7.3 Modifying an Origin Server

This section describes how you can do the following:

  • Change the properties—host, port, weight, and so on—that you defined while creating the origin server. For more information about those properties, see the "Before You Begin" section.

  • Enable or disable the origin server.

  • Specify the maximum number of connections that the origin server can handle concurrently.

  • Specify the duration (ramp-up time) over which Oracle Traffic Director should increase the request-sending rate to the origin server. You can use this parameter to ensure that the request load, on origin servers that have just come up after being offline, is increased gradually up to the capacity of the server.

You can change the properties of an origin server by using either the administration console or the CLI.


Changing the Properties of an Origin Server Using the Administration Console

To change the properties of an origin server by using the administration console, do the following:

  1. Log in to the administration console, as described in Section 2.3.2, "Accessing the Administration Console."

  2. Click the Configurations button that is situated at the upper left corner of the page.

    A list of the available configurations is displayed.

  3. Select the configuration for which you want to modify an origin server.

  4. In the navigation pane, expand Origin-Server Pools, and select Origin Servers.

    The Origin Servers page is displayed.

  5. Click the name of the origin server that you want to modify.

    The Editing Origin Server dialog box is displayed. In this dialog box, you can do the following:

    • Enable and disable the origin server

    • Change the host and port

    • Change the relative weight

    • Mark the origin server as a backup server

    • Set the maximum number of connections that the origin server can handle concurrently

    • Set the time that Oracle Traffic Director should take to ramp up the request-forwarding rate to the full capacity of the origin server.

  6. Specify the parameters that you want to change.

    On-screen help and prompts are provided for all of the parameters.

    When you change the value in a field or tab out of a text field that you changed, the Save button near the upper right corner of the page is enabled.

    At any time, you can discard the changes by clicking the Reset button.

  7. After making the required changes, click Save.

    • A message, confirming that the updated configuration was saved, is displayed in the Console Messages pane.

    • In addition, the Deployment Pending message is displayed at the top of the main pane. You can either deploy the updated configuration immediately by clicking Deploy Changes, or you can do so later after making further changes as described in Section 4.3, "Deploying a Configuration."

Changing the Properties of an Origin Server Using the CLI

To change the properties of an origin server, run the set-origin-server-prop command.

For example, the following command changes the relative weight to 2 for the origin server soa-app1.example.com:1900 in the pool osp1 of the configuration soa.

tadm> set-origin-server-prop  --config=soa --origin-server-pool=osp1
 --origin-server=soa-app1.example.com:1900 weight=2
OTD-70201 Command 'set-origin-server-prop' ran successfully.

For the updated configuration to take effect, you should deploy it to the Oracle Traffic Director instances by using the deploy-config command.

For a list of the properties that you can change by using set-origin-server-prop, see the Oracle Traffic Director Command-Line Reference or run the commands with the --help option.