Capacity: System Pool Percent Used

This statistic shows the used percentage of the system pool capacity based on the raw pool size. It is used as a threshold alert and cannot be displayed in a graph. Unlike other statistics, it is updated every five minutes instead of every second.

Use one of the following methods to create this capacity alert in the CLI.

If you are not using worksheets, navigate to the analytics and datasets context, and use the command create.

hostname:> analytics datasets
hostname:analytics datasets> create syscap.percentused

If you are using worksheets, navigate to the analytics and worksheets context, the desired worksheet, the dataset context, and use the command set name. The "\" character below denotes a line break.

hostname:> analytics
hostname:analytics> worksheets
hostname:analytics worksheets> select worksheet-000
hostname:analytics worksheets worksheet-000> dataset
hostname:analytics worksheets worksheet-000 dataset \
(uncommitted)> set name="syscap.percentused" 
hostname:analytics worksheets worksheet-000 dataset \
(uncommitted)> commit

When to Check System Pool Percent Used

This statistic can be used as a threshold alert for the used system pool capacity in a percentage. If the threshold is exceeded and the alert is triggered, you can mitigate the situation before the system pool becomes too full and performance is impacted. It is recommended that you set the threshold alert to 80 percent. For information on setting threshold alerts, see Configuring a Threshold Alert (BUI) or Configuring a Threshold Alert (CLI).

System Pool Percent Used Breakdowns


Further Analysis

See Capacity: System Pool Bytes Used for a threshold alert, in bytes, for the system pool used capacity.