7 Completing the Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture Configuration

This chapter explains how to complete the initial configuration of Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture in an Oracle WebLogic Server domain.

This chapter includes the following sections:

7.1 About Completing the Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture Configuration

The Capture System Administrator who performs the installation and initial configuration must have system administration permissions, including access to Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control and Oracle WebLogic Server. Before anyone can use Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture, a system administrator must associate users from the LDAP credential store for the WebLogic Server domain with the Capture roles in Fusion Middleware Control.

The roles CaptureWorkspaceManager, CaptureWorkspaceViewer, and CaptureUser are automatically added to the default WebLogic Server policy store for the domain. The Capture System Administrator can use the file/XML-based policy store, an Oracle Internet Directory policy store, or an Oracle Database policy store and manage the policy store through Fusion Middleware Control.

For more information about using Oracle Internet Directory Section 3.9, "Reassociating the Identity Store with an External LDAP Authentication Provider."

Through Fusion Middleware Control, you can also configure system settings and loggers for Capture.

7.2 Completing the Initial Configuration of Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

To complete the initial configuration of Capture in a WebLogic Server domain, the Capture System Administrator needs to do these tasks:

  1. Start the Capture Managed Server.

  2. Assign roles to Capture users in Fusion Middleware Control.

  3. Modify system-level settings through MBeans.

7.2.1 Starting the Capture Managed Server

For information about how to start the Capture Managed Server, see Section 10.2, "Starting Managed Servers."

7.2.2 Assigning Roles to Capture Users

Before anyone can use Capture, the Capture System Administrator needs to assign users from the LDAP credential store to the Capture roles in the policy store. You can do this through the Application Roles page in Fusion Middleware Control.

For information about how to assign roles to Capture users, see "Assigning Capture Roles in Oracle Enterprise Manager" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture.

7.2.3 Modifying System-Level Settings

You can modify system-level configuration settings for Capture, including system properties and SMTP settings for email, through Fusion Middleware Control. The settings on this page configure the Capture MBeans for the domain, which you can also modify with Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) commands.

For information about how to modify system-level settings on the System Configuration page in Fusion Middleware control, see "Modifying System Configuration Settings" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture.

The following WLST commands also enable you to access or modify system-level settings:

  • listCaptureConfig

  • getCaptureConfig

  • setCaptureConfig

These are online WLST commands that you can use while connected to the Administration Server for the domain. To connect, you need to run the wlst.sh script from the Oracle WebCenter Content home directory.

To modify a Capture system-level setting with a WLST command:

  1. Start the Administration Server for your Oracle WebLogic Server domain, as described in Section 10.1, "Starting the Administration Server."

  2. Log in to the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Server.

  3. Navigate to the Oracle WebCenter Content home directory: MW_HOME/WCC_ORACLE_HOME.

  4. Invoke WLST:

    cd common/bin
  5. At the WLST command prompt, log in, and then enter a custom Capture command:

    wls:/offline> connect() 
    Please enter your username :weblogic 
    Please enter your password : XXXXXXXXXXXXX 
    Please enter your server URL [t3://localhost:7001] 
    Connecting to t3://host_name:16401 with userid weblogic ... 
    Successfully connected to Managed Server 'capture_server1' that belongs to domain 
    wls:/domainName/serverConfig> setCaptureConfig('CaptureSystemID','CAPTURE_02')
    Attribute 'CaptureSystemID' changed to "CAPTURE_02'
    wls:/domainName/serverConfig> exit() 

For more information about these commands, see "Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture Custom WLST Commands" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Domain Template Reference.

7.3 Creating a Hash Partition to Improve Database Performance

You can use a hash partition of the EBATCTITEMS table to minimize the database wait event enq: HW– contention, which prevents the database from scaling. This event occurs when many threads are trying to update and add new BLOB items to ECBATCHTITEMS, as follows:


Creating a hash partition minimizes this contention because different items will be in eight different partitions.

To create a hash partition:

  1. Get the definition of the table:

    SELECT dbms_metadata.get_ddl('OBJECT TYPE','OBJECT NAME', OWNER') FROM DUAL;
  2. Append partitioning syntax to the table definition. The following table definition creates a hash partition for the ECBATCHITEMS table:

      2     (    "ECTENNANTID" VARCHAR2(36 CHAR),
      3    4          "ECORIGINALITEMID" VARCHAR2(36),
      5          "ECORIGINALITEMINDEX" NUMBER(10,0),
      6          "ECBARCODES" BLOB,
      7          "ECBARCODECOUNT" NUMBER(10,0),
      8          "ECSTATUS" VARCHAR2(255),
      9          "ECSOURCEFORMAT" VARCHAR2(255),
            "ECANNOTATION" VARCHAR2(255),
    10   11          "ECFILELENGTH" NUMBER(19,0),
    12          "ECDOCUMENTLINKCOUNT" NUMBER(10,0),
    13          "ECPATCHCODE" NUMBER(10,0),
    14          "ECENDORSEMENT" VARCHAR2(255),
    15          "ECSOURCEFILENAME" VARCHAR2(255),
    16          "ECBATCHID" NUMBER(19,0),
    17          "ECLASTMODIFIED" NUMBER(19,0),
    18          "ECITEMDATA" BLOB,
             PRIMARY KEY ("ECITEMID")) partition by hash(ECITEMID) partitions 8  