4 Configuring and Starting Monitor Server

This chapter describes the procedures for using the Configuration Wizard to create a WebLogic domain for both Oracle and non-Oracle databases (for this version, non-Oracle databases refers to MySQL and SQL Server). It also includes instructions for starting the server once these domains have been created.

This chapter contains these sections:

4.1 Configuring Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server for Oracle Databases

This section guides you through the steps required to set up a WebLogic domain if you are using an Oracle database. If you are running either a MySQL or SQL Server database, see Section 4.2, "Configuring Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server for Non-Oracle Databases".

4.1.1 The Configuration Wizard

You will use the Configuration Wizard to create the domain. This tool guides you through the process of creating a WebLogic domain by selecting the product components to include in your domain or by selecting template JAR files. If necessary, you can also customize the domain to suit your environment by adding and configuring Managed Servers, clusters, and machine definitions, or customizing predefined JDBC datasources and JMS file store directories. The procedures in this chapter will guide you through the simplest configuration scenario. To learn more about other capabilities of the Configuration Wizard, see Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

4.1.2 Launching the Configuration Wizard

Assuming WebLogic Server is installed properly (see Section 2.2, "Install WebLogic Server 12c (12.1.3)"), launch the Configuration Wizard by doing the following:

On Linux:

$ ORACLE_HOME/wlserver/common/bin/config.sh

On Windows:


The Configuration Wizard starts and the Configuration Type screen appears.

4.1.3 Creating the Domain

To create the domain, navigate the Configuration Wizard screens providing the necessary information as described on the following table. For additional, generic information on each screen, click the screen name in the Screen column:

Screen Configuration Action
Configuration Type Ensure Create a new domain is selected then:
  • In Domain location, enter the absolute path outside of ORACLE_HOME.; for example:

  • Click Next.

  1. Select Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server Domain-12.1.3 (oggmon)
  2. Click Next.

Administrative Account
  1. Enter a Name and Password (and confirm the password). These are your WebLogic Server console log-in credentials.
  2. Click Next.

Domain Mode and JDK
  1. In Domain Mode, select Production.
  2. In JDK, select your preferred JDK; for example:

    Oracle HotSpot 1.7.0_45/ade_autofs/gd29_3rdparty/nfsdo_generic/JDL7/MAIN/LINUX.X64/
  3. Click Next.

Database Configuration Type
  1. Ensure RCU data radio button is selected.
  2. Enter the database connection information.

  3. Enter the Schema owner, which is the prefix you specified when creating your repository appended with _STB; for example, DEV_STB.

  4. Enter the Password.

  5. Click Get RCU Configuration.

  6. Click Next.

JDBC Component Schema Verify the schema information and click Next.
JDBC Component Schema Test Verify the schema information and click Next.
  1. For each Key Name, enter a Username and Password.
  2. Click Next.

Advanced Configuration
  1. Select Administrative Server and Managed Serves, Cluster, and Coherence.
  2. Click Next.

Administration Server By default, the server name is AdminServer and the port is 7001, although you can always change default values. For example, you can change the server name AdminServer to OGGMONAdminServer.

If port 7001 is already in use, replace it with an unused port number.Make selections as necessary and click Next.

Managed Servers The managed server name is already populated with the default, MONITORSERVER_server1, and the port number with 7003. You can change these values, if desired. Also, if port 7003 is already in use, replace it with an unused port number.

Either accept the defaults of update the data and click Next.

Clusters Click Next.
Coherence Cluster Click Next.
Machines Click Next.
Configuration Summary Review the configuration details and click Create.
Configuration Progress When configuration creation is complete, click Next.
Configuration Success
  1. Make note of the Administration Server URL for MonitorServer administration.
  2. Click Finish.

The WebLogic Server domain for the Monitor product with Oracle database is now configured.


This completes the first steps of configuring Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server for Oracle databases. The next section contains procedures pertaining only to non-Oracle databases (that is, MySQL or Microsoft SQL Server). Unless you are also configuring the server for one of these databases, you can skip this section and proceed to Section 4.3, "Completing Monitor Server Configuration".

4.2 Configuring Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server for Non-Oracle Databases

In addition to Oracle databases, Oracle GoldenGate Monitor also supports databases provided by MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server. The configuration instructions covered in Section 4.1, "Configuring Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server for Oracle Databases" applies only to that database provider. For these non-Oracle databases, you need to use the same tools but follow somewhat different procedures. Those procedures are explained in the following sections:

4.2.1 Configuring a Domain for MySQL

Configuring a domain for MySQL is a two-stage process:

  1. Create the MySQL Repository

  2. Create a Compact WebLogic Server Domain Before You Begin

Before attempting to configure a domain for MySQL, the following values must be set:



When using a MySQL database, you can only create a compact domain. This is because the Oracle Platform Security Service and Auditing frameworks does not support maintaining the security artifacts and audit management data when using Weblogic Server 12c (12.1.3) on non-Oracle databases.

To create a MySQL repository, use this procedure:

  1. Follow the instructions in Section 3.2, "Creating a Repository" to create a repository; however, note the following exceptions for a MySQL repository:

    1. When you reach the Database Connection Details screen, set Database Type to MySQL database and set the appropriate connection information. Click Next.

      The Select Components screen appears.

    2. On the Select Components screen, select only Monitor Server and Service Table (by default, Service Table should already be selected).

  2. Follow the remaining repository creation process. You should have these schemata generated:

    • OGGMON (the product-specific schema)

    • STB Create a Compact WebLogic Server Domain

The next task is to create a compact Oracle WebLogic Server domain.


When using a MySQL database, you can only create a compact domain. This is because, when using Weblogic Server 12c (12.1.3) on non-Oracle databases, the Oracle Platform Security Service and Auditing frameworks do not support maintaining the security artifacts and audit management data.

To create the compact Oracle WebLogic Server domain for MySQL, you need to run the script monitorServerCreateCompactDomain.sh, which was installed with Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server.

To create the domain, use this procedure:

  1. Go to ORACLE_HOME/oggmon/monitor_server/bin/ (ORACLE_HOME\oggmon\monitor_server\bin\ on Windows).

  2. Copy the file ../samples/monitorServerCompactDomain.properties to the ORACLE_HOME/oggmon/monitor_server/bin/ directory. This file contains the default settings required to create a domain. Update the domain location and data source settings property values appropriately.

  3. Update the following properties with the appropriate data:

    • weblogic server

    • database

  4. Save the file.

  5. Enter ./monitorServerCreateCompactDomain.sh monitorServerCompactDomain.properties (assuming that monitorServerCompactDomain.properties is copied under ORACLE_HOME/oggmon/monitor_server/bin/).

    The WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST), a command-line scripting environment that you can use to create, manage, and monitor WebLogic domains, opens, prompting you to provide specific information about the new domain.

    Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
    Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
    Type help() for help on available commands
    Please enter WebLogic domain administrator(weblogic) password : 
    [Confirm]    WebLogic domain administrator(weblogic) password : 
    Please enter MonitorServer respository database password           : 
    Please enter MonitorServer JMX password           : 
    Please enter MonitorServer Keystore password           : 
    Please enter MonitorServer Truststore password           : 
    Please enter MonitorServer SMTP email password           : 
    Given WebLogic location - WL_HOME : /scratch/rporandl/Oracle/WLS_12.1.3_Feb16/wlserver
    MonitorServer Template Jar file path : /scratch/rporandl/Oracle/WLS_12.1.3_Feb16/wlserver/../oggmon/common/templates/wls/monitor_server_compact_template_12.1.3.jar
    Basic WebLogic Template Jar file path : /scratch/rporandl/Oracle/WLS_12.1.3_Feb16/wlserver/common/templates/wls/wls.jar
    JRF Template Jar file path : /scratch/rporandl/Oracle/WLS_12.1.3_Feb16/wlserver/../oracle_common/common/templates/wls/oracle.jrf_template_12.1.3.jar
    Creating Domain at Location : /scratch/monitor/wl-domains/domain_1
    Updating MonitorServer Domain ...
    Domain Admin Console URL : http://<Host>:7071/console
    MonitorServer URL : http://<Host>:7071/monitor
    WebLogic Domain administrator user name : weblogic
    Exiting WebLogic Scripting Tool


    For more information about WLST, see Understanding the WebLogic Scripting Tool
  6. At the prompts, enter passwords for the following properties:

    • weblogic domain administrator (user - weblogic)

    • MonitorServer repository database

    • MonitorServer JMX

    • MonitorServer Keystore

    • MonitorServer Truststore

    • MonitorServer SMTP email

  7. Exit WLST.

4.2.2 Configuring a Domain for Microsoft SQL Server

Configuring a domain for SQL Server is a two-stage process:

  1. Create the SQL Server Repository

  2. Create a Compact WebLogic Server Domain Before You Begin

Before you begin, do the following:

  • Set:

  • Ensure the database is case-sensitive:

    DECLARE @collate sysname
       select @collate = convert(sysname, serverproperty('Collation'))
    IF ( charindex(N'_CI', @collate) > 0 )
       select @collate = replace(@collate, N'_CI', N'_CS')
       exec ('ALTER database $(DATABASE_NAME) COLLATE ' + @collate) Create the SQL Server Repository

To create a SQL Server repository, use this procedure:

  1. Follow the instructions in Section 3.2, "Creating a Repository" to create a repository; however, note the following exceptions for SQL Server:

    1. When you reach the Database Connection Details screen, set Database Type to SQL Server database and set the appropriate connection information. Click Next.

      The Select Components screen appears.

    2. On the Select Components screen, select Monitor Server and Service Table (by default, this should already be selected).

  2. Follow the remaining repository creation process. You should have these schema generated:

    • OGGMON (the product-specific schema)

    • STB Create a Compact WebLogic Server Domain

The next task is to create a compact Oracle WebLogic Server domain.


When using a SQL Server database, you can only create a compact domain. This is because, when using Weblogic Server 12c (12.1.3) on non-Oracle databases, the Oracle Platform Security Service and Auditing frameworks does not support maintaining the security artifacts and audit management data.

To create the compact Oracle WebLogic Server domain for SQL Server, you need to run the script monitorServerCreateCompactDomain.sh, which was installed with Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server.

To create the domain, use this procedure:

  1. Go to ORACLE_HOME/oggmon/monitor_server/bin/.

  2. Copy the file ../samples/monitorServerCompactDomain.properties to the ORACLE_HOME/oggmon/monitor_server/bin/ directory. This file contains the default settings required to create a domain. Update the domain location and datasource settings property values appropriately.

  3. Update the following properties with the appropriate data:

    • weblogic server

    • database

  4. Save the file.

  5. Enter ./monitorServerCreateCompactDomain.sh monitorServerCompactDomain.properties (assuming that the monitorServerCompactDomain.properties file is copied under ORACLE_HOME/oggmon/monitor_server/bin).

    The WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST), a command-line scripting environment that you can use to create, manage, and monitor WebLogic domains, opens, prompting you to provide specific information about the new domain.

    Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
    Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
    Type help() for help on available commands
    Please enter WebLogic domain administrator(weblogic) password : 
    [Confirm]    WebLogic domain administrator(weblogic) password : 
    Please enter MonitorServer respository database password           : 
    Please enter MonitorServer JMX password           : 
    Please enter MonitorServer Keystore password           : 
    Please enter MonitorServer Truststore password           : 
    Please enter MonitorServer SMTP email password           : 
    Given WebLogic location - WL_HOME : /scratch/rporandl/Oracle/WLS_12.1.3_Feb16/wlserver
    MonitorServer Template Jar file path : /scratch/rporandl/Oracle/WLS_12.1.3_Feb16/wlserver/../oggmon/common/templates/wls/monitor_server_compact_template_12.1.3.jar
    Basic WebLogic Template Jar file path : /scratch/rporandl/Oracle/WLS_12.1.3_Feb16/wlserver/common/templates/wls/wls.jar
    JRF Template Jar file path : /scratch/rporandl/Oracle/WLS_12.1.3_Feb16/wlserver/../oracle_common/common/templates/wls/oracle.jrf_template_12.1.3.jar
    Creating Domain at Location : /scratch/monitor/wl-domains/domain_2
    Updating MonitorServer Domain ...
    Domain Admin Console URL : http://<Host>:7091/console
    MonitorServer URL : http://<Host>:7091/monitor
    WebLogic Domain administrator user name : weblogic
    Exiting WebLogic Scripting Tool.


    For more information about WLST, see Understanding the WebLogic Scripting Tool
  6. At the prompts, enter passwords for the following properties:

    • weblogic domain administrator (user - weblogic)

    • MonitorServer repository database

    • MonitorServer JMX

    • MonitorServer Keystore

    • MonitorServer Truststore

    • MonitorServer SMTP email

  7. Exit WLST.

4.3 Completing Monitor Server Configuration

The final steps in configuring Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server are manual and comprise the following steps:

4.3.1 Edit Monitor Properties

The monitor.properties file resides in ../wlsdomains/oggmon_domain/config/monitorserver/cfg. To continue configuring the monitor server, open this file and edit it by doing the following:

Configure the JMX Server Properties

Configure the JMX server by setting these properties:

  • monitor.jmx.server.host=hostname

  • monitor.jmx.server.port=portNumber

Where hostname is the name of the host on which you are running the product (for example, localhost) and portNumber is number of the host's listening port (for example, 5502).

Configure Target Database Properties

Uncomment one of the lines below that applies to the database you are configuring for Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server.

For Oracle:


For SQL Server:


For MySQL:


Configure SMTP Alert Properties

Set monitor.smtp.alerts.enabled property to true to enable SMTP alerts. Set the remaining properties as necessary to enable receipt of SMTP alerts; for example:


Configure SNMP Alert Properties

Set monitor.snmp.alerts.enabled to true to enable SNMP alerts; for example:


Configure Command Line Interface (CLI) Alert Properties

Set monitor.cli.alerts.enabled to true to enable CLI alerts; for example:


4.3.2 Complete the SNMP Alerts Configuration

The Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) interface sends alerts in the form of datagrams. These are picked up by an SNMP trap recipient listening on a specified port.

To use this feature you must enable SNMP alerts during installation or later set the monitor.snmp.alerts.enabled property equal to true in the monitor.properties file. Importing the MIB File

The GoldenGate-Monitor-mib.mib file is delivered to the cfg subdirectory during the installation of Oracle GoldenGate Monitor. This contains the Management Information Base (MIB) definitions the target uses to interpret the alerts. If you need to interpret information received in the traps, import this file to the target tool. Configuring SNMP Alerts

The SNMP alert is configured in the SNMPJMXMapping.xml file that is delivered to the cfg subdirectory during the Oracle GoldenGate installation.

Any changes to the SNMPJMXMapping.xml file must be made outside of the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor user interface by the host administrator that installed the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server software.

You should only change the sections of the SNMPJMXMapping.xml file that set the SNMP version and define the targets.

 <notifications type="NOTIFICATIONS">
  <notification version="2" enabled="true">
    <target timeout="200" retry="0">localhost/162
  <notification version="1" enabled="false">
</MIBTree> Setting the SNMP Version

The SNMP version is initially set based on the entry during installation. You can change it later by resetting the notification version 1 enabled value and notification version 2 enabled value. Set one to true and the other to false.

The targets that are defined for the enabled version are used. The targets for the disabled version are ignored. Setting the SNMP Targets

Define your targets within the <target> </target> tags by entering the host name and port number.

4.3.3 Complete the CLI Configuration

The Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Command-Line Integration (CLI) allows you to run a script or object file on the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server when an alert is triggered.

To use this feature you must enable CLI alerts by checking the CLI alerts box during installation or later setting the monitor.cli.alerts.enabled property equal to true in the monitor.properties file. Setting Up Command-Line Handlers

The Oracle GoldenGate Monitor installation delivers files to help you configure your CLI interface. These are delivered to the cfg subdirectory of the installation location.

  • CommandLineHandlers.xml

    The CLI interface is configured in the CommandLineHandlers.xml file.

    Two example CommandLineHandlers.xml files, one for UNIX and one for Windows, are included with the installation. Each contains sample syntax for configuring a CLI interface. You can copy the appropriate version and then add and change arguments to create the CommandLineHandlers.xml that will configure your CLI interface.


    The CommandLineHandlers.xml file must be set up outside of the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor user interface by the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server host administrator that installed the system.
  • CommandLineHandlers.xsd

    This file contains the definition for the CommandLineHandlers.xml file. It can be used to generate the CommandLineHandlers.xml using a commercial or open source XML generation tool that creates sample XML from XSD.

After you configure the CommandLineHandlers.xml, stop and restart the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server to activate the changes. See Starting Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server for directions on how to do this. Command-Line Handler Arguments

The example UNIX configuration below illustrates the structure and arguments of the XML configuration file. The header values should not be changed. These values specify the version and coding of the XML.

Arguments are specified by entering a value within quotation marks after the equal sign (=) as shown in the example. In this illustration namespace and schema information has been omitted as indicated by the ellipses (. . .).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CommandLineHandlers . . .>
<CommandLineHandler dateTimeFormat="MMddyyyyHHmmssSSS"
  executeIn="/home/user" name="CMDLINE">
      <argument argText="filename" name="hostname"
      presentIfEmpty="true" quoted="false"/>
    <alertMapping alertField="host" name="hostname"/>

CommandLineHandler is the parent tag for the CLI alert handler. This is specified within the CommandLineHandlers tags.

<CommandLineHandler dateTimeFormat="MMddyyyyHHmmssSSS" 
executeIn="/home/user" name="CMDLINE">

The CommandLineHandler tag includes the following arguments:

  • dateTimeFormat

    This is the standard Java format argument described in Java documentation.

  • executeIn

    The executeIn argument triggers the processing to move into the specified directory before running the external script or object file. The default is to use the current run directory of the virtual machine (VM); the directory in which the script or command was started.

    A RunTimeException is generated when the alert is triggered if the specified directory does not exist or if the executeIn attribute is empty or not present.

  • name

    This will always be "CMDLINE".

The following example illustrates the tags that can be nested within the CommandLineHandler tags:

    <argument argText="filename" name="hostname"
    presentIfEmpty="true" quoted="false"/>
    <alertMapping alertField="host" name="hostname"/>
  • externalCommand

    The value in externalCommand specifies the absolute path to the script or object file. If the system path environment variable points to the directory of the file to be run, you can specify the script or object file name without the path.

  • arguments

    The arguments tag specifies one or more values that are appended to the directory value specified in the externalCommand tag.

    For each argument the following attributes can be specified:

    argText - Specifies a literal text argument that is sent with the externalCommand tag.

    name - Can be a name or it can work with alertMappings to find a name as explained below.

    presentIfEmpty - Works with the alertMappings tag to add selected information associated with the alert definition to the externalCommand tag. See alertMappings below for more detail.

    quoted - Specifies whether quotation marks should be added.

  • alertMappings

    The alertMappings tag appends the value extracted from the alert definition information to the value specified in the externalCommand tag.

        <alertMapping alertField="host" name="hostname"/>

    The alertField can be one of the following values associated with the alert definition:

    alertName - The name of an alert definition.

    host - The host of the Oracle GoldenGate object whose monitoring point triggers the alert.

    alertObjectName - The name associated with the object whose monitoring point triggers the alert, such as an Extract process named EXACCT.

    alertTime - The time that the alert was triggered.

    alertSeverity - The severity level defined for the alert; either Warning or Error.

    alertMessage - The message generated by the alert. This is a combination of the condition defined for the alert, the value of the monitoring point, and literal text.

    changedValue - The new monitoring point value that triggered the alert. For example, you create an alert that is triggered when lag is greater than 5 seconds. The lag is 4 seconds and then it goes to 7 seconds. This triggers the alert and the changedValue is 7.

    In the following example, the name attributes in the argument and the alertMapping tags are matched to extract the value from the alertField attribute. The argument name "hostname" is matched to the alertMapping name "hostname" to find the value of alertField, which is "host". This tells the system to append the host of the Oracle GoldenGate object that triggered the alert to the value specified in the externalCommand tag.

        <argument argText="text" name="hostname" presentIfEmpty="true"   
        <alertMapping alertField="host" name="hostname"/>

    The presentIfEmpty attribute works with the alertMappings tag to determine what to do if the alertField is not valid or the name attributes do not match:

    • presentIfEmpty="true"

      The value in the argText attribute is used in the external command.

    • presentIfEmpty="false"

      The entire argument is omitted. Sample Command-Line Handlers

These examples run a batch script on the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server. Running on a Windows Server

The following example runs the batch script sample_cli.bat on a Windows server hosting the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server. The server of the Oracle GoldenGate instance ("host") that triggered the alert is appended to the name of the batch script specified in the externalCommand.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
  <CommandLineHandler dateTimeFormat="MMddyyyyHHmmssSSS"
  executeIn="C:\" name="CMDLINE">
      <argument argText="" name="hostname" presentIfEmpty="true" quoted="false"/>
      <alertMapping alertField="host" name="hostname"/>
</CommandLineHandlers> Running on a UNIX Host

The following example runs the sample_cli.sh script on the UNIX server hosting the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server. The server of the Oracle GoldenGate instance ("host") that triggered the alert is appended to the name of the batch script specified in the externalCommand.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
  <CommandLineHandler dateTimeFormat="MMddyyyyHHmmssSSS"    executeIn="/home/user" name="CMDLINE">
      <argument argText="/home/user/sample_cli.sh" name="hostname"  presentIfEmpty="true" quoted="true"/>
     <alertMapping alertField="host" name="hostname"/>

4.4 Starting Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server

To verify that you have successfully Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server, start the server. This is a two-to-three-step process comprised of:

4.4.1 Start the WebLogic Administration Server

To start the Administration server, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the MONITOR_DOMAIN folder (for example, /apps/oggmon_domain�; apps\oggmon_domain in Windows) and start the server:

    On Linux:


    On Windows:


    The server starts, with start-up information displayed on your screen,


    Server startup can take a few minutes.
  2. When prompted for the Oracle WebLogic Server Administrator username and password, enter the credentials you created on the Administrative Account screen.

    Startup continues. When the server has started successfully, the server state will be RUNNING.

4.4.2 Update Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server Credentials (Optional)


This step is optional. Do it only if you need to update your Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server credentials. If you do not need to do so, proceed to Start the WebLogic Managed Server).

Use WLST to create or update your wallet's Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server credentials:

  1. From $ORACLE_HOME/wlserver/common/bin (ORACLE_HOME\wlserver\common\bin on Windows), run WLST:

    On Linux:


    On Windows:

  2. Then, do one of the following:

    To... Use this WLST Function...
    Create the new credentials createCred(); for example:
    wls:/test_domain/serverConfig>createCred(map="OGGMONITOR",key="WEB.JMX.PASSWORD",user="jmxuser",password="jmxuser1",desc="JMX Password")
    wls:/test_domain/serverConfig>createCred(map="OGGMONITOR",key="MONITOR.KEYSTORE.PASSWORD",user="ksuser",password="ksuser1",desc="Keystore Password")
    wls:/test_domain/serverConfig>createCred(map="OGGMONITOR",key="MONITOR.TRUSTSTORE.PASSWORD",user="tsuser",password="tsuser1",desc="Truststore Password")
    wls:/test_domain/serverConfig>createCred(map="OGGMONITOR",key="WEB.SMTP.EMAIL.PASSWORD",user="smtpuser",password="smtpuser1",desc="SMTP Password")
    Update an existing key updateCred(); for example:
    wls:/test_domain/serverConfig>updateCred(map="OGGMONITOR",key="MONITOR.TRUSTSTORE.PASSWORD",user="tsuser",password="tsuser1",desc="Truststore Password")
    Delete an existing key deleteCred(); for example:
    wls:/test_domain/serverConfig>deleteCred(map="OGGMONITOR", key="MONITOR.TRUSTSTORE.PASSWORD")


    For more information about WLST, see Understanding the WebLogic Scripting Tool

4.4.3 Start the WebLogic Managed Server

Finally, start the WebLogic Managed Server:

  1. Navigate to MONITOR_SERVER_DOMAIN\bin (MONITOR_SERVER_DOMAIN\bin on Windows) and enter:

    On Linux:

    $./startManagedWebLogic.sh MONITORSERVER_server1 http://hostname:7001

    On Windows:

    C:path\to\bin>startManagedWebLogic.cmd MONITORSERVER_server1 http://hostname:7001


    • MONITORSERVER_server1 is the managed server name entered in the Configuration Wizard when that server was configurated.

    • hostname:7001 is your specific hostname and listening port.

  2. When prompted, enter the Oracle WebLogic Server Administrator username and password.

If the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server is deployed successfully, you should see the managed server state as RUNNING.