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Java Platform Micro Edition Software Development Kit Version 3.0

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Document Information

Getting Started

Java ME Platform SDK Features

Using Sample Projects

Creating and Editing Projects

Viewing and Editing Project Properties

Running Projects in the Emulator

Searching the WURFL Device Database

Finding Files in the Multiple User Environment

Profiling Applications

Monitoring Network Traffic

Lightweight UI Toolkit

Security and MIDlet Signing

BD-J Support

CLDC Emulation on a Windows Mobile Device

Installing CLDC Emulation on a Windows Mobile Emulator

On-device Debugging

Command Line Reference


JSR Support

JSR 75: PDA Optional Packages

JSR 82: Bluetooth and OBEX Support

JSR 135: Mobile Media API Support

JSR 172: Web Services Support

JSR 177: Smart Card Security (SATSA)

JSR 179: Location API Support

JSRs 184, 226, and 239: Graphics Capabilities

JSR 205: Wireless Messaging API (WMA) Support

JSR 211: Content Handler API (CHAPI)

JSR 238: Mobile Internationalization API (MIA)

JSR 229: Payment API Support

JSR 256: Mobile Sensor API Support



packaging using command line, Packaging a MIDLet Suite (JAR and JAD)
packaging, Creating JAR and JAD Files (Packaging)
Payment API
JSR 229: Payment API Support
Running JBricks
PDA Optional Packages, JSR 75: PDA Optional Packages
PDAP, JSR 75: PDA Optional Packages
permissions, Specifying the Security Domain for a Project
Personal Information Management (PIM) API, JSR 75: PDA Optional Packages
phone number, Setting Device Properties
PhoneME Advanced
CLDC and MIDP Stack
CDC Stack
Selecting a Platform Type
Selecting a Platform Type
physical view, Viewing Project Files
platform, adding, Adding a Java Platform
port, debug, Setting Device Properties
preverifying, example from command line, Preverifying Class Files
Profiling Applications
Saving Profiler Data
ProGuard obfuscator, Obfuscating
Projects window, Working With Projects
add, Adding Libraries and Resources
build, Working With Projects
clean, Working With Projects
close, Working With Projects
Importing MIDP Projects
Importing CDC Projects
new, Working With Projects
run, Working With Projects
set as main, Working With Projects
Device Properties
Setting Device Properties
enable profiler, Saving Profiler Data
platform, Platform Properties
searchable in WURFL, Filtering the WURFL Search
protection domains, Security and MIDlet Signing
proxy server settings, Troubleshooting


reference problem, Resolving Reference Problems
resolve reference problem, Resolving Reference Problems
resources, Working With Projects
ring tones, Download Ring Tones
roots in the FileConnection API, FileConnection API
run options, Running the Emulator From the Command Line
Run via OTA, Setting Security Domains


SATSA demos, Running SATSADemos
SATSA, JSR 177: Smart Card Security (SATSA)
SDK, running from command line, Command Line Reference
settings, About Projects
signed MIDlet suites, Security and MIDlet Signing
signing MIDlet suites
Signing a Project
Signing MIDlet Suites (jadtool.exe)
SMS binary message, sending, Sending a Binary SMS Message
SMS text message, sending, Sending a Text SMS Message
source packages, Working With Projects
stub generator for web services, Generating Stub Files from WSDL Descriptors
SVGDemo, Running SVGDemo
SVGT, Scalable 2D Vector Graphics (JSR 226)
SVG, Scalable 2D Vector Graphics (JSR 226)
switch users, Switching Users


toolbar, running from the command line, Command Line Reference
tracing options, Debugging and Tracing Options


UEI, Installation Directories
user switching, Switching Users


-version option, Running the Emulator From the Command Line
versioning applications, Viewing General Project Properties


web services, stub generator, JSR 172: Web Services Support
Web Services specification, JSR 172: Web Services Support
Wireless Messaging API, JSR 205: Wireless Messaging API (WMA) Support
WMA console
Using the WMA Console to Send and Receive Messages
Running WMADemo
WMA, JSR 205: Wireless Messaging API (WMA) Support
wscompile, Generating Stubs (wscompile)
WURFL, Searching the WURFL Device Database


-Xdebug option, Debugging and Tracing Options
-Xquery option, Debugging and Tracing Options
-Xrunjdwp option, Debugging and Tracing Options
-Xverbose option, Debugging and Tracing Options