Viewing existing user profiles

A user profile is a set of attributes (login group and quota), user roles, permissions, and default user preferences that can be applied to users. You can set up a user profile and apply it as needed to new or existing users. Once you have applied a user profile to a user, subsequent changes to the user profile do not affect that user.

Note: If you set user preferences by applying a user profile to users, those user preferences are defaults that the individual users can override.

1.         Click Settings

The Settings page appears.

2.         In the Manage Users section, click Edit User Profiles.

The User Profiles page appears and provides the following information:



User Profile Name

Name of the user profile.

Login Group

Name of the login group associated with the user profile. Appears only if you are a superuser.


Maximum amount of server space in megabytes (M) that users with the user profiles are permitted to use for creating runs. If this limit is exceeded, users cannot submit new runs (or re-runs). To indicate an unlimited amount of storage space, leave this field blank. If the quota is 0, users cannot create any runs even if the user has appropriate permissions.

3.         If you click the row menu (Row menu) for a user profile, you can do the following:

The user profile is deleted, and existing users are not affected.

For information about viewing, printing, or downloading tables or changing the way data displays in the table, see About tables.