2 Installing Oracle Argus Analytics


This installation assumes that assumes the typical hardware configuration with an Oracle database server, an Informatica PowerCenter Server/ODI Studio, and a Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (64 bit) with OBIEE Server, DAC Server & Client, Informatica PowerCenter Client/ODI Studio, and an Oracle Database Client.

All installation and configuration actions must be performed as an administrator or root user.

Argus Analytics Upgrade Matrix

Before deciding on an upgrade for Argus Analytics, it is important that we first map ourselves as per our current Argus Analytics version and the tasks required to upgrade from one version to another.

The following matrix provides a high-level overview of the tasks to be performed to upgrade from one Argus Analytics version to another:

Current Argus Analytics Version Upgrade to Argus Analytics Version:

1.1 1.1.1 7.0.3 8.0 8.1 8.1.1
1.0 Cannot upgrade. Need to perform a fresh installation. Cannot upgrade. Need to perform a fresh installation. Cannot upgrade. Need to perform a fresh installation. Cannot upgrade. Need to perform a fresh installation. Cannot upgrade. Need to perform a fresh installation. Cannot upgrade. Need to perform a fresh installation.
1.1 Not applicable Use Argus Analytics 1.1.1 Installer to upgrade. Use Argus Analytics 7.0.3 installer to make the upgrade. Use Argus Analytics 8.0 installer to make the upgrade. Cannot upgrade. Need to perform a fresh installation. Cannot upgrade. Need to perform a fresh installation.
1.1.1 Not applicable Not applicable Follow the steps given below:
  1. Apply patch Argus Analytics (Please follow the patch release notes for complete details).

  2. Get the latest Context Sensitive Help files and deploy the same. Follow the steps given below:

    a) Extract the Argus Analytics 7.0.3 installer to any temporary folder.
    Example: C:\temp\AN80

    b) Navigate to the folder <Installer ExtractionFolder>\stage\Components\oracle.hsgbu.opva\\1\DataFiles\Expanded\filegroup19 . Copy the opva_help.zip.

    c) Navigate to <Argus Analytics Home>\report\help. Rename the existing opva_help.zip to opva_help_<Argus Analytics version>.zip (Example: opva_help_AN1.1.zip).

    d) Paste the copied opva_help.zip file.

    e) Please follow the steps mentioned in section Configuring the Help links in the Dashboards and Reports to deploy the latest help file.

  3. (Optional Setup): Argus Analytics 7.0.3 is certified with Oracle Data Integrator(ODI) It is optional to upgrade the existing ODI from to Please follow the documentation Oracle® Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Data Integrator 11g Release 1 ( to upgrade the existing ODI to

Use Argus Analytics 8.0 installer to make the upgrade. Cannot upgrade. Need to perform a fresh installation. Cannot upgrade. Need to perform a fresh installation.
7.0.3 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Use Argus Analytics 8.0 installer to make the upgrade. Cannot upgrade. Need to perform a fresh installation. Cannot upgrade. Need to perform a fresh installation.
8.0 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Use Argus Analytics 8.1 installer to make the upgrade. Cannot upgrade. Need to perform a fresh installation.
8.1 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Use Argus Analytics 8.1.1 installer to make the upgrade.

This section describes the detailed Oracle Argus Analytics installation process. It also describes the pre and post Oracle Argus Analytics installation tasks that you must complete for different environments.


To connect to SQLPLUS, execute the following steps:
  1. Open a command window in Windows. Alternatively, in Unix, type at the shell prompt.

  2. Enter the sqlplus <dbuser>@<tnsnames_entry> command and press Enter.

  3. Enter the password when prompted by the SQLPLUS program.

2.1 Preinstallation Configuration

  1. The TNS entries for both the Data Mart Schema and the Argus Safety Database Schema should be present in the OBIEE 12c home in the path:

    <OracleBI Home>\user_projects\domains\<BI Domain Name>\config\fmwconfig\bienv\core\

  2. Configuring the TNS for Oracle Client:

    The TNS names entry for both Argus Analytics data mart and the Argus Safety Source system should be configured here:

    <Oracle Client Home>\network\admin\tnsnames.ora

  3. Configuring the TNS for Oracle DB Servers:

    The TNS names entry for both Argus Analytics data mart and the Argus Safety Source system should be configured here:

    Argus Safety DB Server:

    <Oracle Client Home>\network\admin\tnsnames.ora

    This should contain the TNS entry for AN Data DB Server.

    Argus Safety DB Server:

    <Oracle DB Home>\network\admin\tnsnames.ora

    This should contain the TNS entry for Argus Safety DB Server.

  4. Set up the Oracle Client Home in the PATH variable.

  5. Set up an INSTALL(DBA) user:

    1. Execute the ancreatedbauser.bat file from <Argus Analytics Installer directory>\install\utils.

    2. Enter the following inputs:

      - Database Connection String for Argus Safety or Argus Analytics DB

      - Enter the user with SYSDBA privileges in <Argus Analytics/Argus Safety> database

      - Enter password for <SYSDBA user> in <Argus Analytics/Argus Safety> database

      - Enter DBA User to be created in <Argus Analytics/Argus Safety> database

      - Enter password for <DBA user> in <Argus Analytics/Argus Safety> database

      Repeat the procedure to create INSTALL(DBA) user for Argus Safety database, and Argus Analytics database.


      • If the INSTALL(DBA) user already exits in the database, then the script provides the required additional grants to the user. If the user does not exists in the database, a new user is created, and necessary grants are provided.

      • When the installation is complete, you may drop this user from the database by executing the following command:

  6. Setting up the TABLESPACES:

    The installer creates new schemas in the data mart and prompts for the tablespaces to be used. It is recommended to create one default tablespace and a temporary tablespace to be used for the new schemas that get created in both the Argus Analytics DB Instance and the Argus Safety DB Instance.


    Default TABLESPACE [one each needed at the AN DWH DB Server and Argus Safety DB Server]:

    DATAFILE '/DatafilePath/<AN_DATA_TS>_01.dbf'
    SIZE 100M
    NEXT 1M


    Temporary TABLESPACE [one each needed at the AN DWH DB Server and Argus Safety DB Server]:

    TEMPFILE '/Tempfile Path/<AN_TEMP_TS>_01.dbf'
    SIZE 100M
    NEXT 1M;
  7. Follow the steps mentioned in the Configuring ETL Clients section below, and configure ETL Clients.

2.1.1 Configuring ETL Clients

This section lists steps to configure ETL Client on Informatica and ODI.

You need to configure ETL Client on either one as required. Informatica

  1. The TNS entries for both the Data Mart Schema and the Argus Safety database Schema should be present in the Informatica Server as well so that the ETLs can pick data from the Argus Safety Database and populate the same in the PVA Warehouse.

  2. The Informatica client should be configured to connect to the Informatica server. There should be an entry for the Informatica Domain in the domains.infa file.

    One can create the entry in the domains.infa file by configuring the Informatica Domain used for Argus Analytics in the Informatica Powercenter Repository Manager by navigating through the Repository > Configure Domains menu.

  3. Setting up the Informatica environmental parameters:

    • INFA_DOMAINS_FILE: Full filename with the path to the domains file present in the Informatica Client Home.

    • Path: Add the first entry in the path as the path to the PowerCenter Client Bin and then for the commandlineUtilities bin folder as shown in the following example: D:\Informatica\9.0.1\clients\PowerCenterClient\client\bin;D:\Informatica\9.0.1\clients\PowerCenterClient\CommandLineUtilities\PC\server\bin;...

  4. Setting up the DAC Client:

    The DAC Client should be set configured to connect to the DAC Server.

Alternately, you may have to configure ETL Client on ODI. Installing ODI Studio and Creating Master and Work Repository

Before configuring ODI Settings, you must install ODI Studio and configure an agent (either Standalone Agent, Java EE Agent, or Colocated Agent).

ODI 12c has the following types of installation:

  • Enterprise Installation—Enables you to deploy ODI Studio along with the binaries to configure either Java EE Agent, or Colocated Agent.

  • Standalone Installation—Enables you to deploy ODI Studio along with the binaries to configure Standalone Agent.

To understand the agent topologies for the best suitable installation, Oracle recommends you to refer ODI Install and Configuration Guide > Planning the Oracle Data Integrator Installation section.

When installing the ODI, note down the SUPERVISOR credentials, and Master and Work Repository credentials.

For more details, refer to the Oracle Data Integrator Install and Configuration Guide:

2.2 Running the Oracle Argus Analytics Installer

The basic Oracle Argus Analytics components are installed using the Oracle Universal Installer. The installer gathers all the information about the database connectivity, data mart, Informatica repository by presenting a sequence of prompt screens and then installs the components accordingly. This installer needs to be executed in the Oracle Argus Analytics server where Oracle client and Informatica client are installed.


Make sure that PERL is present in the system path before running the installer.

Launch the Universal Installer

  1. Extract the contents of the media pack into a temporary directory (For example, C:\argus_analytics_temp).

  2. Navigate to the \install directory under the extracted temporary folder.

  3. Double-click the setup.exe file to launch the Oracle Universal Installer with the Welcome screen.

Complete Running the Oracle Argus Analytics Installer

The installer will take you through a series of prompts. Attend to the Installer's prompts. The following sections describe each Installer screen, and the required action.

Choice of New Install / Upgrade from Previous Versions

Select if Argus Analytics is a fresh installation or an upgrade installation which is supported from Argus Analytics 8.1 to 8.1.1.


The upgrade path installation needs information to be provided on the previous Argus Analytics installation details.

Oracle Argus Analytics Home Path

The Oracle Argus Analytics Home path is the location where all the staged files from the Installer will get copied to the local machine. This is also the location from where the Installer would execute the database and Informatica scripts.

Home Name: ANHome1

Path: C:\argus_analytics

Click Next.


In case of Installation choice as upgrade path, provide the previously installed AN Home details.

Select the Choice of New Install / Upgrade from AN 8.1

For new or upgrade install, corresponding details will be asked. These details are explained in the respective sections below.

Argus Safety Database Details

This screen collects all information about the source Argus Safety database.

Supply the values for:

  • Argus Safety Database Connect String

  • Argus Safety Schema, Password

  • Argus Safety DBA User: Enter the custom INSTALL(DBA) user name (created in Section 2.1, "Preinstallation Configuration" > Step 5).

  • Argus Safety DBA Password: Password of the INSTALL(DBA) user

  • VPD Schema Name

  • ESM Schema Owner

  • ESM Schema Password

  • Oracle Argus Analytics Source Schema and Password

  • Oracle Argus Analytics Source RPD Schema and Password

  • Oracle Argus Analytics Source Work Schema and Password

  • Oracle Argus Analytics Source Default Tablespace [<AN_DATA_TS>]

  • Oracle Argus Analytics Source Temp Tablespace [<AN_TEMP_TS>]


Oracle Argus Analytics Source schema, Argus Analytics Source RPD schema, and Argus Analytics Source Work schema are the new schemas which would get created by the installer to store the views for all Argus Source tables that are needed for the ETL and reporting process. You must ensure that these are not pre-existing schemas before running the Oracle Argus Analytics Installer.

If Upgrade Install is chosen, provide the existing details of AN Schemas respectively.


  • AS Database Connect String: AS70X_SID

  • AS Schema: ARGUS_APP

  • AS Password: <ARGUS_APP user's password>

  • AS DBA User Name: <INSTALL user name>

  • AS DBA User Name: <INSTALL user's password>

  • VPD Schema: VPD_ADMIN

  • ESM Schema Owner: ESM_OWNER

  • ESM Schema Password: < ESM_OWNER's password>

Click Next

  • Oracle Argus Analytics Source Schema: AN_SRC

  • Oracle Argus Analytics Source Password: <AN_SRC password>

  • Oracle Argus Analytics Source RPD Schema: AN_SRC_RPD

  • Oracle Argus Analytics Source RPD Password: <AN_SRC_RPD password>

  • Oracle Argus Analytics Source Work Schema: AN_SRC_WRK

  • Oracle Argus Analytics Source Work Password: <AN_SRC_WRK password>

  • Oracle Argus Analytics Source Default Tablespace: <AN_DATA_TS>

  • Oracle Argus Analytics Source Temp Tablespace: <AN_TEMP_TS>

Oracle Argus Analytics Data Mart Details

This screen collects all the information regarding the Oracle Argus Analytics data mart details.

The following are the details of the data mart:

  • DWH Data Mart DB Connect String

  • DWH Data Mart DBA User name: Enter the customer INSTALL(DBA) User Name (created in Section 2.1, "Preinstallation Configuration" > Step 5).

  • DWH Data Mart DBA User Password: Password of the INSTALL(DBA) user

  • DWH Schema and Password

  • DWH RPD Schema and Password

  • DWH Work Schema and Password

  • DWH Default Tablespace

  • DWH Temporary Tablespace


DW Schema, DWH RPD Schema, and DWH Work Schema are the new schemas that will be created by the installer to store the ETL data. Oracle Argus Analytics RPD schema is the schema which would contain the synonyms of all the data mart tables and is used by OBIEE reports.

Tablespaces that are going to be specified here should have got created during the pre-installation steps.

If Upgrade Install is chosen, provide the existing details of AN Schemas respectively.

If the Argus Safety System is a multi-tenant application, the VPD policy and additional contexts are created during installation with names predefined as:

  • VPD Policy Names:



  • Contexts:



  • Exadata Context:



  • DW Database Connect String: ANDWH_SID

  • DW DBA User Name: <INSTALL user name>

  • DW DBA User Password: <INSTALL user's password>

  • Oracle Argus Analytics DW Schema: AN_DWH

  • Oracle Argus Analytics DW Password: <password for AN_DWH schema>

  • Oracle Argus Analytics RPD Schema: AN_DWH_RPD

  • Oracle Argus Analytics RPD Password: <password for AN_DWH_RPD schema>

  • Oracle Argus Analytics Work Schema: AN_DWH_WRK

  • Oracle Argus Analytics Work Password: <password for AN_DWH_WRK schema>

  • DW Default table space: <AN_DATA_TS>

  • DW Temporary tablespace: <AN_TEMP_TS>

Click Next.

Exadata Database

If the Datawarehouse DB Server is Exadata, select Yes, else select the No radio button.

ETL Choice

Informatica or ODI Radio Buttons

Informatica and ODI technologies are available as ETL choices during installation. As per the choice respective details should be entered. Information required with respect to each tool is explained below.

Informatica PowerCenter Details

This screen is shown only when the choice of ETL during installation is selected as Informatica. It collects all the information to connect to the Informatica server.


The Informatica Repository should be a Versioned Repository. If it is not a versioned repository, the installation will fail.


  • PowerCenter Repository: AN_ PowerCenter_Repository

  • PowerCenter Domain: Domain_AN

  • PowerCenter Admin user id: Administrator

  • PowerCenter Admin password: <administrator password>

  • Oracle Argus Analytics Import folder: OPVA

Click Next.


In case of an Upgrade Install, provide information as per the existing installation details for Argus Analytics.

Apart from this, if Upgrade Install is chosen then the installer will delete and recreate the relational connections 'opva_src' and 'opva_dwh' in the provided Informatica Repository.

Informatica PowerCenter Client Home Details

The Informatica PowerCenter client home path is required for the installer to run successfully.


  • D:\Informatica\9.0.1\clients\PowerCenterClient\client

  • Click Next

Summary Screen

Verify setting => details provided in the summary screen and click Install.

The installer will stage the required components into the Oracle Argus Analytics home and will create the Data Mart schemas, RPD & WORK schemas. In addition, it will also create contexts and VPD policy if the Argus Safety installation is a multitenant application.

After the installation has been completed, the install log can be verified from the following path or from your local Oracle Inventory logs folder.

<Argus Analytics Home>\install\pvadriverscript<timestamp>.log

This log file must be verified to ensure that the installer has completed successfully.

2.3 Preparing the DAC Repository (Informatica Only)


This section assumes that the DAC client is present in the same machine where the Oracle Argus Analytics installer is run. If not, copy the <Argus Analytics home>\DAC\opva.zip file into the machine where the DAC client is installed.

Execute the following steps that must be implemented after logging into the machine where DAC client is present and after unzipping the contents of the <Argus Analytics home>\DAC\opva.zip file to an appropriate folder:

  1. Create a new DAC repository, or connect to an existing DAC repository, as Administrator.

  2. Import the Oracle Argus Analytics data mart Application metadata.

    1. Start the Data Warehouse Administration Console (DAC) client.

    2. From the Tools menu select DAC Repository Management, and then select Import.

    3. Click the Change import/export folder to navigate to <DRIVE>:\Argus Analytics home\DAC folder, that holds the DAC Repository for the Oracle Argus Analytics ETL.

    4. Click OK to display the Import dialog box.

    5. Select the following categories of metadata you want to import: Logical, Overwrite log file, and User Data.

    6. Select OPVA application in the Application List.

    7. Click OK.

    8. Click OK in the secondary window that is displayed after the import.

    9. You can inspect the import log in ${DAC_ INSTALL_DIR }\log\import.log to verify if import is successful.

  3. Configure Informatica Repository Service in DAC.

    1. Navigate to the Setup view, then select the Informatica Servers tab.

    2. Click New to display the Edit tab below or select an existing Informatica server from the list.

      If you are configuring a new installation, the Informatica Servers tab will have some default values there for information. If you are upgrading an existing installation, the Informatica Servers tab might contain existing Informatica servers.

    3. Enter values in the following fields:

      Name — Enter the Logical name for the Informatica server (for example, INFO_REP_SERVER).

      Type — Select Repository.

      Server Hostname — Enter the host machine name where Informatica Server is installed.

      Server Port — Enter the port number Informatica Server or Informatica Repository Server use to listen to requests.

      Login — Enter the Informatica user login.

      Password — Enter the Informatica Repository password.

      Repository Name —Enter the Informatica Repository Name.

    4. Test the connection to verify the settings.

    5. Click Save to save the details.

  4. Configure Informatica Integration Service in DAC.


    Make sure that you use the same Login and Password that you have used in setting up Informatica.
    1. Click New to display the Edit tab below or select an existing Informatica server from the list.

      If you are configuring a new installation, the Informatica Servers tab will have some default values there for information. If you are upgrading an existing installation, the Informatica Servers tab might contain existing Informatica servers.

    2. Enter/edit values in the following fields:

      Name — Enter the Logical name for the Informatica server (for example, INFO_SERVER).

      Type — Select Informatica.

      Domain — Enter the Informatica domain name.

      Service — Enter the Informatica Service Name.

      Login — Enter the Informatica Repository user login.

      Password — Enter the Informatica Repository password.

      Repository Name — Enter the Informatica Repository Name.

    3. Test the connection to verify the settings.

    4. Click Save to save the details.

  5. In this step, you configure source databases (Argus Safety) and the target database (the Oracle Argus Analytics Data Mart). For each database with which DAC will interact for Oracle Argus Analytics, perform the following steps:

    1. Navigate to the Setup view, then select the Physical Data Sources tab.

    2. Select the opva_dwh entry to display the Edit tab below.

    3. Enter values in the following fields:

      Name — Keep the Logical name as opva_dwh for the database connection.

      Type — Select Source when you create the database connection for a transactional (OLTP) database. Select Warehouse when you create the database connection for a data mart (OLAP) database.

      Connection Type — Select a connection type for the database connection.

      Instance or TNS Name — Enter the Data Mart database instance name.

      Table Owner — Enter the Data Mart schema name.

      Table Owner Password — Enter the Data Mart schema password.

      DB Host — Enter the Data Mart host name.

      Port — Enter the Data Mart host port.

      Data Sure Number – Enter the number 0.

    4. Test the connection to verify the settings.

    5. Click Save to save the details.

    6. Repeat the same steps after selecting the opva_src database connection.

    7. Enter values for the following fields:

      Name — Keep the Logical name as opva_src for the database connection.

      Type — Select Source as the Type.

      Connection Type — Select a connection type for the database connection.

      Instance or TNS Name — Enter the - Enter the Argus Safety database instance name.

      Table Owner — Enter the Data Source schema name given when installing the Oracle Argus Analytics schema in the Argus Safety DB Instance.

      Table Owner Password — Enter the Oracle Argus Analytics schema password.

      DB Host — Enter the Argus Safety Database host name.

      Port — Enter the Argus Safety Database host port.

      Data Source Number – Enter the number 1.

  6. Perform the following steps in the DAC to run the OPVA Data Warehouse Load Execution Plan.

    1. Navigate to the Execute view, then select the Execution Plans tab.

    2. Select OPVA - Data Mart Load from the list.

    3. Display the Parameters tab, and click Generate.

    4. Enter 1 as value for number of copies of parameters, and click Generate.

    5. On the Execution Plans tab, click Build.

    6. On the Execution Plans tab, click Run Now to execute the ETLs.

    DAC Configurable Parameters

    The following is the list of DAC configurable parameters:

    Table 2-1 DAC Configurable Parameters

    Parameters Description Allowed Values


    Reduces the incremental extract window by the specified number of days. E.g.: Extract all changed rows between LAST_EXTRACT_DATE and (SYSDATE - $$p_config_days)


    Recommended Value: 0


    The specific Enterprise ID to run the ETL for.

    -1: Runs the Incremental ETL for the entire Warehouse

    0: Runs the Incremental ETL for all the enterprises the user ($$p_user_name) has access to.

    Integer Value [1,2,3, etc]: Runs the Incremental ETL for the specified Enterprise only.


    The unique Identifier for the ETL Process that is run and it takes its value by default from DAC or from ODI

    Do not change or specify any other value. Please leave it unmodified.


    The parameter defines whether to include the workflow states present between the Locking record and the Unlocking record of a case in the Case Workflow State Fact table.

    Default value is 1

    1: Include the Workflow States between Locking and Unlocking records of the case.

    0: Exclude the Workflow States between Locking and Unlocking records of the case.


    System defined value for defining the start date of the extract window for Incremental Data or the last time the ETL ran successfully for the enterprise specified

    Do Not Change. It is taken by default from DAC metadata.


    Specify a Date value in the format MM/DD/RRRR in case you want to override the last extract date for the Incremental Data

    Date values in the format:01/01/1999 or 12/23/2007


    To rekey fact tables in case data in the W_HS_MAPPING_S defined for match and merge has changed

    0: Will not rekey the Fact tables

    1: Will rekey the Fact tables


    The user name for which the Incremental ETL shall use to set the VPD Context for the specified enterprise in the parameter: $$p_enterprise_id

    Default value: 'admin'


    The start date of the days to populate from in the W_DAY_D/PVA_DAY table. It should be in the format: MM/DD/RRRR

    Default value: 01/01/1980


    The end date of the days to populate till in the W_DAY_D/PVA_DAY table. It should be in the format: MM/DD/RRRR

    Default value: 01/01/2020

  7. For the choice of the ETL Tool as Informatica, if the installation path chosen is a fresh install, then an Initial/Full load must be run in DAC using the 'OPVA Data Warehouse Load' execution plan.

    Typically, customers would only need to run an Initial/Full ETL load during the initial deployment of the product.


    During the execution of Initial/Full load on a multi-tenant Argus Analytics installation, the VPD Policies present on the warehouse tables will be disabled, in turn disabling the Enterprise Security.

    The VPD Policies will get re-enabled at the end of a successful Initial/Full load run in DAC. It becomes imperative, therefore, that during the execution of Initial/Full Load, the Argus Analytics OBIEE URL should not be made available to the end users.

    Besides this, it is also worth observing that the VPD Policies on the warehouse tables will not get disabled during subsequent Incremental load runs of the "OPVA Data Warehouse Load" execution plan in DAC and the Argus Analytics OBIEE URL can be made available to the end users during its execution.


If you are upgrading the Argus Analytics from 8.0 to 8.1, it is not necessary to run/force a Full Load ETL again in DAC for Argus Analytics.

2.4 ODI Smart Import and Topology Configuration (ODI only)

This section comprises the following sub-sections:

2.4.1 Connecting to ODI Studio

  1. Execute the following procedures from:

    1. Oracle Data Integrator Install and Configuration Guide > Configuring Oracle Data Integrator Studio > Starting ODI Studio.

    2. Oracle Data Integrator Install and Configuration Guide > Configuring Oracle Data Integrator Studio > Connecting to the Master Repository.

  2. Create a Work Repository Login by following the same steps as in Step 1 b > Connecting to the Master Repository.

    In the Work Repository section, select a work repository from the find list instead on Master Repository Only option. For example, name the repository as AN Work Repository.

Refer to the Oracle Data Integrator Install and Configuration Guide:

2.4.2 ODI Smart Import

Follow the steps listed below to execute ODI Smart Import:

  1. Log in to the work repository in ODI Studio by selecting the AN Work Repository connection.

  2. Select the Connect Navigator drop-down list from the top right on the Designer tab and click Import. Surrounding text describes designer.jpg.

  3. Select Smart Import from the Import Selection menu and click OK. The Smart Import Wizard is displayed.

    Surrounding text describes importselection.jpg.
  4. Select the zip file called an.zip from the <AN_INSTALL_HOME>\odi directory in the File Selection textbox and click next. The files can also be browsed by clicking on the symbol available with the textbox.

    Surrounding text describes smartimport1.jpg.
  5. ODI imports the file and checks for any issues that can occur while importing ODI objects. If issues are found, then the same will be displayed in import actions window. Click Next if no issues are found.

  6. Click Finish.

    This imports all the AN objects in ODI repository and makes them visible in the ODI Studio Console.

2.4.3 Configuring the Topology in ODI Studio

Follow the steps listed below to configure Topology in ODI Studio:

  1. Open the ODI Studio and connect as AN Work Repository.

  2. Navigate to Topology.

  3. Select the Physical Architecture tab.

  4. Expand the tree structure to expose the following:

    Technologies > Oracle >

  5. Edit the node DS_AN_ArgusAnalytics.

  6. Edit the following fields in the Definition window:

    • Instance/dblink (Data Server):

      The complete TNS entry of the DWH server should be pasted here in a single line:


    • Connection:

      • User: <AN_DWH_WRK> [the DWH work schema user created during installation]

      • Password: <AN_DWH_WRK_PASS> [The password for the DWH Work schema]

  7. In the JDBC window, edit the following fields:




      Please use the jdbc connection string with database SERVICE_NAME in case the database version is 12c.

  8. Save the details and click Test Connection to validate it.

  9. Expand the tree below DS_AN_ArgusAnalytics to expose the tree node DS_AN_ArgusAnalytics.AN_DWH.

  10. Edit the node DS_AN_ArgusAnalytics.AN_DWH.

  11. Change the Schema by selecting from the drop-down list for the following fields:

    • Schema (Schema): <AN_DWH>

    • Schema (Work Schema): <AN_DWH_WRK>

  12. Save the changes.

  13. Similarly, edit the node DS_AN_ARGUS_SAFETY to provide information on the Argus Safety DB Server.

  14. Edit the following fields in the Definition window:

    • Instance/dblink (Data Server):

      The complete TNS entry of the DWH server should be pasted here in a single line:


    • Connection:

      • User: <AN_SRC_WRK> [the AN Source Work Schema user created during installation]

      • Password: <AN_SRC_WRK_PASS> [The password for the AN Source Work Schema]

  15. In the JDBC window, edit the following fields:

    • JDBC URL: jdbc:oracle:thin: <AS_DB_SERVER>:<AS_DB_LISTENER_PORT>:<AS_DB_SID>



      Please use the jdbc connection string with database SERVICE_NAME in case the database version is 12c.

  16. Save the details and click Test Connection to validate it.

  17. Expand the tree below DS_AN_ArgusSafety to expose the tree node DS_AN_ArgusSafety.AN_SRC.

  18. Edit the node DS_AN_ArgusSafety.AN_SRC.

  19. Change the Schema by selecting from the drop-down list for the following fields:

    • Schema (Schema): <AN_SRC>

    • Schema (Work Schema): <AN_SRC_WRK>

  20. Save the changes.

2.4.4 Configuring ODI Agent

You need to configure either one of the agents: Java EE Agent, Colocated Agent, or Standalone Agent.

To understand the agent topologies for the best suitable installation, Oracle recommends you to refer the ODI Install and Configuration Guide > Planning the Oracle Data Integrator Installation section.

When installing the ODI, use SUPERVISOR credentials, and Master and Work Repository credentials as created in the Section, "Installing ODI Studio and Creating Master and Work Repository."


Make sure to create the agent with name PA_AN, as the same is available in Argus Analytics ODI code.

For more details, refer to the following:

To configure the Standalone ODI Agent:

  1. Use the ODI Studio Topology Manager to edit the standalone agent PA_AN definition. And save the information as per the installation done for ODI.

    Surrounding text describes pa_an.jpg.


    The Host field contains the Host name where the ODI Agent will be running. In this example, the host is on the same server, and the default port number used is 20910.

    Change the Port Number to any value other than the default to avoid conflicts with other installations (for example, 20920).


Before making Argus Analytics OBIEE URL available to the end users, the Initial/Full load ETL (LP_FL_AN) in ODI should be successfully run.

To run the ETLs in ODI and for more information on ODI Configurable Parameters, refer to the Executing the ETL Load Plans in ODI section in the Oracle Argus Analytics User Guide.

Refer to the following table: Table 2-2 ODI Parameters. In ODI, unlike in the Informatica ETLs, the VPD Policies on the warehouse tables do not get disabled during the execution of the ETLs (Full/Incremental) for a multi-tenant installation.

Table 2-2 ODI Parameters

Parameters Load Type Description Allowed Values


Full Load

The start date of the days to populate from in the W_DAY_D/PVA_DAY table. It should be in the format: MM/DD/RRRR

Date values such as:


Recommended value:



Full Load

The end date of the days to populate till in the W_DAY_D/PVA_DAY table. It should be in the format: MM/DD/RRRR

Date values such as: 12/31/2019

Recommended Value: 12/31/2019



This variable is used to decide whether to truncate the stage table or not and is useful in multiple Argus Safety DB support

Valid values:0: Does not truncate Stage table1: Truncate Stage tableShould be specified as 1 always in case of Single Argus Safety Instance as source information

Recommended Value: 1



This variable is used to decide whether the statistics of the target tables need to be collected or not.

Default Value: 1

Values Accepted: 0,1

0: Load Plans will not collect statistics

1: Load Plans will collect statistics after loading data



The specific Enterprise ID to run the ETL for.

-1: Runs the ETL for the entire Warehouse0: Runs the ETL for all the enterprises the user ($$p_user_name) has access toInteger Value [1,2,3, etc]: Runs the Incremental ETL for the specified Enterprise only.

Note: For Full Load, this value has to be -1.



This variable is used to set the number of rows that will be tracked in the respective error tables prior to aborting the ETL in case of errors.

Valid Values:Positive Integer numbers: (E.g. 0, 100, 1000, etc.)UNLIMITED: All the error records are logged

Recommended Value: UNLIMITED



The user name for which the ETL shall use to set the VPD Context for the specified enterprise in the parameter: VAR_ALN_ENTERPRISE. This value should be passed inside single quotes: such as 'username'.

Default value: 'admin'



Setting this variable to 0 or 1 will appropriately either stop a Load Plan/Interface or continue the same when data errors are encountered during the load.

0: Do not raise data error when encountered during ETLs1: Raise data error when encountered during ETLs

Recommended Value: 1


Incremental Load

Reduces the incremental extract window by the specified number of days. Example: Extract all changed rows between LAST_EXTRACT_DATE and (SYSDATE - $$p_config_days)


Recommended Value: 0

2.4.5 Modifying ODI Java EE Agent Connection Pool Settings


This section is applicable only if you are using ODI Java EE Agent.

After configuring the ODI 12c Java EE Agent, follow these steps to increase the size of the connection pool to enable parallel step executions as appropriate for Argus Analytics:1. Open the ODI WLS administration console (ex: http://<ODI server name>:<ODI port number>/Console)

2. Navigate to Services -> Datasources -> odiMasterRepository

3. Go to the tab Configuration -> Connection Pool

4. Change the Maximum Capacity to 50.

5. Repeat these steps for increasing the connection pool size for the datasource odiWorkRepository as well.

Please note that without increasing the connection pool size the Argus Analytics ETLs will fail.

2.5 Configuring the OBIEE Repository and Webcatalog

2.5.1 Prerequisites

Make sure OBIEE 12c (12.2.1) with latest patch set is installed and the Administrator Console and the Enterprise Manager (Fusion Middleware Control) is running by checking the following URLs: Upgrading the AN RPD and Catalog (Upgrade Install Only)


Catalog and RPD upgrade are not available from Argus Analytics 1.1/1.1.1/7.0.3/8.0. Use the latest catalog provided with the AN 8.1.1 installation (present at <AN_INSTALL_HOME>/catalog/opva.zip) for deployment. Upgrading the RPD

The following steps upgrades the AN 8.1 RPD to the latest code in AN 8.1.1.

Note that if there have been no customizations to the existing AN RPD, you can skip this section, because the latest RPD is already present at <AN_INSTALL_HOME>/repository/opva.rpd.

To upgrade the AN RPD (if required):

  1. Open the existing AN RPD file that you wish to upgrade to AN 8.1.1 in the BI Administration Tool in offline mode.

  2. Provide the repository password.

  3. From the menu, select File > Merge.

  4. Select the Full Repository Merge radio button.

  5. Select the button to choose the Original Master Repository, and click Repository. This opens the file dialog window to choose a repository file.

  6. Select the existing AN RPD file.

  7. Enter the repository password as 'opva123'.

  8. Similarly, select the button to choose the Modified Repository and click the Repository. This opens the file dialog window to choose a repository file.

  9. Select the AN 8.1.1 RPD file present at <AN_INSTALL_HOME>/repository/opva.rpd.

  10. Enter the repository password as opva1234.

  11. Provide a file name for the merged repository file to be saved.

  12. Provide the merged repository password as opva1234.

  13. Click Next.

    This generates the merged RPD, which is upgraded to the AN 8.1.1 release.

  14. Copy this file to another location and rename it back to opva.rpd, which will later be used to deploy on the OBIEE Server. Upgrading the AN Catalog

Catalog upgrade from Argus Analytics 1.1/1.1.1/7.0.3/8.0/8.1 is not available. Use the latest catalog provided with the AN 8.1.1 installation (present at <AN_INSTALL_HOME>/catalog/opva.zip) for deployment.

2.5.2 Deployment of OBIEE Repository and Catalog Configuring the OBIEE Repository and Web Catalog using the BAR File


The default password for the opva.rpd repository file is opva1234. You should change this password, as per your requirement prior to deployment in OBIEE, using the OBIEE Administrator Tool. You must remember to use this password in the steps mentioned below.

Oracle Business Intelligence Application Archive (BAR) file is a compressed archive file that contains a cohesive set of BI metadata artifacts (data model, content model, and authorization model). The OBIEE BAR file for Argus Analytics is available at the following location:

<Argus Analytics Home>\report\ssi.bar

A BAR file contains the following BI application module artifacts:

  • Data model metadata for the Oracle BI Server. This metadata is xml-based but functionally equivalent to a .RPD file.

  • Presentation Services catalog metadata for a service instance.

  • Security policy metadata containing application role and application role memberships, and permission and permission set grants for a service instance.

  • A manifest file declaring the dependencies of the BAR file.

This section comprises the following:


Importing a BAR file replaces all the Catalog files, RPD files, and the Security Model in an existing OBIEE instance with any customization.

It is recommended that the BAR file import is done on a new OBIEE instance. Importing the BAR file in an existing OBIEE instance

Before importing the BAR file, make sure:

  • OBIEE 12.2.1 is installed

  • The Administrator Console is up and running

    (validate it from http://<machinename>.<port>/console)

  • The Enterprise Manager (Fusion Middleware Control) is up and running

    (validate it from http://<machinename>.<port>/em)

To import the BAR file:

  1. Copy the BAR file from <Argus Analytics Home>\report\ssi.bar to a machine where the OBIEE is installed.

  2. Login to the Enterprise Manager with the WebLogic credentials.

  3. Click Target Navigation.

    Surrounding text describes targetnav.jpg.

    The Target Navigation drop-down menu appears.

  4. Go to Business Intelligence > biinstance.

    The Business Intelligence Instance screen appears.

  5. From the Availability tab, select Processes, and click Stop All.

    A confirmation dialog box appears.

  6. Click Yes.

    All the running processes are stopped.

  7. Go to the command prompt, and start the WebLogic Scripting Tool (using wlst.cmd (for Windows), or wlst.sh (for Unix or Linux)) from the following path:

    <Middleware Home>\oracle_common\common\bin

  8. To know the BI Service Instance key, type the following command, and press Enter.

    listBIServiceInstances(<BI DomainHome path>)

    where, Domain Home is the directory of the BI Install domain, the default path is:


    The Key appears at the end of the command.

  9. To import the BAR file, execute the following command:

    importServiceInstance('<BI Domain Home path>','BI ServiceInstance key', '<Complete Path of Bar file to import>')

    For example,

    Domain Home path: <obiee_home>/user_projects/domains/bi>

    BI Service Instance Key: ssi (This key must be ssi for Argus Analytics deployment)


    While executing the WLST on Windows server, you must use forward slash (/) to avoid any error messages. For example:
    importServiceInstance('C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/bi','ssi', 'C:/AN81/report/ssi.bar') 
  10. When the import of BAR file is complete, exit WLST using the exit () command.

  11. Go to Enterprise Manager, from the Availability tab, select Processes, and click Start All.

    A confirmation dialog box appears.

  12. Click Yes.

    The BAR file imports the RPD, Catalog and the Security model.


All the WLST commands are case sensitive.

To start the WebLogic Scripting Tool on Unix or Linux, use wlst.sh command, rest all of the commands mentioned in the procedure remains same.

To check if the BAR file has imported RPD, Catalog, and the Security Model:

  1. To verify the Roles and Policies imported by BAR file in the Enterprise Manager, go to Business Intelligence Instance > Security > Application Roles and Application Policies.

    The following roles are imported as default application roles:

    • PVAAdminRole

    • PVASafetyRole

    • PVASafetyConsumersRole

  2. To modify the Connection Pool Settings:

    1. From the following path, right click the admintool.cmd file, and click Run as Administrator.


      The Oracle BI Administration Tool opens.


      If OBIEE is installed on a Unix or Linux machine, then you must setup the Oracle Business Intelligence Developer Client tool on any Windows machine to access the BI Administration Tool.

      See Appendix A, "Creating ODBC Connection for OBIEE Administration Tool."

    2. To open the RPD, select the online mode, and enter the WebLogic user credentials.


      You must set the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC).

      To open the RPD in online mode on Unix or Linux, set the ODBC on a Windows machine where OBIEE client is installed, and open the RPD.

    3. Click the Connection Pool, and modify the Data source name, User name, and Password.

      Modify both the following connection pools:

      - Under OPVA_DWH database:

      * OPVA_CP:

      Data Source Name—Argus Analytics database TNS Name

      User name—Argus Analytics DWH RPD schema <AN_DWH_RPD>

      Password—Password for Argus Analytics DWH RPD schema

      * OPVA_CP_InitBlocks:

      Data Source Name—Argus Analytics database TNS Name

      User name—Argus Analytics DWH RPD schema <AN_DWH_RPD>

      Password—Password for Argus Analytics DWH RPD schema

      - Under OPVA_SRC database:

      * OPVA_CP:

      Data Source Name—Argus Safety database TNS Name

      User name—Argus Analytics SRC RPD schema <AN_SRC_RPD>

      Password—Password for Argus Analytics SRC RPD schema

  3. Check-in the changes, and save the RPD.

    Ignore the warning messages that appear during the consistency check.

  4. To view and administer privileges for the Oracle Business Intelligence components, login to OBIEE Analytics (http://obieeser.com:port/analytics) with WebLogic user credentials.

  5. Go to Security > Administration > Manage Privileges.

    For a list of privileges assigned to the BI Application roles, refer to Section 2.5.6, "OBIEE Default Application Roles."

  6. Go to Catalog, and set the folder level permissions for the OBIEE Groups. (See Section 2.5.5, "OBIEE Catalog Folder-level Permissions")

  7. Create OBIEE Groups and Users. (See Section 2.5.3, "Creating Users and Groups in OBIEE") Importing the BAR file when creating a new OBIEE Instance
  1. Copy the BAR file from <Argus Analytics Home>\report\ssi.bar to a machine where the OBIEE is installed.

    Or, when creating an instance in OBIEE 12c, on the OBIEE Initial Application wizard screen, select Your own existing BI Application from export bunder (.jar file) option, and enter the Path of the Argus Analytics ssi.bar file.

  2. To modify the Connection Pool Settings:

    1. From the following path, right click the admintool.cmd file, and click Run as Administrator.


      The Oracle BI Administration Tool opens.


      If OBIEE is installed on a Unix or Linux machine, then you must setup the Oracle Business Intelligence Developer Client tool on any Windows machine to access the BI Administration Tool.

      See Appendix A, "Creating ODBC Connection for OBIEE Administration Tool."

    2. To open the RPD, select the online mode, and enter the WebLogic user credentials.


      You must set the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC).

      To open the RPD in online mode on Unix or Linux, set the ODBC on a Windows machine where OBIEE client is installed, and open the RPD.

    3. Click the Connection Pool, and modify the Data source name, User name, and Password.

      Modify both the following connection pools:

      - Under OPVA_DWH database:

      * OPVA_CP:

      Data Source Name—Argus Analytics database TNS Name

      User name—Argus Analytics DWH RPD schema <AN_DWH_RPD>

      Password—Password for Argus Analytics DWH RPD schema

      * OPVA_CP_InitBlocks:

      Data Source Name—Argus Analytics database TNS Name

      User name—Argus Analytics DWH RPD schema <AN_DWH_RPD>

      Password—Password for Argus Analytics DWH RPD schema

      - Under OPVA_SRC database:

      * OPVA_CP:

      Data Source Name—Argus Safety database TNS Name

      User name—Argus Analytics SRC RPD schema <AN_SRC_RPD>

      Password—Password for Argus Analytics SRC RPD schema

  3. Check-in the changes, and save the RPD.

    Ignore the warning messages that appear during the consistency check.

  4. To view and administer privileges for the Oracle Business Intelligence components, login to OBIEE Analytics (http://obieeser.com:port/analytics) with WebLogic user credentials.

  5. Go to Security > Administration > Manage Privileges.

    For a list of privileges assigned to the BI Application roles, refer to Section 2.5.6, "OBIEE Default Application Roles."

  6. Go to Catalog, and set the folder level permissions for the OBIEE Groups. (See Section 2.5.5, "OBIEE Catalog Folder-level Permissions")

  7. Create OBIEE Groups and Users. (See Section 2.5.3, "Creating Users and Groups in OBIEE") Configuring OBIEE Repository and Web Catalog Manually

  1. Copy the RPD, and Catalog files from <Argus Analytics Home>\report\opva.rpd and report\catalog\opva.zip folders to a machine where the OBIEE is installed.

  2. Open the RPD Admin tool in offline mode from the following path:

    <Middleware Home>\user_projects\domains\bi\bitools\bin\admintool.cmd

  3. Open the opva.rpd file in offline mode. (The default password of the repository is opva1234.)

  4. Click the Connection Pool, and modify the Data source name, User name, and Password.

    Modify the following connection pools:

    - Under OPVA_DWH database:

    * OPVA_CP:

    Data Source Name—Argus Analytics database TNS Name

    User name—Argus Analytics DWH RPD schema <AN_DWH_RPD>

    Password—Password for Argus Analytics DWH RPD schema

    * OPVA_CP_InitBlocks:

    Data Source Name—Argus Analytics database TNS Name

    User name—Argus Analytics DWH RPD schema <AN_DWH_RPD>

    Password—Password for Argus Analytics DWH RPD schema

    - Under OPVA_SRC database:

    * OPVA_CP:

    Data Source Name—Argus Safety database TNS Name

    User name—Argus Analytics SRC RPD schema <AN_SRC_RPD>

    Password—Password for Argus Analytics SRC RPD schema

  5. Save the changes, and close the RPD.

  6. From the command prompt:

    1. Navigate to the <Middleware Home>\user_projects\domains\bi\bitools\bin

    2. Run the following command:

      data-model-cmd.cmd uploadrpd -I <RPDname> [-W <RPDpwd>] -U <cred_username> [-P <cred_password>] -SI <service_instance>

      For example,

      data-model-cmd.cmd uploadrpd -I C:\temp\opva.rpd -W opva1234 -U weblogic -P weblogic1 -SI ssi


      In Linux, execute the data-model-cmd.sh command with same inputs.
  7. Login to the Enterprise Manager with the WebLogic credentials.

  8. Click Target Navigation.

    Surrounding text describes targetnav.jpg.

    The Target Navigation drop-down menu appears.

  9. Go to Business Intelligence > biinstance.

    The Business Intelligence Instance screen appears.

  10. From the Availability tab, select Processes, and click Stop All.

    A confirmation dialog box appears.

  11. Click Yes.

    All the running processes are stopped.

  12. Extract the contents of Argus Analytics catalog opva.zip into <Oracle_Home>\user_projects\domains\bi\bidata\service_instances\ssi\metadata\content\catalog\root\shared folder.

  13. Go to Enterprise Manager, from the Availability tab, select Processes, and click Start All.

    A confirmation dialog box appears.

  14. Click Yes.

  15. Create User Groups and Users manually in Admin Console. (See Section 2.5.3, "Creating Users and Groups in OBIEE.").

  16. Create Roles and policies manually in Enterprise Manager. (See Section 2.5.4, "Creating Roles and Policies with Fusion Middleware Control.")

  17. To view and administer privileges for the Oracle Business Intelligence components, login to OBIEE Analytics (http://obieeser.com:port/analytics) with WebLogic user credentials.

  18. Go to Security > Administration > Manage Privileges.

    For a list of privileges assigned to these roles, refer to Section 2.5.6, "OBIEE Default Application Roles."

  19. Go to Catalog, and set the folder level permissions for the OBIEE Groups. (See Section 2.5.5, "OBIEE Catalog Folder-level Permissions") Post-deployment of the Oracle Argus Analytics RPD

Open the Oracle Argus Analytics RPD in the Administration Tool in online mode and specify the details, as mentioned below:

  1. Repository Password: Enter the password set in Section 2.5.2, "Deployment of OBIEE Repository and Catalog", as mentioned in the Note before Step 1.

  2. User: weblogic

  3. Password: Password for the user mentioned above

    Figure 2-1 The Oracle Argus Analytics RPD Screen

    Surrounding text describes Figure 2-1 .

Changing the Connection Pool Settings

Once the Argus Analytics RPD is opened in online mode, change the Connection Pool settings, as follows:

  1. Change the OPVA_DWH -> OPVA_CP and OPVA_CP_InitBlocks to point to the Argus Analytics DWH RPD Schema <AN_DWH_RPD>, created during installation, on the Argus Analytics DB Instance.

  2. Data Source Name: TNS name entry for Argus Analytics DB Instance.

  3. User Name: <AN_DWH_RPD> [the schema name specified for the AN DWH RPD Schema during instalation].

  4. Password: The password specified for the <AN_DWH_RPD> schema.

  5. Change the OPVA_SRC -> OPVA_CP to the Argus Safety Source RPD schema <AN_SRC_RPD>, created during installation, on the Argus Safety Instance.

  6. Data Source Name: TNS name entry for Argus Safety DB Instance.

  7. User Name: <AN_SRC_RPD> [the schema name specified for the AN Source RPD schema during installation].

  8. Password: The password specified for the <AN_SRC_RPD> schema.

  9. Save the RPD.

2.5.3 Creating Users and Groups in OBIEE

To create groups in Fusion Middleware Control:

  1. Open the WebLogic Administration Console.

  2. Navigate to Security Realms > myrealm > Users and Groups > Groups tab.

  3. From the Groups section, and click New.

    The Create a New Group dialog box appears.

  4. Create the following groups by entering the Name and Description, and click OK.

    • PVAAdmin

    • PVASafetyGroup

    • PVASafetyConsumersGroup

    Surrounding text describes obinewgrp.jpg.

To create users in the Fusion Middleware Control:

  1. Open the WebLogic Administration Console.

  2. Navigate to Security Realms > myrealm > Users and Groups > Users.

  3. From the Users section, and click New.

    The Create a New User dialog box appears.

    Surrounding text describes obinewuser.jpg.
  4. Enter the following fields, and click OK.

    1. Name

    2. Description

    3. Provider

    4. Password

    5. Confirm Password

  5. To assign a group to the user, from the Groups tab, select a Group, and click Save.

    Surrounding text describes obiassigngrp.jpg.

2.5.4 Creating Roles and Policies with Fusion Middleware Control


This section is applicable only when you manually upload the RPD file and Catalog. For more details, refer to Section 2.5, "Configuring the OBIEE Repository and Webcatalog.".

To create new application roles:

  1. Login to Fusion Middleware Control Enterprise Manager.

  2. Go to WebLogic Domain > Security > Application Roles.

    The Application Roles dialog box appears.

  3. From the Application Stripe drop-down list, select OBI, and click Search Search icon.

    The default role available in clean slate installation appears.

    Surrounding text describes bip7.jpg.
  4. Click Create.

    The Create Application Role dialog box appears.

  5. In the Role Name field, enter PVAAdminRole.

    Surrounding text describes obicreateapprole.jpg.
  6. From the Members section, click +Add.

    The Add Principal dialog box appears.

  7. From the Type drop-down list, select Group, and click Search.

    A list of principals appears.

  8. From the list of Searched Principals, select PVAAdmin, and click OK.

    Surrounding text describes obiapprolsearchresult.jpg.

    The Membership for PVAAdminRole appears as below:

    Surrounding text describes obi11.jpg.
  9. To add PVASafetyRole, repeat from Step 4 to Step 8.

    Surrounding text describes obiauthorrole.jpg.
  10. To add PVASafetyConsumerRole, repeat from Step 4 to Step 8.

    Surrounding text describes obiconsumerrole.jpg.


For more details, refer to Oracle® Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition > Section Creating an Application Role in https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/1221/biee/BIESC/authentication.htm#BIESC363

To create new application policy:

  1. Login to Fusion Middleware Control Enterprise Manager.

  2. Go to WebLogic Domain > Security > Application Policies.

    The Application Policies screen appears.

  3. To create a new application policy, click Create.

    The Create Application Grant dialog box appears.

  4. From the Grantee section, click +Add.

    The Add Principal dialog box appears.

  5. From the Type drop-down list, select Application Role, and click Search Search icon.

  6. From the list of Searched Principals, select PVAAdminRole, and click OK.

  7. From the Permissions section, click +Add.

    The Add Permission dialog box appears.

    Surrounding text describes obiaddpermission.jpg.
  8. Select the Resource Types radio button.

  9. From the Resource Type drop-down list, select oracle.bi.publisher.permission, and click Search.

  10. From the Search Results, select oracle.bi.publisher.permission (BIP Administer Server), and click Continue.

    The Add Permission dialog box appears.

  11. For Permission Actions, select All (_all_), and click Select.

  12. Repeat from Step 4 to Step 11, to add the following:

    Policy Name/Principal Resource Type Resource Name Permission Actions
    PVAAdminRole oracle.bi.catalog * manage
    oracle.bi.repository oracle.bi.repository manage
    oracle.bi.publisher.permission oracle.bi.publisher.developDataModel _all_
    oracle.bi.scheduler.permission oracle.bi.scheduler.manageJobs _all_
    oracle.bi.presentation.catalogmanager.permission oracle.bi.presentation.catalogmanager.permission _all_
    oracle.bi.delivers.job oracle.bi.delivers.job manage
    oracle.bi.server.permission oracle.bi.server.manageRepositories _all_
    oracle.bi.publisher.permission oracle.bi.publisher.developReport _all_
    oracle.bi.publisher.permission oracle.bi.publisher.administerServer _all_
    PVASafetyRole oracle.bi.publisher.permission oracle.bi.publisher.developReport _all_
    oracle.bi.delivers.job oracle.bi.delivers.job schedule
    oracle.bi.publisher.permission oracle.bi.publisher.developDataModel _all_
    oracle.bi.tech.visualanalyzer.permission oracle.bi.tech.visualanalyzer.generalAccess *
    PVASafetyConsumerRole oracle.bi.publisher.permission oracle.bi.publisher. runReportOnline _all_
    oracle.bi.publisher.permission oracle.bi.publisher.accessReportOutput _all_
    ESSMetadataPermission oracle.bip.ess.JobDefinition.EssBipJob READ, EXECUTE
    oracle.bi.publisher.permission BIP Access Excel Report Analyzer _all_
    oracle.bi.publisher.permission oracle.bi.publisher.accessOnlineReportAnalyzer _all_
    oracle.bi.publisher.permission oracle.bi.publisher.scheduleReport _all_


For more details, refer to Oracle® Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition >Section 2.4.3 Creating Application Policies Using Fusion Middleware Control from http://docs.oracle.com/middleware/1221/biee/BIESC/authentication.htm#BIESC767.

2.5.5 OBIEE Catalog Folder-level Permissions

  1. Go to Catalog > Shared Folders > Tasks > Permissions.

    The Permissions dialog box appears.

  2. Set the Permissions as follows:

    Accounts Permissions
    PVA Administrator Role Full Control
    PVA Safety Author Role Full Control
    PVA Safety Consumers Role Open (Read, and Traverse)
    BI Service Administrator (Owner) Full Control

    1. Select Apply Permissions to sub-folders.

    2. Select Permissions to items within folder.

    3. Click OK.

  3. For each of the following folders, set the account permissions:

    • Shared Folders > Shared Folder > Current > Permissions

    • Shared Folders > Shared Folder > Personal User > Permissions

    • Shared Folders > Shared Folder > Retrospective > Permissions

    Accounts Permissions
    PVA Administrator Role (Owner) Full Control
    PVA Safety Author Role Full Control
    PVA Safety Consumers Role Custom (Read, Traverse, Run Publisher Report, Schedule Publisher Report, and View Publisher Output)
    BI Service Administrator Full Control

    1. Select Apply Permissions to sub-folders.

    2. Select Permissions to items within folder.

    3. Click OK.

2.5.6 OBIEE Default Application Roles

To view and administer privileges of Oracle Business Intelligence components:

  1. Login to OBIEE Analytics with WebLogic user credentials.

  2. Go to Security > Administration > Manage Privileges.


Create these privileges only when you manually upload the RPD and Catalog.

You do not need to create these privileges when you import the BAR file.

You must NOT remove the privileges already present in the Manage Privileges tab for the various components. The below mentioned default role grants should only be appended to the existing grants in OBIEE components.

Component Privilege Default Role Granted
Access Access to Dashboards PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Access Access to Answers PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Access Access to BI Composer PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Access Access to Delivers PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Access Access to Briefing Books PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Access Access to Mobile PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Access Access to Administration PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Access Access to Segments PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Access Access to Segment Trees PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Access Access to List Formats PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Access Access to Metadata Dictionary PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Access Access to Oracle BI for Microsoft Office PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Access Access to Oracle BI Client Installer PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Access Catalog Preview Pane UI PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Access Access to Export PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Access Access to KPI Builder PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Access Access to Scorecard PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Actions Create Navigate Actions PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Actions Create Invoke Actions PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Actions Save Actions containing embedded HTML PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: Catalog Change Permissions PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: Catalog Toggle Maintenance Mode PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General Manage Sessions PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General Create Dashboards PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General See sessions IDs PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General Change Log Configuration PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General Issue SQL Directly PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General View System Information PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General Performance Monitor PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General Manage Agent Sessions PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General Manage Device Types PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General Manage Map Data PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General See privileged errors PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General See SQL issued in errors PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General Manage Global Variables PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General Diagnose BI Server Query Denied: Authenticated User
Admin: General Manage Marketing Jobs PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General Manage Marketing Defaults PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: Security Manage Catalog Accounts PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: Security Manage Privileges PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: Security Set Ownership of Catalog Objects PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: Security User Population - Can List Users PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator, BI System
Admin: Security User Population - Can List Catalog Groups PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator, BI System
Admin: Security User Population - Can List Application Roles PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator, BI System
Admin: Security Access to Permissions Dialog PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Briefing Book Add To or Edit a Briefing Book PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Briefing Book Download Briefing Book PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Briefing Book Add to Snapshot Briefing Book PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Catalog Personal Storage (My Folders and My Dashboard) PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Catalog Reload Metadata PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Catalog See Hidden Items PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Catalog Create Folders PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Catalog Archive Catalog PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Catalog Unarchive Catalog PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Catalog Upload Files PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Catalog Perform Global Search PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Catalog Perform Extended Search PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Conditions Create Conditions PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Dashboards Save Customizations PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Dashboards Assign Default Customizations PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Dashboards Create Bookmark Links PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Dashboards Create Prompted Links PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Dashboards Export Entire Dashboard To Excel PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Dashboards Export Single Dashboard Page To Excel PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Formatting Save System-Wide Column Formats PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Home and Header Access Home Page PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Home and Header Access Catalog UI PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Home and Header Access Catalog Search UI PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Home and Header Access Rapid Search UI PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Home and Header Simple Search Field PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Home and Header Advanced Search Link PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Home and Header Open Menu PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Home and Header New Menu PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Home and Header Help Menu PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Home and Header Dashboards Menu PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Home and Header Favorites Menu PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Home and Header My Account Link PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Home and Header Custom Links PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Home and Header Access Administration Menu Denied: Authenticated User
Home and Header Access User & Role Admin Denied: Authenticated User
Home and Header Access Modeler Denied: Authenticated User
Home and Header Access Data Loader Denied: Authenticated User
My Account Access to My Account PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
My Account Change Preferences PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
My Account Change Delivery Options PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Answers Create Views PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Answers Create Prompts PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Answers Access Advanced Tab PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Answers Edit Column Formulas PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Answers Save Content with HTML Markup PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Answers Enter XML and Logical SQL PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Answers Edit Direct Database Analysis PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Answers Create Analysis From Simple SQL PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Answers Create Advanced Filters and Set Operations PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Answers Save Filters PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Answers Save Column PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Answers Add EVALUATE_PREDICATE Function PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Answers Execute Direct Database Analysis PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Answers Upload Images PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Delivers Create Agents PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Delivers Publish Agents for Subscription PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Delivers Deliver Agents to Specific or Dynamically Determined Users PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Delivers Chain Agents PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Delivers Modify Current Subscriptions for Agents PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Proxy Act As Proxy Denied: Authenticated User
RSS Feeds Access to RSS Feeds PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Scorecard Create/Edit Scorecards PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Scorecard View Scorecards PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Scorecard Create/Edit Objectives PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Scorecard Create/Edit Initiatives PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Scorecard Create Views PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Scorecard Create/Edit Causes And Effects Linkages PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Scorecard Create/Edit Perspectives PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Scorecard Add Annotations PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Scorecard Override Status PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Scorecard Create/Edit KPIs PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Scorecard Write Back to Database for KPI PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Scorecard Add Scorecard Views To Dashboards PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
List Formats Create List Formats PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
List Formats Create Headers and Footers PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
List Formats Access Options Tab PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
List Formats Add/Remove List Format Columns PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Segmentation Create Segments PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Segmentation Create Segment Trees PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Segmentation Create/Purge Saved Result Sets PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Segmentation Access Segment Advanced Options Tab PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Segmentation Access Segment Tree Advanced Options Tab PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Segmentation Change Target Levels within Segment Designer PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Mobile Enable Local Content PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
Mobile Enable Search PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
SOAP Access SOAP PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator, BI System
SOAP Impersonate as system user BI System
SOAP Access MetadataService Service PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator, BI System
SOAP Access ScorecardAssessmentService Service PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator, BI System
SOAP Access MsgdbService Service PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator, BI System
SOAP Access ReportEditingService Service PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator, BI System
SOAP Access KPIAssessmentService Service PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator, BI System
SOAP Access ConditionEvaluationService Service PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator, BI System
SOAP Access SecurityService Service PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator, BI System
SOAP Access Tenant Information BI System
SOAP Access SchedulerService Service PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator, BI System
SOAP Access DashboardService Service PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator, BI System
SOAP Access ScorecardMetadataService Service PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator, BI System
SOAP Access JobManagementService Service PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator, BI System
SOAP Access CatalogIndexingService Service PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator, BI System
SOAP Access UserPersonalizationService Service PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator, BI System
SOAP Access AnalysisExportViewsService Service PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator
SOAP Access CatalogService Service PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator, BI System
SOAP Access AdministrationSOAPService Service PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator, BI System
SOAP Access HtmlViewService Service PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator, BI System
SOAP Access XmlGenerationService Service PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator, BI System
SOAP Access IBotService Service PVASafetyConsumerRole, BI Service Administrator, BI System
Subject Area: "Current" Access within Oracle BI Answers PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Subject Area: "Retrospective" Access within Oracle BI Answers PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
View Canvas Add/Edit Canvas View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Column Selector Add/Edit Column Selector View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Compound Layout Add/Edit Compound Layout View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Contribution Wheel Add/Edit Contribution Wheel View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Graph Add/Edit Graph View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Funnel Add/Edit Funnel View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Gauge Add/Edit Gauge View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Micro Chart Add/Edit Micro Chart View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Filters Add/Edit Filters View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Dashboard Prompt Add/Edit Dashboard Prompt View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Performance Tile Add/Edit Performance Tile View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Heat Matrix Add/Edit Heat Matrix View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Static Text Add/Edit Static Text View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Javascript view Edit Javascript View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Legend Add/Edit Legend View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Map Add/Edit Map View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Narrative Add/Edit Narrative View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View No Results Add/Edit No Results View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Pivot Table Add/Edit Pivot Table View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Generic Plugin View Add/Edit Generic Plugin View View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Report Prompt Add/Edit Report Prompt View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Create Segment Add/Edit Create Segment View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Selection Steps Add/Edit Selection Steps View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Logical SQL Add/Edit Logical SQL View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Table Add/Edit Table View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Create Target List Add/Edit Create Target List View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Ticker Add/Edit Ticker View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Title Add/Edit Title View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Treemap Add/Edit Treemap View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View Trellis Add/Edit Trellis View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
View View Selector Add/Edit View Selector View PVA Safety Author Role, BI Service Administrator
Write Back Manage Write Back PVA Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Write Back Write Back to Database Denied: Authenticated User

2.5.7 Changing the OBIEE RPD Password

To change the password for OBIEE RPD, execute the following steps:

  1. Open the BI Administrator Tool and open <ARGUS_ANALYTICS_HOME>\report\opva.rpd in Offline mode.

  2. Select File > Change Password.

  3. Enter the password set in Section 2.5.2, "Deployment of OBIEE Repository and Catalog", as mentioned in the Note before Step 1.

  4. Enter the new password and confirm by entering it again. You must remember this password, and use the same later in the installation process.

2.6 Configuring the OBIEE Help files


If the OBIEE Server is not the same machine where the installer is run, then copy the opva_help.zip file into the machine where OBIEE server is installed.

2.6.1 Configuring the Help links in the Dashboards and Reports

  1. Extract the contents of the opva_help.zip file at any location on the OBIEE Server. For example, e.g /scratch/stage/opva_help

    The opva_help folder contains analyticsRes folder.

  2. Log in to Console (Log in to the Weblogic Server).

  3. Navigate to Deployments.

  4. Click Lock & Edit in the left pane to enable the Install button.

    Surrounding text describes ctbbn1.jpg.
  5. Click Install, and navigate to the location where opva_help.zip was extracted in Step 1.

  6. Select analyticsRes, and click Next.

    Surrounding text describes ctbbn22.jpg.
  7. Select Install this deployment as an application (default), and click Next.

    Surrounding text describes ctbbn33.jpg.
  8. Select Deployment targets, choose bi_server1, and click Next.

    Surrounding text describes ctbbn44.jpg.
  9. Under Source accessibility:

    Select I will make the deployment accessible from the following location option, and select the path for analyticsRes as selected in step 6.For example, /scratch/stage/opva_help/analyticsRes

  10. Click Finish.

    Surrounding text describes ctbbn55.jpg.

    The analyticsRes appears under Deployments.

    Surrounding text describes ctbbn6.jpg.
  11. Click Active Changes, and navigate to the Control tab.

  12. Select analyticsRes, and click Start.

    Surrounding text describes ctbbn77.jpg.
  13. Start the Application Assistant, and click Yes.

    Surrounding text describes ctbbn8.jpg.

    The analyticsRes State is activated after starting the application assistant. Logout from the Console.

  14. Log in to EM (Enterprise Manager) and restart the BI Components.

    When the BI components have been restarted successfully, log in to Analytics, and check the Brand Name and help links provided in the Dashboards.

2.7 Configuring SSO Using Oracle Access Manager 11g

This section describes the steps to configure SSO in Oracle Access Manager (OAM) 11g.


The following are the pre-requisites to this task:

  • There must be an OAM 11g installation configured to work with the desired LDAP (for example, OID), as the identity data-store.

  • User profiles must exist in the LDAP server as well as in Argus Safety with the same credentials (login information).

  • Oracle Web Tier (or higher) must be installed on the same server where the OBIEE server is installed and configured with the Weblogic Server hosting OBIEE.

  • Oracle Webgate 11g must be installed on the same server where the OBIEE server is installed, as mentioned above.

Installing SSO on OAM 11g

Execute the following steps to install SSO on OAM 11g:

  1. Navigate to the OAM 11g OAM Console URL (http://oam_server:port/oamconsole) and login with the OAM Admin credentials.

  2. Select the System Configuration Tab.

  3. Select the Access Manager Settings sub menu in the left navigation window of the browser.

  4. Double-click the SSO Agents > OAM Agents option to open the OAM Agents sub window.

    Figure 2-2 Viewing the OAM Agents Page

    Surrounding text describes Figure 2-2 .
  5. Click the Create 11g Webgate button and enter the following details:

    • Name: ArgusAnalyticsPolicy

    • Security: Open

    • Host Identifier: <obiee_server>

    • Auto Create Policies: Checked


      The <obiee_server> refers to the server where the OBIEE 11g is installed along with Oracle Web Tier and Oracle Webgate.

      Figure 2-3 Create 11g Webgate Page

      Surrounding text describes Figure 2-3 .
  6. Click Apply to save and register the 11g Webgate and policies with OAM.

  7. On the subsequent page, update the details for the ArgusAnalyticsPolicy created in the above step:

    • Cache Pragma Header: Private

    • Cache Control Header: Private

      Figure 2-4 Updating Details for ArgusAnalyticsPolicy

      Surrounding text describes Figure 2-4 .
  8. Click Apply.

  9. Navigate to the Policy Configuration tab.

  10. Expand and double-click the Shared Components > Resource Type > Host Identifiers > <obiee_server> (For Example, hsdevwv0096.oracle.com) to open the Host Identifiers window and add the following details:

    • <obiee_server>

    • <obiee_server> <port>

    • <obiee_server_ip>

    • <obiee_server_ip> <port>


      <obiee_server> refers to the server where the OBIEE 11g is installed along with Oracle Web Tier and Oracle Webgate. The port refers to the Oracle Web Tier Port.


    Hostname Port
    obiee_server.oracle.com 7777
    <ip address>  
    <ip address> 7777

  11. Expand and double-click Application Domains > ArgusAnalyticsPolicy > Authentication Policies > Protected Resource Policy.

  12. Ensure that the Authentication Scheme is set as LDAPScheme.

  13. Ensure that the following resources are present:

    • /

    • /…/*

      Figure 2-5 Viewing the Authentication Protected Resource Policy

      Surrounding text describes Figure 2-5 .
  14. Add the following Response variables:


    • Type: Header

    • Value: $user.attr.uid [based on the LDAP schema setup]

    Figure 2-6 Adding the Response Variables to Authentication Protected Resource Policy

    Surrounding text describes Figure 2-6 .
  15. Click Apply and save the changes.

  16. Expand and double-click Application Domains > ArgusAnalyticsPolicy > Authorization Policies > Protected Resource Policy

  17. Ensure that the following resources are present:

    • /

    • /…/*

    Figure 2-7 Viewing the Authorization Protected Resource Policy

    Surrounding text describes Figure 2-7 .
  18. Add the following Response variables:


    • Type: Header

    • Value: $user.attr.uid [as based on the LDAP schema setup]

    Figure 2-8 Adding Response Variables to Authorization Protected Resource Policy

    Surrounding text describes Figure 2-8 .
  19. Click Apply to save the changes

  20. Navigate to the OPVA Web Tier Machine [<obiee_server>], which is the machine where you have installed the OPVA OBIEE Server, and run the installer for Webgate (OFM Webgate 11g for OAM 11g) to complete the installation.

  21. Configure the 11g Webgate using the following steps to communicate with the OAM 11g server:


    Refer to the following link for advanced details:


    1. Move to the following directory under your Oracle Home for Webgate:

      On UNIX Operating Systems:


      On Windows Operating Systems:


    2. On the command line, run the following command to copy the required bits of agent from the Webgate_Home directory to the Webgate Instance location:

      On UNIX Operating Systems:

      ./deployWebgateInstance.sh -w <Webgate_Instance_Directory> -oh <Webgate_Oracle_Home>

      On Windows Operating Systems:

      deployWebgateInstance.bat -w <Webgate_Instance_Directory> -oh <Webgate_Oracle_Home>

      Where <Webgate_Oracle_Home> is the directory where you have installed Oracle HTTP Server Webgate and created as the Oracle Home for Webgate, as shown in the following example:


      The <Webgate_Instance_Directory> is the location of Webgate Instance Home, which is the same as the Instance Home of Oracle HTTP Server, as shown in the following example:


    3. Run the following command to ensure that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable contains <Oracle_Home_for_Oracle_HTTP_Server>/lib:

      On UNIX (depending on the shell):

      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<Oracle_Home_for_Oracle_HTTP_Server>/lib

      On Windows:

      Set the <Webgate_Installation_Directory>\webgate\ohs\lib location and the <Oracle_Home_for_Oracle_HTTP_Server>\bin location in the PATH environment variable. Add a semicolon (;) followed by this path at the end of the entry for the PATH environment variable.

    4. From your present working directory, move up one directory level:

      On UNIX Operating Systems, move to:


      On Windows Operating Systems, move to:


    5. On the command line, run the following command to copy the apache_webgate.template from the Webgate_Home directory to the Webgate Instance location (renamed to webgate.conf) and update the httpd.conf file to add one line to include the name of webgate.conf:

      On UNIX operating systems:

      ./EditHttpConf -w <Webgate_Instance_Directory> -oh <Webgate_Oracle_Home> -o <output_file>

      On Windows operating systems:

      EditHttpConf.exe -w <Webgate_Instance_Directory> -oh <Webgate_Oracle_Home> -o <output_file>

      Where <Webgate_Oracle_Home> is the directory where you have installed Oracle HTTP Server Webgate for Oracle Access Manager and created as the Oracle Home for Webgate, as shown in the following example:


      The <Webgate_Instance_Directory> is the location of Webgate Instance Home, which is the same as the Instance Home of Oracle HTTP Server, as shown in the following example:


      The <output_file> is the name of the temporary output file used by the tool, as shown in the following example:


    6. Copy Generated Files (Artifacts) to the Webgate Instance Location from the OAM 11g server.

      The 11g Webgate Agent (ArgusAnalyticsPolicy), which was created in the OAM 11g OAM Console earlier, would have also created the following artifacts on the OAM 11g server:



      This is based on the Security Mode that you have configured, which in this case is Open.
      On the OAM 11g server, these files are present at the following location:


      Copy these files to the <obiee_server> in the following directory:

      <Webgate_Instance_Directory>/webgate/config directory [Example: <MW_HOME>/Oracle_WT1/instances/instance2/config/OHS/ohs1/webgate/config]

    7. Restart the Oracle HTTP Server Instance.

      To stop the Oracle HTTP Server instance, run the following commands on the command line:

      <MW_HOME>/Oracle_WT1/instances/instance2/bin/opmnctl stopall

      To restart the Oracle HTTP Server instance, run the following commands on the command line:

      <MW_HOME>/Oracle_WT1/instances/instance2/bin/opmnctl startall

  22. Configure the HTTP Server as a reverse proxy for the WebLogic Server. To execute this, modify the mod_wl_ohs.conf file present at the following location:


    The following is a template to configure mod_weblogic:

    LoadModule weblogic_module "${ORACLE_HOME}/ohs/modules/mod_wl_ohs.so"# This empty block is needed to save mod_wl related configuration from EM to this file when changes are made at the Base Virtual Host Level<IfModule weblogic_module># WebLogicHost <WEBLOGIC_HOST># WebLogicPort <WEBLOGIC_PORT># Debug ON# WLLogFile /tmp/weblogic.log# MatchExpression *.jsp<Location /console> SetHandler weblogic-handler WebLogicHost hsdevwv0096.oracle.com WeblogicPort 7001 WLProxySSL ON WLProxySSLPassThrough ON</Location><Location /em> SetHandler weblogic-handler WebLogicHost hsdevwv0096.oracle.com WeblogicPort 7001 WLProxySSL ON WLProxySSLPassThrough ON</Location><Location /analytics> SetHandler weblogic-handler WebLogicHost hsdevwv0096.oracle.com WeblogicPort 9704 WLProxySSL ON WLProxySSLPassThrough ON</Location><Location /analyticsRes> SetHandler weblogic-handler WebLogicHost hsdevwv0096.oracle.com WeblogicPort 9704 WLProxySSL ON WLProxySSLPassThrough ON</Location><Location /xmlpserver> SetHandler weblogic-handler WebLogicHost hsdevwv0096.oracle.com WeblogicPort 9704 WLProxySSL ON WLProxySSLPassThrough ON</Location></IfModule># <Location /weblogic># SetHandler weblogic-handler# PathTrim /weblogic# ErrorPage http:/WEBLOGIC_HOME:WEBLOGIC_PORT/# </Location>

    Restart the Web Tier Instance in WebLogic EM or as described above.

  23. Configure a new Authenticator for Oracle WebLogic Server on the OBIEE Server using the following steps:

    1. Login to the WebLogic Server Administrator Console and navigate to Security Realms > myrealm.

    2. Click the Providers tab.

    3. Click Lock & Edit on the right corner of the webpage, highlighted as Change Center.

    4. Click New to create a new Authentication Provider and add the following details:

      Name: OPVAOIDAuthenticator, or a name of your choice

      Type: OracleInternetDirectoryAuthenticator

    5. After saving the details, click the new Authenticator that you have created and enter the following details:

      In the sub tab change the Control Flag as SUFFICIENT

    6. Click Save.

    7. Click the Provider Specific tab and enter the following required settings using values for your environment:

      • Host: Your LDAP host.

        For example: oid_server.oracle.com

      • Port: Your LDAP host listening port.

        For example: 3060

      • Principal: LDAP administrative user.

        For example: cn=orcladmin,cn=Users,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com

      • Credential: LDAP administrative user password

      • User Base DN: Same searchbase as in Oracle Access Manager.

        For example: cn=Users,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com

      • All Users Filter:

        For example: (&(uid=*) (objectclass=person))

      • User Name Attribute: Set as the default attribute for username in the directory server.

        For example: uid

      • Group Base DN: The group searchbase

        For example: cn=Groups,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com

      • Leave the other defaults as is.

      • GUID Attribute: The GUID attribute defined in the OID LDAP Server

        For example: uid

      • Click Save.

  24. Configure a new Identity Asserter for WebLogic Server using the following steps:

    1. In the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console, select Security Realms from the left pane and click the realm which you want to configure. For example, myrealm. Select Providers.

    2. Click New and enter the following values in the fields:

      Name: OPVAOAMIdentityAsserter, or a name of your choice

      Type: OAMIdentityAsserter

    3. Click OK.

    4. Click on the newly created Asserter and set the Control Flag to REQUIRED.

    5. Ensure that the Active Types that you have selected is OAM_REMOTE_USER.

    6. Click Save.

    7. Navigate to the Provider Specific tab and enter the following details:

      • Transport Security: open

      • Application Domain: ArgusAnalyticsPolicy, as set in the OAM 11g Console

      • Access Gate Name: ArgusAnalyticsPolicy, as specified in the OAM 11g Console

      • Primary Access Server: oam_server.oracle.com:5575, OAM 11g server with port

      • Click Save.

    8. In the Providers tab, perform the following steps to reorder Providers:

      • Click Reorder.

      • On the Reorder Authentication Providers page, select a Provider Name and use the arrows besides the list to order the following providers:





      • Click OK to save your changes.

    9. In the Providers tab, click Default Authenticator and change the Control Flag to Sufficient.

    10. In the Change Center, click Activate Changes.

    11. Restart Oracle WebLogic Server

  25. The BISystemUser present in the default embedded LDAP must be deleted (using Security Realms in the Administration Console Link of the WebLogic Server) and the same/another user must be added in the newly added OID. This user also needs to be added to the BI Application Roles using the following steps:

    1. Navigate to Administration Console > Security Realms > myrealm > Users and Groups > Users and select the checkbox against BISystemUser (from Provider: Default Authenticator)

    2. Click Delete.

    3. Navigate to Security Realms > myrealm > Roles and Policies > Realm Roles.

    4. In the tree structure, expand Global Roles node and select the Roles link.

    5. In the subsequent screen, click the Admin Role link

    6. Click the Add Conditions button.

    7. In the next screen, select the Predicate List as User and click Next.

    8. In the User Argument Name, enter BISystemUser and click ADD.

    9. Click Finish.

    10. In the Role Conditions screen, ensure that the set operator is set to Or.

    11. Save the configuration.

    12. Navigate to the Enterprise Manager of OBIEE or the Fusion Middleware Control page and navigate in the tree structure to the Business Intelligence > coreapplication node.

    13. In the Business Intelligence drop-down menu, select Security > Application Roles.

    14. In the Roles displayed, select BISystem and in the next screen remove the old BISystemUser (from the Default Provider) and add the newly created BISystemUser user in OID.

    15. Add the trusted user's credentials to the oracle.bi.system credential map.

    16. Using Fusion Middleware Control target navigation pane, navigate to farm > WebLogic Domain, and select bifoundation_domain.

      • Using the WebLogic Domain menu, select Security > Credentials.

      • Open the oracle.bi.system credential map, and select system.user.

      • Click Edit.

      • In the Edit Key dialog box, enter BISystemUser (or the name that you have selected) in the User Name field.

      • In the Password field, enter the trusted user's password that is contained in Oracle Internet Directory.

      • Click OK.

    17. Restart the Managed Servers.

  26. Enable the SSO Authentication in the Weblogic Server for OBIEE using the following steps:

    1. Login to Fusion Middleware Control (EM) of the WebLogic Server.

    2. Go to the Business Intelligence Overview page.

    3. Go to the Security page.

    4. Click Lock and Edit Configuration.

    5. Check Enable SSO, this makes the SSO provider list active.

    6. Select the configured SSO provider from the list, as Oracle Access Manager.

    7. In The SSO Provider Logoff URL, specify the following URL:


    8. Click Apply.

    9. Click Activate Changes.

    10. Restart the Oracle Business Intelligence components using Fusion Middleware Control.

2.8 Configuring SSL for Oracle Argus Analytics in OBIEE

To enable SSL in WebLogic 12c:

  1. Open the following URL:


  2. Complete all the steps of the Section 5.2.2 Configuring WebLogic SSL including all the sub-sections:

    1. Section, "Starting Only the Administration Server"

    2. Section, "Configuring HTTPS Ports"

    3. Section, "Configuring Internal WebLogic Server LDAP to Use LDAPs"

    4. Section, "Configuring Internal WebLogic Server LDAP Trust Store"

    5. Section, "Disable HTTP"

    6. Section, "Restart"

    7. Section, "Configure OWSM to Use t3s"

    8. Section, "Restart System"

  3. Complete all the steps of the Section 5.3 Enabling BIEE Internal SSL.

  4. (Optional, not required for Argus Analytics)

    To further configure BI Publisher for SSL communication, follow the steps mentioned in the Section 4.3.2 Add Virtualize Property to the Identity Store Configuration from the following URL:


  5. Re-enable the Non-SSL ports, and disable the Non-SSL ports.


    You must perform this step or you will not be able to login to the OBIEE.
    1. Login to WebLogic Admin console.

    2. Click Lock & Edit.

    3. Select environment, servers.

    4. For each server:

      i. Display the Configuration tab.

      ii. To enable the Listen Port, click Listen Port Enabled check box.

      iii. Click Save.

      iv. To disable the listen Port, deselect the Listen Port Enabled check box.

      v. Click Save.

2.9 Configuring SSL for SSO in Oracle Argus Analytics with OAM 11g

To configure SSL for SSO in Argus Analytics with OAM 11g, execute the following steps:

  • Configure OBIEE in SSL mode as given in the Section 2.8, "Configuring SSL for Oracle Argus Analytics in OBIEE"

  • Follow the steps as mentioned in the Part , "Configuring SSO Using Oracle Access Manager 11g", except for the deviations as mentioned here:

    Update/Create the Webgate Registration in OAM 11g, which you have created in the Section 2.7, "Configuring SSO Using Oracle Access Manager 11g".


    The OAM Server configured in OAM 11g must be running with Security set to Simple, else it does not let you create a Webgate with Security set as Simple.
    • Open the OAM 11g OAM Console.

    • Navigate to the Policy Configuration tab.

    • Expand and double-click Shared Components > Resource Type > Host Identifiers > <obiee_server> (for example, oamserver.tmp.domain.com) to open the Host Identifiers window and add the following details in addition to the ones that are already present:


      <obiee_server> <ssl port>


      <obiee_server_ip> <ssl port>


      <obiee_server> refers to the server, where the OBIEE 11g is installed along with Oracle Web Tier and Oracle Webgate. The <ssl port> refers to the Oracle Web Tier SSL Port.
    • Click Apply.

    • From the System Configuration tab, access the Manager Settings section, expand the SSO Agents node, and expand OAM Agents.

    • On the Search page, define your criteria in the Name field as ArgusAnalyticsPolicy and click Search.

    • In the Search results, click ArgusAnalyticsPolicy to edit the Agent Registration.

    • Locate the Security options and click Simple.

    • Click Apply to submit the changes.

    • This generates the artifacts again or afresh. Copy the generated Files (Artifacts) to the Webgate Instance Location from the OAM 11g server.

      The 11g Webgate Agent (ArgusAnalyticsPolicy), which is updated/created in the OAM 11g OAM Console, also creates the following artifacts on the OAM 11g server:






      This is based on the Security Mode that you have configured, which in this case now is Simple. On the OAM 11g server, these files are present at the following location:

      Copy the password.xml, cwallet.sso, and ObAccessClient.xml files to the <obiee_server> in the <Webgate_Instance_Directory>/webgate/config directory (Example: <MW_HOME>/Oracle_WT1/instances/instance2/config/OHS/ohs1/webgate/config)

      Copy the aaa_cert.pem and aaa_key.pem files to the <obiee_server> in the <Webgate_Instance_Directory>/webgate/config/simple directory (Example: <MW_HOME>/Oracle_WT1/instances/instance2/config/OHS/ohs1/webgate/config/simple)

    • Restart the OAM Server

  • The Oracle Web Tier is configured with OBIEE as a reverse proxy, as mentioned in step 22 of the Section 2.7, "Configuring SSO Using Oracle Access Manager 11g". In addition to those steps, you also need to enable SSL for the Oracle Web Tier using the following steps:

    1. Locate and edit the <ORACLE_WT_INSTANCE>/config/OHS/ohs1/ssl.conf

    2. Find the VirtualHost section and ensure the following entry is present:

      SSLWallet "${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/config/${COMPONENT_TYPE}/${COMPONENT_NAME}/keystores/default"

    3. Save the file and restart the HTTP Server.

2.10 Creating Users for DAC

  1. Log in to the DAC Client as Administrator.

  2. Click on the menu File -> User Management.

  3. In the popped up window enter the following details.

    1. Name: Login Name for the user being created for DAC.

    2. Password: Password to authenticate the user being created.

    3. Roles: Select one of these roles:

      • Administrator

      • Operator

      • Developer

        The following table lists the permissions available to each specific role.

        Table 2-3 Creating Users for DAC

        Role Permissions


        Read and write permission on all DAC tabs and dialog boxes.


        Read and write permission on the following:

        - All Design view tabs

        - All Execute view tabs

        - Export dialog box

        - New Source System Container dialog box

        - Rename Source System Container dialog box

        - Delete Source System Container dialog box

        - Purge Run Details

        - All functionality in the Seed Data menu


        Read and write permission on all Execute view tabs

    4. Click on Save.


It is recommended to create at least one user to be added with the Administrator Role in DAC to manage the DAC PVA metadata.

2.11 Configuring SSL for Oracle Argus Analytics in OBIEE

To enable the default SSL configuration in OBIEE use the following steps:

  1. Open the WLS Administrator console for OBIEE.

  2. Navigate to Environment -> Servers in the tree view displayed on the left side.

    Figure 2-9 Servers: Configuration tab

    Surrounding text describes Figure 2-9 .
  3. Click the Lock & Edit button to change the configuration.

  4. Click the AdminServer(admin) link and in the General Tab, enable the SSL listen port, as displayed below:

    Figure 2-10 Servers: Configuration tab: General sub-tab

    Surrounding text describes Figure 2-10 .
  5. Click Save.

  6. In the Servers window, click bi_server1 (or the link for the OBIEE server configured).

  7. Enable the SSL Listen Port for the OBIEE server as well.

    Figure 2-11 General sub-tab: Enable the SSL Listen Port

    Surrounding text describes Figure 2-11 .
  8. Click on Save.

  9. Edit the startWebLogic.cmd file present in the location

    <OracleBIHome>\user_projects\domains\bifoundation_domain\ and add the below entry to the file before the ”call” statement.

    set JAVA_OPTIONS=%JAVA_OPTIONS% -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore="D:/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/DemoTrust.jks" -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=""


    Please edit the Path names according to your installation directories.
  10. Restart all the Managed BI Servers.


    For more detailed information on configuring SSL certificates in OBIEE 11g, please refer to the guide - Oracle® Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) section - SSL Configuration in Oracle Business Intelligence.