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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference


Interface ParameterizedBuilder

All Known Implementing Classes:
ClassScheme, EvictionPolicyBuilder, InstanceBuilder, NamedEventInterceptorBuilder, StaticFactoryInstanceBuilder, UnitCalculatorBuilder

public interface ParameterizedBuilder

A ParameterizedBuilder is an implementation of the classic Builder Pattern that utilizes a ParameterResolver to resolve any required runtime Parameters necessary for realizing an object.

ParameterizedBuilders are typically used to:

1. encapsulate the ability to dynamically configure the mechanism to realize/create/construct/resolve objects of a required type at runtime, typically based on some externally defined and parameterized configuration.

2. allow developers to postpone the creation of required objects at runtime, thus allowing lazy initialization of system components.

Coherence 12.1.2
bo 2011.06.23

Nested Class Summary
static interface ParameterizedBuilder.ReflectionSupport
          An optional interface that ParameterizedBuilders may implement to provide runtime type information about the type of objects that may be built.


Method Summary
 java.lang.Object realize(com.tangosol.config.expression.ParameterResolver resolver, java.lang.ClassLoader loader, ParameterList listParameters)
          Realizes (creates if necessary) an instance of a object of type T, using the provided ParameterResolver to resolve values any referenced Parameters.


Method Detail


java.lang.Object realize(com.tangosol.config.expression.ParameterResolver resolver,
                         java.lang.ClassLoader loader,
                         ParameterList listParameters)
Realizes (creates if necessary) an instance of a object of type T, using the provided ParameterResolver to resolve values any referenced Parameters.
resolver - the ParameterResolver for resolving named Parameters
loader - the ClassLoader for loading any necessary classes and if null the ClassLoader used to load the builder will be used instead
listParameters - an optional ParameterList (may be null) to be used for realizing the instance, eg: used as constructor parameters
an instance of T

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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference


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