7 Moving from a Test to a Production Environment

This chapter describes the procedures for moving Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server from a test environment to a production environment ("T2P"). It contains the following sections:


Oracle GoldenGate Monitor does not support test-to-production for compact domains because these types of domains are not intended for production environments. Expanded Domains are used for Oracle databases; compact domains are used for non-oracle databases; for example, MySQL and SQL Server.

7.1 Prerequisites

Before moving Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server from a test to a production environment, ensure that Oracle GoldenGate is installed and is configured on both the source and target environments for enabling Oracle GoldenGate monitoring using Oracle GoldenGate agent.

7.2 Preparing the Test Environment

To prepare the test environment, install the Oracle WebLogic Server infrastructure and then do the following:

  1. Create a database instance by using the Repository Creation Utility (RCU). For instructions, see Section 3.2, "Creating a Repository".

  2. Install and configure Oracle GoldenGate Monitor 12c (12.1.3), in this order:

    1. Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server

    2. Oracle GoldenGate agent

7.3 Preparing the Production Environment

This section contains information on how to prepare the production, or "target" environment.

7.3.1 Before You Begin

Your target environment must meet the following prerequisites:

  • You must use the cloningclient.jar file and the pasteBinary script file that are compatible with the version of the ORACLE_HOME and components that you want to copy. The procedures in this chapter presume that you are using the current version of the cloningclient.jar file and movement scripts.

  • The target environment must be on the same operating system as the source environment. Also, the operating system architecture must be the same in both environments. For example, both environments must be running 32-bit operating systems or 64-bit operating systems.

  • The host must have JDK 1.6.04 or higher installed. In addition, ensure that the PATH, CLASSPATH, and JAVA_HOME environment variables point to the JDK. When you execute the scripts, you must specify a matching Java home. That is, if the Oracle homes are 64 bit, you must specify a 64-bit Java home. If the Oracle homes are 32 bit, you must specify a 32-bit Java home.

  • The target environment must have the same superuser or administrative user as the user at the source environment. After you complete the movement of the installation, you can modify the user on the target environment.

7.3.2 Preparing the Environment

To prepare the production environment for an Oracle Database, do the following:

  1. Create new database Instance using by RCU, as described in Section 3.2, "Creating a Repository".

    Note that the database in the target environment must be the same type and version of database as in the source environment; for example, if the database in the source environment is an Oracle database, the database in the target environment must also be an Oracle database.

  2. Copy and paste WLS_JRF binary files to the target environment by using the T2P scripts copyBinary.sh (.cmd on Windows) and pasteBinary.sh; (.cmd) for example:


    The scripts used in the following examples—called movement scripts—are located in ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/bin/ (ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\bin\ on Windows). For more information on the Move scripts, see "Movement Scripts and Move Plans" in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

    To copy:

    On Linux:

    ./copyBinary.sh -javaHome /usr/local/packages/jdk7 
                    -archiveLoc /scratch/myuser/T2P/oh_copy.jar
                    -sourceOracleHomeLoc /scratch/myuser/WLS_12.1.3_HOME

    On Windows:

    >copyBinary.cmd -javaHome C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51 
                    -archiveLoc userhome\T2P\oh_copy.jar 
                    -sourceOracleHomeLoc userhome\WLS_12.1.3_HOME

    To paste:

    First, copy the pasteBinary script and the cloningclient.jar file to the target system and ensure that they have execute permission. cloningClient.jar is located in ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/jlib/cloningclient.jar (Linux) or ORACLE_COMMON_HOME\jlib\cloningclient.jar (Windows).

    Then, depending on your O/S, do one of the following:

    On Linux:

    ./pasteBinary.sh -javaHome /usr/local/packages/jdk7 
                     -archiveLoc  /scratch/myuser/T2P/oh_copy.jar
                     -targetOracleHomeLoc /scratch/myuser/WLS_1213_COPY_HOME
                     -targetOracleHomeName WLS_1213_COPY_HOME_1

    On Windows:

    >pasteBinary.cmd -javaHome C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51 
                     -archiveLoc  userhome\T2P\oh_copy.jar 
                     -targetOracleHomeLoc userhome\WLS_1213_COPY_HOME
                     -targetOracleHomeName WLS_1213_COPY_HOME_1
  3. Using any text editor, create a new text file called adminuser_password.txt and enter a password for the Oracle WebLogic Server administrative user (for example, weblogic) in the file and save it. This file will be used in next step.

  4. Use the copyConfig script to copy the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Weblogic domain configuration to the target environment; for example:


    Before you execute the copyConfig.sh script in a WebLogic Server domain, make sure that the Administration Server and Managed Servers are running.

    On Linux:

    ./copyConfig.sh -javaHome /usr/local/packages/jdk7 
                    -archiveLoc /scratch/myuser/T2P/oggmon_domain.jar
                    -sourceDomainLoc /scratch/myuser/OGGMON_INSTALLS/oggmon_domain
                    -sourceOracleHomeLoc /scratch/myuser/WLS_12.1.3_HOME
                    -domainHostName myhost.example.com 
                    -domainPortNum 7001 
                    -domainAdminUserName weblogic 
                    -domainAdminPasswordFile /scratch/myuser/T2P/adminuser_password.txt

    On Windows:

    >copyConfig.cmd -javaHome C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51 
                    -archiveLoc userhome\T2P/oggmon_domain.jar 
                    -sourceDomainLoc userhome\OGGMON_INSTALLS\oggmon_domain
                    -sourceOracleHomeLoc userhome\WLS_12.1.3_HOME -domainHostName myhost.example.com 
                    -domainPortNum 7001 -domainAdminUserName weblogic 
                    -domainAdminPasswordFile userhome\T2P\adminuser_password.txt
  5. Use the extractMovePlan. script to extract the move plan from the domain configuration jar file (oggmon_domain.jar) so you can make required updates to the target environment; for example:

    On Linux:

    ./extractMovePlan.sh -javaHome /usr/local/packages/jdk7 
                         -archiveLoc /scratch/myuser/T2P/oggmon_domain.jar
                         -planDirLoc /scratch/myuser/T2P/extract_plans

    On Windows:

    >extractMovePlan.cmd -javaHome C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51 
                         -archiveLoc userhome\T2P\oggmon_domain.jar 
                         -planDirLoc userhome/T2P\extract_plans

    For information about the properties in the move plans, and which properties you should edit, see "Modifying Move Plans" in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

  6. Use the pasteConfig script to paste the generated configuration into the target environment; for example:

    On Linux:

    ./pasteConfig.sh -javaHome /usr/local/packages/jdk7 
                     -archiveLoc /scratch/myuser/T2P/oggmon_domain.jar
                     -targetDomainLoc /scratch/myuser/OGGMON_INSTALLS/oggmon_domain_copy 
                     -targetOracleHomeLoc /scratch/myuser/WLS_1213_COPY_HOME
                     -movePlanLoc /scratch/myuser/T2P/extract_plans/moveplan.xml
                     -domainAdminPasswordFile /scratch/myuser/T2P/adminuser_password.txt 
                     -logDirLoc /scratch/myuser/T2P/log

    On Windows:

    >pasteConfig.cmd -javaHome C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51 
                     -archiveLoc userhome\T2P\oggmon_domain.jar 
                     -targetDomainLoc userhome\OGGMON_INSTALLS\oggmon_domain_copy
                     -targetOracleHomeLoc userhome\WLS_1213_COPY_HOME 
                     -movePlanLoc userhome\T2P\extract_plans\moveplan.xml
                     -domainAdminPasswordFile userhome\T2P\adminuser_password.txt
                     -logDirLoc userhome\T2P\log
  7. Update the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server configuration by doing the following:

    • Update these Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server configuration files:

      • monitor.properties

      • SNMPJMXMapping.xml

      • CommandLineHandlers.xml

    • Move the SSL certificates manually to the target environment. For information about using SSL with Oracle GoldenGate Monitor, see "Using SSL Communication" in Administering Oracle GoldenGate Monitor.

    • Using the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST), update Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server-related passwords for target environment. For more information on using WLST, see Understanding the WebLogic Scripting Tool.

  8. Install and configure Oracle GoldenGate agent software on the target machine. For instructions, see Installing and Configuring Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent.


T2P scripts are not available for standalone products, like Oracle GoldenGate agent.

7.4 Verifying the Move

Verify that the T2P move was successful by doing the following:

  1. Start the administration server, as described in Section 4.4.1, "Start the WebLogic Administration Server" and managed server, as described in Section 4.4.3, "Start the WebLogic Managed Server".

  2. Go to Oracle GoldenGate Core GGSCI terminal and start Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent by executing the start jagent command:

    GGSCI>start jagent

If everything starts successfully, the T2P process is complete.

7.5 Additional Information

For more information on moving from a test to a production environment, see the following chapters in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware: