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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference

Class HttpSessionManager

  extended by com.tangosol.util.Base
      extended by

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class HttpSessionManager
extends Base
implements HttpSessionManagerMBean

HttpSessionManagerMBean implementation class.

Coherence 3.1
jh 2005.11.18

Field Summary


Fields inherited from interface


Constructor Summary
HttpSessionManager(SessionHelper helper, SessionReaperStatistics reaperStatistics)
          Create a new HttpSessionManager object.


Method Summary
 void clearStoredConfiguration()
          Removes the stored configuration which is used to check configuration consistency.
protected  AbstractHttpSessionCollection getAbstractHttpSessionCollection()
          Return the AbstractHttpSessionCollection currently in use.
 long getAverageReapDuration()
          Gets the average reap duration since the statistics was reset.
 long getAverageReapedSessions()
          Gets the average number of reaped sessions in a reap cycle since the statistics was reset.
 java.lang.String getCollectionClassName()
          Return the fully qualified class name of the HttpSessionCollection implementation in use.
 java.lang.String getFactoryClassName()
          Return the fully qualified class name of the SessionHelperFactory implementation in use.
 java.util.Date getLastReapCycle()
          Return the start time for the last reap cycle.
 long getLastReapDuration()
          Return the time in milliseconds it took for the last reap cycle to finish.
 java.lang.String getLocalAttributeCacheName()
          Return the name of the local cache that stores non-distributed session attributes or null if local session attribute storage is disabled.
 int getLocalAttributeCount()
          Return the number of non-distributed session attributes stored in the local session attribute cache or -1 if local session attribute storage is disabled.
 java.lang.String getLocalSessionCacheName()
          Return the name of the local cache that stores non-distributed sessions or null if local session storage is disabled.
 int getLocalSessionCount()
          Return the number of non-distributed sessions stored in the local session cache or -1 if local session storage is disabled.
 long getMaxReapDuration()
          Gets the maximum reap duration since the statistics was reset.
 long getMaxReapedSessions()
          Gets the maximum number of sessions reaped in a reap cycle since the statistics was reset.
 java.util.Date getNextReapCycle()
          Returns the time for the next reap cycle.
 int getOverflowAverageSize()
          Return the average size (in bytes) of the session attributes stored in the "overflow" clustered cache since the last time statistics were reset or -1 if a SplitHttpSessionCollection is not in use.
 java.lang.String getOverflowCacheName()
          Return the name of the clustered cache that stores the "large attributes" that exceed a certain size and thus are determined to be more efficiently managed as separate cache entries and not as part of the serialized session object itself.
 int getOverflowMaxSize()
          Return the maximum size (in bytes) of a session attribute stored in the "overflow" clustered cache since the last time statistics were reset or -1 if a SplitHttpSessionCollection is not in use.
 int getOverflowThreshold()
          Return the minimum length (in bytes) that the serialized form of an attribute value must be in order for that attribute value to be stored in the separate "overflow" cache that is reserved for large attributes.
 int getOverflowUpdates()
          Return the number of updates to session attributes stored in the "overflow" clustered cache since the last time statistics were reset or -1 if a SplitHttpSessionCollection is not in use.
 long getReapedSessions()
          Returns the number of expired sessions that were reaped in the last reap cycle.
 long getReapedSessionsTotal()
          Returns the number of expired sessions that has been reaped since the statistics was reset.
 java.lang.String getServletContextCacheName()
          Return the name of the clustered cache that stores ServletContext attributes or null if the ServletContext is not clustered.
 java.lang.String getServletContextName()
          Return the name of the web application ServletContext.
 int getSessionAverageLifetime()
          Return the average lifetime (in seconds) of session objects invalidated (either due to expiration or to an explicit invalidation) since the last time statistics were reset.
 int getSessionAverageSize()
          Return the average size (in bytes) of session objects placed in the session storage clustered cache since the last time statistics were reset.
 java.lang.String getSessionCacheName()
          Return the name of the clustered cache that stores serialized session objects.
protected  SessionHelperFactory getSessionFactory()
          Return the SessionHelper.Factory currently in use.
protected  SessionHelper getSessionHelper()
          Return the SessionHelper used by this HttpSessionManager object to expose Coherence*Web management attributes and operations.
 int getSessionIdLength()
          Return the length (in characters) of generated session IDs.
 int getSessionMaxSize()
          Return the maximum size (in bytes) of a session object placed in the session storage clustered cache since the last time statistics were reset.
 int getSessionMinSize()
          Return the minimum size (in bytes) of a session object placed in the session storage clustered cache since the last time statistics were reset.
 int getSessionStickyCount()
          Return the number of session objects that are pinned to this instance of the web application or -1 if sticky session optimizations are disabled.
 int getSessionTimeout()
          Return the session expiration time (in seconds) or -1 if sessions never expire.
 int getSessionUpdates()
          Return the number of updates of session object stored in the session storage clustered cache since the last time statistics were reset.
protected  SplitHttpSessionCollection getSplitHttpSessionCollection()
          Return the SplitHttpSessionCollection currently in use.
 void resetStatistics()
          Reset the session management statistics.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a string representation of the object.


Constructor Detail


public HttpSessionManager(SessionHelper helper,
                          SessionReaperStatistics reaperStatistics)
Create a new HttpSessionManager object.
helper - the SessionHelper for the web application in which Coherence*Web is installed
reaperStatistics -

Method Detail


public long getAverageReapDuration()
Gets the average reap duration since the statistics was reset.
Specified by:
getAverageReapDuration in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
The average reap duration.


public long getAverageReapedSessions()
Gets the average number of reaped sessions in a reap cycle since the statistics was reset.
Specified by:
getAverageReapedSessions in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
The average number of reaped sessions.


public java.lang.String getCollectionClassName()
Return the fully qualified class name of the HttpSessionCollection implementation in use.
Specified by:
getCollectionClassName in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the CollectionClassName attribute


public java.lang.String getFactoryClassName()
Return the fully qualified class name of the SessionHelperFactory implementation in use.
Specified by:
getFactoryClassName in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the FactoryClassName attribute


public long getLastReapDuration()
Return the time in milliseconds it took for the last reap cycle to finish.
Specified by:
getLastReapDuration in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the LastReapDuration attribute


public java.util.Date getLastReapCycle()
Return the start time for the last reap cycle.
Specified by:
getLastReapCycle in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the LastReapTime attribute


public java.lang.String getLocalAttributeCacheName()
Return the name of the local cache that stores non-distributed session attributes or null if local session attribute storage is disabled.
Specified by:
getLocalAttributeCacheName in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the LocalAttributeCacheName attribute


public int getLocalAttributeCount()
Return the number of non-distributed session attributes stored in the local session attribute cache or -1 if local session attribute storage is disabled.
Specified by:
getLocalAttributeCount in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the LocalAttributeCount attribute
See Also:


public java.lang.String getLocalSessionCacheName()
Return the name of the local cache that stores non-distributed sessions or null if local session storage is disabled.
Specified by:
getLocalSessionCacheName in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the LocalSessionCacheName attribute


public int getLocalSessionCount()
Return the number of non-distributed sessions stored in the local session cache or -1 if local session storage is disabled.
Specified by:
getLocalSessionCount in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the LocalSessionCount attribute
See Also:


public long getMaxReapDuration()
Gets the maximum reap duration since the statistics was reset.
Specified by:
getMaxReapDuration in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
The max reap duration.


public long getMaxReapedSessions()
Gets the maximum number of sessions reaped in a reap cycle since the statistics was reset.
Specified by:
getMaxReapedSessions in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
The max number of sessions reaped.


public java.util.Date getNextReapCycle()
Returns the time for the next reap cycle.
Specified by:
getNextReapCycle in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean


public int getOverflowAverageSize()
Return the average size (in bytes) of the session attributes stored in the "overflow" clustered cache since the last time statistics were reset or -1 if a SplitHttpSessionCollection is not in use.
Specified by:
getOverflowAverageSize in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the OverflowAverageSize attribute
See Also:
HttpSessionManagerMBean.getCollectionClassName(), HttpSessionManagerMBean.getOverflowCacheName(), HttpSessionManagerMBean.getOverflowThreshold()


public java.lang.String getOverflowCacheName()
Return the name of the clustered cache that stores the "large attributes" that exceed a certain size and thus are determined to be more efficiently managed as separate cache entries and not as part of the serialized session object itself.

If a SplitHttpSessionCollection is not in use, null is returned.

Specified by:
getOverflowCacheName in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the OverflowCacheName attribute
See Also:
HttpSessionManagerMBean.getCollectionClassName(), HttpSessionManagerMBean.getOverflowThreshold()


public int getOverflowMaxSize()
Return the maximum size (in bytes) of a session attribute stored in the "overflow" clustered cache since the last time statistics were reset or -1 if a SplitHttpSessionCollection is not in use.
Specified by:
getOverflowMaxSize in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the OverflowMaxSize attribute
See Also:
HttpSessionManagerMBean.getCollectionClassName(), HttpSessionManagerMBean.getOverflowCacheName(), HttpSessionManagerMBean.getOverflowThreshold()


public int getOverflowThreshold()
Return the minimum length (in bytes) that the serialized form of an attribute value must be in order for that attribute value to be stored in the separate "overflow" cache that is reserved for large attributes.

If a SplitHttpSessionCollection is not in use, -1 is returned.

Specified by:
getOverflowThreshold in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the OverflowThreshold attribute
See Also:
HttpSessionManagerMBean.getCollectionClassName(), HttpSessionManagerMBean.getOverflowCacheName()


public int getOverflowUpdates()
Return the number of updates to session attributes stored in the "overflow" clustered cache since the last time statistics were reset or -1 if a SplitHttpSessionCollection is not in use.
Specified by:
getOverflowUpdates in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the OverflowUpdates attribute
See Also:
HttpSessionManagerMBean.getCollectionClassName(), HttpSessionManagerMBean.getOverflowCacheName(), HttpSessionManagerMBean.getOverflowThreshold()


public long getReapedSessions()
Returns the number of expired sessions that were reaped in the last reap cycle.
Specified by:
getReapedSessions in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the ReapedSessions attribute


public long getReapedSessionsTotal()
Returns the number of expired sessions that has been reaped since the statistics was reset.
Specified by:
getReapedSessionsTotal in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the ReapedSessionsTotal attribute


public int getSessionAverageLifetime()
Return the average lifetime (in seconds) of session objects invalidated (either due to expiration or to an explicit invalidation) since the last time statistics were reset.
Specified by:
getSessionAverageLifetime in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the SessionAverageLifetime attribute


public int getSessionAverageSize()
Return the average size (in bytes) of session objects placed in the session storage clustered cache since the last time statistics were reset.
Specified by:
getSessionAverageSize in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the SessionAverageSize attribute


public java.lang.String getSessionCacheName()
Return the name of the clustered cache that stores serialized session objects.
Specified by:
getSessionCacheName in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the SessionCacheName attribute


public int getSessionIdLength()
Return the length (in characters) of generated session IDs.
Specified by:
getSessionIdLength in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the SessionIdLength attribute


public int getSessionMaxSize()
Return the maximum size (in bytes) of a session object placed in the session storage clustered cache since the last time statistics were reset.
Specified by:
getSessionMaxSize in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the SessionMaxSize attribute


public int getSessionMinSize()
Return the minimum size (in bytes) of a session object placed in the session storage clustered cache since the last time statistics were reset.
Specified by:
getSessionMinSize in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the SessionMinSize attribute


public int getSessionStickyCount()
Return the number of session objects that are pinned to this instance of the web application or -1 if sticky session optimizations are disabled.
Specified by:
getSessionStickyCount in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the SessionStickyCount attribute


public int getSessionTimeout()
Return the session expiration time (in seconds) or -1 if sessions never expire.
Specified by:
getSessionTimeout in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the SessionTimeout attribute


public int getSessionUpdates()
Return the number of updates of session object stored in the session storage clustered cache since the last time statistics were reset.
Specified by:
getSessionUpdates in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the SessionUpdates attribute


public java.lang.String getServletContextCacheName()
Return the name of the clustered cache that stores ServletContext attributes or null if the ServletContext is not clustered.
Specified by:
getServletContextCacheName in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the ServletContextCacheName attribute


public java.lang.String getServletContextName()
Return the name of the web application ServletContext.
Specified by:
getServletContextName in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean
the value of the ServletContextName attribute


public void resetStatistics()
Reset the session management statistics.
Specified by:
resetStatistics in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean


public void clearStoredConfiguration()
Removes the stored configuration which is used to check configuration consistency.
Specified by:
clearStoredConfiguration in interface HttpSessionManagerMBean


protected SessionHelper getSessionHelper()
Return the SessionHelper used by this HttpSessionManager object to expose Coherence*Web management attributes and operations.
the SessionHelper used by this HttpSessionManager


protected SessionHelperFactory getSessionFactory()
Return the SessionHelper.Factory currently in use.
the SessionHelper.Factory or null if one could not be retrieved


protected AbstractHttpSessionCollection getAbstractHttpSessionCollection()
Return the AbstractHttpSessionCollection currently in use.
the AbstractHttpSessionCollection or null if one could not be retrieved


protected SplitHttpSessionCollection getSplitHttpSessionCollection()
Return the SplitHttpSessionCollection currently in use.
the SplitHttpSessionCollection or null if one could not be retrieved


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns a string representation of the object.
a string representation of the object

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