2 Performing the Infrastructure Upgrade

This chapter provides the end-to-end procedure for upgrading an Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Application Developer installation to Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c (12.1.2) Infrastructure.

This chapter includes the following sections:

2.1 Backing Up Your Existing Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Environment

Before you upgrade Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Application Developer installation to Oracle Fusion Middleware 12.1.2 Infrastructure, you must back up your existing 11g environment. For more information, see "Backup and Recovery Strategies for Upgrade" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Planning an Upgrade of Oracle Fusion Middleware.

2.2 Upgrading the Oracle Fusion Middleware Database (If Necessary)

Understand the Oracle Database requirements for Oracle Fusion Middleware 12.1.2 Infrastructure, and upgrade the Oracle Fusion Middleware Database, if necessary.

For more information about upgrading and preparing your Oracle Database for 12c, see "Upgrading and Preparing Your Oracle Databases for 12c (12.1.2)" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Planning an Upgrade of Oracle Fusion Middleware.

2.3 Reassociating a File-Based Security Store Before Upgrade

If you are using a file-based security store in your existing 11g environment, you must perform the following tasks before you begin the upgrade process.

Refer to the following tasks for more information:

Task 1   Creating 11g OPSS and IAU Schemas

Create new 11g Oracle Platform Security Services (OPSS) and Audit Schemas (IAU) schemas in a supported Database using the 11g Repository Creation Utility.

For more information about creating 11g schemas, see "Obtaining and Running Repository Creation Utility" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility User's Guide for 11g Release 1 (

Task 2   Reassociating the 11g Security Store with the Database-Based Security Store and OPSS Schema

If you are using a file-based security store in your 11g environment, then reassociate the file-based store with the database-based repository and OPSS schema.

For information about reassociating OPSS schema with Database-based repository, see "Reassociating the OPSS Security Store" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Security Guide in the 11g Release 1 ( documentation library.

Task 3   Configuring the Audit Data Store

If the audit data store is file based, then you must enable audit loading on the database to change from storing audit records in a file to using a database audit data store.

For information about enabling audit loading, see "Configure the Audit Data Store and Bus-Stop Storage" in Securing Applications with Oracle Platform Security Services.

2.4 Installing Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure 12.1.2 on APPHOST

Install Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure 12.1.2 on the host where you installed the Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Application Developer Oracle home.


Do not configure Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure 12.1.2.

Follow the instructions described in Table 2-1 to install Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure 12.1.2.

Table 2-1 Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure Installation Roadmap

Task Description More Information

Prepare your system for the 12.1.2 install.

Before you install Infrastructure 12.1.2, verify that the minimum system and network requirements are met.

"Roadmap for Verifying Your System Environment" in Installing and Configuring the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure.

Obtain the Infrastructure distribution.

Obtain the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure distribution (wls_jrf_generic.jar).

"Understanding and Obtaining the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure Distribution" in Installing and Configuring the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure.

Start the Infrastructure 12.1.2 installer.

Start the Infrastructure installer from the location where you downloaded it.

"Starting the Installation Program" in Installing and Configuring the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure.

Navigate the installer screens.

Use the installer to install Infrastructure 12.1.2.

"Navigating the Installation Screens" in Installing and Configuring the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure.

2.5 Installing Oracle HTTP Server 12.1.2 on APPHOST

If your 11g domain includes Oracle HTTP Server instances that are associated with the domain, you must install Oracle HTTP Server 12.1.2 on the following machines:

  • On machines where 11g Oracle HTTP Server instances are running

  • On the machine where Administration Server is running

For more information about installing Oracle HTTP Server 12.1.2, see "Installing the Oracle HTTP Server Software" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installing and Configuring Oracle HTTP Server.


Do not configure Oracle HTTP Server 12.1.2.

2.6 Stopping Servers and Processes

Before running Upgrade Assistant, shut down all Oracle Fusion Middleware Managed Servers, Administration Servers, and system components (such as OHS) that may be using the schemas or configurations you want to update. Failure to do so may result in an incomplete or failed upgrade.

If you are running Node Manager, you should also stop Node Manager. You can do this by closing the console window in which Node Manager is running, or by using the stopNodeManager WLST command.

Instructions for stopping an Oracle Fusion Middleware environment are provided in "Stopping an Oracle Fusion Middleware Environment" in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

2.7 Using the Schema Version Registry to Identify Existing 11g Schemas

Connect to the database as SYS user, and use the following SQL command to see a list of the Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g schemas that are already installed in your database

SELECT comp_id, owner, version, status, upgraded FROM schema_version_registry

You can use this list later to help you determine what schemas to create and which schemas you need to upgrade.

2.8 Creating the Required 12.1.2 Schemas Before You Upgrade

Before you upgrade, you must install one or more schemas in a supported database:

2.8.1 Determining Which Schemas to Create

Consider the following scenarios:

  • If you did not use a database in 11g, then you must install and configure a supported database, and you must create one or more of the database schemas as described in Section, "Infrastructure 12c Requires Specific Database Schemas".

  • If you were already using a database to host the schemas for your Application Developer 11g domain, then use the schema version registry to list the Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g schemas that are already available in your database, as described in Section 2.7.

    Do not create any of the schemas listed in the Schema Version Registry; instead, you can use the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Assistant later in the upgrade process to upgrade the 11g schemas to 12.1.2.

    Note, however, that you must still create specific schemas, as described in Section, "Infrastructure 12c Requires Specific Database Schemas".

2.8.2 Creating the Required Schemas with the Repository Creation Utility

Complete the following steps to create necessary schemas:


When you create the new 12.1.2 schemas, be sure to use a unique schema prefix. This prefix enables you to differentiate between any schemas previously installed or upgraded in the database, as opposed to those that you have created specifically for Oracle Fusion Middleware 12.1.2.

  1. Starting the Repository Creation Utility (RCU) by doing the following:

    1. Navigate to the ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/bin directory on your system.

    2. Start RCU:

      (UNIX) ./rcu

      (Windows) rcu.bat

  2. Navigate the RCU screens to create required schemas for Infrastructure upgrade.

    For more information, see "Navigating the RCU Screens to Create the Schemas" in Installing and Configuring the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure.


Edition-based redefinition (EBR) enables you to support multiple versions of a database schema on the same database and at the same time. For more information on creating an edition on the server for redefinition, see "Creating an Edition on the Server for Editions-Based Redefinition" in Planning an Upgrade of Oracle Fusion Middleware.

2.9 Upgrading 11g Schemas Using the Upgrade Assistant

Follow the instructions in this section to upgrade Infrastructure schemas using the Upgrade Assistant.

Task 1   Determine Which Schemas to Upgrade

Before you start the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Assistant, View the list of existing 11g schemas in the schema version registry, by using the instructions in Section 2.7.

These are the component schemas you want to select in the Upgrade Assistant.

Task 2   Start the Upgrade Assistant

Complete the following steps to start the Upgrade Assistant:

  1. Change directory to ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/upgrade/bin (on Unix operating systems) or ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\upgrade\bin (on Windows operating systems).

  2. Enter the following command to start the Upgrade Assistant.

    (UNIX) ./ua

    (Windows) ua.bat

Task 3   Upgrade the Schemas

The Upgrade Assistant displays a sequence of screens listed in Table 2-2 when upgrading schemas. Perform the respective action(s) for each of the screens.

Table 2-2 Upgrade Assistant Screens: Upgrading Schemas

Screen Description and Action Required


This screen provides an overview of the Upgrade Assistant and some information about important pre-upgrade tasks.


Select Schemas.

Available Components

This screen provides a list of installed Oracle Fusion Middleware components that have schemas that can be upgraded. When you select a component, the schemas and any dependencies are automatically selected.

To determine which components to select, refer to Task 1, "Determine Which Schemas to Upgrade".

Domain Directory

This screen appears if you selected Oracle Platform Security Services or Oracle Audit Services on the Available Components screen.

Enter the absolute path to the existing 11g WebLogic domain directory, or click Browse to navigate to and select the 11g domain directory you are upgrading.


Check if the prerequisites for schema upgrade are met.

Select Schemas

Use this screen to enter database connection details for each of the schemas you are upgrading.

  1. Select a the database type from the Database Type drop-down menu.

  2. Enter the database connection details, and click Connect.

  3. Select the schema you want to upgrade from the Schema User Name drop-down menu, and then enter the password for the schema.

  4. Click Next.


  • The title of Select Schemas screen varies, depending upon the schemas you are upgrading. For example, if you are upgrading the MDS schema, the screen title appears as "MDS Schema".

  • When upgrading the WLS schema, you cannot connect to the database first to obtain the list of available schemas; instead, you must enter the WLS schema name in the Schema User Name field, and then click Next.

  • For information on the fields required to connect to the database, click Help, or refer to "Select Schemas" in Upgrading with the Upgrade Assistant.


Review the status of the Upgrade Assistant as it examines each component, verifying that the component is ready for upgrade.

Upgrade Summary

Review the summary of the options that you have selected for schema upgrade.

Click Upgrade to upgrade the schemas, or click Back if you wish to change the configurations.

Upgrade Progress

Review the status of the upgrade process.

Click Next when the upgrade is complete.

Upgrade Success

Click Close if the Upgrade was successful.

If the upgrade failed or if you canceled the upgrade before it completed successfully, you should review the log files, restore the backed up environment, and restart the Upgrade Assistant.

Task 4   Verify the Schema Upgrade

Use the following SQL command to verify that the schema version in schema_version_registry has been properly updated.


Check that the number in the VERSION column matches the latest version number for that schema. See Table 1-1, "Schemas That Require an Upgrade" in Upgrading with the Upgrade Assistant to verify that the updated version number is correct for your schema(s).

In the query result, the STATUS field will be either UPGRADING or UPGRADED during the schema patching operation, and will become VALID when the operation is completed.

If the status appears as INVALID, the schema update failed. You should examine the logs files to determine the reason for the failure.

Task 5   Check for Invalid Database Objects

If you are using an Oracle database, you should recompile database objects after running the Upgrade Assistant by connecting to the database as SYS and running the following from SQL*Plus:


This will compile the database objects that were upgraded by Upgrade Assistant.

Then issue the following query to ensure there are no longer any invalid database objects:

SELECT owner, object_name FROM all_objects WHERE status='INVALID';

None of the database objects for the upgraded schema should be invalid at this point. If there are any, run the utlrp.sql command again and check again. If the problem persists, you should file a service request.

2.10 Reconfiguring the Domain Using the Reconfiguration Wizard

Follow the instructions in this section to reconfigure the existing 11g domain using the reconfiguration wizard.

Task 1   Starting the Reconfiguration Wizard

Start the Reconfiguration Wizard in graphical mode by doing the following:

  1. Log in to the system on which the domain resides.

  2. Open command shell (on UNIX operating systems) or open command prompt window (on Windows operating systems).

  3. Go to the following directory:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin

    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\common\bin

    where ORACLE_HOME is your Oracle home directory.

  4. Execute the following command:

    (UNIX) ./reconfig.sh -log=log_file
    (Windows) reconfig.cmd -log=log_file

    Replace log_file with the absolute path of the log file you'd like to create for the domain reconfiguration session. This can be helpful if you need to troubleshoot the reconfiguration process.


    When you run the reconfig.cmd or reconfig.sh command, the following error message might be displayed to indicate that the default cache directory is not valid:

    *sys-package-mgr*: can't create package cache dir

    You can change the cache directory by setting the environment variable CONFIG_JVM_ARGS. For example:


Task 2   Reconfiguring the Domain

The Reconfiguration Wizard displays a sequence of screens listed in Table 2-3. Perform the respective action(s) for each of the screens.

Table 2-3 Reconfiguration Wizard Screens

Screen Description and Action Required

Select Domain

Enter the absolute path to the existing 11g domain directory, or click Browse to navigate to and select the domain directory.

Reconfiguration Setup Progress

Shows the progress of the application of reconfiguration templates.

Domain Mode and JDK

Domain mode cannot be changed.

Select the JDK to use in the domain or click Browse to navigate to the JDK you want to use.

Note that Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c requires Java SE 7. For more information, see "Verifying Certification and System Requirements" in Planning an Installation of Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Database Configuration Type

Select Manual Configuration, and click Next.

Note that if you are not upgrading any schemas from 11g, then you can use the RCU Data option to connect to the Server Table (STB) schema. The Repository Creation Utility will automatically use service table to load the other 12c schema credentials automatically.

However, in many cases, during domain reconfiguration, you must select a combination of new 12c and upgraded 11g schemas, so Oracle recommends that you use the Manual Configuration option, and that you enter the data source information manually to be sure you are connecting to the correct schemas.

For more information, click Help, or refer to "Database Configuration Type" in Upgrading Oracle WebLogic Server.

JDBC Data Sources

This screen is displayed if you created custom data sources for a database-based OPSS security store or Audit Data store in 11g.

Use this screen to configure the JDBC data sources defined in your domain source.

For information about the fields on this page, click Help, or refer to "JDBC Data Sources" in Upgrading Oracle WebLogic Server.

JDBC Data Sources Test

Test the data source connections you configured on the JDBC Data Sources screen.

For information about the fields on this page, click Help, or refer to "JDBC Data Sources Test" in Upgrading Oracle WebLogic Server.

JDBC Component Schema

Specify the data source settings for each of the schemas listed on the screen, by selecting the check box adjacent to each schema name.


  • You must specify the 11g schema details for those schemas that you upgraded in Section 2.9. For the others, specify the 12.1.2 schema details.

  • For information about the fields on this page, click Help, or refer to "JDBC Component Schema" in Upgrading Oracle WebLogic Server.

JDBC Component Schema Test

Test the configurations that you specified for the data sources in the previous screen. Select the check boxes adjacent to the names of the schemas to test, and click Test Selected Connections.

The result of the test is indicated in the Status column. Click Next when the test is successful for all the schemas.

Advanced Configuration

Select Deployments and Services if one or more of the following applies:

  • If you are using Oracle Web Services Manager (Oracle WSM) in your 11g domain; otherwise, the reconfiguration of the domain might fail.

  • If you have created new OPSS and IAU 12c schemas as part of the upgrade process.

If you are not using Oracle WSM or the 12c OPSS and IAU schemas, then there is no need to select any of the options on this page.

Deployments Targeting

If you are using Oracle Web Services Manager, then target the owsm-pm application deployment to the Administration Server:

  1. Locate and select wsm-pm in the Deployments list box.

  2. Select AdminServer in the Targets list box.

  3. Click arrow icon Blue right arrow icon. to target wsm-pm to the Administration Server.

Services Targeting

If you have created OPSS and IAU 12c schemas as part of the upgrade process, then select the opss-audit-DBDS, opss-audit-viewDS, and opss-data-source in the Services list box and target them to the Managed Servers in the domain, which are listed in the Targets list box.

Otherwise, no action is required on this screen when you are upgrading or reconfiguring the domain.

Configuration Summary

Review the configuration summary.

Click Reconfig to reconfigure the domain, or click Back if you wish to change the configurations.

Reconfiguration Progress

Review the reconfiguration progress. Click Next when the process is complete.

Reconfiguration Success

Review the final status of the reconfiguration process. Click Finish to exit the Reconfiguration Wizard.

2.11 Starting the Administration Server

Start the Administration Server by running the following command from the directory DOMAIN_HOME/bin (on UNIX) or DOMAIN_HOME\bin (on Windows):

(UNIX) ./startWebLogic.sh

(Windows) startWebLogic.cmd


Do not start the Managed Servers.

To verify that the 11g domain was reconfigured successfully, log in to the Administration console using the following URL, and verify if the version number displayed on the console is 12.1.2:


2.12 Upgrading the Domain Component Configurations Using the Upgrade Assistant

Follow the instructions in this section to upgrade any additional domain component configurations using the Upgrade Assistant.

Task 1   Starting the Upgrade Assistant

Start the Upgrade Assistant on the host where Administration Server is running, by doing the following:

  1. Change directory to ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/upgrade/bin (on Unix operating systems) or ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\upgrade\bin (on Windows operating systems).

  2. Enter the following command to start the Upgrade Assistant.

    (UNIX) ./ua

    (Windows) ua.bat

Task 2   Upgrading Any Component Configurations

The Upgrade Assistant displays a sequence of screens listed in Table 2-4 when upgrading WebLogic Component Configurations. Perform the respective action(s) for each of the screens.

Table 2-4 Upgrade Assistant Screens: Upgrading WebLogic Component Configurations

Screen Description and Action Required


This screen provides an overview of the Upgrade Assistant and some information about important pre-upgrade tasks.

Click Next to continue.

WebLogic Components

Select WebLogic Component Configurations.

Enter the details of the domain that you wish to upgrade, in the following fields:

  • Host: Enter the host on which WebLogic Administration Server is running. Make sure you enter the full host name. For example:


  • Port: Enter the listening port of the Administration Server. Typically, the Administration Server listens on port 7001.

  • Username: Enter the username that is used to log in to the Administration Server.

  • Password: Enter the password for the administrator account that is used to log in to the Administration Server.

Click Next.

OWSM Policy Manager

This screen is displayed if your 11g environment has multiple WebLogic Server domains, but the OWSM Policy Manager is only in one WLS domain and the OWSM agents are in other domains.

Provide the credentials for the WebLogic Administration Server domain where the Oracle Web Services Manager (OWSM) Policy Manager is deployed.

For information about the fields on this page, click Help, or refer to "OWSM Policy Manager" in Upgrading with the Upgrade Assistant.

Component List

This screen provides a list of components that will be included in the domain component configuration upgrade.


Check if the prerequisites for component configurations upgrade are met.


Review the status of the Upgrade Assistant as it examines each component, verifying that the component is ready for upgrade.

Upgrade Summary

Review the summary of the options that you have selected for schema upgrade.

Click Upgrade to upgrade the schemas, or click Back if you wish to change the configurations.

Upgrade Progress

Review the status of the upgrade process.

Click Next when the upgrade is complete.

Upgrade Success

Click Close if the Upgrade was successful.

If the upgrade failed or if you canceled the upgrade before it completed successfully, you should review the log files, restore the backed up environment, and restart the Upgrade Assistant.

2.13 Performing the Post-Upgrade Tasks

After you upgrade Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Application Developer to Oracle Fusion Middleware 12.1.2 Infrastructure, you must complete the post-upgrade tasks described in Chapter 3, "Tasks to Perform After Upgrade".

2.14 Verifying the Domain Component Configurations Upgrade

To verify that the domain component configurations upgrade was successful, log in to the Administration console and the Fusion Middleware Control using the following URLs, and verify the upgraded version numbers for each component:

Administration Console URL: http://administration_server_host:administration_server_port/console

Fusion Middleware Control URL: http://administration_server_host:administration_server_port/em


After upgrade, you must run any of your administration tools from the new 12.1.2 Oracle home and not from the 11g Oracle home.