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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference

Class SerializationPagedCache

  extended by com.tangosol.util.Base
      extended by com.tangosol.util.AbstractKeyBasedMap
          extended by com.tangosol.util.AbstractKeySetBasedMap
              extended by
                  extended by
                      extended by

All Implemented Interfaces:
ObservableMap, java.util.Map

public class SerializationPagedCache
extends AbstractSerializationCache

A version of SerializationMap that implements an LRU policy using time-based paging of the cache. This implementation uses a BinaryStoreManager to create a current BinaryStore which is used to store all objects being placed into the cache. Once the specified "current" time period has elapsed, a new current BinaryStore is created, and the previously current page is closed, which means that it will no longer be used to store objects that are being placed into the cache. This continues until the total number of pages (the one current plus all of the previously current pages) exceeds the maximum number of pages defined for the cache. When that happens, the oldest page is evicted, triggering the related events, and the BinaryStore for that page is destroyed. Note that cache items can be accessed out of and removed from closed pages, but cache items are never written to closed pages.

To avoid a massive number of simultaneous events, the eviction of a closed page can be performed asynchronously on a daemon thread.

Coherence 2.4
cp 2004.05.05

Nested Class Summary
static class SerializationPagedCache.FakeBinaryStore
          A lite BinaryStore implementation used when the real underlying BinaryStore gets destroyed.
 class SerializationPagedCache.PagedBinaryStore
          A virtual BinaryStore implementation that aggregates a sequence (newest to oldest) of periodic BinaryStore objects.
 class SerializationPagedCache.WrapperBinaryStore
          A wrapper BinaryStore implementation that keeps track of its size.


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.tangosol.util.AbstractKeySetBasedMap
AbstractKeySetBasedMap.EntrySet, AbstractKeySetBasedMap.KeyIterator, AbstractKeySetBasedMap.KeySet, AbstractKeySetBasedMap.ValuesCollection


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.tangosol.util.AbstractKeyBasedMap


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface java.util.Map


Constructor Summary
SerializationPagedCache(BinaryStoreManager storemgr, int cPages, int cPageSecs)
          Construct a SerializationPagedCache on top of a BinaryStoreManager.
SerializationPagedCache(BinaryStoreManager storemgr, int cPages, int cPageSecs, boolean fBinaryMap, boolean fPassive)
          Construct a SerializationPagedCache on top of a BinaryStoreManager.
SerializationPagedCache(BinaryStoreManager storemgr, int cPages, int cPageSecs, java.lang.ClassLoader loader)
          Construct a SerializationPagedCache on top of a BinaryStoreManager.


Method Summary
protected  void advancePage()
          Advance to a new current page, and deactivate the oldest page is the maximum number of active pages has been reached.
protected  void checkPage()
          Determine if the time has come to set up a new page for storing current cache data.
 void clear()
          Clear all key/value mappings.
protected  BinaryStore createBinaryStore()
          Create and register a new BinaryStore object, using this cache's BinaryStoreManager.
protected  void deactivatePage(SerializationPagedCache.WrapperBinaryStore store)
          Deactivate a page that is no longer active.
protected  void destroyBinaryStore(BinaryStore store)
          Destroy and unregister a BinaryStore object that was previously created using this cache's BinaryStoreManager by the createBinaryStore method.
protected  void eraseStore()
          Erase all entries from the underlying store.
 void evict()
          Flush items that have expired.
 java.lang.Object get(java.lang.Object oKey)
          Returns the value to which this map maps the specified key.
protected  java.util.List getBinaryStoreList()
          Get the list of registered BinaryStore objects.
protected  BinaryStoreManager getBinaryStoreManager()
          Returns the BinaryStoreManager that provides BinaryStore objects this cache uses for its storage.
 XmlElement getConfig()
          Determine the current configuration of the object.
protected  long getCurrentPageTime()
          Determine the time that the current page was created.
protected  java.lang.String getDescription()
          Assemble a human-readable description.
 int getLockDelaySeconds()
          Determine the number of seconds to wait for a lock in debug mode.
protected  ConcurrentMap getLockMap()
          Obtain the map used for managing key- and map-level locks to ensure data consistency.
 int getMaximumPages()
          Determine the maximum number of pages that the cache will manage, beyond which the oldest pages are destroyed.
protected  long getPageAdvanceTime()
          Determine the time that the next page should be created.
protected  SerializationPagedCache.PagedBinaryStore getPagedBinaryStore()
          Returns the BinaryStore that this map uses for its storage.
 long getPageDuration()
          Determine the length of time that the most recently created page is kept as the current page.
protected  SerializationPagedCache.FakeBinaryStore instantiateFakeBinaryStore()
          Factory method: Instantiate a FakeBinaryStore.
protected  SerializationPagedCache.PagedBinaryStore instantiatePagedStore(int cPages)
          Factory method: Instantiate a PagedBinaryStore.
protected  SerializationPagedCache.WrapperBinaryStore instantiateWrapperStore(BinaryStore store)
          Factory method: Instantiate a WrapperBinaryStore.
 boolean isAsynchronousPageDeactivation()
          Determine if a daemon should evict the items from a deactivated page to avoid blocking other work from being done.
static boolean isDebug()
          Determine the status of the internal debug flag.
 boolean isPassivePagedBackup()
          Determine if this is just a passive backup for a paged cache.
 boolean isVirtualErase()
          Determine if BinaryStore erase commands will be done only in memory (to the cached list of keys) and not passsed to the underlying BinaryStore, thus improving performance and cutting I/O, but potentially wasting disk space (or whatever resource the paged data are stored on.)
protected  java.util.Iterator iterateBinaryStores()
          Obtain an iterator of all registered (not destroyed) BinaryStore objects being used by this cache.
protected  void lockInternal(java.lang.Object oKey)
          Obtain a lock for the specified key.
protected  boolean lockInternalNoWait(java.lang.Object oKey)
          Obtain a lock for the specified key, but only if no other thread has the lock at the point in time that this method is invoked.
 java.lang.Object put(java.lang.Object oKey, java.lang.Object oValue)
          Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.
 void putAll(java.util.Map map)
          Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map.
 java.lang.Object remove(java.lang.Object oKey)
          Removes the mapping for this key from this map if present.
protected  boolean removeBlind(java.lang.Object oKey)
          Removes the mapping for this key from this map if present.
protected  void runTask(java.lang.Runnable task)
          Run the passed task on a separate thread.
 void setAsynchronousPageDeactivation(boolean fAsync)
          Specify whether a daemon should evict the items from a deactivated page to avoid blocking other work from being done.
protected  void setBinaryStore(BinaryStore store)
          Configures the BinaryStore that this map will use for its storage.
 void setConfig(XmlElement xml)
          Specify the configuration for the object.
static void setDebug(boolean fDebug)
          Set the status of the internal debug flag.
 void setLockDelaySeconds(int cSecondsLockDelay)
          Specify the number of seconds to wait for a lock in debug mode.
protected  void setPageDuration(long cPageMillis)
          Specify the length of time that the most recently created page is kept as the current page.
protected  void setPassivePagedBackup(boolean fPassiveBackup)
          Specify whether this is just a passive backup for a paged cache.
protected  void setVirtualErase(boolean fVirtualErase)
          Specify whether BinaryStore erase commands will be done only in memory to the cached list of keys.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a string representation of this Map.
protected  void unlockInternal(java.lang.Object oKey)
          Release the lock on the specified key.


Methods inherited from class
addMapListener, addMapListener, addMapListener, dispatchEvent, dispatchPendingEvent, getMapListenerSupport, hasListeners, removeMapListener, removeMapListener, removeMapListener


Methods inherited from class
containsValue, fromBinary, getBinaryStore, getCacheStatistics, getClassLoader, getInternalKeySet, getKeyMap, instantiateKeyMap, isBinaryMap, registerKey, setBinaryMap, setClassLoader, toBinary, unregisterKey


Methods inherited from class com.tangosol.util.AbstractKeySetBasedMap
containsKey, instantiateEntrySet, instantiateKeyIterator, instantiateKeySet, instantiateValues, isEmpty, isInternalKeySetIteratorMutable, iterateKeys, size


Methods inherited from class com.tangosol.util.AbstractKeyBasedMap
clone, entrySet, equals, getAll, hashCode, keySet, values


Methods inherited from interface java.util.Map
containsKey, containsValue, entrySet, equals, hashCode, isEmpty, keySet, size, values


Constructor Detail


public SerializationPagedCache(BinaryStoreManager storemgr,
                               int cPages,
                               int cPageSecs)
Construct a SerializationPagedCache on top of a BinaryStoreManager.
storemgr - the BinaryStoreManager that provides BinaryStore objects that the serialized objects are written to
cPages - the maximum number of pages to have active at a time
cPageSecs - the length of time, in seconds, that a 'page' is current


public SerializationPagedCache(BinaryStoreManager storemgr,
                               int cPages,
                               int cPageSecs,
                               java.lang.ClassLoader loader)
Construct a SerializationPagedCache on top of a BinaryStoreManager.
storemgr - the BinaryStoreManager that provides BinaryStore objects that the serialized objects are written to
cPages - the maximum number of pages to have active at a time
cPageSecs - the length of time, in seconds, that a 'page' is current
loader - the ClassLoader to use for deserialization


public SerializationPagedCache(BinaryStoreManager storemgr,
                               int cPages,
                               int cPageSecs,
                               boolean fBinaryMap,
                               boolean fPassive)
Construct a SerializationPagedCache on top of a BinaryStoreManager.
storemgr - the BinaryStoreManager that provides BinaryStore objects that the serialized objects are written to
cPages - the maximum number of pages to have active at a time
cPageSecs - the length of time, in seconds, that a 'page' is current
fBinaryMap - true indicates that this map will only manage binary keys and values
fPassive - true indicates that this map is a passive cache, which means that it is just a backup of the cache and does not actively expire data

Method Detail


public XmlElement getConfig()
Determine the current configuration of the object.
the XML configuration or null


public void setConfig(XmlElement xml)
Specify the configuration for the object.
xml - the XML configuration for the object
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the object is not in a state that allows the configuration to be set; for example, if the object has already been configured and cannot be reconfigured


public void clear()
Clear all key/value mappings.
Specified by:
clear in interface java.util.Map
clear in class AbstractSerializationCache


public java.lang.Object get(java.lang.Object oKey)
Returns the value to which this map maps the specified key.
Specified by:
get in interface java.util.Map
get in class SerializationMap
oKey - the key object
the value to which this map maps the specified key, or null if the map contains no mapping for this key


public java.lang.Object put(java.lang.Object oKey,
                            java.lang.Object oValue)
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.
Specified by:
put in interface java.util.Map
put in class AbstractSerializationCache
oKey - key with which the specified value is to be associated
oValue - value to be associated with the specified key
previous value associated with specified key, or null if there was no mapping for key


public void putAll(java.util.Map map)
Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map. These mappings will replace any mappings that this map had for any of the keys currently in the specified map.
Specified by:
putAll in interface java.util.Map
putAll in class AbstractSerializationCache
map - map of entries to be stored in this map


public java.lang.Object remove(java.lang.Object oKey)
Removes the mapping for this key from this map if present. Expensive: updates both the underlying cache and the local cache.
Specified by:
remove in interface java.util.Map
remove in class AbstractSerializationCache
oKey - key whose mapping is to be removed from the map
previous value associated with specified key, or null if there was no mapping for key. A null return can also indicate that the map previously associated null with the specified key, if the implementation supports null values.


protected boolean removeBlind(java.lang.Object oKey)
Removes the mapping for this key from this map if present. This method exists to allow sub-classes to optmiize remove functionalitly for situations in which the original value is not required.
removeBlind in class AbstractSerializationCache
oKey - key whose mapping is to be removed from the map
true iff the Map changed as the result of this operation


protected void eraseStore()
Erase all entries from the underlying store.
eraseStore in class SerializationMap


public void evict()
Flush items that have expired. This may occur asynchronously, depending on the AsynchronousPageDeactivation property.
Specified by:
evict in class AbstractSerializationCache
Coherence 3.2


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns a string representation of this Map. The string representation consists of a list of key-value mappings in the order returned by the Map's entrySet view's iterator, enclosed in braces ("{}"). Adjacent mappings are separated by the characters ", " (comma and space). Each key-value mapping is rendered as the key followed by an equals sign ("=") followed by the associated value. Keys and values are converted to strings as by String.valueOf(Object).
toString in class SerializationMap
a String representation of this Map


protected java.lang.String getDescription()
Assemble a human-readable description.
getDescription in class AbstractSerializationCache
a description of this Map


public boolean isVirtualErase()
Determine if BinaryStore erase commands will be done only in memory (to the cached list of keys) and not passsed to the underlying BinaryStore, thus improving performance and cutting I/O, but potentially wasting disk space (or whatever resource the paged data are stored on.)
true if the erase should not go to the underlying store, but simply remove the key from the cached list of keys managed by that store


protected void setVirtualErase(boolean fVirtualErase)
Specify whether BinaryStore erase commands will be done only in memory to the cached list of keys.
fVirtualErase - true if the erase should not go to the underlying store, but simply remove the key from the cached list of keys managed by that store; false to pass all erase requests down to the underlying store


public int getLockDelaySeconds()
Determine the number of seconds to wait for a lock in debug mode. This is only applicable to debug mode; in normal mode, a lock is queued for indefinitely.
the number of seconds to wait for a lock


public void setLockDelaySeconds(int cSecondsLockDelay)
Specify the number of seconds to wait for a lock in debug mode. This is only applicable to debug mode; in normal mode, a lock is queued for indefinitely.

This will not take effect until the next lock is requested and unless debug mode is turned on.

cSecondsLockDelay - the number of seconds to wait for a lock


protected ConcurrentMap getLockMap()
Obtain the map used for managing key- and map-level locks to ensure data consistency.
the ConcurrentMap used to manage thread access to keys and to the entire map


protected BinaryStoreManager getBinaryStoreManager()
Returns the BinaryStoreManager that provides BinaryStore objects this cache uses for its storage.

This object is intended for use only by the createBinaryStore, and destroyBinaryStore methods.

the BinaryStoreManager for this cache


protected void setBinaryStore(BinaryStore store)
Configures the BinaryStore that this map will use for its storage.
setBinaryStore in class SerializationMap
store - the BinaryStore to use


protected SerializationPagedCache.PagedBinaryStore getPagedBinaryStore()
Returns the BinaryStore that this map uses for its storage.

Note: This implementation assumes that the BinaryStore is only being modified by this Map instance. If you modify the BinaryStore contents, the behavior of this Map is undefined.

the BinaryStore


protected java.util.List getBinaryStoreList()
Get the list of registered BinaryStore objects. This list is intended for use only by the createBinaryStore, destroyBinaryStore and iterateBinaryStores methods.
the list of BinaryStore objects returned previously from createBinaryStore that have not yet been destroyed by destroyBinaryStore


protected java.util.Iterator iterateBinaryStores()
Obtain an iterator of all registered (not destroyed) BinaryStore objects being used by this cache.
a read-only iterator of BinaryStore objects used by this cache


public int getMaximumPages()
Determine the maximum number of pages that the cache will manage, beyond which the oldest pages are destroyed.
the maximum number of pages that the cache will manage


public long getPageDuration()
Determine the length of time that the most recently created page is kept as the current page.
the time in milliseconds that a page remains current


protected void setPageDuration(long cPageMillis)
Specify the length of time that the most recently created page is kept as the current page.
cPageMillis - the time in milliseconds that a page remains current


protected long getCurrentPageTime()
Determine the time that the current page was created.
the time that the current page was created or 0L if no page has been created yet


protected long getPageAdvanceTime()
Determine the time that the next page should be created. If the time returned from this method is in the past, then the implication is that a new page should be created to replace the current page.
the time that the next page should be created or 0L if no page has been created yet


public boolean isPassivePagedBackup()
Determine if this is just a passive backup for a paged cache.
true if this cache has been configured as a backup for a paged cache


protected void setPassivePagedBackup(boolean fPassiveBackup)
Specify whether this is just a passive backup for a paged cache. A backup will not deactivate pages on its own, but simply waits for pages to empty and then destroys them as soon as they empty.
fPassiveBackup - true if this cache is just a backup for a paged cache


public boolean isAsynchronousPageDeactivation()
Determine if a daemon should evict the items from a deactivated page to avoid blocking other work from being done.
true if a daemon should be used for page deactivation


public void setAsynchronousPageDeactivation(boolean fAsync)
Specify whether a daemon should evict the items from a deactivated page to avoid blocking other work from being done. The deactivation of a page involves evicting every entry from that page, so with a large page of data, it is possible that the cache would be "frozen" for a period of time while the entries are evicted (events being generated, etc.)

This will not take effect until the next page is deactivated.

fAsync - pass true to specify that a daemon should be used for page deactivation, or false to block all other threads while a page is fully deactivated


public static boolean isDebug()
Determine the status of the internal debug flag.
true if the cache is in debug mode, false otherwise


public static void setDebug(boolean fDebug)
Set the status of the internal debug flag.
fDebug - true to set the cache into debug mode, false to set it into normal runtime mode


protected void lockInternal(java.lang.Object oKey)
Obtain a lock for the specified key.
oKey - the key to lock


protected boolean lockInternalNoWait(java.lang.Object oKey)
Obtain a lock for the specified key, but only if no other thread has the lock at the point in time that this method is invoked.
oKey - the key to lock
true if the lock was available and the key is now locked by this thread; false otherwise


protected void unlockInternal(java.lang.Object oKey)
Release the lock on the specified key.
oKey - the key to unlock


protected BinaryStore createBinaryStore()
Create and register a new BinaryStore object, using this cache's BinaryStoreManager.
a new BinaryStore


protected void destroyBinaryStore(BinaryStore store)
Destroy and unregister a BinaryStore object that was previously created using this cache's BinaryStoreManager by the createBinaryStore method.
store - a BinaryStore returned previously from createBinaryStore


protected void checkPage()
Determine if the time has come to set up a new page for storing current cache data. This potentially destroys the oldest page, if the maximum number of active pages has been reached.


protected void advancePage()
Advance to a new current page, and deactivate the oldest page is the maximum number of active pages has been reached.


protected void runTask(java.lang.Runnable task)
Run the passed task on a separate thread.
task - the Runnable object to run on a separate thread


protected void deactivatePage(SerializationPagedCache.WrapperBinaryStore store)
Deactivate a page that is no longer active. This means expiring any remaining entries on that page. By splitting this method out, it makes it easier for sub-classes to provide this functionality in an asynchronous manner.
store - the "page" to deactivate


protected SerializationPagedCache.PagedBinaryStore instantiatePagedStore(int cPages)
Factory method: Instantiate a PagedBinaryStore.
cPages - the maximum number of pages to have active at a time
a new PagedBinaryStore object


protected SerializationPagedCache.WrapperBinaryStore instantiateWrapperStore(BinaryStore store)
Factory method: Instantiate a WrapperBinaryStore.
store - the BinaryStore to wrap
a new WrapperBinaryStore object


protected SerializationPagedCache.FakeBinaryStore instantiateFakeBinaryStore()
Factory method: Instantiate a FakeBinaryStore.
a new FakeBinaryStore object

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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference


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