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Foundation 1.1.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use Locale
java.lang Provides classes that are fundamental to the design of the Java programming language. 
java.text Provides classes and interfaces for handling text, dates, numbers, and messages in a manner independent of natural languages. 
java.util Contains the collections framework, legacy collection classes, event model, date and time facilities, internationalization, and miscellaneous utility classes (a string tokenizer, a random-number generator, and a bit array). 

Uses of Locale in java.lang

Methods in java.lang with parameters of type Locale
 String String.toLowerCase(Locale locale)
          Converts all of the characters in this String to lower case using the rules of the given Locale.
 String String.toUpperCase(Locale locale)
          Converts all of the characters in this String to upper case using the rules of the given Locale.

Uses of Locale in java.text

Methods in java.text that return Locale
static Locale[] BreakIterator.getAvailableLocales()
          Get the set of Locales for which BreakIterators are installed
static Locale[] NumberFormat.getAvailableLocales()
          Get the set of Locales for which NumberFormats are installed
static Locale[] DateFormat.getAvailableLocales()
          Gets the set of locales for which DateFormats are installed.
 Locale MessageFormat.getLocale()
          Gets the locale that's used when creating or comparing subformats.
static Locale[] Collator.getAvailableLocales()
          Get the set of Locales for which Collators are installed.

Methods in java.text with parameters of type Locale
static BreakIterator BreakIterator.getWordInstance(Locale where)
          Create BreakIterator for word-breaks using specified locale.
static BreakIterator BreakIterator.getLineInstance(Locale where)
          Create BreakIterator for line-breaks using specified locale.
static BreakIterator BreakIterator.getCharacterInstance(Locale where)
          Create BreakIterator for character-breaks using specified locale Returns an instance of a BreakIterator implementing character breaks.
static BreakIterator BreakIterator.getSentenceInstance(Locale where)
          Create BreakIterator for sentence-breaks using specified locale Returns an instance of a BreakIterator implementing sentence breaks.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale inLocale)
          Returns the default number format for the specified locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale inLocale)
          Returns a general-purpose number format for the specified locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(Locale inLocale)
          Returns an integer number format for the specified locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale inLocale)
          Returns a currency format for the specified locale.
static NumberFormat NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(Locale inLocale)
          Returns a percentage format for the specified locale.
static DateFormat DateFormat.getTimeInstance(int style, Locale aLocale)
          Gets the time formatter with the given formatting style for the given locale.
static DateFormat DateFormat.getDateInstance(int style, Locale aLocale)
          Gets the date formatter with the given formatting style for the given locale.
static DateFormat DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(int dateStyle, int timeStyle, Locale aLocale)
          Gets the date/time formatter with the given formatting styles for the given locale.
 void MessageFormat.setLocale(Locale locale)
          Sets the locale to be used when creating or comparing subformats.
static Collator Collator.getInstance(Locale desiredLocale)
          Gets the Collator for the desired locale.

Constructors in java.text with parameters of type Locale
DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale locale)
          Create a DecimalFormatSymbols object for the given locale.
DateFormatSymbols(Locale locale)
          Construct a DateFormatSymbols object by loading format data from resources for the given locale.
SimpleDateFormat(String pattern, Locale locale)
          Constructs a SimpleDateFormat using the given pattern and the default date format symbols for the given locale.
MessageFormat(String pattern, Locale locale)
          Constructs a MessageFormat for the specified locale and pattern.

Uses of Locale in java.util

Fields in java.util declared as Locale
static Locale Locale.ENGLISH
          Useful constant for language.
static Locale Locale.FRENCH
          Useful constant for language.
static Locale Locale.GERMAN
          Useful constant for language.
static Locale Locale.ITALIAN
          Useful constant for language.
static Locale Locale.JAPANESE
          Useful constant for language.
static Locale Locale.KOREAN
          Useful constant for language.
static Locale Locale.CHINESE
          Useful constant for language.
static Locale Locale.SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE
          Useful constant for language.
static Locale Locale.TRADITIONAL_CHINESE
          Useful constant for language.
static Locale Locale.FRANCE
          Useful constant for country.
static Locale Locale.GERMANY
          Useful constant for country.
static Locale Locale.ITALY
          Useful constant for country.
static Locale Locale.JAPAN
          Useful constant for country.
static Locale Locale.KOREA
          Useful constant for country.
static Locale Locale.CHINA
          Useful constant for country.
static Locale Locale.PRC
          Useful constant for country.
static Locale Locale.TAIWAN
          Useful constant for country.
static Locale Locale.UK
          Useful constant for country.
static Locale Locale.US
          Useful constant for country.
static Locale Locale.CANADA
          Useful constant for country.
static Locale Locale.CANADA_FRENCH
          Useful constant for country.

Methods in java.util that return Locale
static Locale[] Calendar.getAvailableLocales()
          Gets the list of locales for which Calendars are installed.
 Locale ResourceBundle.getLocale()
          Returns the locale of this resource bundle.
static Locale Locale.getDefault()
          Gets the current value of the default locale for this instance of the Java Virtual Machine.
static Locale[] Locale.getAvailableLocales()
          Returns a list of all installed locales.

Methods in java.util with parameters of type Locale
static Currency Currency.getInstance(Locale locale)
          Returns the Currency instance for the country of the given locale.
 String Currency.getSymbol(Locale locale)
          Gets the symbol of this currency for the specified locale.
static Calendar Calendar.getInstance(Locale aLocale)
          Gets a calendar using the default time zone and specified locale.
static Calendar Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone zone, Locale aLocale)
          Gets a calendar with the specified time zone and locale.
 String TimeZone.getDisplayName(Locale locale)
          Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user in the specified locale.
 String TimeZone.getDisplayName(boolean daylight, int style, Locale locale)
          Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user in the specified locale.
static ResourceBundle ResourceBundle.getBundle(String baseName, Locale locale)
          Gets a resource bundle using the specified base name and locale, and the caller's class loader.
static ResourceBundle ResourceBundle.getBundle(String baseName, Locale locale, ClassLoader loader)
          Gets a resource bundle using the specified base name, locale, and class loader.
static void Locale.setDefault(Locale newLocale)
          Sets the default locale for this instance of the Java Virtual Machine.
 String Locale.getDisplayLanguage(Locale inLocale)
          Returns a name for the locale's language that is appropriate for display to the user.
 String Locale.getDisplayCountry(Locale inLocale)
          Returns a name for the locale's country that is appropriate for display to the user.
 String Locale.getDisplayVariant(Locale inLocale)
          Returns a name for the locale's variant code that is appropriate for display to the user.
 String Locale.getDisplayName(Locale inLocale)
          Returns a name for the locale that is appropriate for display to the user.

Constructors in java.util with parameters of type Locale
GregorianCalendar(Locale aLocale)
          Constructs a GregorianCalendar based on the current time in the default time zone with the given locale.
GregorianCalendar(TimeZone zone, Locale aLocale)
          Constructs a GregorianCalendar based on the current time in the given time zone with the given locale.
Calendar(TimeZone zone, Locale aLocale)
          Constructs a calendar with the specified time zone and locale.

Foundation 1.1.2

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