Importing LDAP users

Note: This procedure does not apply for Oracle-hosted installations.

1.         Log in to Empirica Signal as a user with the permissions Administer Users and Administer LDAP.

Note: Make sure that at least one user profile exists.

2.         Click Settings.

The Settings page appears.

3.         In the Manage Users section, click Edit Users.

The Users page appears.

4.         Click Import LDAP Users. This option is available only if an LDAP configuration has been set up.

5.         From the User Profile drop-down list, select the user profile to apply to the LDAP users you import.

Available user profiles are those associated with your login group.

6.         From the Domain drop-down list, select the domain from which you want to import LDAP users. The Available LDAP Users list shows users (up to 400) in that domain.

7.         In the Name field, enter a text string, and click Find to filter the list of available LDAP users (optional).

8.         To move users from the Available LDAP Users list to the Selected LDAP Users list, use the arrow buttons. The double-arrow buttons move all users from one list to the other list.

9.         Click Import.

Only selected users who do not have a user name in the Empirica Signal application are imported. The import operation does not refresh existing Empirica Signal users. See Refreshing LDAP users. A message tells you if an LDAP user that you have selected for import already exists in the application.

10.      Optionally, change the roles and permissions assigned to the user.

11.      If you plan to use the Topics feature of Empirica Signal, do the following for imported users:

A.        Add the user to one or more work teams.

B.        Assign work team permissions to the user.