Viewing a data configuration

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When you view a data configuration, information about the data configuration as a whole and about variables in the data configuration appears. You can edit the data configuration or the data configuration variables.

1.         Click Settings.

The Settings page appears.

2.         In the Configure System section, click Manage Configurations.

The Manage Configurations page appears.

3.         Click the row menu (Row menu) for the configuration, and then click Edit.

The Modify Configuration page appears, displaying information about the data configuration as a whole and information about configuration variables.

Data configuration options

  1. To add a data configuration variable, click Add New Variable. For more information, see Adding a data configuration.
  2. To copy the data configuration, click Copy this Configuration. For more information, see Copying a data configuration.
  3. To delete the data configuration, click Delete this Configuration. For more information, see Deleting a data configuration.
  4. To edit the data configuration, click Edit in the right-most column of data configuration information. For more information, see Editing a data configuration.

Row menu options

Note: You cannot delete a data configuration variable if it is referenced by existing data mining runs.

For information about viewing, printing, or downloading tables or changing the way data displays in the table, see About tables.