Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference Release E26043-02 |
that supports parallel aggregation.InvocableMap.Entry
values extracted from a set of entries in a Map and returns a result in a form of a BigDecimal
class provides bundling functionality for schemes.AbstractCachingScheme
is a base implementation for an CachingScheme
manages a scheme that is used to build a composite cache consisting of a front map and a back cache/map.AbstractElementMergingPreprocessor
provides the ability to merge and track the origin of merged XmlElement
s into other XmlElement
implementation returned when the journal has consumed all known capacity.AbstractJournalScheme
contains functionality common to all Journal schemes.CacheEvent
object that defers the loading of the old value
) if the Entry is constructed with a null value.AbstractLocalCachingScheme
is provides common functionality for local caching schemes, including local-scheme, external-scheme, etc.AbstractNamespaceHandler
provides a base implementation of a NamespaceHandler
with support for implicit and explicit registration of ElementProcessor
s and AttributeProcessor
s for those xml attributes and elements occurring in the associated xml namespace.AbstractNamespaceHandler
is the base implementation of a Scheme
provides functionality common to all schemes that use services.AbstractStableIterator
objects built on a ByteBufferManager
to provide BinaryStore
is dispatched when a ConfigurableCacheFactory
has been activated.LifecycleEvent
is dispatched prior to the activation of a ConfigurableCacheFactory
to the end of the ParameterList
or replaces an existing Parameter
in the ParameterList
to the end of the ParameterList
or replaces an existing Parameter
in the ParameterList
to the end of the ParameterList
or replaces an existing Parameter
in the ParameterList
as an anonymous Parameter
to the DocumentElementPreprocessor
to this dispatcher to be used to process EventDispatcher.InterceptorRegistrationEvent
to this dispatcher to be used to process EventDispatcher.InterceptorRegistrationEvent
to this dispatcher to be used to process EventDispatcher.InterceptorRegistrationEvent
which returns InetSocketAddress
from AddressProvider.getNextAddress()
that uses the Description
annotation for describing the attributes, operations and the bean on the designated MBean interface and emits notifications.StandardMBean
that uses the Description
annotation for describing the attributes, operations and the bean on the designated MBean interface.AnyEvent
.BetweenFilter.applyIndex(java.util.Map, java.util.Set)
method if the index corresponding to this filter's value extractor is a sorted index.TransferEvent
is dispatched when a set of entries
have been transferred to or restored by the current member.IllegalStateException
if this factory has been disposed via invocation of ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory.dispose()
if this monitor has been disposed via invocation of SimpleServiceMonitor.dispose()
with specified ClassLoader
is responsible for processing XmlAttribute
content to return a strongly-typed value.EntryProcessors
and EntryAggregators
realizes BackingMapManager
class is responsible for building a fully configured instance of a backing map.BackingMapSchemeProcessor
is responsible for processing a backing-map-scheme XmlElement
to produce a BackingMapScheme
interface exposes the configuration needed to create an instance of a backup map, which is used by the distributed cache to store backup data.BigDecimal
, but operates on BinaryEntry
is responsible for realizing BinaryStoreManager
class is one that allows or potentially requires, a BinaryStoreManagerBuilder
for the purposes of realizing a BinaryStoreManager
extension enforcing CompactSerializationCache to operate under a blind mode.Builder
provides a mechanism for realizing a specific class of object as required.BuilderCustomization
is one that allows an alternate builder, as a ParameterizedBuilder
, to be provided so that the said class may use it for realizing objects.Builder
for the specified cache config URI and ClassLoader
for the specified cache config URI and ClassLoader
class is responsible for configuring caches to use bundling.Bytes
is a specialized MemorySize
whose default constructor assumes that the specified units (when a magnitude is not specified) are always bytes.Bytes
representing a MemorySize
measured in bytes.Bytes
based on another MemorySize
representing a MemorySize
measured in bytes.ConnectionSpec
interface used to pass the connection info to the adapter.CacheConfig
is the top-level container for Coherence Cache Configuration, that of which is used at runtime to establish caches and services.CacheConfig
is responsible for capturing and creating Coherence Cache Configurations when processing a Coherence Configuration file.CacheConfigProcessor
is responsible for processing a cache-config XmlElement
to produce a CacheConfig
is an DocumentElementPreprocessor.ElementPreprocessor
that introduces (via cloning) default xml content for xml elements where the said content is missing.CacheDefaultsPreprocessor
with a specific path to where default element content can be located.transformed
which allows selection of client driven (natural) events, cache internal (synthetic) events, or both.QueryMap.keySet(com.tangosol.util.Filter)
captures configuration information for a pattern-match-based mapping from a proposed NamedCache
name to a caching scheme.CacheMapping
is responsible for processing <cache-mapping> XmlElement
s to produce a CacheMapping
provides a mechanism manage a collection of CacheMapping
s, together with the ability to search the registry for said CacheMapping
s, possibly using wild-cards.CacheMappingRegistry
class is responsible for building a fully configured instance of a CacheStore, CacheLoader or remote NamedCache.CachingScheme
is a multi-builder for cache-based infrastructure.CachingSchemeMappingProcessor
is responsible for processing <caching-scheme-mapping> XmlElement
s to update the CacheMappingRegistry
with CacheMapping
is an ElementProcessor
for the <caching-schemes%gt; element of Coherence Cache Configuration files.ChainedResourceResolver
is a ResourceResolver
that chains together one or more other ResourceResolver
s, those of which will be queried (in the order in which they are added to the ChainedResourceResolver
) when attempting to resolve a resource.ChainedResourceResolver
, evicting entries according to the configured CompactSerializationCache.InternalEvictionPolicy
if necessary.high-units
, evicting entries according to the configured CompactSerializationCache.InternalEvictionPolicy
if necessary.ClassScheme
class is responsible for building custom CachingScheme
s and custom CacheStoreScheme
method to zero.WriteBuffer.length()
method to zero.WriteBuffer.length()
method to zero.channel
interface will be compared using the compareEntries()
implementations that encodes objects by simply delegating to PofWriter.writeObject(int, Object)
that simply delegates to PofReader.readObject(int)
and PofWriter.writeObject(int, Object)
to deserialize and serialize an object.QueryEngine
implementations and related interfaces.ValueExtractor
and ValueUpdater
related classes.Filter
implementations and related interfaces.InvocableMap.EntryProcessor
which is optimized for compact on-heap footprint.CompactSerializationCache.InternalEvictionPolicy
used by this CompactSerializationCache.CompactSerializationCache.InternalEvictionPolicy
as well as its size in units.Entry-based
as it is a special case and should be set via AbstractJournalRM.JournalFile.setReserved(boolean)
.global MBean names
forcing numeric comparison of the node ID while using string comparison on all other key properties.EntryAggregator
is a CustomizableBuilderProcessor
for schemes that consist of a front and back scheme.CompositeSchemeProcessor
for the specified Class
implementation that uses an associated filter to evaluate whether or not an entry should be indexed.Entry.setValue
operation if the specified condition is satisfied.Entry.setValue
operation for multiple entries that satisfy the specified condition.Entry.remove
operation if the specified condition is satisfied.AddressProviderFactory
implementation that creates instances of an address provider class configured using an XmlElement of the following structure: <!PofContext
interface using information provided in a configuration file (or in a passed XML configuration).ActionPolicy
for services based on the cluster-configuration.SerializerFactory
implementation that creates instances of a Serializer class configured using an XmlElement of the following structure: <!ConfigurationException
captures information concerning an invalid configuration of Coherence.ConfigurationException
(with a cause).ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory
instance prior to it being used by Coherence.Registry
is a facility intended for use by application servers to host Coherence applications.ContainerAdapter.ApplicationScopeResolver
is a ScopeResolver
typically used to make sure the Coherence Services are scoped to the name passed in the constructor.ContainerAdapter.ApplicationScopeResolver
with the passed in application name.ConfigurableCacheFactory
instance using the knowledge from this ContainerAdapter instance.CacheFactoryBuilder
which is informed of any ConfigurableCacheFactory
instances created.ContainerAdapter.DefaultContext
represents the context for an application.ContainerAdapter.DefaultContext
represents the context for an application.DefaultResourceConfig
that should be used for container deployments of Coherence REST.Collection
or Object array value returned from a method invocation for containment of all values in a Set.Collection
or Object array value returned from a method invocation for containment of any value in a Set.Collection
or Object array value returned from a method invocation for containment of a given value.Context.ExtendedContext
contains the context parameters for a Coherence application.Context.ExtendedContext
contains parameters that may be used for advanced creation and management of ConfigurableCacheFactory
to a double.ConverterCollections.ConverterCollection
to an int.XmlValue
to an int.XmlValue
to a long.Map
based on the contents of the provided map.LongArray
in which all mutating operations (e.g.Map
in which all mutating operations (e.g.connection specification
.connection specification
and a result evaluation filter.EntryAggregator
and a result evaluation filter.CustomizableBinaryStoreManagerBuilderProcessor
is a CustomizableBuilderProcessor
that additionally processes the required definition of a BinaryStoreManagerBuilder
for those classes supporting BinaryStoreManagerBuilderCustomization
for the specified BinaryStoreManagerBuilderCustomization
is a multi-purpose ElementProcessor
responsible for processing xml elements that produce objects supporting BuilderCustomization
for the specified Class
is an adapter for a ParameterizedBuilder
that builds a Map
long value.slot
) from the specified long that was stored in a BinaryLongMap.Codecs.DefaultCodec
class is the default implementation of BuilderCustomization
is the default implementation of CacheFactoryBuilder
that uses Sun's lightweight HTTP server to handle requests.KeyAssociation
for a given key class.ProcessingContext
using default DocumentProcessor
with the specified DocumentProcessor
for a given XmlElement
using default DocumentProcessor dependencies.ProcessingContext
of another ProcessingContext
for a given XmlElement
is an DocumentElementPreprocessor.ElementPreprocessor
that creates necessary defaults, like for <serializer>s, if they are missing from the <defaults> element.DefaultsCreationPreprocessor
during servlet context shutdown.XmlElement
in the ProcessingContext
in the ProcessingContext
is dispatched when a set of entries
are being transferred from the current member.BinaryMap
objects built on the DirectBufferManager
to provide BinaryStore
is dispatched when a ConfigurableCacheFactory
is about to be disposed.DistributedScheme
class builds a distributed cache.DistributedScheme.BackupConfig
class manages configuration for the partitioned cache backup map.DocumentElementPreprocessor
is a DocumentPreprocessor
that is designed to operate with one or more DocumentElementPreprocessor.ElementPreprocessor
provides a mechanism to examine and optionally mutate an XmlElement
prior to it being processed by a ElementProcessor
provides a mechanism to pre-process an XmlElement
, representing part or all of an XmlDocument
prior to the said XmlElement
being processes using configured ElementProcessor
is responsible for processing in an XmlDocument
to produce a resulting configured resource.DocumentProcessor
is the default implementation of the DocumentProcessor
with a default NamespaceHandler
of DocumentProcessor
s.MultiBinaryLongMap.PrimaryBinaryLongMap.DelegatingPrimaryBinaryLongMap.put(com.tangosol.util.Binary, long)
and MultiBinaryLongMap.PrimaryBinaryLongMap.DelegatingPrimaryBinaryLongMap.putIfAbsent(com.tangosol.util.Binary, long)
events should be evaluated.ENTRY_INSERTED
events should be evaluated.QueryMap.keySet(com.tangosol.util.Filter)
query should be evaluated.ENTRY_UPDATED
events should be evaluated.ENTRY_UPDATED
events should be evaluated, but only if filter evaluation is false for the old value and true for the new value.ENTRY_UPDATED
events should be evaluated, but only if filter evaluation is true for the old value and false for the new value.ENTRY_UPDATED
events should be evaluated, but only if filter evaluation is true for both the old and the new value.ElementProcessor
is responsible for processing XmlElement
content to return a strongly-typed value.ElementProcessorHelper
provides a number of helper methods for ElementProcessor
is configured and started.BackupJournalRM
is configured and started.ClassLoader
that we can use for loading classes.ClassLoader
is set to the ContainerAdapter
; save the current thread context ClassLoader
if necessary.FlashJournalRM
is configured and started.FlashJournalRM
is configured and started.JournalService
is registered as a cluster resource.NamespaceHandler
for the specified prefix is defined in this ProcessingContext
with the specified URI
is available for use in the ProcessingContext
with the specified prefix.NamespaceHandler
with the specified URI
is available for use in the ProcessingContext
with the specified prefix.NamespaceHandler
for the specified prefix is defined in this ProcessingContext
is configured and started.RamJournalRM
is configured and started.Comparator
interface that allows the EntryComparator
to know whether the underlying comparator expects to compare the corresponding Entries' keys or values.entries
s the interceptor would like to be invoked on.InvocableMap.EntryProcessor
s the interceptor would like to be invoked on.PofSerializer
implementation that can be used to serialize all enum values.MapListener
(provided by the ObservableCachingScheme.getListenerBuilder()
) on the ObservableMap
that was produced by the ObservableCachingScheme
(provided by the ObservableCachingScheme.getListenerBuilder()
) on the ObservableMap
that was produced by the ObservableCachingScheme
(provided by the ObservableCachingScheme.getListenerBuilder()
) on the ObservableMap
that was produced by the ObservableCachingScheme
(provided by the ObservableCachingScheme.getListenerBuilder()
) on the ObservableMap
that was produced by the ObservableCachingScheme
(provided by the ObservableCachingScheme.getListenerBuilder()
) on the ObservableMap
that was produced by the ObservableCachingScheme
about to be evacuated.Event
object captures the necessary information required to adequately describe some activity that has occurred.PartitionedCacheDispatcher
is responsible for dispatching EventDispatcher.InterceptorRegistrationEvent
s to EventInterceptor
s for processing.EventInterceptor
s to observe other EventInterceptors being added or removed from an EventDispatcher
implementation that takes responsibility for registering itself with the EventDispatcher
builds a ConfigurableCacheMap.EvictionPolicy
is responsible for processing an eviction-policy XmlElement
to produce an EvictionPolicyBuilder
interface that supports forwards- and backwards-compatibility of POF data streams.EntryProcessorEvent
is dispatched after an InvocableMap.EntryProcessor
has been executed.EntryProcessorEvent
is raised prior to executing an InvocableMap.EntryProcessor
on a set of entries.put
method to indicate that the cache's default expiry should be used.put
method to indicate that the cache entry should never expire.QueryRecord
object that contains an estimated cost of the query execution.ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory
using the specified ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory.Dependencies
is a simple implementation of the ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory
with the Context ClassLoader
being the ClassLoader
of the CacheConfig
instance and an empty ResourceRegistry
for the ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory
provides helper method for constructing ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory.Dependencies
implementations for ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory
implementation that supports the serialization and deserialization of any class that implements ExternalizableLite
to and from a POF stream.PofSerializer
implementation that supports the serialization and deserialization of any class that implements Externalizable
to and from a POF stream.ExternalScheme
class is responsible for building a fully configured instance of a ExternalCache.XmlElement
representing the factory for the ConfigurableCacheFactory
to extract value(s) to be used for comparison.MapEventTransformer
implementation that transforms emitted events, extracting one or more properties from either the OldValue or the NewValue.FlashJournalRM.CongestionPolicy
which fails, by throwing an unchecked exception, when the file is deemed congested.QueryHelper
when building a Filter
that matches the specified cache name.XmlElement
that contains a <scheme-name> definition for the specified sSchemeName with in the provided XmlElement
, or null
if not found.CachingScheme
for a given cache name.DistributedScheme
for a given cache name.Method
for the specified MBeanOperationInfo
in the specified MBean class or interface.Method
with the specified name and parameter types in the specified class.CachingScheme
for the specified cache name.ServiceScheme
given the scheme name.ServiceScheme
registered with the specified Scheme.getSchemeName()
given the service name.ServiceScheme
registered with the specified ServiceScheme.getServiceName()
which is suitable for POF serialization
Similar to Timestamp
, POF requires that dates have positive sub-second values.
becomes congested.FlashJournalRM.CongestionPolicy
that fails, by throwing an unchecked exception, when onCongestion
is invoked.FlashJournalRM.CongestionPolicy
which blocks the current thread on the FlashJournalRM.JournalFile
's monitor until awoken.FlashJournalScheme
is used to create an instance of a Flash Journal map.float
implementation that precedes JDK 1.5 locks and the ThreadGateLite
that uses the ReentrantReadWriteLock
in bytes.MemorySize
in megabytes.Duration
in units of milliseconds.Duration
in units of seconds.AddressProvider
suggests immediate analysis.underlying byte[]
for the specified Binary.Parameter
if no object is bound under the name.null
if no object is bound under the name.AttributeProcessor
that is suitable for processing the specified XmlAttribute
in the xml namespace associated with this NamespaceHandler
registered with the specified localName (in the namespace).AttributeProcessor
that is suitable for processing the specified XmlAttribute
in the xml namespace associated with this NamespaceHandler
that corresponds to the specified cache name.backing map context
for the cache that this Entry corresponds to.BackingMapContext
for this dispatcher.backing map context
for the cache that this Entry corresponds to.backing map context
for the cache that this Entry corresponds to.BackingMapContext
that corresponds to the specified cache name.BackingMapContext
used to create a backing map.BackingMapScheme
which builds the backing map for the clustered scheme.BackingMapScheme
which builds the backing map for the clustered scheme.BackupMapConfig
which which is used to configure the backup map.BinaryStoreManagerBuilder
for the BinaryStoreManager
for the BinaryStoreManager
for the BinaryStoreManager
for the BinaryStoreManager
for an ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory
for an ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory
that contains the configuration used by this factory.ConfigurableCacheMap.Entry
for the specified key.ConfigurableCacheMap.Entry
for the specified key.CacheFactoryBuilder
in use.CacheFactoryBuilder
in use.CacheMappingRegistry
for the CacheConfig
that this BackingMapContext is associated with.CacheMapping
which builds a CacheStore or CacheLoader.CacheStoreScheme
used to create a CacheStore or CacheLoader.NamedCache
s that match this CacheMapping
.partition unit factor
.partition unit factor
and repeated calls to String.charAt(int)
that may be used for the specified Type
(taking generic declarations into account).ClassLoader
in use.ClassLoader
in use.ClassLoader
to use in the context of realizing Map
s and other associated infrastructure.ClassLoader
associated with this stream.Cluster
for which the AbstractJournalRM
is storing data.Cluster
for which this JournalService
is storing data.Codecs.AbstractCodec
class, provided either instantiate if it is unknown or use a default codec.HttpSessionCollection
implementation in use.HttpSessionCollection
implementation in use.ConfigurableCacheFactory
needed to create nested caches.ConfigurableCacheFactory
instance that was activated or about to be disposed.ConfigurableCacheFactory
EvictionPolicy instance.configured
EvictionPolicy instance.configured
EvictionPolicy instance.configured
EvictionPolicy instance.configured
EvictionPolicy instance.ValueExtractor
to be used for constructor parameters when realizing the class.ClassLoader
to use for loading classes in the ProcessingContext
to use for dynamically loading classes during processing.ClassLoader
to use for dynamically loading classes during processing.ClassLoader
to use for loading classes in the ProcessingContext
than an ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory
should use for loading classes.ClassLoader
than an ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory
should use for loading classes.AbstractJournalRM.CollectorDaemon.CollectionCoordinator
for the default (ie: unspecified) xml namespace.NamespaceHandler
for the default (ie: unspecified) xml namespace.ParameterResolver
to use for the CacheConfig
when no other is available or in context.ParameterResolver
to use for resolving parameters defined externally to the document being processed (ie: the operating system or container)ParameterResolver
that may be used for resolving externally defined configuration parameters, like those from the operating system or container.ParameterResolver
that may be used for resolving externally defined configuration parameters, like those from the operating system or container.ParameterResolver
to use for resolving parameters defined externally to the document being processed (ie: the operating system or container)DocumentProcessor
for the ProcessingContext
by finding a Description
annotation on the corresponding operation.Description
annotation on the getter method for the attribute.MBeanOperationInfo
by finding a Description
annotation on the corresponding operation.Description
annotation on the getter method for the attribute.Description
annotation on the getter method for the attribute.MBeanOperationInfo
by finding a Description
annotation on the corresponding method.Daemon.toString()
this event was raised by.EventDispatcher
this event was raised by.PartitionedServiceDispatcher
this event was raised by.CacheAdapter.getNamedCache(java.lang.String, java.lang.ClassLoader)
that must be applied to the XmlElement
(ie: document) in which the NamespaceHandler
is defined, prior to XmlElement
s and XmlAttribute
s being processed defined by this NamespaceHandler
that must be applied to the XmlElement
(ie: document) in which the NamespaceHandler
is defined, prior to XmlElement
s and XmlAttribute
s being processed defined by this NamespaceHandler
that is suitable for processing the specified XmlElement
in the xml namespace associated with this NamespaceHandler
registered with the specified localName (in the namespace).ElementProcessor
that is suitable for processing the specified XmlElement
in the xml namespace associated with this NamespaceHandler
if absent.HashEncoded.UNENCODED
if absent.entries
encapsulated in this TransferEvent
into a map keyed by EntryEvent.Type
and with a value of a Set of entries
on which the action represented by this EntryEvent
being processed by the entry processor.entries
enlisted within this transaction.EventInterceptor
of NamedEventInterceptorBuilder
s for this CacheMapping
of NamedEventInterceptorBuilder
s that have been defined for the ServiceScheme
of NamedEventInterceptorBuilder
s that have been defined for the ServiceScheme
of NamedEventInterceptorBuilder
s that have been defined for the ServiceScheme
of NamedEventInterceptorBuilder
s that have been defined for the ServiceScheme
of NamedEventInterceptorBuilder
s that have been defined for the ServiceScheme
being registered will intercept.ExpressionParser
for this ProcessingContext
to use for parsing Expression
s during document processing.ExpressionParser
to use for parsing Expression
s during document processing.ExpressionParser
for this ProcessingContext
for this Context.ExtendedContext
for this Context.ExtendedContext
instance for the specified URI and class loader.ConfigurableCacheFactory
instance for the specified URI and class loader.SessionHelperFactory
implementation in use.SessionHelperFactory
implementation in use.AbstractJournalRM.JournalFile
based on the context of the calling thread or null if it is determined that an exhaustive evacuation will not reclaim sufficient memory.Guardian
associated with the Cluster
or null if absent.SafeSortedMap.Split
invocation will be satisfied by an existing entry in the cache, based on the statistics collected since the last reset of the cache statistics.EventInterceptor
was registered with.cache
that this BackingMapContext is associated with.DefaultCacheServer.ensureInstance(ConfigurableCacheFactory)
that is either: in the process of registering
has been registered
has been removed
for this factory.InterceptorRegistry
used to register event interceptors for this factory.InterceptorRegistry
for this factory.OverflowMap.get(java.lang.Object)
and OverflowMap.getAll(java.util.Collection)
that eliminates duplicate (and very complex) code.transaction isolation
for this connection.transaction isolation
for this connection.SafeClock.getSafeTimeMillis(long)
for a MapListener
that can be used for building MapListener
s those of which may be later added to the Map
s or NamedCache
s realized by the CachingScheme
for a MapListener
that can be used for building MapListener
s those of which may be later added to the Map
s or NamedCache
s realized by the CachingScheme
associated with this transfer operation.QualifiedName
for this context.XmlElement
s, which is a Map
keyed by Map
to their associated MapListener
for the cache used to maintain information on cache misses.MultiBinaryLongMap
used to store the underlying keys in this KeySetAware BinaryStore.MultiBinaryLongMap
used to store the underlying keys in this KeySetAware BinaryStore.EventInterceptor
Note: This is the full string of the XmlAttribute
which is capable of processing the namespace with the specified prefix.NamespaceHandler
that is capable of processing the namespace defined with the specified URI
that is capable of processing the namespace defined with the specified URI
which is capable of processing the namespace with the specified prefix.NamespaceHandler
s that are currently in scope for this ProcessingContext
s that are currently in scope for this ProcessingContext
that is associated with the specified prefix.URI
that is associated with the specified prefix.SocketAddressProvider.getNextAddress()
which returns an InetSocketAddress
which returns an InetSocketAddress
which returns an InetSocketAddress
which returns an InetSocketAddress
which returns an InetSocketAddress
which returns an InetSocketAddress
of this interceptor.analyzeOrphans
is not in use.SplitHttpSessionCollection
is not in use.SplitHttpSessionCollection
is not in use.SplitHttpSessionCollection
is not in use.SplitHttpSessionCollection
is not in use.SplitHttpSessionCollection
is not in use.Annotation
for a parameter to a method.Description
annotation on the operation.Description
annotation on the operation.Description
annotation on the corresponding method.ParameterResolver
that is to be used to resolve Parameter
s associated with this CacheMapping
associated with this EntryProcessorEvent
of the XmlAttribute
of the XmlElement
of the XmlAttribute
of the XmlElement
that this ReadBuffer uses.clzDefiningType
associated with this transfer operation.CacheAdapter.getNamedCache(java.lang.String, java.lang.ClassLoader)
for the given cache.ScopedParameterResolver
for the given cache.Cluster.getResourceRegistry()
to manage resources.ResourceRegistry
that holds resources associated with the CacheMapping
associated with the ProcessingContext
for the DocumentProcessor
for the DocumentProcessor
associated with the ProcessingContext
for this factory.ResourceRegistry
for this factory.ResourceRegistry
for an ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory
for an ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory
for this factory.Scheme
for an ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory
for an ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory
that is used to serialize/deserialize this entry.Serializer
that is used to serialize/deserialize this entry.Serializer
that is used to serialize/deserialize this entry.Serializer
that is used to serialize/deserialize this entry.PartitionedService
for this dispatcher.ServiceBuilder
that is needed to build a service.ServiceBuilder
that is needed to build a service.ServiceBuilder
that is needed to build a service.ServiceSchemeRegistry
for the CacheConfig
is defined.lState
types this EventDispatcher
based on the context of the calling thread or null if it is determined that an exhaustive evacuation will not reclaim sufficient memory.AbstractJournalRM.JournalFile
based on the context of the calling thread or null if it is determined that an exhaustive evacuation will not reclaim sufficient memory.SafeSortedMap.Split
except that the cluster time is the roughly the same for all Members in the cluster.CachingMap.registerListener(Object oKey)
operations since the cache statistics were last reset.transformable
's type.type
that was specified when this query record was created.type
that was specified when this query record was created.TypeMetadata
instance that holds structural information regarding the class this serializer (de)serializes.ConfigurableCacheMap.UnitCalculator
method, return the unqualified name that does not contain the CacheProvider scope identifier.Unsafe
matches.xml element format
used to create the connection.xml element format
used to create the connection.XmlDocument
specified by the XmlDocumentReference
specified by the XmlDocumentReference
in which the XmlAttribute
is defined.XmlElement
in which the XmlAttribute
is defined.XmlValue
defined by the XmlAttribute
defined by thge XmlAttribute
that uses Grizzly 2 to handle requests.Guardable
has a namespace prefix.These methods all follow the pattern of: open session begin transaction do work commit transaction (or rollback on exception and rethrow) close session
interface, maintaining correct equals() and hashCode() semanticsSet
interface, maintaining correct equals() and hashCode() semanticsSortedSet
interface, maintaining correct equals() and hashCode() semanticsList
interface, maintaining correct equals() and hashCode() semanticsSet
interface, maintaining correct equals() and hashCode() semanticsValueExtractor
interface that supports the creation and destruction of an index
.We do this specifically so that derived classes can safely create override methods that depend on a fully constructed object state.
is responsible for processing <init-param> XmlElement
s to produce Parameter
implementation that represents the use of a {cache-ref} macro in a Cache Configuration File.Expression
implementation that represents the use of a {scheme-ref} macro in a Cache Configuration File.InitParamsProcessor
is responsible for processing <init-params> XmlElement
s to produce ResolvableParameterList
, including the cookies, the ResourceRegistry
the XmlElement
, its XmlAttribute
s and/or children, inject appropriately named and typed values into the specified bean (using setter injection).ProcessingContext
, including the cookies, the ResourceRegistry
the XmlElement
, its XmlAttribute
s and/or children, inject appropriately named and typed values into the specified bean (using setter injection).Service
from the SafeService and invoke setScopeName() on the wrapped Service
was successfully registered with the EventDispatcher
is dispatched after one or more BinaryEntry
(s) have been inserted into the backing-map.EventInterceptor
being registered with the EventDispatcher
is dispatched before one or more BinaryEntry
(s) are inserted into the backing-map.ParameterMacroExpressionParser
is a ParameterizedBuilder
implementation that additionally supports injection based on Coherence <instance%gt; or <class-scheme> configurations.InstanceBuilder
that will realize an instance of the specified Class
that will realize an instance of the specifically named class.InstanceBuilder
that will realize an instance of the specifically named class.InstanceProcessor
is responsible for processing <instance> XmlElement
s to produce ParameterizedBuilder
s.DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.instantiateExternalBackingMap(com.tangosol.net.DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo, com.tangosol.run.xml.XmlElement, com.tangosol.net.BackingMapManagerContext, java.lang.ClassLoader)
and DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.instantiatePagedExternalBackingMap(com.tangosol.net.DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo, com.tangosol.run.xml.XmlElement, com.tangosol.net.BackingMapManagerContext, java.lang.ClassLoader)
based on a given ClassLoader
and cache configuration XML.Map
based on the provided Class
.MultiBinaryLongMap.MaskedBinaryLongMap.visit(com.tangosol.util.Binary, com.tangosol.util.BinaryLongMap.EntryVisitor)
entries in this MaskedBinaryLongMap.MultiBinaryLongMap.MaskedBinaryLongMap.visit(com.tangosol.util.Binary, com.tangosol.util.BinaryLongMap.EntryVisitor)
entries in this MaskedBinaryLongMap.PofSparseArray.NilPofValue
(factory method).PofSparseArray.NilPofValue
(factory method).ObservableSplittingBackingMap
) using ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory.PartitionedBackingMapManager
from the provided XML serializer element.EventInterceptor
should request to be first in the chain of EventInterceptor
s, hence have a HIGH priority.ElementProcessor
for the <interceptor> element.EventInterceptor
s and facilitates the introduction of EventInterceptors to EventDispatcher
for the <interceptors> element.InternalCacheSchemeProcessor
is responsible for processing an internal-cache-scheme XmlElement
s to produce a MapBuilder
to the specified EventDispatcher
to inform the InvocationObserver that all service members have either finished the Invocable
object execution or are not (or no longer) running the InvocationService.InvocationService
to inform the InvocationObserver that all service members have either finished the Invocable
object execution or are not (or no longer) running the InvocationService.InvocationScheme
class builds an Invocation service.Scheme
is a defined and thus useful name.Scheme
is a defined and thus useful name.InetAddress.isAnyLocalAddress()
has been disposed via invocation of SimpleServiceMonitor.dispose()
s in the ParameterList
s in the ParameterList
s in the ParameterList
is empty (contains no resource registrations).EventInterceptor
should be head of the stack.CacheMapping
is for (matches) the specified cache name.InetAddress.isLinkLocalAddress()
if the client does not yet know about the session or if the client chooses not to join the session.true
if the client does not yet know about the session or if the client chooses not to join the session.enter(sId)
or create()
without a corresponding call to exit(sId)
or create()
without a corresponding call to exit(sId)
operation versus a regular put()
is the root.CacheConfig
has been provided with a scope name.InetAddress.isSiteLocalAddress()
as a registered resource.cleared
from the ticket tree.JournalMBean
is an MBean interface providing statistics for a Journal Resource Manager as implemented by either FlashJournalRM
or RamJournalRM
, FlashJournalRM
, and the BackupJournalRM
associated with the specified Cluster
operation should use the Entry's key.KeyPartitioningStrategy
matches the passed Predicate<Entry>
matches the passed Predicate<Entry>
matches the passed Predicate<Entry>
matches the passed Predicate<Entry>
matches the passed Predicate<Entry>
matches the passed Predicate<Entry>
matches the passed Predicate<Entry>
matches the passed Predicate<Entry>
class is responsible for building a fully configured instance of a LocalCache.ConcurrentMap.lock(Object, long)
, is currently not available when using a transactional cache.ConcurrentMap.lock(Object)
, is currently not available when using a transactional cache.Map.Entry
is not concerned with where in the chain it resides.String.toCharArray()
and repeated calls to String.charAt(int)
used to create a ConfigurableCacheFactory
for the application.ConfigurableCacheMap.UnitCalculator
used to calculate the size of SimpleMapIndex.IndexCalculator.CalculatorState.CONFIGURED
types. into Binary
to approximate the size.SimpleMapIndex.IndexCalculator.CalculatorState.FIXED
, contains a cached cost per instance.ConfigurableCacheFactory
instance used to start the service.ConfigurableCacheFactory
instance for the default URI.SimpleAssignmentStrategy.AnalysisContext.calculateAnalysisDelay()
to be informed of any ConfigurableCacheFactory
instances created.partition unit factor
.partition unit factor
to be used when in a congested state.ContainerAdapter.DefaultContext
for the application.Converter
used to convert SimpleMapIndex.IndexCalculator.CalculatorState.UNKNOWN
types into Binary
to approximate the size.context
associated with this index.ContainerAdapter
has been activated or not.ConfigurableCacheFactory
for the application.ServiceMonitor
has been disposed.ConditionalIndex
that supports a forward index.ReadWriteBackingMap.ReadThread
to refresh its Guardian.GuardContext
to refresh its Guardian.GuardContext
has started.reserved
masked BLMs, ordered by increasing shift-position.LifecycleListener
used for lifecycle callbacks to the application.ClassLoader
for the application.ClassLoader
s by service name to be monitored.AbstractExtractor.extractFromEntry(java.util.Map.Entry)
for configuration.ScopeResolver
to use.ScopeResolver
used for modifying the scope name in the cache configuration.ServiceMonitor
to use.SimpleMapIndex.IndexCalculator.CalculatorState
of this calculator.Thread
we are using for monitoring the services periodically.XmlElement
representing the application descriptor.MapBuilder
interface is used by a builder to create an instance of a Map
that is a local to a Java process.MapBuilder.Dependencies
for realizing a Map
with a MapBuilder
destined for the corresponding MapListener
) and a MapEventTransformer and is used to register event listeners that allow to change the content of a MapEvent.MapListenerProcessor
is responsible for processing a listener XmlElement
s to produce a ParameterizedBuilder
for a MapListener
objects built on the MappedBufferManager
to provide BinaryStore
on a corresponding ObservableMap.InputStreaming.reset()
method) to the current position.InputStreaming.reset()
method) to the current position.PofInputStream.reset()
method) to the current position.InputStreaming.reset()
method) to the current position.InputStreaming.reset()
method) to the current position.WrapperDataInputStream.reset()
method) to the current position.WrapperInputStream.reset()
method) to the current position.ReadBuffer.BufferInput.mark(int)
and InputStreaming.reset()
and reset
and reset
and PofInputStream.reset()
and InputStreaming.reset()
and InputStreaming.reset()
and WrapperDataInputStream.reset()
and WrapperInputStream.reset()
is a specialized MemorySize
whose default constructor assumes that the specified units (when a they are not specified) are measured in megabytes.Megabytes
representing a MemorySize
measured in megabytes.Megabytes
based on another MemorySize
representing a MemorySize
measured in megabytes.InvocationService
to inform the InvocationObserver that a member has finished running the Invocable
object; the result of the invocation, if any, is provided to the InvocationObserver.InvocationService
to inform the InvocationObserver that a member has finished running the Invocable
object; the result of the invocation, if any, is provided to the InvocationObserver.InvocationService
to inform the InvocationObserver that a member has thrown an exception while running the Invocable
to inform the InvocationObserver that a member has thrown an exception while running the Invocable
to inform the InvocationObserver that a member that the Invocable
object was intended for execution upon has left the service (or the cluster).InvocationService
to inform the InvocationObserver that a member that the Invocable
object was intended for execution upon has left the service (or the cluster).Millis
is a specialized Duration
whose default constructor assumes that the specified units of time (when the unit magnitude is not specified) are milliseconds.Millis
based on another Duration
representing a Duration
measured in milliseconds.Lock
implementation that represents a composition of two component locks, parent and child.MultiBinaryLongMap.MaskedBinaryLongMap
instances backed by a shared BinaryLongMap.BinaryLongMap.Entry
implementation that exposes the logical contents of an underlying Entry in a way that is safe from mutations or being held as a reference.BinaryLongMap.EntryVisitor
implementation is "safe" and does not retain any references to passed Entries.Predicate
implementation is "safe" and does not retain any references to passed Entries.Iterator.remove()
by coming back through the WrapperBinaryLongMap's MultiBinaryLongMap.WrapperBinaryLongMap.remove(Binary)
realizes NamedCache
, which wraps an EventInterceptor
, if the object retrieved implements NameService.Resolvable
, then the NameService
will return object.NamespaceHandler
is responsible for defining the DocumentPreprocessor
, ElementProcessor
s and AttributeProcessor
s required for processing xml content belonging to a specific xml namespace used in an xml document.PofValue
identified by this PofNavigator within the passed PofValue.PofValue
identified by this PofNavigator within the passed PofValue.CachingMap.LISTEN_AUTO
invalidation strategy.NearScheme
is used to realize (create) an instance of a NearCache.Binary
instance backed by the specified byte[] beginning at the specified offset and of the specified length.ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory
instance based on Coherence defaults.ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory
instance based on the information defined by the specified cache configuration file/resource that of which is compliant with the "coherence-cache-config.xsd".ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory
instance based on the information defined by the specified cache configuration file/resource that of which is compliant with the "coherence-cache-config.xsd".ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory
instance based on the information defined by XmlElement
that of which is compliant with the "coherence-cache-config.xsd".ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory
instance based on the information defined by XmlElement
that of which is compliant with the "coherence-cache-config.xsd".ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory
instance based on the information defined by XmlElement
that of which is compliant with the "coherence-cache-config.xsd".ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory
instance based on the information defined by XmlElement
that of which is compliant with the "coherence-cache-config.xsd".EventInterceptor
in the chain if one exists.address
and a port number.provider
which provides non-blocking functionality, see NonBlockingTcpDatagramSocket.Impl.send(DatagramPacket)
has had some memory released.AddressProvider
that does nothing.PartitionAssignmentStrategy
that does nothing.Number
that can be used to create a NumberIncrementor
that can be used to create a NumberMultiplier
is a CachingScheme
that supports defining and adding MapListener
s to realized Map
s and NamedCache
to be called immediately before inserting a value(s) in a partition map.LocalCache
has become congested.jrnlfile
has become congested.NamespaceHandler
is last encountered in an xml document.NamespaceHandler
is last encountered in an xml document.Event
when a resource is being released.AbstractJournalRM.JournalFile
has released the provided amount of memory.NamespaceHandler
is first encountered in an xml document.NamespaceHandler
is first encountered in an xml document.NamespaceHandler
is first encountered in an xml document.XmlAttribute
is unknown to the NamespaceHandler
is unknown to the NamespaceHandler
.BinaryDeltaCompressor.applyDelta(com.tangosol.io.ReadBuffer, com.tangosol.io.ReadBuffer)
method to copy the following bytes from the delta value and append them to the new value.BinaryDeltaCompressor.applyDelta(com.tangosol.io.ReadBuffer, com.tangosol.io.ReadBuffer)
method to extract bytes from the old value and append them to the new value.BinaryDeltaCompressor.applyDelta(com.tangosol.io.ReadBuffer, com.tangosol.io.ReadBuffer)
method that the delta has been fully applied.OperationalDefaultsPreprocessor
is an DocumentElementPreprocessor.ElementPreprocessor
that introduces (via cloning) default xml content for xml elements where the said content is missing.OperationalDefaultsPreprocessor
is responsible for processing an operation-bundling XmlElement
to produce an BundleManager
interface that adds support for optimistic transactions.OptimisticScheme
class builds an optimistic cache.Interceptor.Order.HIGH
is provided this interceptor will request to be the first in the chain of interceptors.OverflowScheme
is used to create an instance of an OverflowMap
or a SimpleOverflowMap
class is responsible for building a fully configured instance of a PagedExternalCache.ParameterizedBuilder
is an implementation of the classic Builder Pattern that utilizes a ParameterResolver
to resolve any required runtime Parameter
s necessary for realizing an object.ParameterizedBuilder
s may implement to provide runtime type information about the type of objects that may be built.ParameterizedBuilderHelper
defines helper methods for ParameterizedBuilder
is a strictly ordered and Iterable
collection of Parameter
is an Expression
representing the use of a Coherence Parameter Macro, typically occurring with in a Coherence Cache Configuration file.ParameterMacroExpression
is an ExpressionParser
for Coherence Parameter Macros.ParamTypeProcessor
is responsible for processing <param-type> XmlElement
s to produce a fully qualified class name.PofValue
wrapper for it.PofValue
wrapping the binary.PofValue
wrapping the binary.Event
s pertaining to backing-map operations: EntryEvent
s EntryProcessorEvent
s from a PartitionedService
provides annotation based de/serialization.PofValue
implementation for arrays.PofReader
implementation that reads POF-encoded data from a BufferInput
implementation that writes POF-encoded data to a BufferOutput
implementation for collections.PofReader
is an DocumentElementPreprocessor.ElementPreprocessor
that replaces any occurrence of <serializer>pof</serializer> with a ConfigurablePofContext
configuration, passing in the provided POF configuration URI in the initialization parameters.PofSerializerPreprocessor
implementation for sparse arrays.PofValue
implementation for uniform arrays.PofValue
implementation for uniform collections.PofValue
implementation for uniform sparse arrays.PofValue
implementation for user types.PofValue
wrapper for it.PofAnnotationSerializer
implementation that supports the serialization and deserialization of any class that implements PortableObject
to and from a POF stream.Entry.getValue
, optionally mutating it (or it's children) if required.XmlElement
, optionally mutating it (or it's children) if required.XmlElement
, optionally mutating it (or it's children) if required.XmlElement
, optionally mutating it (or it's children) if required.XmlElement
, optionally mutating it (or it's children) if required.XmlElement
, optionally mutating it (or it's children) if required.XmlElement
, optionally mutating it (or it's children) if required.XmlElement
, optionally mutating it (or it's children) as required.XmlElement
, optionally mutating it (or it's children) as required.InvocableMap.Entry
objects that currently exist in a Map.Principal
to/from a POF stream.XmlElement
to return a specific type of value.XmlElement
to return a specific type of value.XmlElement
to return a specific type of value.XmlElement
to return a specific type of value.XmlElement
to return a specific type of value.XmlElement
to return a specific type of value.XmlElement
to return a specific type of value.XmlElement
to return a specific type of value.XmlElement
to return a specific type of value.XmlElement
to return a specific type of value.XmlElement
to return a specific type of value.XmlElement
to return a specific type of value.XmlElement
to return a specific type of value.XmlElement
to return a specific type of value.XmlElement
to return a specific type of value.XmlElement
to return a specific type of value.XmlElement
to return a specific type of value.XmlElement
to return a specific type of value.XmlElement
to return a specific type of value.XmlElement
to return a specific type of value.XmlAttribute
and return a specific type of value.XmlDocument
located at the specified XmlDocumentReference
to return a specific type of value.XmlAttribute
and return a specific type of value.XmlElement
to return a specific type of value.XmlElement
(representing the root of an XmlDocument) be processed with appropriate NamespaceHandler
(representing the root of an XmlDocument) be processed with appropriate NamespaceHandler
to be processed with an appropriate NamespaceHandler
known by the ProcessingContext
or outer ProcessingContext
known by the ProcessingContext
to be processed with an appropriate NamespaceHandler
known by the ProcessingContext
or outer ProcessingContext
known by the ProcessingContext
be processed using appropriate NamespaceHandler
s known by the ProcessingContext
be processed using appropriate NamespaceHandler
s known by the ProcessingContext
that do not belong to the namespace of the said XmlElement
are processed using appropriate processes.XmlElement
that do not belong to the namespace of the said XmlElement
are processed using appropriate processes.ProcessingContext
provides contextual information concerning the processing of content in an xml document.XmlElement
is processed using an appropriate NamespaceHandler
known by the ProcessingContext
is processed using an appropriate NamespaceHandler
known by the ProcessingContext
to produce a ParameterizedBuilder
given a ProcessingContext
then erase the value from the underlying store.XmlElement
is processed using an appropriate ElementProcessor
is processed using an appropriate ElementProcessor
are processed using appropriate ElementProcessor
are processed using appropriate ElementProcessor
class builds a Proxy scheme.NamedCache.put(Object, Object, long)
, is currently not available when using a transactional cache.OverflowMap.put(Object, Object)
and "void put(Object, Object)" that eliminates duplicate (and muchos complex) code between the OverflowMap.put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
and OverflowMap.putAll(java.util.Map)
is a useful class to separately capture the xml namespace prefix and local name of xml elements and attributes as a single object (instead of having to parse them out of String
s all the time).QualifiedName
for the prefix).QueryMap
or ValueExtractor
that provides the ability to record the estimated cost of evaluating a filter as part of a query operation.step
that provides the ability to record the cost of evaluating a filter as part of a query operation.QueryRecord.PartialResult.RecordableStep
that provides the ability to record the information associated with the actual cost of evaluating a filter as part of a query operation.QueryRecord
object that contains an estimated or actual cost of the query execution for a given filter.QueryRecorder
should be used to produce a QueryRecord
object that contains an estimated or an actual cost of the query execution.KeyPropertyString
or a quoted canonical name.RamJournalScheme
is used to create an instance of a Ram Journal map.Journal.write(com.tangosol.util.Binary)
, read the Binary value that was written to the Journal.Journal.write(com.tangosol.util.Binary)
, read the Binary value that was written to the Journal.Journal.write(com.tangosol.util.Binary)
, read the Binary value that was written to the Journal.Journal.write(com.tangosol.util.Binary)
, read the Binary value that was written to the Journal.len
bytes of data from the input stream into an array of bytes.len
bytes of data from the input stream into an array of bytes.ab
bytes from the input stream and store them into the passed array ab
starting at offset of
bytes from the input stream and store them into the passed array ab
starting at offset of
bytes from the input stream and store them into the passed array ab
starting at offset of
bytes from the input stream and store them into the passed array ab
starting at offset of
implementation making the known bug fix in JDK 1.4.1 ( "InflaterInputStream is very memory inefficient") retroactive for prior JDKs.cb
bytes and return them as a ReadBuffer object.cb
bytes and return them as a ReadBuffer object.cb
bytes and return them as a ReadBuffer object.cb
bytes and return them as a ReadBuffer object.ab.length
bytes and store them in ab
bytes and store them in ab
starting at offset of
bytes and store them in ab
bytes and store them in ab
starting at offset of
bytes and store them in ab
bytes and store them in ab
starting at offset of
bytes and store them in ab
bytes and store them in ab
starting at offset of
bytes and store them in ab
bytes and store them in ab
starting at offset of
bytes and store them in ab
bytes and store them in ab
starting at offset of
from the given ByteSequence
and offset.WriteBuffer.BufferOutput.writePackedInt(int)
and offset.ReadWriteBackingMap.ReadQueue
, reads the value for the key from the underlying CacheStore, and caches the value in the internal ReadWriteBackingMap cache.RemoteCacheScheme
is responsible for creating a fully configured ReadWriteBackingMap.ParameterResolver
to resolve values any referenced Parameter
to resolve values any referenced Parameter
to resolve values any referenced Parameter
to resolve values any referenced Parameter
to resolve values any referenced Parameter
given the provided parameters.BinaryStoreManager
given the provided parameters.BinaryStoreManager
given the provided parameters.BinaryStoreManager
given the provided parameters.BinaryStoreManager
given the provided parameters.BinaryStoreManager
given the provided parameters.BinaryStoreManager
given the provided parameters.ParameterResolver
to resolve values any referenced Parameter
to resolve values any referenced Parameter
to be scoped by the specified ConfigurableCacheFactory
to be scoped by the specified ConfigurableCacheFactory
to be scoped by the specified ConfigurableCacheFactory
(possibly "ensuring it") based on the state of the builder, the provided ParameterResolver
and MapBuilder
(possibly "ensuring it") based on the state of the builder, the provided ParameterResolver
and MapBuilder
(possibly "ensuring it") based on the state of the builder, the provided ParameterResolver
and MapBuilder
(possibly "ensuring it") based on the state of the builder, the provided ParameterResolver
and MapBuilder
(possibly "ensuring it") based on the state of the builder, the provided ParameterResolver
and MapBuilder
(possibly "ensuring it") based on the state of the builder, the provided ParameterResolver
and MapBuilder
(possibly "ensuring it") based on the state of the builder, the provided ParameterResolver
and MapBuilder
based on the state of the MapBuilder
, resolvable parameters and provided MapBuilder.Dependencies
based on the state of the MapBuilder
, resolvable parameters and provided MapBuilder.Dependencies
based on the state of the MapBuilder
, resolvable parameters and provided MapBuilder.Dependencies
based on the state of the MapBuilder
, resolvable parameters and provided MapBuilder.Dependencies
based on the state of the MapBuilder
, resolvable parameters and provided MapBuilder.Dependencies
based on the state of the MapBuilder
, resolvable parameters and provided MapBuilder.Dependencies
based on the state of the MapBuilder
, resolvable parameters and provided MapBuilder.Dependencies
based on the state of the MapBuilder
, resolvable parameters and provided MapBuilder.Dependencies
based on the state of the MapBuilder
, resolvable parameters and provided MapBuilder.Dependencies
based on the state of the MapBuilder
, resolvable parameters and provided MapBuilder.Dependencies
based on the state of the MapBuilder
, resolvable parameters and provided MapBuilder.Dependencies
based on the state of the MapBuilder
, resolvable parameters and provided MapBuilder.Dependencies
will realize an instance of the specified class (without requiring the builder to actually realize an object).ParameterizedBuilder
will realize an instance of the specified class (without requiring the builder to actually realize an object).ParameterizedBuilder
will build a specified Class
of object.ParameterizedBuilder
will realize an instance of the specified class (without requiring the builder to actually realize an object).ParameterizedBuilder
will realize an instance of the specified class (without requiring the builder to actually realize an object).AbstractJournalRM.JournalFile
has been dereferenced thus memory has been reclaimed.calculateEffectiveness
API.circular mode
to allow the remaining addresses and previously skipped addresses to be used; typically set once an address has been accepted
to a new iterator from the address list, and ensure the address list is refreshed.String.matches(String)
with the CacheMappingRegistry
.MBeanHelper.registerCacheMBean(NamedCache, String)
insteadMBeanHelper.registerCacheMBean(CacheService, String, String, Map)
for XmlAttribute
s with the specified local name so that they produce the specified type of value when processed.AttributeProcessor
for the specified type.AttributeProcessor
for the specified type.ElementProcessor
for XmlElement
s with the specified local name so that they produce the specified type of value when processed.ElementProcessor
for the specified type.ElementProcessor
for the specified type.EventDispatcher
to the list of known EventDispatchers that are informed about registered EventInterceptor
uniquely identified based on the presence of an annotation
or default to the fully qualified class name.EventInterceptor
uniquely identified based on the presence of an annotation
or default to the fully qualified class name.EventInterceptor
based on the XML provided.ElementProcessor
or AttributeProcessor
(based on the interfaces it implements) using the XmlSimpleName
annotation to determine the localName of the said processor.ElementProcessor
for XmlElement
s with a name with in the context of the NamespaceHandler
for XmlAttribute
s with the specified name.AttributeProcessor
that may be used to process specific types of values contained in XmlAttribute
s with in the ProcessingContext
that may be used to process specific types of values contained in XmlElement
s with in the ProcessingContext
that may be used to process specific types of values contained in XmlAttribute
s with in the ProcessingContext
that may be used to process specific types of values contained in XmlElement
s with in the ProcessingContext
to manage resources.ResourceResolver.getResource(Class)
.ResourceResolver.getResource(Class, String)
.ResourceResolver.getResource(Class, String)
s to be monitored providing life support.Service
s to be monitored providing life support.PofSerializer
method has failed.SocketAddressProvider.getNextAddress()
method has failed.SocketAddressProvider.getNextAddress()
method has failed.SocketAddressProvider.getNextAddress()
method has failed.SocketAddressProvider.getNextAddress()
method has failed.SocketAddressProvider.getNextAddress()
method has failed.SocketAddressProvider.getNextAddress()
method has failed.dispose
based on fShutdown
pool so that they are linked appropriately.AbstractBackingMapManager.instantiateBackingMap(String)
from this MaskedLongMapHolder.MultiBinaryLongMap.createBinaryLongMap()
, MultiBinaryLongMap.createBinaryIntMap()
or MultiBinaryLongMap.createBitMap(int)
is responsible for building a remote cache.RemoteInvocationScheme
class builds a remote invocation service.EventInterceptor
was successfully removed from the EventDispatcher
is dispatched after one or more BinaryEntry
(s) have been removed from the backing-map.EventInterceptor
from this dispatcher.EventInterceptor
from this dispatcher.BinaryStore
only loading the value if necessary.EntryEvent
is dispatched before a BinaryEntry
has been removed from backing-map.ReplicatedScheme
class builds replicated cache.mark
method was last called on this input stream.mark
method was last called on this input stream.PofInputStream.mark(int)
method was last called on this InputStream.WrapperDataInputStream.mark(int)
method was last called on this InputStream.WrapperInputStream.mark(int)
method was last called on this InputStream.SimpleAssignmentStrategy.analyzeDistribution()
is a ParameterList
implementation that additionally supports name-based Parameter
resolution as defined by the ParameterResolver
based on a ParameterList
s to be used by the XML parser to validate an XML document.ServiceBuilder
is a registry and owner of strongly typed and explicitly named resources.ResourceRegistry.ResourceLifecycleObserver
interface defines lifecycle handlers for resources registered with a ResourceRegistry
provides a mechanism to lookup and resolve optionally named, strongly typed resources.ResourceResolver
from a MapBuilder
based on a ParameterResolver
based on a sequence of specified ResourceResolver
for a single named resource.ResourceResolver
for a single resource.ResourceResolver
for the caller.public static <type> valueOf(String s)
- 1, which is shifted to offset WriteBuffer.length()
- of - 1.WriteBuffer.length()
- 1, which is shifted to offset WriteBuffer.length()
- of - 1.colMatch
collection and are not excluded.SortedMap
based on a skip-list that is structurally thread-safe.Scheme
defines the configuration information and necessary builders for the construction of various well-known and identifiable structures used by Coherence at runtime.DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.SCHEME_EXTERNAL
and DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.SCHEME_EXTERNAL_PAGED
and ExtensibleConfigurableCacheFactory.SCHEME_EXTERNAL_PAGED
is an DocumentElementPreprocessor.ElementPreprocessor
that resolves declarations of <scheme-ref> as required by Coherence.CacheFactoryBuilder
that manages multiple instances of ConfigurableCacheFactory
is a specialized Duration
whose default constructor assumes that the specified units of time (when the unit magnitude is not specified) are seconds.Seconds
based on another Duration
representing a Duration
measured in seconds.Seconds
representing a Duration
measured in seconds.Serializer
is an ElementProcessor
responsible for producing various kinds of ServiceBuilder
for the specified Class
of ServiceBuilder
is a facility that keeps registered services alive.ServiceSchemeRegistry
provides a mechanism manage a collection of ServiceScheme
s together with the ability to search the registry for said ServiceScheme
s, either by name or service name.ServiceSchemeRegistry
suggests immediate analysis.BackingMapScheme
which builds the backing map for the clustered scheme.BackingMapScheme
which builds the backing map for the clustered scheme.BackupMapConfig
which which is used to configure a backup map.BinaryStoreManagerBuilder
for the BinaryStoreManager
for the BinaryStoreManager
for the BinaryStoreManager
for the BinaryStoreManager
which builds a CacheStore or CacheLoader.CacheStoreScheme
that will be used to dynamically load classes.Expression
that when evaluated will produce the name of the class to realize.DirectBufferManager.cleanupBuffers()
for a given URI and class loader.ConfigurableCacheFactory
for a given URI and class loader.ConfigurableCacheFactory
for a given URI and class loader.ConfigurableCacheFactory
a ServiceMonitor
can operate with.ConfigurableCacheFactory
a ServiceMonitor
can operate with.ParameterList
to be used for constructor parameters when realizing the class.ParameterizedBuilder
to be used as the alternate builder.ParameterizedBuilder
to be used as the alternate builder.ParameterizedBuilder
to be used as the alternate builder.ParameterizedBuilder
to be used as the alternate builder.ParameterizedBuilder
to be used as the alternate builder.ParameterizedBuilder
to be used as the alternate builder.ConfigurableCacheFactory
for the default URI and class loader, iff absent.NamespaceHandler
for the default namespace of documents to be processedParameterResolver
to use for resolving externally defined (ie: operating system/container) level parameters.DocumentPreprocessor
for the NamespaceHandler
of NamedEventInterceptorBuilder
s for the CacheMapping
of NamedEventInterceptorBuilder
s for the DistributedScheme
to use for parsing Expression
s during document processing.ConfigurableCacheFactory
that when evaluated will produce the name of the class containing a static factory method that will realize instances for this ParameterizedBuilder
that when evaluated will produce the name of the factory class static method that will realize instances for this ParameterizedBuilder
to use to resolve factory method parameters when realizing the class.EventInterceptor
that should be registered in place of the EventInterceptor originally being registered.ParameterizedBuilder
that builds a MapListener
's order (HIGH || LOW), hence whether it should be at the start of the chain of interceptors.ParameterResolver
that is used to resolve Parameter
s associated with the CacheMapping
that will be used when processing a document.CacheConfig
(which will be trimmed)ServiceSchemeRegistry
for the CacheConfig
).xml element format
used to create the connection.SimpleAttribute
provides a basic implementation of an XmlAttribute
is a simple AttributeProcessor
implementation that will construct, initialize (via constructor injection) and return a specific type of object based on information in an XmlAttribute
is an ElementProcessor
implementation that will construct, initialize (via constructor injection) and return a specific type of object based on information in an XmlElement
that uses Simple Framework to handle requests.Map.Entry
used to calculate the cost of a homogeneous index (holding all values of a single type).Object.hashCode()
is a simple implementation of ParameterList
based on the specified array of objects, each object becoming it's own Parameter
in the resulting list.SimpleParameterList
based on a ParameterList
implementation which uses an array of integer indices to navigate the PofValue hierarchy.QueryRecord
is a basic implementation of a ResourceRegistry
starts and monitors services that are registered for monitoring.SimpleAssignmentStrategy
used by a PartitionedService
that maintains a single ConfigurableCacheFactory
instance regardless of the requesting ClassLoader if a URI is not provided.CacheMapping
s in the CacheMappingRegistry
s in the ParameterList
s in the ParameterList
s registered with the ServiceSchemeRegistry
s in the ParameterList
, Date
or Time
bytes of data from this input stream.n
bytes of data from this input stream.InputStream
to determine if the stream starts with a UTF-8 BOM (http://www.unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html#BOM).Iterator
based on the amount of released memory in each AbstractJournalRM.CollectorDaemon.InvokeGCJournalFile
of this map at the specified key.DefaultCacheServer.startServerDaemon()
insteadDefaultCacheServer.startServerDaemon(File, String)
that are used for the current state of the file (one of the STATE_* constants).StaticFactoryInstanceBuilder
is a ParameterizedBuilder
that has been configured to realize objects based on the properties defined by an <instance> configuration element that uses the static <class-factory-name> approach.StaticFactoryInstanceBuilder
.The entity must have an identifier attribute, and it must be either null (undefined) or equal to the cache key.
to/from a POF stream.ByteSequence
that is a subsequence of this sequence.ByteSequence
that is a subsequence of this sequence.ByteSequence
that is a subsequence of this sequence.ByteSequence
that is a subsequence of this sequence.ByteSequence
that is a subsequence of this sequence.SystemPropertyPreprocessor
is an DocumentElementPreprocessor.ElementPreprocessor
that will replace XmlElement
content annotated with "system-property" attributes with appropriate System.getProperties()
with the specified Properties
and a port number.provider
to/from a POF stream.Collection.toArray(Object[])
object that contains the actual cost of the query execution.QueryRecord
is an DocumentElementPreprocessor.ElementPreprocessor
that introduces (via cloning) internal cache-config xml content for xml elements.TransactionalScheme
class builds a transactional cache.BackingMapManager
needed for the transactional scheme.TransactionEvent.Type
s the interceptor would like to be invoked on.TransferEvent
s the interceptor would like to be invoked on.UnitCalculatorBuilder
class builds a ConfigurableCacheMap.UnitCalculator
is responsible for processing a unit-calculator XmlElement
to produce a UnitCalculatorBuilder
is a union of MemorySize
and unit count.MemorySize
, is currently not available when using a transactional cache.SegmentedHashMap.lockBucket(int)
method.SegmentedHashMap.lockSegment(int, boolean)
method to the original string.MBeanHelper.unregisterCacheMBean(CacheService, String)
insteadMBeanHelper.unregisterCacheMBean(String, String)
from the list of known EventDispatchers.EventInterceptor
, and remove it from all EventDispatcher
to manage resources.Service
s from monitoring.Service
s from monitoring.EntryEvent
is dispatched after one or more BinaryEntry
(s) have been updated in the backing-map.EntryEvent
is dispatched before a BinaryEntry
is updated in backing-map.CacheMapping
pattern contains a * wildcard.Builder
that returns a specified object, for each invocation of Builder.realize()
into a Builder
operation should use the Entry's value.ValueExtractor
and ValueUpdater
interface and performs an Entry.setValue
operation if and only if the version of the specified value matches to the version of the current value.Versionable
interface and performs an Entry.setValue
operation only for entries whose versions match to versions of the corresponding current values.FlashJournalRM.WriterDaemon
bytes starting at offset of
from the array ab
bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off
to this output stream.b
bytes starting at offset of
from the array ab
bytes starting at offset of
from the array ab
bytes starting at offset of
from the array ab
bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off
to this output stream.len
bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off
to this output stream.b
bytes starting at offset of
from the array ab
bytes starting at offset of
from the array ab
bytes starting at offset of
from the array ab
bytes starting at offset of
from the array ab
bytes starting at offset of
from the array ab
bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off
to this stream.DeflaterOutputStream.write(int)
implementation making it more memory efficient.b
bytes starting at offset of
from the array ab
property to the POF stream.Binary
property to the POF stream.f
bytes from the passed ReadBuffer object starting at offset of
within the passed ReadBuffer.cb
bytes from the passed ReadBuffer object starting at offset of
within the passed ReadBuffer.cb
bytes from the passed ReadBuffer object starting at offset of
within the passed ReadBuffer.cb
bytes from the passed ReadBuffer object starting at offset of
within the passed ReadBuffer.cb
bytes from the passed ReadBuffer object starting at offset of
within the passed ReadBuffer.b
, but only the low-order byte from each character of the String is written.s
, but only the low-order byte from each character of the String is written.s
, but only the low-order byte from each character of the String is written.s
, but only the low-order byte from each character of the String is written.ch
; the 16 high-order bits of ch
are ignored.ch
; the 16 high-order bits of ch
are ignored.ch
; the 16 high-order bits of ch
are ignored.ch
; the 16 high-order bits of ch
are ignored.s
as a sequence of characters.s
as a sequence of characters.s
as a sequence of characters.s
as a sequence of characters.Binary.readExternal(java.io.ObjectInput)
so that the corresponding ObjectInput.readObject()
method can reconstitute an Object from the written data.o
so that the corresponding ObjectInput.readObject()
method can reconstitute an Object from the written data.n
; the 16 high-order bits of n
are ignored.n
; the 16 high-order bits of n
are ignored.n
; the 16 high-order bits of n
are ignored.n
; the 16 high-order bits of n
are ignored.FlashJournalRM.JournalFile
method can reconstitute a String from the written data.DataInput.readUTF()
method can reconstitute a String from the written data.s
as a sequence of characters, but using UTF-8 encoding for the characters, and including the String length data so that the corresponding DataInput.readUTF()
method can reconstitute a String from the written data.DataInput.readUTF()
method can reconstitute a String from the written data.s
as a sequence of characters, but using UTF-8 encoding for the characters, and including the String length data so that the corresponding DataInput.readUTF()
method can reconstitute a String from the written data.s
as a sequence of characters, but using UTF-8 encoding for the characters, and including the String length data so that the corresponding DataInput.readUTF()
method can reconstitute a String from the written data.DataInput.readUTF()
method can reconstitute a String from the written data.s
as a sequence of characters, but using UTF-8 encoding for the characters, and including the String length data so that the corresponding DataInput.readUTF()
method can reconstitute a String from the written data.DataInput.readUTF()
method can reconstitute a String from the written data.XmlAttribute
represents an Xml Attribute, defined within an XmlElement
provides an mechanism to reference an XmlDocument
implementation that supports the serialization and deserialization of any class that implements XmlSerializable
to and from a POF stream.A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Z
Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference Release E26043-02 |