Data Movement: Cloud Requests

This statistic tracks the total number of cloud requests that occur to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage as the result of cloud snapshot operations. A request often consists of many bytes or, in some cases, a request might not transfer any data. A request is equivalent to a coarse-grained HTTP request. For example, deleting a cloud backup would result in several cloud requests but no bytes transferred. By comparison, a backup would result in many nwrite requests, each of which results in many thousands of bytes transferred.

When to Check Cloud Bytes

Use this statistic when investigating cloud snapshot activity to determine whether requests are succeeding and how many requests are being processed. In conjunction with cloud bytes, observers can see the rate at which their snapshots are progressing (restore or backup) and determine how quickly requests are being processed successfully.

Cloud Requests Breakdowns

Table 5-21 Breakdowns of Cloud Requests

Breakdown Description

type of operation

Total requests for each type of operation: nread (read), nwrite (write), ntrim (remove), and nerror (errors).

cloud target

Total requests broken down by cloud targets configured in the service.

raw (no breakdown)

Total requests to all targets and all operation types.

Further Analysis

To examine cloud backup bytes transferred instead of requests, see Data Movement: Cloud Bytes.