter.

Potential source


When multi-target reversal is configured, the corresponding target can perform a reverse of the package. Can be set for only project-level, non-cascading actions. For more information, see Multi-target Reversal.

Recovery point objective [_] unit of time


Specifies the maximum tolerable amount of data loss in the event of a disaster or major outage. The recovery point objective (RPO) can be specified as days, hours, minutes, or seconds. Set this property when creating or editing a replication action. This property is only used in conjunction with the replica lag warning and error alerts.

Replica lag error alert [_] % of Recovery Point Objective


Specifies a limit represented as a percentage of the RPO. The source appliance generates a major alert when the replica lag exceeds the specified limit. When the replica lag falls below this value, a minor alert indicates the replica lag is within the error limit.

Replica lag warning alert [_] % of Recovery Point Objective


Specifies a limit represented as a percentage of the RPO. The source appliance generates a minor alert when the replica lag exceeds the specified limit. When the replica lag falls below this value, a minor alert indicates the replica lag is within the warning limit.

Retain user snapshots on target


Retains user-generated snapshots on the replication target for the associated action, even after the snapshots are destroyed on the source appliance. The snapshots retained on the target can then be used as part of a disk-to-disk or data backup solution. For details, see Managing User-Generated Snapshots.



Unique identifier for the replication target system. This property is specified when an action is initially configured and cannot be edited.

Target package ID


Read-Only. ID of the replication package on the target appliance. Starting with OS8.8.0, package id and action id might not match in some cases.

Target Pool


Storage pool on the target where this project will be replicated. This property is displayed when editing an existing replication action.

Enable SSL-encryption


When set, encrypts data on the wire using SSL. Using this feature may have an impact on per-action replication performance.

Update cascade delay


Update delay when used with cascading replication schedule option after_update. In BUI, under Cascading Schedule when After Update is selected. For more information, see Cascaded Replication.



Schedules a replication update to start at a specified minute, hour, day, week, or month. Frequency values are 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30 minutes, 1, 2, 4, 8 or 12 hours, every day, every week, or every month. If more granular update frequencies are needed, define multiple schedules for a single replication action.

Auto-snapshots is an auto-generated start time selected by the appliance. Auto-snapshots is available only when one schedule is set for an action.



BUI - The Snapshots subtab in a replication action displays configured automatic snapshot schedules, and allows you to change the number of snapshots retained on the target.

CLI - Automatic snapshot retention settings are configured through child node autosnaps. See the following table for more information.

For information about automatic snapshot management, see Replication Automatic Snapshot Management.

The following table describes replication action properties that are available only in the CLI. All of these properties are read-only.

Table 7-2 Replication Action Properties (CLI Read-only)

CLI Property Description


Describes the average replication throughput.


ID of the bypassed cascading replication action. Enables locating a bypassed action. Available only after performing the retarget/bypass procedure as described in Cascaded Replication.


Number of bytes sent to the replication target.


Estimated size of the data to be replicated.


Estimated time remaining until completion of the replication update.


Indicates whether an export is pending. Value is true or false.


The replication action's unique identifier. The identifier can be used to select an action or its associated replication package using the syntax: select id=<uniqueid>.


Date and time when the next attempt will be made. This value could be a date (for a scheduled update), Sync now, or continuous.


Indicates whether the replication update is offline. Value is true or false.


The unique identifier of the replication package from which this action was created when the package was reversed. The origin package identifier is displayed after the first successful replication update completes.


Current replica lag with a format of hh:mm:ss.


true when the replica lag has exceeded the error limit specified by the combination of the recovery_point_objective and the replica_lag_error_alert threshold.


true when the replica lag has exceeded the warning limit specified by the combination of the recovery_point_objective and the replica_lag_warning_alert threshold.


Project or share name (under project) where the action is configured.


Pool name of the source project/share.


Describes if replication is in progress or not. Values are sending or idle.


Specifies details on replication progress. The different states are:

  • Connecting to replication target

  • Receiving checkpoint from target

  • Estimating size of update

  • Building deduplication tables

  • Sending update

State Building deduplication tables is displayed only if the project or share has deduplication enabled.


The unique identifier of the replication target object that describes the target of this replication action.

The following table describes nodes of a replication action. These nodes are only viewable in the CLI. Properties of these nodes are read-only.

Table 7-3 Replication Action Child Nodes (CLI only)

Replication Action Child Node Description


Automatically scheduled snapshots, with sub-node automatic. To change the number of snapshots retained for a replication package, select an individual automatic node, and modify the keep property.

For information about automatic snapshot management, see Replication Automatic Snapshot Management.

For more information about configuring auto snapshots, see Configuring Automatic Snapshot Retention on a Target (CLI).


Schedule configuration. Allows configuration of source and cascading replication schedules. For more information, see Cascaded Replication.


Statistics for the most recent replication update, and the accumulated statistics over the lifetime of this replication action. Statistics are updated after replication update completion.

The following table describes the stats node properties. The stats node properties report statistics from the most recent replication update (last) and the accumulated statistics over the lifetime of this replication action (total). To see the statistics for a replication update that is older than the most recent update, see the associated finish alert as described in Start and Finish Alerts. For more information about properties with dedup and dd_ in their names, see Deduplicated Replication.

Table 7-4 Replication Action stats Node Properties (CLI Read-Only)

CLI Property Description


Creation time of the snapshot used in the most recently completed (last_sync) replication update.


The result of the last_sync update. The value of last_result is either success or failed.


The last time a replication update was successfully sent. This value might be unknown if the system has not sent a successful update since boot.


The last time a replication update was attempted. This value might be unknown if the system has not attempted to send an update since boot. If the value of last_result is success, then last_sync and last_try are the same time value.


Number of bytes that the last_sync update data stream would have contained if the data on disk had not been compressed and without any subsequent compression or deduplication.


Number of bytes in the last_sync internal replication update data stream prior to replication deduplication or replication data stream compression.


Number of bytes in the last_sync internal replication update data stream after any deduplication of the replication data stream.


Number of bytes that the last_sync update data stream compression pipeline delivered to the network. This value shows the consequence of replication data stream compression, if enabled.


Elapsed time to perform the last_sync update.


Time to build the last_sync update deduplication tables prior to the transmission of the replication update.


Maximum amount of memory that was consumed by the last_sync update deduplication tables.


Number of successful replication updates for this action.


Number of bytes that update data streams of all updates for this action would have contained if the data on disk had not been compressed and without any subsequent compression or deduplication.


Number of bytes in internal replication update data streams of all updates for this action prior to replication deduplication or replication data stream compression.


Number of bytes in internal replication update data streams of all updates for this action after any deduplication of the replication data stream.


Number of bytes that update data stream compression pipelines delivered to the network for all updates for this action. This value shows the consequence of replication data stream compression, if enabled.


Elapsed time to perform all updates for this action.


Number of successful deduplicated replication updates for this action.


Number of bytes that update data streams of all deduplicated updates for this action would have contained if the data on disk had not been compressed and without any subsequent compression or deduplication.


Number of bytes in internal replication update data streams of all deduplicated updates for this action prior to replication deduplication or replication data stream compression.


Number of bytes in internal replication update data streams of all deduplicated updates for this action after deduplication of the replication data stream.


Number of bytes that update data stream compression pipelines delivered to the network for all deduplicated updates for this action. If replication data stream compression is enabled, dd_total_to_network shows how well the compression worked.


Elapsed time to perform all deduplicated updates for this action.


Time to build the deduplication tables prior to the transmission of the replication update for all deduplicated updates for this action.


Maximum amount of memory that was consumed by the deduplication tables for all deduplicated updates for this action.

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