View topics


Field descriptions—Topics page

1.         In the left navigation pane, click the Topic Management icon (Topic Management icon).

A list of topics appears. This includes topics you created and topics you have permission to see from your work teams.

2.         At the top of the page, choose a link to add topics, generate reports, select rows to perform the same task with multiple topics, customize the columns, print the Topics table, and download the table.

3.         Click a topic's Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon) to perform the following actions on the selected topic:

·      View: Display the general information about the selected topic, links to other topics, comments, attachments, actions, and history.

·      Edit: Edit the general information about the selected topic.

·      Create PDF: Select attachments and actions to include and additional content about the topic.

·      Create ZIP: Select attachments and actions to include and additional content about the topic.

·      Delete: Confirm that you want to delete the topic.

·      Reopen: Reopen a topic that is in a closed state.

Field descriptions—Topics page

The Topics page provides information about topics that are visible to a work team of which you are a member. If you have created any topics, those topics also appear. The table might include these standard columns, and additional columns customized for your organization:




Unique identifying number for the topic.

Work teams

The work team(s), if any, to which this topic is visible.


Project, if any, with which the topic is associated.


Name of topic.

Topic description

Description of the topic.

Current state

The state of the topic in the topic workflow. States are defined by your organization to represent expected workflow stages and are specified in the topic workflow configuration.

Reason for change

Last reason for change, if any, provided for the topic.

Assigned to user

User to whom the topic is assigned.


Keywords, if any, associated with the topic. This is the column that is searched if you select a keyword at the top of the page.


Last resolution, if any, provided for the topic.

Resolution date

Date and time when a resolution was provided for the topic.


Total size of all attachments, including attachments to the topic and to any actions. Also includes attachments that have been deleted from the topic or its actions. (Deleted attachments are retained in the database, although they cannot be accessed from within the application.)

Attachment count

Total count of attachments to the topic and to any of its actions. (Deleted attachments are not included in this count.)


Date and time when the topic was created.

Created By

Name of the user who created the topic.


Date and time when the topic was last modified.

Modified By

Name of the user who last modified the topic, including modifying links, comments, attachments, or actions.

The table also includes columns for custom fields added by your organization. For information about viewing, printing, or downloading tables or changing the way data displays in the table, see About tables.