Taking Ownership of Objects

A user or a member of a role can take ownership of objects in a shared folder, if the user or member is assigned to the BIAdministrator role. For example, as a user who is a member of the Sales group, you might assign properties to the Sales Forecast analysis to mark yourself as owner of the object.

To take ownership of a shared folder or object:

  1. In the global header, click Catalog.

  2. In the Catalog page, search for the object that you want to take ownership of. For more information, see Searching the Catalog.

  3. Go to the Catalog area and locate an object or folder.

  4. Select More and then Properties, or go to the Tasks pane and click Properties. Notice the Ownership area of the Properties dialog:

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    Description of the illustration analysis56.gif

  5. In the Ownership area, select whether to take ownership of only the object or of the object and its sub-objects.

  6. Click OK.