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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use Navigable
oracle.ide.ceditor The Code Editor package contains the code editing implementation of the JDeveloper IDE. 
oracle.ide.config Contains classes encapsulating JDevelopers's environment settings. 
oracle.ide.db.controls Reusable UI controls to used to show or list database objects. 
oracle.ide.db.panels Reusable UI panels for listing, creating or editing database objects in dialogs in the IDE. 
oracle.ide.db.panels.sql UI classes for declaratively editing a SQL query. 
oracle.ide.keyboard Defining your default accelerators 
oracle.ide.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing JDeveloper's data model. 
oracle.ide.panels Provides a framework for building panel-based UI. 
oracle.ide.runner Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the IDE runner system. 
oracle.jdeveloper.compiler Contains classes that allow addins to integrate their own build system translator. 
oracle.jdeveloper.resources This package contains the base classes used for editing content sets. 
oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util Contains assorted stateless utilities for version control system integraton. 


Uses of Navigable in oracle.ide.ceditor


Methods in oracle.ide.ceditor that return Navigable
 Navigable CodeEditorAddin.getEditorNavigable()
          Fetches the main Editor navigable that is the parent of all other editor settings.


Uses of Navigable in oracle.ide.config


Methods in oracle.ide.config that return Navigable
 Navigable IdeSettings.getEnvironNavigable()
          Deprecated. as of 11.0. No replacement. Extensions should not be directly accessing the Navigable for the Environment page in preferences; instead you should
static Navigable[] IdeSettings.getNavigables()
          Deprecated. since 11.0 with no replacement.


Methods in oracle.ide.config that return types with arguments of type Navigable
static java.util.Collection<Navigable> SettingsUIRegistry.getExtensionNavigables(java.lang.String dialogId)
          Returns a collection of Navigables for all pages registered as direct children of the specified dialog in the extension manifests of loaded extensions.


Methods in oracle.ide.config with parameters of type Navigable
static void IdeSettings.deregisterUI(Navigable ui)
          Deregisters user interface from the Preferences dialog.
static void ClientSetting.deregisterUI(Navigable ui)
static void IdeSettings.registerUI(Navigable ui)
          Registers user interface for the Preferences dialog.
static void ClientSetting.registerUI(Navigable ui)


Uses of Navigable in oracle.ide.db.controls


Methods in oracle.ide.db.controls that return Navigable
protected  Navigable[] NameAndSchemaAdvancedEditor.getSimpleNavigables()
          This calls through to the panel library for the simple panels.


Methods in oracle.ide.db.controls with parameters of type Navigable
protected  void NameEditor.changePanels(java.lang.String key, Navigable[] navs)


Uses of Navigable in oracle.ide.db.panels


Methods in oracle.ide.db.panels that return Navigable
protected  Navigable PanelLibrary.addPanel(java.lang.String title, java.lang.Class clz, java.lang.String helpId)
protected  Navigable PanelLibrary.addPanel(java.lang.String title, java.lang.Class clz, java.lang.String helpId, java.lang.Class[] constructorSig, java.lang.Object[] constructorArgs)
protected  Navigable[] PanelLibrary.getDefaultPanels(boolean edit)
          gets the default panels for this library.


Methods in oracle.ide.db.panels that return types with arguments of type Navigable
 java.util.List<Navigable> PanelLibrary.getCreateNavigables(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Returns the navigables to create the given object.
 java.util.List<Navigable> PanelLibrary.getEditNavigables(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Returns the navigables to edit the given object.
 java.util.List<Navigable> PanelLibrary.getSimpleNavigables()
          Returns the navigables for the simple edit mode of the dialog, or null if no simple edit is supported for this library.


Methods in oracle.ide.db.panels with parameters of type Navigable
protected  void PanelLibrary.addNavigable(java.lang.String title, Navigable n)
protected  Traversable PanelLibrary.createMainPanel(Traversable header, Navigable[] navs, java.lang.String startPage)
protected  Traversable MDDEditorPanel.createPanel(Navigable[] navs)
protected  Traversable TabbedEditorPanel.createPanel(Navigable[] navs)
 Traversable PanelLibrary.getMainDialogPanel(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro, DBObject child, Navigable[] navs)
          Retruns the main panel to use in a dialog.
 void PanelLibrary.HeaderPanelListener.panelSetChange(java.lang.String key, Navigable[] navs)
          Notifies the listeners that the panel set is changing.
 void TabbedEditorPanel.panelSetChange(java.lang.String key, Navigable[] navs)
 void PanelLibrary.setDefaultPanels(Navigable[] navs)
          Sets the default panels for this library.
 void PanelLibrary.setDefaultPanels(Navigable[] navs, boolean alwaysAddDefaultPanels)
          Sets the default panels for this library.


Method parameters in oracle.ide.db.panels with type arguments of type Navigable
protected  void PanelLibrary.addDefaultPanels(java.util.List<Navigable> navs, boolean edit)


Constructors in oracle.ide.db.panels with parameters of type Navigable
MDDEditorPanel(Traversable top, Navigable[] navs, java.lang.String startPage)
MDDEditorPanel(Traversable top, Navigable[] navs, java.lang.String startPage, int panelThreshold)
TabbedEditorPanel(Traversable top, Navigable[] navs, java.lang.String startPage)
XMLSchemaTabbedPanel(Traversable top, Navigable[] navs)


Uses of Navigable in oracle.ide.db.panels.sql


Methods in oracle.ide.db.panels.sql that return Navigable
 Navigable SQLQueryEditDialog.getMasterNavigable()
          Returns a master Navigable object that has all the required child naviagables for editing a query.
 Navigable[] SQLQueryEditDialog.getNavigables()
          Returns a set of Navigable objects for the pages required to edit a SQLQuery.


Uses of Navigable in oracle.ide.keyboard


Subclasses of Navigable in oracle.ide.keyboard
 class KeyStrokesConfigUI
          Deprecated. since 11.0 with no replacement. This class is an implementation detail and should not be exposed in a public API.


Uses of Navigable in oracle.ide.model


Methods in oracle.ide.model that return Navigable
abstract  Navigable ContentSetProvider.getNavigable()
          Implement this method to return a Navigable that represents the UI for this provider's ContentSet in the Project Properties dialog.


Uses of Navigable in oracle.ide.model.panels


Subclasses of Navigable in oracle.ide.model.panels
 class ProjectContentNavigable


Methods in oracle.ide.model.panels that return Navigable
protected abstract  Navigable ProjectContentNavigable.getGenericNavigable(java.lang.String label, java.lang.String contentSetKey)


Methods in oracle.ide.model.panels with parameters of type Navigable
static void ProjectPropertiesDialog.addPanel(Navigable navigable)
          Registers the specified Navigable with the ProjectPropertiesDialog as one of the panels to show in the project properties dialog.


Uses of Navigable in oracle.ide.panels


Subclasses of Navigable in oracle.ide.panels
 class DetailNavigable


Methods in oracle.ide.panels that return Navigable
static Navigable TabbedPanel.createNavigable(java.lang.String labelText, Navigable[] tabs)
          Creates a Navigable instance for a TabbedPanel with the specified tabs.
protected  Navigable[] DetailNavigable.getChildNavigables()
protected  Navigable[] Navigable.getChildNavigables()
          By default, this returns the child Navigables that were set when this DefaultNavigable was constructed.
 Navigable[] Navigable.getChildren()
protected  Navigable MDDPanel.getCurrentNavigable()
protected  Navigable TabbedPanel.getCurrentNavigable()
protected  Navigable[] DetailNavigable.getDetailNavigables()
protected  Navigable[] Navigable.getDetailNavigables()
          Returns null by default.
 Navigable[] NavigableRegistry.getNavigables()
          Returns an array whose contents are based on the Navigable objects that have been registered.
protected static Navigable[] Navigable.sortNavigables(Navigable[] navigables, java.util.Comparator comparator)
          Sorts the specified Navigable array using the specified Navigable.NavigableComparator, and returns a sorted version of the array.


Methods in oracle.ide.panels with parameters of type Navigable
 void Navigable.addChildNavigable(Navigable childNavigable)
          Adds a new Navigable to the array of child Navigables.
protected  void Navigable.appendChildNodes(javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode parent, Navigable[] children, NavigableContext nc)
          This method invokes createTreeNode(NavigableContext) on each Navigable specified in children and adds the resulting DefaultMutableTreeNode (if it is not null) to the parent.
protected  void Navigable.copyToImpl(Navigable copy)
          Subclasses must implement an appropriate variant of this method if new member fields are introduced.
static Navigable TabbedPanel.createNavigable(java.lang.String labelText, Navigable[] tabs)
          Creates a Navigable instance for a TabbedPanel with the specified tabs.
 void NavigableRegistry.deregisterUI(Navigable navigable)
          Deregisters the UI that is specified by the Navigable.
 java.lang.String NavigableContext.pushAnonymousScope(Namespace scope, Navigable nav)
 void NavigableContext.pushScope(java.lang.String name, Namespace scope, Navigable nav)
 void NavigableRegistry.registerUI(Navigable navigable)
          Registers the UI that is specified by the Navigable.
protected  void Navigable.setChildNavigables(Navigable[] childNavigables)
          Accessor for the private data member that stores the current child Navigables.
protected static Navigable[] Navigable.sortNavigables(Navigable[] navigables, java.util.Comparator comparator)
          Sorts the specified Navigable array using the specified Navigable.NavigableComparator, and returns a sorted version of the array.


Constructors in oracle.ide.panels with parameters of type Navigable
DetailNavigable(java.lang.String shortLabel, java.lang.Class traversableClass, java.lang.Class[] constructorArgTypes, java.lang.Object[] constructorArgs, Navigable[] childNavigables)
DetailNavigable(java.lang.String shortLabel, java.lang.Class traversableClass, Navigable[] childNavigables)
MDDPanel(Navigable rootNavigable)
          Constructs a new MDDPanel with a single root node in the master tree.
MDDPanel(Navigable[] rootNavigables)
          Constructs a new MDDPanel with the specified nodes as root nodes in the master tree.
MDDPanel(Navigable[] rootNavigables, boolean useDetailTree)
          Constructs a new MDDPanel with the specified nodes as root nodes in the master tree.
Navigable(java.lang.String shortLabel, java.lang.Class traversableClass, java.lang.Class[] constructorArgTypes, java.lang.Object[] constructorArgs, Navigable[] childNavigables)
Navigable(java.lang.String shortLabel, java.lang.Class traversableClass, Navigable[] childNavigables)
          Creates a new Navigable with the specified label, Traversable class, and array of child Navigables.
TabbedPanel(Navigable[] rootNavigables)
TabbedPanel(Navigable[] rootNavigables, int tabPlacement)
TraversableContext(Navigable navigable, int direction)
          This constructor creates a new instance using the specified Navigable to determine the data context.


Uses of Navigable in oracle.ide.runner


Methods in oracle.ide.runner that return Navigable
abstract  Navigable Runner.getProjectSettingsRunnerNavigable()
abstract  Navigable[] Runner.getRunConfigurationLaunchNavigables()
abstract  Navigable[] Runner.getRunConfigurationToolNavigables()


Methods in oracle.ide.runner with parameters of type Navigable
abstract  void Runner.addRunConfigurationLaunchNavigable(Navigable navigable)
abstract  void Runner.addRunConfigurationToolNavigable(Navigable navigable)
abstract  void Runner.setProjectSettingsRunnerNavigable(Navigable navigable)


Uses of Navigable in oracle.jdeveloper.compiler


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.compiler with parameters of type Navigable
 void JCompiler.registerNavigable(Navigable navigable)
          Registers a Navigable as a child of the Compiler Navigable in the Project Settings Dialog.


Uses of Navigable in oracle.jdeveloper.resources


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.resources that return Navigable
static Navigable GenericPanel.getNavigable(java.lang.String shortLabel, java.lang.String contentSetKey)


Uses of Navigable in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util that return Navigable
static Navigable VCSNavigableUtils.createCommentTemplatesNavigable(java.lang.Class traversableClass)
static Navigable VCSNavigableUtils.createGeneralNavigable(java.lang.Class traversableClass)
static Navigable VCSNavigableUtils.createVersioningNavigable()
static Navigable VCSNavigableUtils.createVersioningNavigable(java.lang.Class traversableClass)


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util with parameters of type Navigable
static void VCSNavigableUtils.registerSystemNavigable(Navigable navigable)
          Registers the given system Navigable in versioning preferences.


Uses of Navigable in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.preferences


Subclasses of Navigable in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.preferences
 class AuditPreferencesNode
          The Audit preferences nodes.


Methods in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.preferences that return Navigable
protected  Navigable[] AuditPreferencesNode.createChildren()
protected  Navigable[] AuditPreferencesNode.getChildNavigables()


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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