Viewing cases in a case series

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The list of cases in a case series does not change if source data changes. However, you can add cases to a case series manually or by transferring cases from a list of cases generated elsewhere in the application.

1.         Click the Case Series tab.

The Case Series page appears.

2.         Click the row menu (Row menu) for the case series, and then click View Cases.

The Cases page appears.

Because the application retrieves the data from the source data, it does not include custom terms or values created by data transformations.

The case list appears as a table. The variable representing the case ID is the first column of the table. The data configuration associated with the case series determines the additional columns that appear. If site option Allow Case Comment/Review/Exclusion is enabled, additional columns indicate whether the case has been reviewed or excluded, and whether comments have been added by a reviewer.

See About tables for information about viewing, printing, or downloading tables or changing the way data displays in the table.

Case series options

Note: If you navigate through cases in the Case Details dialog box using Next and Prev, the visited status of the cases on the Cases page is subsequently not updated. To refresh the visited status on the Cases page, manually refresh the cases by pressing F5.