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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use VetoableDeployException


Uses of VetoableDeployException in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy that throw VetoableDeployException
 void ModuleDeploymentListener.modulePackaged(T profile, DeployShell shell)
          Called after the Packaging Deployer for the Profile has executed.
 void ModuleDeploymentListener.moduleWillPackage(T profile, DeployShell shell)
          Called before the Packaging Deployer for the Profile executes.
 void DefaultDeployerListener.prepared(DeployEvent event)
 void DeployerListener.prepared(DeployEvent event)
 void ModuleDeploymentListener.profileCreated(T profile, DeployShell shell)
          Called before a Deployment Profile is opened for editing.
 void ModuleDeploymentListener.profileExpanded(T profile, DeployShell shell)
          Called after all filegroups have been expanded to actual file URLs.
 void ModuleDeploymentListener.profileWillExpand(T profile, DeployShell shell)
          Called before the Project and Workspace files are enumerated to determine filegroup matches.
 void ModuleDeploymentListener.profileWillSave(T profile, DeployShell shell)
          Called after a Profile has been edited, but before it is closed and saved.
 void DefaultDeployerListener.willDeploy(DeployEvent event)
 void DeployerListener.willDeploy(DeployEvent event)
 void DefaultDeployerListener.willPrepare(DeployEvent event)
 void DeployerListener.willPrepare(DeployEvent event)


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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