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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference


Package com.tangosol.coherence.config.xml.processor

Defines the Xml document Element and Attribute Processors for Coherence Cache Configuration files.


Class Summary
BackingMapSchemeProcessor A BackingMapSchemeProcessor is responsible for processing a backing-map-scheme XmlElement to produce a BackingMapScheme.
CacheConfigProcessor A CacheConfigProcessor is responsible for processing a cache-config XmlElement to produce a CacheConfig object.
CacheMappingProcessor An CacheMappingProcessor is responsible for processing <cache-mapping> XmlElements to produce a CacheMapping.
CachingSchemeMappingProcessor An CachingSchemeMappingProcessor is responsible for processing <caching-scheme-mapping> XmlElements to update the CacheMappingRegistry with CacheMappings.
CachingSchemesProcessor A CachingSchemesProcessor is an ElementProcessor for the <caching-schemes%gt; element of Coherence Cache Configuration files.
CompositeSchemeProcessor A CompositeSchemeProcessor is a CustomizableBuilderProcessor for schemes that consist of a front and back scheme.
CustomizableBinaryStoreManagerBuilderProcessor A CustomizableBinaryStoreManagerBuilderProcessor is a CustomizableBuilderProcessor that additionally processes the required definition of a BinaryStoreManagerBuilder for those classes supporting BinaryStoreManagerBuilderCustomization.
CustomizableBuilderProcessor A CustomizableBuilderProcessor is a multi-purpose ElementProcessor responsible for processing xml elements that produce objects supporting BuilderCustomization.
ElementProcessorHelper An ElementProcessorHelper provides a number of helper methods for ElementProcessors.
EvictionPolicyProcessor A EvictionPolicyProcessor is responsible for processing an eviction-policy XmlElement to produce an EvictionPolicyBuilder.
InitParamProcessor An InitParamProcessor is responsible for processing <init-param> XmlElements to produce Parameters.
InitParamProcessor.CacheRefExpression An Expression implementation that represents the use of a {cache-ref} macro in a Cache Configuration File.
InitParamProcessor.SchemeRefExpression An Expression implementation that represents the use of a {scheme-ref} macro in a Cache Configuration File.
InitParamsProcessor An InitParamsProcessor is responsible for processing <init-params> XmlElements to produce ResolvableParameterLists.
InstanceProcessor An InstanceProcessor is responsible for processing <instance> XmlElements to produce ParameterizedBuilders.
InterceptorProcessor A ElementProcessor for the <interceptor> element.
InterceptorsProcessor A ElementProcessor for the <interceptors> element.
InternalCacheSchemeProcessor A InternalCacheSchemeProcessor is responsible for processing an internal-cache-scheme XmlElements to produce a MapBuilder.
MapListenerProcessor A MapListenerProcessor is responsible for processing a listener XmlElements to produce a ParameterizedBuilder for a MapListener.
OperationBundlingProcessor A OperationBundlingProcessor is responsible for processing an operation-bundling XmlElement to produce an BundleManager.
ParamTypeProcessor A ParamTypeProcessor is responsible for processing <param-type> XmlElements to produce a fully qualified class name.
ServiceBuilderProcessor An ServiceBuilderProcessor is an ElementProcessor responsible for producing various kinds of ServiceBuilders.
UnitCalculatorProcessor A UnitCalculatorProcessor is responsible for processing a unit-calculator XmlElement to produce a UnitCalculatorBuilder.


Package com.tangosol.coherence.config.xml.processor Description

Defines the Xml document Element and Attribute Processors for Coherence Cache Configuration files.

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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference


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