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Class PortalCacheProvider.ReloadableCacheImpl

  extended by com.tangosol.coherence.weblogic.PortalCacheProvider.CacheImpl
      extended by com.tangosol.coherence.weblogic.PortalCacheProvider.ReloadableCacheImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
com.bea.p13n.cache.Cache, com.bea.p13n.cache.CacheDefaults, com.bea.p13n.cache.CacheStats, com.bea.p13n.cache.ReloadableCache
Enclosing class:

protected class PortalCacheProvider.ReloadableCacheImpl
extends PortalCacheProvider.CacheImpl

CacheImpl extension that supports the ReloadableCache interface.

Nested Class Summary
protected  class PortalCacheProvider.ReloadableCacheImpl.ReloadableEntryInfo
          An EntryInfo extension that contains additional metadata about a cached Map.Entry that can be refreshed using a CacheReloader.


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.tangosol.coherence.weblogic.PortalCacheProvider.CacheImpl


Field Summary


Fields inherited from class com.tangosol.coherence.weblogic.PortalCacheProvider.CacheImpl
m_cache, m_cacheLocal, m_fEnabled, m_mapEntryInfo, m_setLocalClass, m_sName


Fields inherited from interface com.bea.p13n.cache.CacheDefaults


Constructor Summary
protected PortalCacheProvider.ReloadableCacheImpl(java.lang.String sName, NamedCache cache)
          Create a new CacheImpl.


Method Summary
protected  boolean compactEntryInfoMap(java.util.Map map, java.lang.Object oKey, PortalCacheProvider.CacheImpl.EntryInfo info)
          Remove the given EntryInfo from the specified Map if it is safe to do so.
 java.lang.Object get(java.lang.Object oKey)
          Return the cached value associated with the given key.
 com.bea.p13n.cache.CacheReloader getReloader(java.lang.Object oKey)
          Return the CacheReloader used for the given key or null if no CacheReloader is currently set.
protected  PortalCacheProvider.CacheImpl.EntryInfo instantiateEntryInfo(boolean fLocal)
          Factory pattern: Create a new EntryInfo.
protected  PortalCacheProvider.ReloadableCacheImpl.ReloadableEntryInfo instantiateReloadableEntryInfo(boolean fLocal, com.bea.p13n.cache.CacheReloader reloader, long cMillis)
          Factory pattern: Create a new ReloadableEntryInfo.
 java.lang.Object put(java.lang.Object oKey, java.lang.Object oValue, long cMillis)
          Cache the given value with the specified time-to-live.
 java.lang.Object put(java.lang.Object oKey, java.lang.Object oValue, long cMillis, com.bea.p13n.cache.CacheReloader reloader)
          Cache the given value with a specific time-to-live and specify a CacheReloader used to reload the value when that time-to-live expires.
 void reload(java.lang.Object oKey)
          Run the CacheReloader associated with the given key to refresh the value in the cache.
protected  java.lang.Object reload(java.lang.Object oKey, java.lang.Object oValueOld, PortalCacheProvider.ReloadableCacheImpl.ReloadableEntryInfo info)
          Reload the value for the given key using the CacheReloader associated with the specified EntryInfo and place the new value into the delegate NamedCache.
 void setReloader(java.lang.Object oKey, com.bea.p13n.cache.CacheReloader reloader)
          Set the CacheReloader to be run when a cached object has expired.
 com.bea.p13n.cache.CacheReloader unsetReloader(java.lang.Object oKey)
          Remove the CacheReloader used for the given key.


Methods inherited from class com.tangosol.coherence.weblogic.PortalCacheProvider.CacheImpl
clear, containsKey, ensureLocalCache, entrySet, flush, flush, getCacheProvider, getDescription, getEntryInfoMap, getHitCount, getHitRate, getLocalCache, getLocalClassSet, getMaxEntries, getMissCount, getName, getNamedCache, getTtl, instantiateEntryInfoMap, instantiateLocalCache, isEnabled, keySet, put, put, put, release, remove, resetStats, setEnabled, setMaxEntries, setTtl, size, toString


Constructor Detail


protected PortalCacheProvider.ReloadableCacheImpl(java.lang.String sName,
                                                  NamedCache cache)
Create a new CacheImpl.
sName - the name of the Cache; must not be null
cache - the delegate NamedCache; must not be null

Method Detail


public com.bea.p13n.cache.CacheReloader getReloader(java.lang.Object oKey)
Return the CacheReloader used for the given key or null if no CacheReloader is currently set.

This method has no effect if the Cache is disabled (null is returned).

Specified by:
getReloader in interface com.bea.p13n.cache.ReloadableCache
getReloader in class PortalCacheProvider.CacheImpl
oKey - the target key
the CacheReloader used to reload the cache value for the given key when the value expires or null if a CacheReloader has not been set for the given key


public void setReloader(java.lang.Object oKey,
                        com.bea.p13n.cache.CacheReloader reloader)
Set the CacheReloader to be run when a cached object has expired.

When get() is called with the specified key and the entry has expired, the given CacheReloader is used to reload the object and refresh the Cache. Requests for cached objects without an associated CacheReloader will return null in this situation.

This method has no effect if the Cache is disabled.

Specified by:
setReloader in interface com.bea.p13n.cache.ReloadableCache
setReloader in class PortalCacheProvider.CacheImpl
oKey - the key to add (or replace) the CacheReloader for
reloader - the new CacheReloader (or null to remove the current CacheReloader)


public com.bea.p13n.cache.CacheReloader unsetReloader(java.lang.Object oKey)
Remove the CacheReloader used for the given key.

This method has no effect if the Cache is disabled (null is returned).

Specified by:
unsetReloader in interface com.bea.p13n.cache.ReloadableCache
unsetReloader in class PortalCacheProvider.CacheImpl
oKey - the target key
the removed CacheReloader or null if no CacheReloader was currently set


public java.lang.Object put(java.lang.Object oKey,
                            java.lang.Object oValue,
                            long cMillis,
                            com.bea.p13n.cache.CacheReloader reloader)
Cache the given value with a specific time-to-live and specify a CacheReloader used to reload the value when that time-to-live expires.

Neither the key nor the value may be null. The reloader may be null (in which case no CacheReloader is used and the value will expire in the "normal" way.)

Specified by:
put in interface com.bea.p13n.cache.ReloadableCache
put in class PortalCacheProvider.CacheImpl
oKey - key with which the specified value is to be cached; must not be null
oValue - value to cache; must not be null
cMillis - the time-to-live, in milliseconds, of the cached object; this TTL overrides the default TTL for the Cache, and applies only to the given key
reloader - the CacheReloader to associate with the given key
the previously cached value for the given key


public void reload(java.lang.Object oKey)
Run the CacheReloader associated with the given key to refresh the value in the cache. This method blocks until the object is reloaded.

This method has no effect if the Cache is disabled.

Specified by:
reload in interface com.bea.p13n.cache.ReloadableCache
reload in class PortalCacheProvider.CacheImpl
oKey - the target key


public java.lang.Object put(java.lang.Object oKey,
                            java.lang.Object oValue,
                            long cMillis)
Cache the given value with the specified time-to-live.

This method has no effect if the Cache is disabled (null is returned).

Specified by:
put in interface com.bea.p13n.cache.Cache
put in class PortalCacheProvider.CacheImpl
oKey - the key of the entry to create; must not be null
oValue - the value to associate with the key; must not be null
cMillis - the time-to-live, in milliseconds, of the cached object; this TTL overrides the default TTL for the Cache, and applies only to the given key
the previous value associated with the given key


public java.lang.Object get(java.lang.Object oKey)
Return the cached value associated with the given key.

This method has no effect if the Cache is disabled (null is returned).

Specified by:
get in interface com.bea.p13n.cache.Cache
get in class PortalCacheProvider.CacheImpl
oKey - the target key; must not be null
the cache value associated with the given key or null if no such mapping exists or has expired


protected java.lang.Object reload(java.lang.Object oKey,
                                  java.lang.Object oValueOld,
                                  PortalCacheProvider.ReloadableCacheImpl.ReloadableEntryInfo info)
Reload the value for the given key using the CacheReloader associated with the specified EntryInfo and place the new value into the delegate NamedCache.

This method is not thread safe.

oKey - the key to reload
oValueOld - the old cached value; may be null
info - the EntryInfo for the given key
the newly reloaded value


protected boolean compactEntryInfoMap(java.util.Map map,
                                      java.lang.Object oKey,
                                      PortalCacheProvider.CacheImpl.EntryInfo info)
Remove the given EntryInfo from the specified Map if it is safe to do so.

This method is not thread safe.

compactEntryInfoMap in class PortalCacheProvider.CacheImpl
map - the Map that contains the EntryInfo
oKey - the key used to store the EntryInfo in the given Map
info - the candidate EntryInfo
true if the EntryInfo was removed from the Map; false otherwise


protected PortalCacheProvider.CacheImpl.EntryInfo instantiateEntryInfo(boolean fLocal)
Factory pattern: Create a new EntryInfo.
instantiateEntryInfo in class PortalCacheProvider.CacheImpl
fLocal - if true, the corresponding Map.Entry is stored in the local Map
a new EntryInfo


protected PortalCacheProvider.ReloadableCacheImpl.ReloadableEntryInfo instantiateReloadableEntryInfo(boolean fLocal,
                                                                                                     com.bea.p13n.cache.CacheReloader reloader,
                                                                                                     long cMillis)
Factory pattern: Create a new ReloadableEntryInfo.
fLocal - if true, the corresponding Map.Entry is stored in the local Map
reloader - the CacheReloader that should be used to reload the corresponding Map.Entry value
cMillis - the TTL of the corresponding Map.Entry
a new EntryInfo

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