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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use Schema
oracle.ide.db.controls Reusable UI controls to used to show or list database objects. 
oracle.ide.db.dialogs Dialogs for working with database objects in the IDE. 
oracle.ide.db.model Classes associated with the IDE's navigator nodes for database connections and database objects. 
oracle.ide.db.panels Reusable UI panels for listing, creating or editing database objects in dialogs in the IDE. 
oracle.ide.db.panels.sql UI classes for declaratively editing a SQL query. 
oracle.ide.db.transfer Contains an API for transfering database object from one DBObjectProvider to another. 
oracle.javatools.db Contains a metadata API for describing database objects, and retrieving them from a provider of database objects - for example a database. 
oracle.javatools.db.datatypes Classes related to datatypes in the database API. 
oracle.javatools.db.ddl API for generating DDL in the database API. 
oracle.javatools.db.dictionary Contains a Database implementation (DictionaryDatabase) that retrieves information for retrieving object information using dictionary queries (instead of the JDBC metadata). 
oracle.javatools.db.ora Contains the database api implementation for Oracle databases, and additional DBObject implementations for objects specific to Oracle. 
oracle.javatools.db.sql Contains an API for declaratively parsing SQL queries (SELECT statements). 
oracle.jdeveloper.db.navigator Utilities for using the "Database Navigator" that SQL Developer provides in JDeveloper, to avoid referencing SQL Developer code directly. 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb Database API extension for saving database object definitions in XML files. 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.browser Offline Database Node implementations for the JDeveloper's Application Navigator. 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard Wizard and dialogs that can used when working with the offline database. 


Uses of Schema in oracle.ide.db.controls


Methods in oracle.ide.db.controls that return Schema
 Schema TablePicker.getSchema()
 Schema SchemaPicker.getSchema()


Methods in oracle.ide.db.controls with parameters of type Schema
protected  java.lang.String NameAndSchemaEditor.getUniqueNameWithinSchema(Schema schema)
 void SchemaPicker.init(DBObjectProvider pro, Schema schema)
 void SchemaObjectComboBox.init(DBObjectProvider pro, Schema schema, boolean showNull, java.lang.String... types)
 void SchemaPicker.init(DBObjectProvider pro, Schema schema, Schema[] schemas)
 void SchemaPicker.init(DBObjectProvider pro, Schema schema, Schema[] schemas)
 void SchemaObjectComboBox.init(DBObjectProvider pro, Schema schema, java.lang.String... types)
 void SchemaPicker.initWithOneSchema(DBObjectProvider pro, Schema schema)
          Initialize with just one schema.
 void TablePicker.setSchema(Schema schema)
 void DBObjectSourcePicker.setSchema(Schema schema)


Uses of Schema in oracle.ide.db.dialogs


Methods in oracle.ide.db.dialogs with parameters of type Schema
 boolean BaseDBEditorFactory.canCreateDBObject(Schema schema, DBObjectProvider pro, java.lang.String dbObjectType)
 boolean DBEditorFactory.canCreateDBObject(Schema schema, DBObjectProvider pro, java.lang.String dbObjectType)
          Whether this DBEditorFactory will be able to create a new dabtabase object of a specific type in a specific context.
 SchemaObject DBEditorFactory.createDBObject(Schema schema, DBObjectProvider pro, java.lang.String dbObjectType)
          Creates a new database object of a specific type in the given schema and provider.
 DBObject BaseDBEditorFactory.createDBObject(Schema schema, DBObjectProvider pro, java.lang.String dbObjectType, DBObject parent, boolean commitToProvider)
 DBObject DBEditorFactory.createDBObject(Schema schema, DBObjectProvider pro, java.lang.String dbObjectType, DBObject parent, boolean commitToProvider)
          Creates a new database object of a specific type in the given schema and provider using the given parent object.
<T extends SystemObject>
DBEditorFactory.createDBObject(Schema schema, DBObjectProvider pro, T template, boolean commitToProvider)
          Creates a new database object using the given object as a template in the given schema and provider using the given parent object.
<T extends DBObject>
BaseDBEditorFactory.createDBObject(Schema schema, DBObjectProvider pro, T template, DBObject parent, boolean commitToProvider)


Uses of Schema in oracle.ide.db.model


Methods in oracle.ide.db.model that return Schema
static Schema DBObjectNodeUtil.getSchema(DBObjectTypeNode node, boolean defaultIfNone)
          Gets the schema for the given node.


Uses of Schema in oracle.ide.db.panels


Fields in oracle.ide.db.panels declared as Schema
protected  Schema DatabaseLinkPanel.m_forSchema
protected  Schema SynonymPanel.m_forSchema


Methods in oracle.ide.db.panels with parameters of type Schema
 DBObject PanelLibrary.getObjectForCreate(Schema schema, DBObjectProvider pro, DBObject parent)
          Returns an object ready to be created.
 void PanelLibrary.makeNameUnique(DBObject dbo, Schema schema, DBObjectProvider pro, DBObject parent)
protected  DBObject PanelLibrary.newDBObject(DBObjectProvider pro, Schema schema, DBObject parent)
          Returns a new DBObject instance for the type of object this library supports.
protected  void SelectDBObjectsPanel.setupQuery(DBObjectSourcePicker from, Schema schema, java.lang.String filter, java.lang.String[] types)
          By default this sets the schema, types and filter on the given from picker.


Uses of Schema in oracle.ide.db.panels.sql


Fields in oracle.ide.db.panels.sql declared as Schema
protected  Schema BaseSQLQueryBuilderPanel.m_defaultSchema


Methods in oracle.ide.db.panels.sql with parameters of type Schema
 SQLQuery SQLQueryEditDialog.editQuery(SQLQuery query, DBObjectProvider provider, Schema defaultSchema)
          Edits the given query.
 SQLQuery SQLQueryEditDialog.editQuery(SQLQuery query, SQLFragment defaultObject, DBObjectProvider provider, Schema defaultSchema)
          Edits the given query.
 java.lang.String SQLQueryEditDialog.editQuery(java.lang.String sqlText, DBObjectProvider provider, Schema defaultSchema)
          Edits the given query sql text.
protected  void FromJoinToPicker.init(SQLQueryBuilder builder, DBObjectProvider provider, Schema defaultSchema)
protected  void FromObjectsPanel.initToPicker(SQLQueryBuilder builder, DBObjectProvider provider, Schema schema)
protected  void QuickPickObjectsPanel.initToPicker(SQLQueryBuilder builder, DBObjectProvider pro, Schema schema)
protected abstract  void BaseSQLQueryPickerPanel.initToPicker(SQLQueryBuilder builder, DBObjectProvider pro, Schema schema)


Uses of Schema in oracle.ide.db.transfer


Methods in oracle.ide.db.transfer with parameters of type Schema
static java.lang.String TransferHelper.getUpdateDDL(DBObjectProvider source, SchemaObject[] schemaObjects, DBObjectProvider target, Schema targetSchema)
          Update a target schema so that it contains the list of source objects.


Uses of Schema in oracle.javatools.db


Methods in oracle.javatools.db that return Schema
protected  Schema AbstractDatabase.createSchema(java.lang.String name)
protected  Schema AbstractDBObjectProvider.findSchema(java.lang.String name)
          Method for use within the provider that retrieves a schema and doesn't check the database if the schema is found in the cache.
 Schema DBObjectProvider.getDefaultSchema()
          Returns the default schema for the provider.
 Schema AbstractDatabase.getDefaultSchema()
          Returns the default schema for the connection or null if there isn't one.
 Schema SchemaObject.getSchema()
          Gets the Schema of this object.
 Schema DBObjectLister.ObjectInfo.getSchema()
 Schema AbstractSchemaObject.getSchema()
 Schema Index.getSchema()
          Returns the owning Table's schema or schema set against this index if different.
static Schema DBUtil.getSchema(DBObject obj)
          Recurses up the tree of parents for this DBObject until it finds a SchemaObject and if found returns that SchemaObject's Schema.
protected  Schema AbstractDBObjectBuilder.getSchema(java.lang.String name)
          Gets the schema with the given name from the underlying provider.
 Schema DBObjectProvider.getSchema(java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves the Schema object associated with a specific name.
 Schema AbstractDBObjectProvider.getSchema(java.lang.String name)
 Schema Trigger.getTableOwner()
          Deprecated. - use Trigger.getBaseSchemaName()
 Schema[] DBObjectProvider.listSchemas()
          Retrieves the list of schemas available from this provider regardless of their visibility to the user.
 Schema[] AbstractDBObjectProvider.listSchemas()
protected  Schema[] SchemaObjectManager.listSchemas()
 Schema[] DBObjectProvider.listSchemas(boolean showAll)
          Retrieves the list of schemas available from this provider.
 Schema[] AbstractDBObjectProvider.listSchemas(boolean showAll)


Methods in oracle.javatools.db that return types with arguments of type Schema
static java.util.Map<Schema,java.util.Collection<SystemObject>> DBUtil.sortIntoSchemas(SystemObject... objs)
          Sorts the given list of objects into a map of Schema to objects.


Methods in oracle.javatools.db with parameters of type Schema
static DBObjectCriteria<SystemObject> DBObjectCriteria.createCriteria(java.lang.String[] types, Schema schema, java.lang.String nameLike)
          Creates a new, blank criteria that isn't tied to a specific SystemObject subclass.
static DBObjectCriteria<SystemObject> DBObjectCriteria.createCriteria(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String nameLike)
          Creates a new, blank criteria that isn't tied to a specific SystemObject subclass.
abstract  T AbstractDBObjectBuilder.createObject(java.lang.String name, Schema schema, DBObjectID id)
 T DBObjectBuilder.createObject(java.lang.String name, Schema schema, DBObjectID id)
          Requests the creation of a new SchemaObject of the type built by this DBObjectBuilder instance.
protected  SystemObject AbstractDBObjectProvider.createObjectImpl(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
          Uses listObjectsImpl to find or create an object with the given type, schema and name.
 void DBObjectProvider.createSchema(Schema schema, boolean replace)
          Causes the creation of a new Schema in the persistent storage.
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.createSchema(Schema schema, boolean replace)
 void DBObjectProvider.deleteSchema(Schema schema, boolean cascade)
          Deletes the schema.
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.deleteSchema(Schema schema, boolean cascade)
protected  SystemObject AbstractDBObjectProvider.findObject(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
          Looks for the specified object in the cache.
protected  void AbstractDatabase.finishDelete(Schema schema, SystemObject[] objs)
          Use to finish the delete of the given objects after the operation has been performed against the db.
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.fireObjectsAdded(Schema schema, SchemaObject[] objs)
          Notifies all listeners that objects have been added to the given schema.
protected  void AbstractDBObjectProvider.fireObjectsRemoved(Schema schema, SchemaObject[] objs)
          Notifies all listeners that objects have been removed from the given schema.
protected  void AbstractDBObjectProvider.fireSchemaAdded(Schema schema)
          Notifies all listeners that the given Schema has been added to this provider.
protected  void AbstractDBObjectProvider.fireSchemaRemoved(Schema schema)
          Notifies all listeners that the given Schema has been removed from this provider.
static void DBObjectChange.fireSchemaUpdated(AbstractDBObjectProvider pro, Schema schema, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent> props)
 Ddl DDLGenerator.getCreateDDL(Schema schema)
          Deprecated. Retrieves the DDL for creating a new Schema
protected  SystemObject AbstractDatabase.getCreatedObject(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
          Used by finishCreate() to get the object that's just been created back from the database so that it can be verified before returning to the user.
 java.lang.String Database.getDatabaseSource(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema, java.lang.String objectName)
          Retrieves the source for an object in the database.
 java.lang.String AbstractDatabase.getDatabaseSource(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema, java.lang.String objectName)
 java.lang.String Database.getDatabaseSource(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema, java.lang.String objectName, java.lang.String sourceType)
          Retrieves the source for an object in the database.
 java.lang.String AbstractDatabase.getDatabaseSource(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema, java.lang.String objectName, java.lang.String sourceType)
 Ddl DDLGenerator.getDeleteDDL(Schema schema, boolean cascade)
 SchemaObject DBObjectProvider.getObject(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves the SchemaObject representing a specific database object.
 SchemaObject AbstractDBObjectProvider.getObject(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
 java.lang.Long DBObjectProvider.getTimestamp(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves the timestamp representing the last modification time of the specified object's metadata.
 java.lang.Long AbstractDBObjectProvider.getTimestamp(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String objectName)
 boolean DBObjectProvider.hasPriviledge(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String priv)
          Checks to see whether the user has the requisite permissions to perform the specified operation.
 boolean AbstractDBObjectProvider.hasPriviledge(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String priv)
          Checks to see whether the user has the requisite permissions to perform the specified operation.
protected  java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> SchemaObjectManager.includeSchemaObjects(Schema schema, java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> refs)
 boolean DBObjectCriteria.isAllowedSchema(Schema schema)
          Tests whether the given schema matches the "schema name" criterion.
protected  boolean AbstractDBObjectProvider.isRequestedObject(SystemObject object, java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
          Returns true if SchemaObject object is of type type, owned by schema schema, and named name.
 SchemaObject[] DBObjectProvider.listObjects(java.lang.String[] objectTypes, Schema schema)
          Lists the objects of multiple types available from this provider.
 SchemaObject[] AbstractDBObjectProvider.listObjects(java.lang.String[] objectTypes, Schema schema)
 SchemaObject[] DBObjectProvider.listObjects(java.lang.String[] objectTypes, Schema schema, java.lang.String ref)
          Lists the objects of multiple types available from this provider.
 SchemaObject[] AbstractDBObjectProvider.listObjects(java.lang.String[] objectTypes, Schema schema, java.lang.String ref)
 java.lang.String[] DBObjectProvider.listObjects(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema)
          Lists the objects of a given type available from this provider.
 java.lang.String[] AbstractDBObjectProvider.listObjects(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema)
 java.lang.String[] DBObjectProvider.listObjects(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema, java.lang.String ref)
          Lists the objects of a given type available from this provider.
 java.lang.String[] AbstractDBObjectProvider.listObjects(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema, java.lang.String ref)
protected  java.util.Collection<SystemObject> AbstractDBObjectProvider.listObjectsImpl(java.lang.String[] objectTypes, Schema schema, java.lang.String ref)
          Internal listObjects implementation.
protected  java.lang.String[] AbstractDBObjectProvider.listObjectsImpl(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String ref)
          Retrieves the list of objects by using a registered builder.
 void DBObjectProviderAdapter.schemaAdded(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema schema)
          Notifies the listener that a Schema has been added to the provider.
 void DBObjectProviderListener.schemaAdded(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema schema)
          Notifies the listener that a Schema has been added to the provider.
 void DBObjectProviderAdapter.schemaObjectsAdded(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema schema, SchemaObject[] objs)
          Notifies the listener that SchemaObjects have been added to the provider.
 void DBObjectProviderListener.schemaObjectsAdded(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema schema, SchemaObject[] objs)
          Notifies the listener that SchemaObjects have been added to the provider.
 void DBObjectProviderAdapter.schemaObjectsRemoved(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema schema, SchemaObject[] objs)
          Notifies the listener that the given SchemaObjects have been removed from the provider.
 void DBObjectProviderListener.schemaObjectsRemoved(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema schema, SchemaObject[] objs)
          Notifies the listener that the given SchemaObjects have been removed from the provider.
 void DBObjectProviderAdapter.schemaRemoved(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema schema)
          Notifies the listener that a Schema has been removed from the provider.
 void DBObjectProviderListener.schemaRemoved(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema schema)
          Notifies the listener that a Schema has been removed from the provider.
 void Trigger.setBaseSchema(Schema schema)
          Convenience method that calls Trigger.setBaseSchemaName(String) with the given schema's name.
 void SchemaObject.setSchema(Schema schema)
          Sets the Schema of this object.
 void DBObjectCriteria.setSchema(Schema schema)
          Sets the schema name criterion using a Schema object.
 void Table.setSchema(Schema schema)
 void AbstractSchemaObject.setSchema(Schema schema)
 void BaseObjectID.setSchema(Schema schema)
          Sets the "schemaName" property of this ID using the given Schema.
 void Index.setSchema(Schema s)
          Sets the index's schema.
 void Trigger.setTableOwner(Schema owner)
          Deprecated. - see information on Trigger.getTableOwner().
 void DBObjectProvider.updateSchema(Schema oldSchema, Schema newSchema)
          Updates the definition of a Schema.
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.updateSchema(Schema oldSchema, Schema newSchema)
 void DBObjectProvider.validateSchema(Schema schema)
          Deprecated. use validateObject(DBObject object)
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.validateSchema(Schema schema)
          Deprecated. - use validateObject( DBObject object )
 void DBObjectProvider.validateSchema(Schema original, Schema updated)
          Deprecated. use validateObject(DBObject original, DBObject updated)
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.validateSchema(Schema original, Schema update)
          Deprecated. use validateObject( DBObject original, DBObject update )


Constructors in oracle.javatools.db with parameters of type Schema
AbstractSchemaObject(java.lang.String name, Schema schema)
          Constructs a new instance with the specified name and schema.
AbstractSchemaObject(java.lang.String name, Schema schema, DBObjectID id)
          Constructs a new instance with the specified name and schema.
DBObjectLister.ObjectInfo(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
DBObjectLister.ObjectInfo(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object idVal)
Function(java.lang.String name, Schema schema)
Index(java.lang.String name, Schema schema)
          Constructs a new index using the specified name and schema.
Index(java.lang.String name, Schema schema, Table table)
          Constructs a new index on the specified table using the specified name and schema, and adds the index to the table.
Java(java.lang.String name, Schema schema)
JavaClass(java.lang.String name, Schema schema)
JavaResource(java.lang.String name, Schema schema)
JavaSource(java.lang.String name, Schema schema)
Package(java.lang.String name, Schema schema)
PlSql(java.lang.String name, Schema schema)
PlSqlSubprogram(java.lang.String name, Schema schema)
Procedure(java.lang.String name, Schema schema)
ReferenceID(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a new ReferenceID to a SchemaObject with the given type, schema and object name.
ReferenceID(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String dbName)
          Creates a reference ID to a schema object including a database name that the object exists in
Relation(java.lang.String name, Schema schema)
          Constructs a new Relation with the specified name in the specified schema.
Sequence(java.lang.String name, Schema schema)
          Constructs a new sequence in the specified schema with the specified name.
SpecPlSql(java.lang.String name, Schema schema)
Synonym(java.lang.String name, Schema schema, DBObjectID ref)
          Constructs a new Synonym pointing to a specific object, in a specific schema, and with a specific name.
Table(java.lang.String name, Schema schema)
          Constructs a new Table in the specified schema with the specified name.
Trigger(Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
View(java.lang.String name, Schema schema)
          Constructs a new View in the specified schema with the specified name.


Uses of Schema in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes with parameters of type Schema
static DBObjectID DataTypeHelper.findIDForTypeString(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema defaultSchema, java.lang.String typeString)
          From a String representing a datatype of some sort, find an ID for that type in the given provider, or return null.
static DBObjectID DataTypeHelper.findOrCreateIDForTypeString(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema defaultSchema, java.lang.String typeString)
          From a String representing a datatype of some sort, find or create an ID for that type in the given provider.
static DataTypeUsage DataTypeHelper.getDataTypeUsageForString(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema defaultSchema, java.lang.String usageString)
          See DataTypeHelper.getDataTypeUsageForString(DBObjectProvider,Schema,String,boolean)
static DataTypeUsage DataTypeHelper.getDataTypeUsageForString(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema defaultSchema, java.lang.String usageString, boolean strict)
          Returns a DataTypeUsage for the given string.
static java.lang.String DataTypeHelper.getTypeStringFromID(DBObjectID typeID, Schema defaultSchema)
          Return a fully qualified String representation of the type with the given ID, omitting the schema name if it is the same as the default schema


Constructors in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes with parameters of type Schema
ComplexType(java.lang.String name, Schema schema)
ObjectType(java.lang.String name, Schema schema)


Uses of Schema in oracle.javatools.db.ddl


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.ddl that return Schema
 Schema[] DDLDatabase.listSchemas()


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.ddl with parameters of type Schema
 void DDLDatabase.createSchema(Schema schema, boolean replace)
 void DDLDatabase.deleteSchema(Schema schema, boolean cascade)
protected  java.util.Collection<SystemObject> DDLDatabase.listObjectsImpl(java.lang.String[] objectTypes, Schema schema, java.lang.String ref)
 void DDLDatabase.updateSchema(Schema oldSchema, Schema newSchema)


Uses of Schema in oracle.javatools.db.dictionary


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.dictionary that return types with arguments of type Schema
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Schema> DictionaryDatabase.loadSchemasImpl()


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.dictionary with parameters of type Schema
 DBObjectID DictionaryDatabase.createID(Schema schema, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String type, java.lang.Object id)
protected  java.lang.Long DictionaryDatabase.getExternalTimestampByName(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String objectName)
protected  java.util.List<java.lang.String> DictionaryDatabase.getParameters(DictionaryQueries.Params[] params, Schema schema, java.lang.String nameref, java.lang.String[] typeList)


Uses of Schema in oracle.javatools.db.ora


Constructors in oracle.javatools.db.ora with parameters of type Schema
DatabaseLink(java.lang.String name, Schema schema, DBObjectID id)
          Construct a new DatabaseLink .
Directory(java.lang.String name, Schema schema)
Indextype(java.lang.String name, Schema schema)
MaterializedView(java.lang.String name, Schema schema)
MaterializedViewLog(java.lang.String name, Schema schema)
NameBasedRefID(Schema schema, java.lang.String refName)
          Deprecated. Creates an "name based reference id" that references the given object name and schema.
NameBasedRefID(Schema schema, java.lang.String refName, java.lang.String refDatabaseLink)
          Deprecated. Creates an "name based reference id" that references the given object name and schema.
RecycledObject(java.lang.String name, Schema schema, DBObjectID id)


Uses of Schema in oracle.javatools.db.sql


Fields in oracle.javatools.db.sql declared as Schema
protected  Schema AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.m_defaultSchema


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.sql with parameters of type Schema
static SQLQueryBuilder SQLQueryBuilderFactory.createBuilder(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema schema)
          Creates a new builder for the given provider with a given default schema.
static SQLQueryBuilder SQLQueryBuilderFactory.createBuilder(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema defaultSchema, SQLQuery query)
static SQLQueryBuilder SQLQueryBuilderFactory.createBuilder(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema defaultSchema, java.lang.String sqlText)
protected abstract  SQLQueryBuilder SQLQueryBuilderFactory.createBuilderImpl(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema schema)
          Implementation of creating the actual builder.
static SQLQuery SQLQueryBuilderFactory.createQuery(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema defaultSchema, java.lang.String sqlText)
 SQLQueryBuilder SQLQueryBuilderFactory.createSQLQueryBuilder(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema defaultSchema)
          Creates a new SQLQueryBuilder.
protected  SchemaObject AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.getObject(java.lang.String type, Schema sch, java.lang.String relation)


Constructors in oracle.javatools.db.sql with parameters of type Schema
AbstractSQLQueryBuilder(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema defaultSchema)


Uses of Schema in oracle.jdeveloper.db.navigator


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.db.navigator with parameters of type Schema
static DBObjectTypeNode DatabaseNavigatorHelper.findTypeNode(Database db, Schema schema, java.lang.String type)
          Gets the given type folder in the Database Navigator (e.g.


Uses of Schema in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb that return Schema
abstract  Schema OfflineDBObjectProvider.getDefaultSchema()
          Returns the default schema for this provider - this schema may not (yet) exist in the provider.
static Schema OfflineDBUtil.getSchema(Context c)
          Returns the Schema for the given Ide Context.
static Schema OfflineDBUtil.getSchema(Element e)
          Returns the Schema for the given Ide Element.
 Schema OfflineDBObjectProvider.getSchema(java.lang.String name, boolean incBuiltInSchemas)
          Offline specific method for retrieving the schema with a given name without looking through the built-in schemas.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb with parameters of type Schema
protected  SystemObject OfflineDBObjectProvider.createObjectImpl(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a schema object by looking on the filesystem (using listAllObjects) for the appropriate filename.
static OfflineDBUtil.createObjectURL(OfflineDBObjectProvider pro, Schema schema, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a URL for the given object name, type, schema under the given provider url (can be the url for the provider file, or directory the provider is in.
static java.util.Collection<> OfflineDBUtil.getObjectURLs(OfflineDBObjectProvider pro, Schema schema, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name)
          Gets any URLs that exist on the filesystem that could hold an object with the given details.
static OfflineDBUtil.getSchemaURL( baseURL, Schema schema)
          Returns the URL for the given schema underneath the given base URL.
<T extends DBObject>
OfflineDBObjectFactory.newSchemaObject(java.lang.Class<T> clz, Schema schema)
          Deprecated. use newObject instead


Uses of Schema in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.browser


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.browser that return Schema
 Schema SchemaNode.getSchema()


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.browser with parameters of type Schema
 void SchemaNode.setSchema(Schema schema)


Uses of Schema in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard that return Schema
static Schema SchemaChooser.choose(Context context, DBObjectProvider provider, Schema current)
static Schema SchemaWizard.createSchema(Context context)
          Launches the create schema dialog and if successful returns the schema the user created.
static Schema SchemaWizard.editSchema(Context context)
          Launches a dialog to edit the schema in the given context.
 Schema SchemaChooserWizard.Result.getSchema()
          The chosen schema


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard with parameters of type Schema
static Schema SchemaChooser.choose(Context context, DBObjectProvider provider, Schema current)
static SchemaChooserWizard.Result SchemaChooserWizard.chooseSchema(Context context, OfflineDBObjectProvider provider, Schema defaultSchema)
          Shows UI for choosing an offline schema from the given context
static SystemObject SchemaObjectWizard.createObject(OfflineDBObjectProvider pro, Schema s, java.lang.String type)
          Fires the wizard to create an object of given type in the provider and schema required.
static SystemObject SchemaObjectWizard.createObject(OfflineDBObjectProvider pro, Schema s, java.lang.String type, Context c)
          Fires the wizard to create an object of given type in the provider and schema required, and also given the current wizard context.


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