
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  X 


Administration page, 2.3.1
administrator role, 5.3
active, 9.2.3
exporting, 9.2.3
creating, 6.2
definition, 6.1
deleting, 6.4
deploying, 2.4, 6.3
deployment states, 9.1
functional acknowledgements, 6.2
redeploying, 6.3.1
trading partners, 2.4
translation, 6.2
validation, 6.2
Analyzer, 3.3
Applicability Statement 1 (AS1)
channel, 5.5
identifier, 10.1
Applicability Statement 2 (AS2)
exchange protocol, 5.5
identifier, 10.1
application message reports, 18.4
archiving B2B business messages, 23.2
See Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) exchange protocol
Auto Create Agreement, 5.6


B2B binding components
in SOA composite, 2.5.1
B2B Configuration Wizard, 2.5.1
B2B reference, 2.5.1
B2B service, 2.5.1
B2B transaction, creating, 2.4
b2b.addebMSHeaders property, D.1
b2b.attachments.dir property, D.1
b2b.checkDuplicate, D.1
b2bcpaexport command line tool, 20.11.3
b2bcpaimport command line tool, 20.11.2
b2bcreate-cpaprop command line tool, 20.11.1
b2b.defaultThreadCount property, D.1
b2b.defaultThreadSleepTime property, D.1
b2bdeploy command line tool, 20.9
b2b.deploy.validation property, D.1
b2b.edi.enablePreprocess property, D.1
b2b.edi.identifyToTP property, D.1
b2b.errorsCumulativeReported, D.1
b2bexport command line tool, 20.5
b2b.FACorrelatedByInterchangeId property, D.1
b2b.fa.inbound.validation property, D.1
b2b.fa.outbound.validation property, D.1
b2b.HAInstanceName property, D.1
B2BHeader.sendException flag, H.1.1, H.1.1
b2b.hl7.ignoreValidation property, D.1
b2bimport command line tool, 20.4
b2b.inboundThreadCount property, D.1
b2b.inboundThreadSleepTime property, D.1
b2b.mdsCache property, D.1, D.1
b2b.OutboundDispatchInterval property, D.1
b2b.outboundOneErrorAllError property, D.1
b2b.outboundThreadCount property, D.1
b2b.outboundThreadSleepTime property, D.1
b2b.payloadObfuscation property, D.1
b2bpurge command line tool, 20.3
b2b.rowLockingForCorrelation property, D.1
b2b.setDynamicNameSpace property, D.1
b2buser, 8.10
B2BUser, 7.2
b2bvalidate command line tool, 20.10
batched messages
creating, 11.1
managing, 11.2
scheduling, 11.1
searching for agreements, 11.1
setting up, 11.1
business message reports, creating, 18.2
business messages
archiving, 23.2
restoring, 23.3
business-to-business e-commerce
comparison to traditional transactions, 1.1
description, 1.1


Callout Directory parameter, 13.2
code example, 13.4
creating, 13.2
creating a library JAR file, 13.1.2
defining callout JAR file library location, 13.2
definition, 13.1
differently formatted XML messages, 13.1
implementation class, 13.2
implementing, 13.4
including in an agreement, 13.3
library name, 13.2
parameter attributes, 13.2
predefined XSLTCalloutImpl class file, 13.2
transport, 13.1.1
channel attributes
configuring, 5.5
CLIENT-CERT authentication method, 1.4
cloning trading partners, 5.2
command line tools
b2bcpaexport, 20.11.3
b2bcpaimport, 20.11.2
b2bcreate-cpaprop, 20.11.1
b2bdeploy, 20.9
b2bexport, 20.5
b2bimport, 20.4
b2bpurge, 20.3
b2bvalidate, 20.10
introduction, 20
prerequisites for running, 20.1
configuration parameters, setting, 17.1
control number information, purging, 15.1
conversation report, creating, 18.6
exporting, 20.11.3
importing, 20.11.2
templates, creating, 20.11.1
custom contact information types, creating, 10.2
custom document protocols
configuring XPath expressions, 8.1.5
definition, 8.1
document definition parameters, 8.1, 8.1, 8.1, 8.1
document type parameters, 8.1
document version parameters, 8.1
custom headers
custom identifier types, creating, 10.1
custom trading partner parameter types, creating, 10.3


Data Generator, 3.3
data transformation, 14.1
mapsets, 14.2.3
deployed agreement states
active, 9.2
changing, 9.2.2
inactive, 9.2
purged, 9.2
retired, 9.2
deployed agreements
managing, 9.2
metrics, 2.3.4
searching, 9.2.1
deploying agreements, 20.9
See Java dequeue command
design metadata, 15.1
design-time repository
description, 7.1
exported file, 7.3
exporting, 7.1
importing, 7.1
what is imported or exported, 7.2
document definitions
adding, 5.4
changing after importing metadata, 8.9.2
creating, 2.4, 4.2
definition, 4
deleting, 4.3
example, 4.1.1
trading partner agreements, 6.2
document guidelines
available types, 3.1
example, 3.3
document protocols
custom, 8.1
definition, 8
EDI, 3.1
EDI X12, 4.1.1, 8.3
EDIEL, 1.2
HL7, 1.1, 1.7, 3.1, 8.4
introduction, 4.1
managing, 2.3.1
NCPDP Telecom, 1.2, 3.1
OAG, 1.2, 8.5
ParserSchema, 3.1
Partner Interface Process (PIP), 8.7.1
Positional Flat File Document Protocol, 8.6
proprietary transactions, 8.1
RosettaNet, 1.1, 1.2, 1.7, 3.1, 8.7
supported, 1.2
UCCnet, 1.1, 1.2, 8.8
Document Routing IDs, 8.10
document types
restricting access, 1.4.2
DUNS, 10.1
dynamic endpoints,


ebMS Identifier, 10.1
ebMS-1.0, 1.2, 5.5, 5.5
ebMS-2.0, 5.5, 5.5
ebXML messaging service (ebMS) parameters, 8.1
document guidelines, 3.1
Group ID, 10.1
Group ID Qualifier, 10.1
Interchange ID, 10.1
Interchange ID Qualifier, 10.1
Interchange Internal ID, 10.1
Interchange Internal Sub ID, 10.1
definition, 8.2
document definition parameters, 8.2
document definitions, 8.2
document protocols, 8.2
document type parameters, 8.2
document version parameters, 8.2
Oracle B2B support, 1.2
samples, 1.7
traditional transaction comparison, 1.1
UNA, 8.2
definition, 8.3
document definition parameters, 8.3
document hierarchy, 4.1.1
document type parameters, 8.3
document version parameters, 8.3
Oracle B2B support, 1.2
samples, 1.7
traditional transaction comparison, 1.1
Oracle B2B support, 1.2
enqueue, JMS JCA adapter, 24.2.2
See Java enqueue command
enqueuing and dequeuing, 24
error message reports, creating, 18.5
errorDescription, H.1.1
errorText, H.1.1
exception handling
description, H
inbound exception handling scenarios, H.5
inbound messages, H.1
acknowledgement messages, H.1.2
document identification failure, H.5
document processing failure, H.5
ebMS, AS1, and AS2 failures, H.1.1.1
exception messages, H.1.3
exchange identification failure, H.5
exchange not supported, H.5
message decoding failure, H.5
message duplicated, H.5
message unpacking failure, H.5
request or response messages, H.1.1
scenarios, H.5
trading partner agreement failure, H.5
outbound messages, H.2
payload definition, H.6
Exception Queue parameter, 17.1, H.3
exchange protocol parameters
configuring, 5.5
active agreement, 9.2.3
CPP/CPA files, 20.11.3
data, 20.5
description, 7.1
design-time repository to file, 7.1
restrictions, 7.1, 9.2.3
types of export supported, 7.1

F, 2.5.3


Generic AQ-1.0, 1.2, 5.5
Generic Email-1.0, 1.2, 5.5
Generic File-1.0, 1.2, 5.5
Generic FTP-1.0, 1.2, 5.5
Generic HTTP-1.0, 1.2, 5.5
Generic Identifier, 10.1
Generic JMS-1.0, 1.2, 5.5
Generic SFTP-1.0, 1.2, 5.5
generic support for TCP,


Health Level 7 (HL7)
Batch Application ID, 10.1
Batch Application Universal ID, 10.1
Batch Application Universal ID Type, 10.1
Batch Facility ID, 10.1
Batch Facility Universal ID, 10.1
Batch Facility Universal ID Type, 10.1
definition, 8.4
document definition parameters, 8.4
document guidelines, 3.1
document type parameters, 8.4
document version parameters, 8.4
File Application ID, 10.1
File Application Universal ID, 10.1
File Application Universal ID Type, 10.1
File Facility ID, 10.1
File Facility Universal ID, 10.1
File Facility Universal ID Type, 10.1
immediate acknowledgment, 8.4
Message Application ID, 10.1
Message Application Universal ID, 10.1
Message Application Universal ID Type, 10.1
Message Facility ID, 10.1
Message Facility Universal ID, 10.1
Message Facility Universal ID Type, 10.1
negative acknowledgment messages, 8.4
Oracle B2B support, 1.2
samples, 1.7
traditional transaction comparison, 1.1
HIPAA, 14.1, 14.2
host administrator role, 1.4
host monitor role, 1.4
host trading partner, 5.1
agreements, 6.2
key store information, 5.2


Identity Store, creating a new user, 5.3
iDoc, 1.2
import errors, 20.18
CPP/CPA files, 20.11.2
data, 20.4
description, 7.1
design-time repository from file, 7.1
instance data, 2.3.3, 15.1
instance metadata, 15.1
ipException.xsd file, H.2
enqueued exception, H.1.1, H.1.2, H.1.3, H.2
exception payload definition, H.6


Java dequeue command, 24.1
Java enqueue command, 24.1
dequeue properties, 24.2.3
enqueue and dequeue, 24.2
enqueue properties, 24.2.1
JCA adapter, 24.2.2
JMS adapter properties, 2.5.2
JMS integration type, 2.5.2


large payloads
32-bit Windows, A.1.2
description, A.1
inbound setup, A.1.1
outbound setup, A.1.1
listening channel
adding, 16.1
adding channel attributes, 16.4
adding details, 16.3
adding exchange protocol parameters, 16.4
adding transport protocol parameters, 16.4
configuring, 16.4
definition, 16
protocols, 16.1
logging in, user interface tool, 2.2
logPayload property, A.1.1


about, 14.1
deleting, 14.2.3
HIPAA, 14.2
in Oracle B2B, 14.2
message exchange protocol
ebMS-1.0, 1.2
ebMS-2.0, 1.2
Generic AQ-1.0, 1.2
Generic Email-1.0, 1.2
Generic File-1.0, 1.2
Generic FTP-1.0, 1.2
Generic HTTP-1.0, 1.2
Generic JMS-1.0, 1.2
Generic SFTP-1.0, 1.2
MLLP-1.0, 1.2
RosettaNet-01.10, 1.2
RosettaNet-V02.00, 1.2
message sequencing, 5.5.4
messages, purging, 18.1.2
Metadata Service (MDS)
managing metadata, 1.3
repository, 1.4
introduction, 19
summary data, 19.2
Metrics page, 2.3.4
MIME, 1.1
Minimum Lower Layer Protocol (MLLP)
delivery channels, 5.5.2
description, 5.5
ID, 10.1
message exchange protocol, 1.2
monitor role, 5.3
Monitor role, 18.1.1


NCPDP Telecom
document guidelines, 3.1
Oracle B2B support, 1.2
normalized message properties, E.2
mapping IP_MESSAGE_TYPE to, E.1


OAM-SSO protected URLs, 1.4
Open Applications Group (OAG)
document definition parameters, 8.5
document type parameters, 8.5
document version parameters, 8.5
introduction, 8.5
Oracle B2B support, 1.2
Oracle B2B
adding a channel, 5.5
adding a user, 5.3
Administration page, 2.3.1
as a binding component, 1.5
available channels, 5.5
channel attributes, 5.5
command line tools, 20
configuration parameters, 17.1
document protocols, 4.1
exception handling, H
getting started, 2.1
in a SOA implementation, 1.5
in JDeveloper environment, 2.5
introduction, 1
logging in, 2.2
metadata, 1.3
metrics, 19
Metrics page, 2.3.4
partner metrics, 19.3
Partners page, 2.3.2
port information, 2.2.1
process flow, 3
Reports page, 2.3.3
resubmitting messages, 18.1.3
samples, 1.7
security features, 1.4
supported protocols, 1.2
transport protocols, 16.2
user interface, 2.3
user interface, accessing, 2.2
Oracle B2B Document Editor, 2.1, 2.4
Analyzer, 3.3
Data Generator, 3.3
document definitions, 4.2
document guidelines, 3.1
installation, 3.2
introduction, 3.1
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, 1.6
Oracle Business Activity Monitoring (BAM), 1.6
Oracle Data Pump, 23.1
Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, 1.8
Oracle JDeveloper, 2.1, 2.5
Oracle Mediator, 1.6, 1.6
Oracle Metadata Service repository, 23.1
Oracle Platform Security Services, 1.4
Oracle SOA Suite overview, 1.5
Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console
administering Oracle B2B, 1.8
Security Realms, 5.3


ParameterValue, 7.2
ParserSchema, document guidelines, 3.1
Partner Interface Process (PIP)
document definition parameters, 8.7.1
document type parameters, 8.7.1
document version parameters, 8.7.1
introduction, 8.7.1
partner metrics, 19.3
Partners page, 2.3.2
payload obfuscation, 1.4.1
performance tuning, 1.8
large payloads, A.1
number of threads, D.1
positional flat file, 1.2
positional flat files
document definition parameters, 8.6
document type parameters, 8.6
document version parameters, 8.6
introduction, 8.6
predefined identifier types, 10.1
process flow, overview, 2.4
setting in Enterprise Manager, D
setting on the Configuration tab, 17
proprietary transactions, 8.1
Custom, 8.1
document, 8
EDI X12, 8.3
HL7, 8.4
OAG, 8.5
positional flat file, 8.6
RosettaNet, 8.7
UCCnet, 8.8
data, 20.3
design metadata, 15.1
messages, 18.1.2


reference, 1.5
remote administrator role, 1.4
remote monitor role, 1.4
remote trading partners, 5.2
agreements, 6.2
definition, 5.1
business message status, 18.2
conversation message status, 18.6
description, 18.1
error message status, 18.5
monitor user role, 18.1.1
Reports page, 2.3.3
restoring B2B business messages, 23.3
restricting access to document types, 1.4.2
resubmitting messages, 18.1.3
administrator role, 5.3
host administrator, 1.4
host monitor, 1.4
monitor role, 5.3
remote administrator, 1.4
remote monitor, 1.4
definition, 8.7
dictionaries, 8.7
document guidelines, 3.1
document type definition (DTD), 8.7
Message Guideline specification, 8.7.3
Oracle B2B support, 1.2
Partner Interface Process (PIP), 8.7
samples, 1.7
traditional transaction comparison, 1.1
validation, 8.7.3
RosettaNet-01.10, 1.2, 5.5, 5.5
RosettaNet-V02.00, 1.2, 5.5, 5.5
data, 2.3.3
metadata, 15.1


sample SOA implementation, 1.6
SAP iDoc, 1.2
SCA normalized message properties, E.1
Secure Socket Layer, 1.4
configuring, 5.5
features, 1.4
Security Realms, 5.3
SegmentCount macro, 3.3
service, 1.5
service components
introduction, 2.5.1
SMIME, 1.1
SOA composite application, 1.5
SOA Server, 1.8
SOAP, 1.1
supported protocols, 1.2
system parameters, setting, 17.1


trading partner agreement, 14.2.2
trading partner agreements
creating, 2.4, 6.1, 6.2
definition, 6.1
deleting, 6.4
deploying, 6.3
functional acknowledgements, 6.2
host trading partner, 6.2
redeploying, 6.3.1
remote trading partner, 6.2
translation, 6.2
validation, 6.2
trading partners, 2.3.2, 2.4
adding users, 5.3
cloning, 5.2
configuring, 5.1
contact information, 5.2
creating a profile, 5.2
creating custom parameter types, 10.3
custom identifier types, 10.1
definition, 5.1
host, 5.1
host key store information, 5.2
identifying types and values, 5.2
overview, 5.1
parameters and values, 5.2
remote, 5.1, 5.2
transforming data, 14.1
transport callouts,, 13.1.1
transport protocol parameters
configuring, 5.5
transport protocols
available in Oracle B2B, 16.2
using, 16.2


definition, 8.8
document definition parameters, 8.8
document type parameters, 8.8
document version parameters, 8.8
Oracle B2B support, 1.2
traditional transaction comparison, 1.1
UNA, 8.2
Unicode support, 2.5.1
Use JMS Queue as default parameter, 17.1, H.3
user interface
accessing, 2.2
main page, 2.2
accessing user interface tool, 2.2
admin user name, 2.2


validating B2B metadata, 20.10


XMLDSig, 1.1
XMLEncrypt, 1.1
XMLSchema, document guidelines, 3.1
XSLTCalloutImpl class file, 13.2