2 Enable the OHF SSA Usage Tracking

This chapter explains how to enable the Usage Tracking feature for Oracle Healthcare Foundation in OBIEE. This allows you to run the reports in the Audit Trail and Usage Tracking Dashboard.

  1. Set Up the Data Model

  2. Enable the Usage Tracking Feature in the NQSConfig.INI File

  3. Configure the OHF SSA RPD File

  4. Deploy the OHF SSA RPD File

Set Up the Data Model

  1. Make sure the Repository Creation Utility (RCU) has been successfully run while installing OBIEE. You should have the <prefix>_BIPLATFORM schema installed with the following tables in it:

    • S_NQ_ACCT

    • S_NQ_DB_ACCT


  2. Go to <OBIEE_HOME>/bi/bifoundation/samples/usagetracking.

  3. Extract the UsageTracking-datafiles.zip archive.

  4. Connect to the <prefix>_BIPLATFORM schema and execute the following SQL scripts in order:

    1. Oracle_create_nQ_Calendar.sql

    2. Oracle_create_nQ_Clock.sql

    3. Oracle_nQ_Calendar.sql

    4. Oracle_nQ_Clock.sql

  5. Create a view in the <prefix>_BIPLATFORM schema:

    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW nq_login_group AS SELECT DISTINCT user_name AS login FROM s_nq_acct;

Enable the Usage Tracking Feature in the NQSConfig.INI File

  1. Go to <OBIEE_HOME>/user_projects/domains/bi_domain/config/fmwconfig/biconfig/OBIS/.

  2. Open the NQSConfig.INI file in a text editor.

  3. In the [Usage Tracking] section set the ENABLE parameter to YES.

  4. Set the DIRECT_INSERT parameter to YES.

  5. Set the PHYSICAL_TABLE_NAME parameter to point to the S_NQ_ACCT table in the <prefix>_BIPLATFORM schema in the following format: "<Database>"."<Catalog>"."<Schema>"."<Table>";

    Use the database, catalog, schema, and table names predefined in the OHF SSA RPD file:

    • Database: "OHF Usage Tracking"

    • Catalog: "Catalog"

    • Schema: "dbo"

    • Table Name: "S_NQ_ACCT"

  6. Set the CONNECTION_POOL parameter in the following format "<Database>"."<Connection Pool>";

    Use the database and connection pool values predefined in the OHF SSA RPD file:

    • Database: "OHF Usage Tracking"

    • Connection Pool: "OHF Usage Tracking Connection Pool"

  7. Uncomment the INIT_BLOCK_TABLE_NAME parameter and set it to point to the S_NQ_INITBLOCK table in the <prefix>_BIPLATFORM schema in the following format: "<Database>"."<Catalog>"."<Schema>"."<Table>";

    Use the following values:

    • Database: "OHF Usage Tracking"

    • Catalog: "Catalog"

    • Schema: "dbo"

    • Table Name: "S_NQ_INITBLOCK"

  8. Uncomment the INIT_BLOCK_CONNECTION_POOL parameter and set it to refer to the connection pool for writing statuses to the S_NQ_INITBLOCK table in the <prefix>_BIPLATFORM schema in the following format: "<Database>"."<Connection Pool>";

    Use the database and connection pool values predefined in the OHF SSA RPD file:

    • Database: "OHF Usage Tracking"

    • Connection Pool: "OHF Usage Tracking Connection Pool"

    The above parameters should be set as below:

    # Parameters used for inserting data into the table (i.e. DIRECT_INSERT = YES).
    # Init-Block Tracking Options are commented out and as a result disabled.
    # To enable Init-Block Tracking Feature, define the two parameters for
    PHYSICAL_TABLE_NAME = "OHF Usage Tracking"."Catalog"."dbo"."S_NQ_ACCT"; # Or "<Database>"."<Schema>"."<Table>" ;
    CONNECTION_POOL = "OHF Usage Tracking"."OHF Usage Tracking Connection Pool";
    INIT_BLOCK_TABLE_NAME = "OHF Usage Tracking"."Catalog"."dbo"."S_NQ_INITBLOCK" ; # Or "<Database>"."<Schema>"."<Table>" ;
    INIT_BLOCK_CONNECTION_POOL = "OHF Usage Tracking"."OHF Usage Tracking Connection Pool";

  9. Stop and restart the OBIEE Services using the stop and start scripts available in <OBIEE_HOME>/user_projects/domains/bi_domain/bitools/bin.

Configure the OHF SSA RPD File

Update the OHF Usage Tracking Connection Pool in the OHF SSA RPD file to point to the <prefix>_BIPLATFORM schema:

  1. In the Oracle BI Administration Tool, navigate to the selfserviceanalytics\hcd_rpd folder.

  2. Open the ohf_ssa_hcd.rpd file.

  3. In the RPD Physical layer, expand OHF Usage Tracking and double-click OHF Usage Tracking Connection Pool.

    Figure 2-1 Selecting the OHF Usage Tracking Connection Pool

    Selecting the OHF Usage Tracking Connection Pool
  4. Update the data source name with the database host name, port number, and service name of the <prefix>_BIPLATFORM schema.

  5. Update the username as the <prefix>_BIPLATFORM schema name.

  6. Enter the schema password and confirm.

    Figure 2-2 OHF Usage Tracking Connection Pool Setup

    Connection Pool
  7. Save the ohf_ssa_hcd.rpd file and choose No when prompted for Consistency Check.

Deploy the OHF SSA RPD File

Use the datamodel.sh utility to upload the RPD file to the OBIEE server:

  1. Go to [OBIEE_HOME]/user_projects/domains/bi/bitools/bin/.

  2. Run the datamodel.sh utility using the following syntax:

    datamodel.sh uploadrpd -I <location of rpd file to be uploaded> -W <RPDpwd> -SI <Service Instance Name> -U <weblogic user> -P <weblogic password>

    To find the Service Instance Name, look in the <OBIEE Home>/user_projects/domains/bi/bidata/service_instances directory. For example:

    Figure 2-3 Running the datamodel.sh Utility

    Surrounding text describes Figure 2-3 .

After usage tracking is enabled, OBIEE starts to log usage information and statistics and display this information in the Audit Trail and Usage Tracking Dashboard.