Editing Dashboards

You can edit dashboards to which you have appropriate permissions and privileges. You can add or delete dashboard pages, add content such as columns and sections, and edit properties and settings such as print options. For example, you can add content to a Sales Performance dashboard to track your team's progress by adding a Brand Revenue analysis from the catalog.

To edit an existing dashboard:

  1. Open the dashboard.

  2. Click Page Options, then select Edit Dashboard, if you have appropriate permissions and privileges. The Dashboard builder is displayed.

  3. Perform one or more of the following tasks, as described in the following table:

    Task More Information
    Add content to a dashboard page Adding Content to Dashboard Pages
    Add a dashboard page Adding Pages to Dashboards
    Delete a dashboard page Deleting Dashboard Pages

  4. Use the options on Tools in the toolbar of the Dashboard builder, as necessary, to perform the tasks that are described in the following table:

  5. Perform one of the tasks that are described in the following table at any time:

    Task Action
    Preview View what the dashboard will look like when you save it.
    Save Save your changes.
    Run Exit the Dashboard builder and return to the Dashboard.


You can find your current location within Oracle BI content and the path that you have used to navigate Oracle BI content. You use breadcrumbs to return to a previous location. For example, you can navigate from the Dashboard editor to the dashboard's City Revenue tab in the Sales Performance dashboard. Then you can drill into revenue by postal code for each city.

For additional information, see Adding and Deleting Pages in Dashboards.