Kodo 4.2.0. (DEPRECATED)


abortUnion() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
AbstractManagementConfiguration - Class in kodo.manage
Abstract class that allows for easy configuration of the management and profiling capabilities.
AbstractManagementConfiguration() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
AbstractSQLServerAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
SQLServer-specific advanced SQL behavior.
AbstractSQLServerAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractSQLServerAdvancedSQL
accept() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.Transport.Server
Accept a client request.
AccessAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
Access-specific advanced SQL behavior.
AccessAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.AccessAdvancedSQL
ACTION_ADD - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
ACTION_ADD - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
ACTION_DROP - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
ACTION_DROP - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
addAggregateListener(AggregateListener) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Register an aggregate listener for the query.
addClassExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
addClassExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ExtensionDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
addClassExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDORMappingFactory
addClassExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
addClassExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
addDataSeriesListener(DiagnosticDataSeriesListener, Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
addDeclaredLockGroup(LockGroup) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoClassMapping
Declare a lock group possibly used by subclass fields.
addExpirationListener(ExpirationListener) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
addFetchGroup(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
addFetchGroups(String[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
addFetchGroups(Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
addField(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Adds field to the set of fully-qualified field names to use when loading objects.
addField(Class, String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Adds field to the set of field names to use when loading objects.
addField(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
addField(Class, String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
addFieldExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
addFieldExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ExtensionDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
addFieldExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDORMappingFactory
addFieldExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
addFieldExtensionKeys(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
addFields(String[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
addFields(Class, String[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
addFields(Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
addFields(Class, Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
addFilterListener(FilterListener) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Register a filter listener for the query.
addInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener, Class[]) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
addInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener, Class[]) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
addInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener, Class[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
addJoin(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Adds field to the set of fully-qualified field names to join when loading objects.
addJoin(Class, String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Adds field to the set of field names to join when loading objects.
addLifecycleListener(Object, Class...) - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
addListener(StatisticListener) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Add a listener.
addListener(WatchableListener) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch
Add a listener.
addListener(WatchableListener) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Watchable
Add a listener.
addRow(int, Row) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.TableLockUpdateManager.TableRows
addSampleHoldValue(double, double) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
addTransactionListener(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Register a listener for transaction-related events.
addTransactionListener(Object) - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
addTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
addTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
This method only available on client factories.
addTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
addTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManagerFactory
Deprecated. This method only available on client factories.
addTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in class kodo.remote.ClientBrokerFactory
addTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in class kodo.remote.Remote
This method is only available on client factories.
addTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
addValue(double, double) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
AdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
Handles advanced SQL functionality.
AdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
afterCommit(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
afterExecuteStatement(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
afterLoad(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy
afterRollback(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
agePoints() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
Trim the data points to limit memory usage.
ALIAS - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupNumberVersionStrategy
ALIAS - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy
ALIAS - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupTimestampVersionStrategy
attach(Object, boolean, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
attach(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
attachAll(Collection, boolean, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
attachAll(Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
attachAll(Object[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
attachCopy(Object, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
attachCopyAll(Collection, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
attachCopyAll(Object[], boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
AutoOrderUpdateManager - Class in kodo.jdbc.kernel
Base update manager for subclasses that order statements and batch statements when possible.
AutoOrderUpdateManager() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.kernel.AutoOrderUpdateManager
AutoOrderUpdateManager.SQLComparator - Class in kodo.jdbc.kernel
Compares rows on their flush SQL.
AutoOrderUpdateManager.SQLComparator(DBDictionary) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.kernel.AutoOrderUpdateManager.SQLComparator


BaseDynamicMBean - Class in com.solarmetric.manage.jmx
Abstract implementation of a BaseDynamicMBean.
BaseDynamicMBean() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
batch - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.AutoOrderUpdateManager
BatchingOperationOrderUpdateManager - Class in kodo.jdbc.kernel
Batching specialization of the OperationOrderUpdateManager.
BatchingOperationOrderUpdateManager() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.kernel.BatchingOperationOrderUpdateManager
beforeConfigurationConstruct(ConfigurationProvider) - Method in class kodo.persistence.DeprecatedPersistenceProductDerivation
begin() - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
beginGemFireTransaction() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
beginStore() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Begins a store transaction if one isn't already started.


CacheAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
Cache-specific advanced SQL behavior.
CacheAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.CacheAdvancedSQL
cacheMapOverflowRemoved(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.util.MonitoringCacheMap
canBatch(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Returns type if the specified column can be included in batch statements.
canBatch(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.DerbyAdvancedSQL
canBatch(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleAdvancedSQL
cancelAll() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Cancel all pending data store statements.
cast(PersistenceManagerFactory) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return the Kodo facade to the given persistence manager factory.
cast(PersistenceManager) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return the Kodo facade to the given entity manager.
cast(Query) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return the Kodo facade to the given query.
cast(Extent) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return the Kodo facade to the given extent.
cast(FetchPlan) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return the Kodo facade to the given fetch plan.
cast(DataStoreCache) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return the Kodo facade to the given cache.
cast(EntityManagerFactory) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Return the Kodo facade to the given entity manager factory.
cast(EntityManager) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Return the Kodo facade to the given entity manager.
cast(Query) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Return the Kodo facade to the given query.
checkVersion(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy
checkVersion(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy
CLASS_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
All known class extensions.
ClassAccessor - Interface in kodo.beans
A generic accessor that provides information about a class.
ClassAccessorFactory - Interface in kodo.beans
A factory that will provide a ClassAccessor instance for objects.
clear() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
clear() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoMappingRepository
clear(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroupVersionMappingInfo
clear() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.MappingFileDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
clear() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
clear() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
clear() - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
clear() - Method in class kodo.util.MonitoringCacheMap
clearAllFieldCache() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoClassMapping
clearFetchGroups() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
clearFields() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Clears the set of field names to use when loading data.
clearFields() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
clearInternal() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
clearInternal() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
clearInternal() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
clearInternal() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
clearInternal() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
clearInternal() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
clearJoins() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Clears the set of field names to join when loading data.
clearListeners() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Clear all listeners.
clearListeners() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch
Clear all listeners.
clearListeners() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Watchable
Clear all listeners.
clearMapping(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ExtensionDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
ClientBrokerFactory - Class in kodo.remote
Factory type for use with Kodo's client/server execution mode.
ClientBrokerFactory(ClientConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.remote.ClientBrokerFactory
Construct the factory with the given option settings; however, the factory construction methods are recommended.
ClientConfiguration - Interface in kodo.remote
Configuration for client persistence manager factories.
ClientConfigurationImpl - Class in kodo.remote
Configuration for remote clients.
ClientConfigurationImpl() - Constructor for class kodo.remote.ClientConfigurationImpl
Default constructor.
ClientConfigurationImpl(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class kodo.remote.ClientConfigurationImpl
clone() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
clone() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
close() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.HTTPTransport
close() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
close() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
close() - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoDataCacheManager
close() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringDataCache
close() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringQueryCache
close() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
close() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
close() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
close(Object) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Close the given resource.
close() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
close() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
close(Object) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Close the given resource.
close(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
close() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
closeManagement() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
closeManagement() - Method in interface kodo.manage.ManagementConfiguration
closeManagement() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
closeManagement() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote
closeProfiling() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
closeProfiling() - Method in interface kodo.manage.ManagementConfiguration
ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta.strats
Uses a column and corresponding version object for each lock group.
ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy
com.solarmetric.jdbc - package com.solarmetric.jdbc
Database Connectivity
com.solarmetric.manage - package com.solarmetric.manage
Management / Monitoring
com.solarmetric.manage.jmx - package com.solarmetric.manage.jmx
Management / Monitoring JMX
com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui - package com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui
Management / Monitoring JMX Tool
com.solarmetric.remote - package com.solarmetric.remote
Remote Communication Framework
Command - Class in com.solarmetric.remote
Base class for commands sent from the client to the server.
Command() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
CommandIO - Class in com.solarmetric.remote
Manages command input and output.
CommandIO() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Default constructor.
CommandIO(ContextFactory, Log) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
commit() - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
commitAndResume() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Issue a commit and then start a new transaction.
commitGemFireTransaction() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
commitMaxTime - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The slowest commit made on a Connection.
commitMinTime - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The fastest commit made on a Connection.
commits - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The total number of commits made on a Connection.
commitTimes - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The total time taken on the execution of commits made on all Connections.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.AutoOrderUpdateManager.SQLComparator
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy
Compare the two versions.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroup
compareVersion(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy
compareVersion(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy
conf - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
conf - Variable in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
ConsolidatedConfiguration - Class in kodo.conf
Extension of OpenJPA configuration with getters and setters for Kodo-specific configuration properties.
ConsolidatedConfiguration() - Constructor for class kodo.conf.ConsolidatedConfiguration
ConstraintUpdateManager - Class in kodo.jdbc.kernel
Standard update manager, capable of statement batching and foreign key constraint evaluation.
ConstraintUpdateManager() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.kernel.ConstraintUpdateManager
contains(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoDataStoreCache
Return true if the cache contains the given oid.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoDataStoreCache
Return whether the cache contains all given oids.
containsAll(Object[]) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoDataStoreCache
Return whether the cache contains all given oids.
ContextFactory - Interface in com.solarmetric.remote
Component used to create the context for each command based on its client id.
copy(FieldMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoFieldMapping
copy(MappingInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroupVersionMappingInfo
createConnectionDecorators() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.KodoPoolingDataSource
createConnectionFactory() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCManagedConnectionFactory
createConnectionFactory(ConnectionManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCManagedConnectionFactory
This must be provided by concrete implementations of this class.
createConnectionFactory(ConnectionManager) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOManagedConnectionFactory
createConnectionFactory(ConnectionManager) - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAManagedConnectionFactory
createEntityManager() - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
createEntityManager(Map) - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
createEntityManager() - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManagerFactory
createEntityManager(Map) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManagerFactory
Deprecated. Return an entity manager with the provided additional configuration settings.
createEntityManagerFactory() - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
createEntityManagerFactory(String, Map) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
createEntityManagerFactory(String) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
createEntityManagerFactory(String, String) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Returns a new KodoEntityManagerFactory specified by name in an XML configuration file at the resource location resource.
createEntityManagerFactory(String, String, Map) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Returns a new KodoEntityManagerFactory specified by name in an XML configuration file at the resource location resource, applying the properties specified in map as overrides.
createEntityManagerFactory(String, Context) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Returns the EntityManagerFactory at the JNDI location specified by jndiLocation in the context context.
createExtent(Class<T>, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManager
Deprecated. Return an extent of the given class, optionally including subclasses.
createManagedConnection(Subject, ConnectionRequestInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCManagedConnectionFactory
createMBeanAttributeInfo() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
createMBeanConstructorInfo() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
createMBeanInfo() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
createMBeanNotificationInfo() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
createMBeanOperationInfo() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
createNamedQuery(String) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManager
createNativeQuery(String) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManager
createNativeQuery(String, Class) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManager
createNativeQuery(String, String) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManager
createQuery(String) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManager
createQuery(String, String) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManager
Deprecated. Create a new query in the given language.
createToken(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch
Create a timer token.
customInsert(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy
This method is for class mappings that take over the insert process, but still want to use this indicator for optimistic locking.
customize(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
customize(FieldMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
customUpdate(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, Table, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy
This method is for class mappings that take over the update process, but still want to use this indicator for optimistic locking.


DB2AdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
DB2-specific advanced SQL behavior.
DB2AdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.DB2AdvancedSQL
declaresField(Object) - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
decorate(InputStream) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.GZIPStreamDecorator
decorate(OutputStream) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.GZIPStreamDecorator
decorate(InputStream) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.StreamDecorator
Decorate the given stream.
decorate(OutputStream) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.StreamDecorator
Decorate the given stream.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME - Static variable in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME - Static variable in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Constant to revert any setting back to its default value.
defaultSourceFile(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
defaultSourceFile(QueryMetaData, Map) - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
defaultSourceFile(SequenceMetaData, Map) - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
defaultStrategy(Version, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoMappingRepository
defaultStrategy(Version, FieldMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoMappingRepository
delete(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy
delete(Object, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
deleteAll(Collection, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
deleteMappingRow(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Delete the row with the given name.
deleteMappingRow(String, int, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Delete the row with the given name and type values.
DeprecatedJDOMappingDefaults - Class in kodo.jdo.jdbc
MappingDefaults matching Kodo JDO 3.x behavior.
DeprecatedJDOMappingDefaults() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.DeprecatedJDOMappingDefaults
DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory - Class in kodo.jdo
JDO MetaDataFactory that translates deprecated pre-JDO 2 Kodo extensions into their current equivalents.
DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory.ExtensionTranslatingParser - Class in kodo.jdo
Parser that translates deprecated extensions into current equivalents.
DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory.ExtensionTranslatingParser(DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory, OpenJPAConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory.ExtensionTranslatingParser
DeprecatedPersistenceProductDerivation - Class in kodo.persistence
DeprecatedPersistenceProductDerivation() - Constructor for class kodo.persistence.DeprecatedPersistenceProductDerivation
DerbyAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
Derby-specific advanced SQL behavior.
DerbyAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.DerbyAdvancedSQL
destroy() - Method in class kodo.remote.PersistenceServerServlet
detach(Object, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
detach(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
DETACH_ALL_FIELDS - Static variable in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Detachment option to detach all fields.
detachAll() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Detach all managed instances in place following current detach configuration.
detachAll(Collection, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
detachAll(OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
detachAll(Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
detachAll(Object[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
dict - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
DirtyFlushedLifecycleListener - Interface in kodo.jdo
Kodo-specific instance lifecycle listener that is notified when a flushed object is re-dirtied again for the first time after flush.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class kodo.remote.PersistenceServerServlet
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class kodo.remote.PersistenceServerServlet
DRAW_DISCRETE - Static variable in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
DRAW_LINEAR - Static variable in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
DRAW_SAMPLEHOLD - Static variable in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
drop(Class[], int, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.MappingFileDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
drop(Class[], int, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
drop(Class[], int, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
dropTable() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Drops the mapping table in the DB.
dropTable() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Drops the mapping table in the DB.


EAGER_FETCH_MULTIPLE - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
EAGER_FETCH_NONE - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
EAGER_FETCH_SINGLE - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
EAGER_JOIN - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
EAGER_NONE - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
EAGER_PARALLEL - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
ELEMENT - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
ElementColumn - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Deprecated. use the OpenJPA version of this annotation instead.
ElementColumns - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Deprecated. use the OpenJPA version of this annotation instead.
ElementEmbeddedMapping - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Deprecated. use the OpenJPA version of this annotation instead.
ElementStrategy - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Deprecated. use the OpenJPA version of this annotation instead.
EmpressAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
Empress-specific advanced SQL behavior.
EmpressAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.EmpressAdvancedSQL
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.KodoPoolingDataSource
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
endConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
endpointActivation(MessageEndpointFactory, ActivationSpec) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCResourceAdapter
endpointDeactivation(MessageEndpointFactory, ActivationSpec) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCResourceAdapter
endTransaction() - Method in class kodo.kernel.SingleJVMExclusiveLockManager
Release all the locks held by this context.
ensureCapacity(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.SequenceGenerator
Deprecated. Ensure that the sequence can efficiently provide count sequence values.
equals(Object) - Method in interface kodo.beans.ClassAccessor
Equality depends on the class described by the accessor.
equals(Object) - Method in interface kodo.beans.FieldAccessor
Equality depends on the owning ClassAccessor and name and type of the field.
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroup
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
equals(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
error(IOException) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.Transport.Channel
Notification that an IO occurred when using this channel.
evict(Query) - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
Evict a query result from the cache.
evict(Query, Object[]) - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
Evict a query result from the cache.
evict(Query, Map) - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
Evict a query result from the cache.
evict(Object, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
evictAll(Class) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Evict all persistent-clean and persistent-nontransactional instances in the extent of the given class (including subclasses).
evictAll(Extent) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Evict all persistent-clean and persistent-nontransactional instances in the given Extent.
evictAll() - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
Clear the cache.
evictAll(Class) - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
Evict all result for queries involving the given class.
evictAll(Collection, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
evictAll(Extent, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
evictAll(OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
execute(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
Execute this command using the given context.
execute(Transport.Channel) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Execute a command via the given channel.
execute(JDBCStore, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
executePreparedStatementMaxTime - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The slowest PreparedStatement execution.
executePreparedStatementMinTime - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The fastest PreparedStatement execution.
executePreparedStatements - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The total number of PreparedStatements executed.
executePreparedStatementTimes - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The total time taken on the execution of PreparedStatements.
executeStatementMaxTime - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The slowest Statement executions.
executeStatementMinTime - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The fastest Statement executions.
executeStatements - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The total number of Statements that have been executed.
executeStatementTimes - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The total time for all Statement executions.
ExecutionContextNameProviderValue - Class in kodo.kernel
Configuration plugin for ExecutionContextNameProvider.
ExecutionContextNameProviderValue() - Constructor for class kodo.kernel.ExecutionContextNameProviderValue
EXT_AUTO_INCREMENT - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
Extension key indicating that a datastore identity value or field is auto-incrementing (superceded by identity-strategy and value-strategy).
EXT_DEPENDENT - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
Extension key root for indicating that a field is dependent.
EXT_DETACHABLE - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
Extension used to mark a class as being capable of being detached.
EXT_EAGER_FETCH_MODE - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
Extension key for naming the eager fetching policy of a field (superceded by jdbc-eager-fetch-mode).
EXT_FETCH_GROUP - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
Extension key for naming the fetch group of a field.
EXT_INVERSE_OWNER - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
Extension key for naming the inverse owner of a field (superceded by mapped-by).
EXT_SEQUENCE_ASSIGNED - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
Extension key for indicating that a field is assigned a value from a sequence (superceded by value-strategy).
EXT_SEQUENCE_FACTORY - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
Extension key defining a sequence (superceded by named sequences).
EXT_SEQUENCE_NAME - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
Extension key naming a sequence (superceded by named sequences).
EXT_SUBCLASS_FETCH_MODE - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
Extension key for naming the subclass fetch policy (superceded by jdbc-subclass-fetch-mode).
ExtensionDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory - Class in kodo.jdo.jdbc
Specialization of the DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory for old-style mapping data stored as metadata extensions.
ExtensionDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ExtensionDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Extent<T> - Interface in kodo.persistence


FALSE - Static variable in annotation type kodo.persistence.jdbc.ElementEmbeddedMapping
FALSE - Static variable in annotation type kodo.persistence.jdbc.KeyEmbeddedMapping
FALSE - Static variable in annotation type kodo.persistence.jdbc.XEmbeddedMapping
FETCH_GROUP_ALL - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
FETCH_GROUP_DEFAULT - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
FetchConfiguration - Class in kodo.runtime
FetchConfiguration(KodoPersistenceManager, FetchConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
FetchPlan - Interface in kodo.persistence
FIELD_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
All known field extensions.
FieldAccessor - Interface in kodo.beans
Accessor for setting and getting the value of a field.
finalize() - Method in class kodo.kernel.FinalizingKodoBroker
Close on finalize.
FinalizingKodoBroker - Class in kodo.kernel
Subtype of KodoBroker that automatically closes itself during finalization.
FinalizingKodoBroker() - Constructor for class kodo.kernel.FinalizingKodoBroker
find(Object, boolean, FindCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
findAll(Collection, boolean, FindCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
findMethod(Class, String, Class[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
FirebirdAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
Firebird-specific advanced SQL behavior.
FirebirdAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.FirebirdAdvancedSQL
fireNameChangeEvent() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
Notify the chart layer the series name has changed.
fireSeriesChangedEvent() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
Notify the chart layer the series has changed and needs to be redisplayed.
flush(Collection, PreparedStatementManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.AutoOrderUpdateManager
Flush the given collection of secondary rows.
flush(Collection, PreparedStatementManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.BatchingOperationOrderUpdateManager
flush(RowManager, PreparedStatementManager, Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.ConstraintUpdateManager
flush(RowManager, PreparedStatementManager, Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.TableLockUpdateManager
flushAllRows(Row) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
flushSecondaryRow(Row) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
FoxProAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
FoxPro-specific advanced SQL behavior.
FoxProAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.FoxProAdvancedSQL
free() - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
fromKodoObjectId(Object) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Translate from a Kodo identity object to a JDO one.
fromKodoObjectId(Object) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Translate from a Kodo identity object to a Persistence one.
fromKodoObjectIdClass(Class) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Translate from a Kodo identity class to a JDO one.
fromKodoObjectIdClass(Class) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Translate from a Kodo identity class to a native one.


GemFireCacheWrapper - Class in kodo.datacache
Convenience class providing a hahmap-like services to a GemFire cache.
GemFireCacheWrapper(String, Log) - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
GemFireDataCache - Class in kodo.datacache
A data cache that delegates to a GemStone GemFire cache.
GemFireDataCache() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
GemFireQueryCache - Class in kodo.datacache
A query cache that delegates to a GemStone GemFire cache.
GemFireQueryCache() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
Generator - Interface in kodo.persistence
get(Configuration) - Static method in class com.solarmetric.manage.ManagementLog
Return the management log for the given configuration.
get(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
get(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringDataCache
get(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringQueryCache
getAddedClasses() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the set of classes that have been made persistent in the current transaction.
getAdvancedSQL() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.KodoSQLFactory
The AdvancedSQL for this runtime.
getAggregateListeners() - Method in class kodo.query.KodoQuery
getAlias() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupNumberVersionStrategy
getAlias() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy
getAlias() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupTimestampVersionStrategy
getAllRowDeletes() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
getAllRows(Table, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
getAllRowUpdates() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
getAttachFetchFields() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
getAttributes(String[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
getAutoClear() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to clear state when entering transactions.
getBatchLimit() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AbstractSQLServerAdvancedSQL
getBatchLimit() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Maximum number of batched statements, or -1 for no limit.
getBatchLimit() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleAdvancedSQL
getBatchParameterLimit() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Maximum number of combined parameters in batched statements, or -1 for no limit.
getBrokerFactory(ServletConfig) - Method in class kodo.remote.PersistenceServerServlet
Override this method to customize how the servlet's persistence factory is created and configured.
getCache() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
The GemFire cache.
getCachedObjectById(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the cached instance for the given oid/object, or null if not cached.
getCacheMap() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
Returns the underlying CacheMap that this LRUDataCache is using.
getCacheMap() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
Returns the underlying CacheMap that this LRUQueryCache is using.
getCacheSize() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
Returns the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep hard references to.
getCacheSize() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
Returns the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep hard references to.
getCacheWrapper() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
The internal cache.
getCandidateClass() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Return the class of the objects that this query will return, or null if this information is not available / not relevant.
getCandidateCollection() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Return the candidate collection, or null if an extent was specified instead of a collection.
getCandidateExtent() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Return the candidate extent, or null if a collection was specified instead of an extent.
getClassAccessor(Class, Object) - Method in interface kodo.beans.ClassAccessorFactory
Returns a ClassAccessor for the specified class
getClassAccessor() - Method in interface kodo.beans.FieldAccessor
The owning ClassAccessor for this field.
getClassAccessor() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
getClassAccessor(Class, Object) - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessorFactory
getClassCode(ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
getClassLoader() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the current thread's class loader at the time this persistence manager was obtained from the factory.
getClassName(Table, String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
getClearOnClose() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
Whether the contents of the named cache will be cleared when this facade is closed.
getClearOnClose() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
Whether the contents of the named cache will be cleared when the PersistenceManagerFactory is closed.
getClientChannel() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.HTTPTransport
getClientChannel() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
getClientChannel() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.Transport
Return a transport client channel to communicate with a remote server.
getClientId() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
The server-assigned id of the client sending the command.
getColumnLockGroupNames() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroupVersionMappingInfo
List of lock group names matching the column list.
getColumns(Version, Column[], boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroupVersionMappingInfo
Return the columns set for this version, based on the given templates.
getCommandIO() - Method in interface kodo.remote.ClientConfiguration
Return the command IO to use in sending commands.
getCommandIO() - Method in class kodo.remote.ClientConfigurationImpl
getConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getConfiguration() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the configuration associated with this persistence manager.
getConfiguration() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
Return the configuration for this factory.
getConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
getConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getConnection() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getConnection(ConnectionSpec) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getConnection() - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
getConnection(ConnectionSpec) - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
getConnectionDriverName() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConnectionDriverName() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getConnectionFactory() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConnectionFactory() - Method in class kodo.remote.ClientConfigurationImpl
Override to create pooling transport if no connection factory has been set.
getConnectionFactory() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getConnectionFactory2() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConnectionFactory2() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getConnectionFactory2Name() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConnectionFactory2Name() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getConnectionFactoryName() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConnectionFactoryName() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getConnectionFactoryProperties() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.KodoPoolingDataSource
getConnectionPassword() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the connection password.
getConnectionPassword() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getConnectionPassword() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConnectionPassword() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getConnectionRetainMode() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the connection retain mode for this persistence manager.
getConnectionURL() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConnectionURL() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getConnectionUserName() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the connection user name.
getConnectionUserName() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getConnectionUserName() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getConstraintNames() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDORMappingFactory
Whether to write out constraint names in generated mapping data.
getConstraintNames() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
Whether to write out constraint names in generated mapping data.
getConstraintNames() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Whether to write out constraint names in generated mapping data.
getContext(Command) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.ContextFactory
Return the context for the given command based on its client id.
getContextFactory() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
A context factory to use to given executed commands context.
getCount(JDBCStore) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
getCustomizer() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
Delegate customizer, or null.
getDataCache(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoDataCacheManager
getDataCache(String, boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoDataCacheManager
getDataCache(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getDataCache(PersistenceManager, Class) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getDataCache(PersistenceManagerFactory, Class) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getDataCacheNames() - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoDataCacheManager
Return a list of the names of all datacaches created so far.
getDataCacheScheduler() - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoDataCacheManager
getDataStoreActions(Map) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Returns a description of the commands that will be sent to the datastore in order to execute this query.
getDataStoreCache() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getDataStoreCache(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getDataStoreCache(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
Return a JDO facade to the given named Kodo cache.
getDataStoreCache() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getDataStoreCache(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getDataStoreCache() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getDataStoreCache(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getDeclaration(FieldMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
getDefaultDataCache() - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoDataCacheManager
Return the default cache.
getDefaults() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
getDefaults() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
getDefaults() - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
getDelegate() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getDelegate() - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
getDelegate() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getDelegate() - Method in class kodo.runtime.SequenceGenerator
Deprecated. Return the internal sequence.
getDeletedClasses() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the set of classes that have been deleted in the current transaction.
getDeletes() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
getDescription() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Get a description of the statistic.
getDetachAllOnClose() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to detach all instances on close.
getDetachAllOnCommit() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getDetachAllOnCommit() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getDetachAllOnCommit() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getDetachAllOnNontransactionalRead() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to detach all instances after a nontransactional read.
getDetachAllOnRollback() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to detach all instances on rollback / commit failure.
getDetachedObjectId(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getDetachedState(Object) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return the detached state of the specified object, or null if none.
getDetachedState(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getDetachFields() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
getDetachOnClose() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
getDirtyClasses() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the set of classes that have been made dirty in the current transaction.
getDirtyObjects() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return a set of current dirty instances.
getDrawStyle() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Get the preferred draw style.
getEagerFetchMode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
getEagerFetchMode() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Return the eager fetch mode.
getEagerFetchMode() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
getEndIndex() - Method in class kodo.query.KodoQuery
getEndRange() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Return the 0-based exclusive end index for the returned results, or Long.MAX_VALUE for no limit.
getEntityManager(Object) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Return the entity manager for the given object, if one can be determined from just the object alone.
getEntityManager() - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoQuery
getEntityManagerFactory() - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManager
Deprecated. Return the factory that produced this entity manager.
getEntityManagerFactory() - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Returns the KodoEntityManagerFactory specified by your Kodo defaults.
getEntityManagerFactory(Map) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Returns the KodoEntityManagerFactory specified by your Kodo defaults, using map as overrides.
getEvictFromDataStoreCache() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to also evict an object from the data cache when it is evicted through this persistence manager.
getExecutionContextNameProvider() - Method in class kodo.conf.ConsolidatedConfiguration
getExecutionContextNameProvider() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration
getExecutionContextNameProvider(OpenJPAConfiguration) - Static method in class kodo.kernel.ExecutionContextNameProviderValue
getExtent(Class) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
getExtent(Class, boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
getFactoryInitializationBanner() - Method in class kodo.remote.ClientBrokerFactory
getFetchBatchSize() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
getFetchConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.query.KodoQuery
getFetchConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoExtent
getFetchConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
getFetchDirection() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
getFetchDirection() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
The fetch direction to use as a constant from ResultSet.
getFetchGroups() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
getFetchPlan() - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManager
Deprecated. Return the (mutable) fetch plan for loading objects from this entity manager.
getFieldAccessors() - Method in interface kodo.beans.ClassAccessor
getFieldAccessors() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor
getFieldCode(FieldMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
getFieldGenerator(Class, String) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManager
Deprecated. Returns a Generator for the generated values of the specified type, or null if the field is not generated.
getFieldName(ClassMapping, Column[], ForeignKey, String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
getFields() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Returns the names of the fields that this component will use when loading objects, in addition to fetch groups.
getFields() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
getFieldSequence(Object, String) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Returns a Sequence for the generated values of the specified field.
getFieldSequence(Class, String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Returns a Sequence for the generated values of the specified type, or null if the field value is not generated.
getFileName() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.MappingFileDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
The name of the file to use in single-file mode.
getFilter() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Return the filter that this query has been configured with.
getFilterListeners() - Method in class kodo.query.KodoQuery
getFlushBeforeQueries() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
The query automatic flush configuration.
getFlushBeforeQueries() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
getGemFireCacheName() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
Gets the name of the GemFire region to use.
getGemFireCacheName() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
Gets the name of the GemFire cache region to use.
getGrouping() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Return the grouping expression for this query.
getHitRate() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringDataCache
Returns the percentage of hits.
getHitRate() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringQueryCache
Returns the percentage of hits.
getHits() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringDataCache
Returns the number of cache hits for invocations of the MonitoringDataCache.get(java.lang.Object) method.
getHits() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringQueryCache
Returns the number of cache hits for invocations of the MonitoringQueryCache.get(org.apache.openjpa.datacache.QueryKey) method.
getHost() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
The server's host.
getIdentitySequence(Object) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Returns a Sequence for the datastore identity values of the specified instance, or null if the object is unmanaged or its identity cannot be represented by a sequence.
getIdentitySequence(Class) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Returns a Sequence for the datastore identity values of the specified type, or null if the type's identity cannot be represented by a sequence.
getIdGenerator(Class) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManager
Deprecated. Returns a Generator for the datastore identity values of the specified type, or null if the type is unmanaged or its identity cannot be represented by a sequence.
getIgnoreCache() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getIgnoreCache() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoExtent
Whether to ignore changes in the PM cache.
getIgnoreCache() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getIgnoreCache() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getImports() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
The import declaration.
getInitializationBanner() - Static method in class kodo.conf.KodoVersion
getInitialValue(FieldMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
getInitialValue() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupNumberVersionStrategy
Return the initial value for version column.
getInput() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.Transport.Channel
Return an input stream from the other end, or null if this channel is no longer connected.
getInserts() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
getInstance(OpenJPAConfiguration) - Static method in class kodo.kernel.ExecutionContextNameProviderValue
getInstance(OpenJPAConfiguration) - Static method in class kodo.manage.JMXValue
getInstance(ConfigurationProvider) - Static method in class kodo.remote.ClientBrokerFactory
Factory method for obtaining a possibly-pooled factory from properties.
getInstance(BrokerFactory) - Static method in class kodo.remote.Remote
Return a remote manager for the given factory.
getInstanceLifecycleListenerCallbackMode() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
The CallbackModes flags for handling lifecycle listener exceptions.
getIntegrityViolation() - Method in exception kodo.jdo.ReferentialIntegrityException
getInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
getInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
getInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
getInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
getInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
getInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
getJavaType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy
Return the code from JavaTypes for the version values this strategy uses.
getJavaType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupNumberVersionStrategy
getJavaType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupTimestampVersionStrategy
getJMX() - Method in class kodo.conf.ConsolidatedConfiguration
getJMX() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration
getJoins() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Returns the names of the eager join that this component will use when loading objects.
getJoinSyntax() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
getJoinSyntax() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
The join syntax to use.
getLanguage() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Return the language of this query.
getLicenseKey() - Method in class kodo.conf.ConsolidatedConfiguration
getLicenseKey() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration
getLockGroup() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoFieldMapping
The lock group for this field, or null if none.
getLockGroup(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoMappingRepository
Return the singleton lock group for the given name, creating it if needed.
getLockGroups() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoClassMapping
Return the lock groups for this class.
getLockLevel(Object) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return the lock level of the specified object.
getLockLevel(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getLockTimeout() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
The number of milliseconds to wait for an object lock, or -1 for no limit.
getLockTimeout() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
getLog() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
A log to write about sent and received a commands.
getLogWriter() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCManagedConnectionFactory
getLRSSize() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
getLRSSize() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
The large result set size mode to use.
getManagedObjects() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return a set of all managed instances.
getManagedRuntime() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the managed runtime in use.
getManagement() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
getManagement() - Method in interface kodo.manage.ManagementConfiguration
getManagementConfiguration(OpenJPAConfiguration) - Static method in class kodo.manage.JMXValue
getMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
The mapping suffix supplied by the user.
getMapping() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getMapping() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getMappingColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
The name of the mapping column on the mapping definition table.
getMappingColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
The name of the mapping column on the mapping definition table.
getMaximizeBatchSize() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.AutoOrderUpdateManager
Whether or not statements will be dynamically re-ordered to maximize batching.
getMaximizeBatchSize() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.BatchingOperationOrderUpdateManager
Whether or not statements will be dynamically re-ordered to maximize batching.
getMBeanClassName() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
getMBeanDescription() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
getMBeanInfo() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
getMBeanPlugins() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
getMBeanPlugins() - Method in interface kodo.manage.ManagementConfiguration
getMBeanPlugins() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
getMBeanServer() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
getMBeanServer() - Method in interface kodo.manage.ManagementConfiguration
getMBeanServer() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
getMBeanServer() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81
getMBeanServerStrategy() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
getMetaData() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getMetaData(Object) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Returns the ClassMetaData associated with the type of the given object.
getMetaData(PersistenceManager, Class) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Returns the ClassMetaData associated with the persistent type cls.
getMetaData(PersistenceManagerFactory, Class) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Returns the ClassMetaData associated with the persistent type cls.
getMetaData() - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
getMetaData(Object) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Returns the ClassMetaData associated with the persistent object o.
getMetaData(EntityManager, Class) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Returns the ClassMetaData associated with the persistent type cls.
getMetaData(EntityManagerFactory, Class) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Returns the ClassMetaData associated with the persistent type cls.
getMetaData(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getMetaData(PersistenceManager, Class) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getMetaData(PersistenceManagerFactory, Class) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getMetaDataSuffix() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.MappingFileDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
getMetaDataSuffix() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
getMetaDataSuffix() - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
Metadata file suffix.
getMisses() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringDataCache
Returns the number of cache misses for invocations of the MonitoringDataCache.get(java.lang.Object) method.
getMisses() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringQueryCache
Returns the number of cache misses for invocations of the MonitoringQueryCache.get(org.apache.openjpa.datacache.QueryKey) method.
getMultithreaded() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getMultithreaded() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getName() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Get the name of the statistic.
getName() - Method in interface kodo.beans.FieldAccessor
The name of the field.
getName() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
getName() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroup
The name of this lock group.
getNameColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
The name of the name on the mapping table.
getNameColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
The name of the name on the mapping table.
getNamedGenerator(String) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManager
Deprecated. Return the named generator defined in the metadata.
getNext() - Method in class kodo.runtime.SequenceGenerator
Deprecated. Return the next sequence value.
getNontransactionalRead() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getNontransactionalRead() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getNontransactionalWrite() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getNontransactionalWrite() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getObjectById(Object, boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
getObjectId(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getObjectInput(InputStream) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Create an ObjectInput instance from the given stream.
getObjectInstance(Object, Name, Context, Hashtable) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getObjectLookupMode() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
getObjectOutput(OutputStream) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Create an ObjectOutput instance from the given stream.
getObjectsById(Collection, boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
getObjectsById(Object[], boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
getOptimistic() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getOptimistic() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getOrderDirtyObjects() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether dirty objects will be returned in the order they were dirtied.
getOrdering() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
getOrdering() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
The ordering expression.
getOrdinateDescription() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Get the ordinate description.
getOutput() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.Transport.Channel
Return an ouput stream to the other end, or null if this channel is no longer connected.
getParameters() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
The declared parameters.
getParser() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Return metadata parser, creating it if it does not already exist.
getParser() - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
Return metadata parser, creating it if it does not already exist.
getPatches() - Static method in class kodo.conf.Patch
Returns a list of Patch instances representing the patches found in Kodo's classloader via a scan of META-INF/MANIFEST.MF resources.
getPCDataGenerator() - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoDataCacheManager
getPendingTransactionalObjects() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return a set of instances which will become transactional upon] the next transaction.
getPersistenceManager() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getPersistenceManager(String, String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getPersistenceManager(boolean, int) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getPersistenceManager(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getPersistenceManager(boolean, int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
Return a persistence manager in the given transaction and connection retain mode.
getPersistenceManager(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
Return a persistence manager in the given transaction and connection retain mode.
getPersistenceManager() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getPersistenceManager(String, String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getPersistenceManager(boolean, int) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getPersistenceManager(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getPersistenceManager() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
getPersistenceManager(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getPersistenceManager() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getPersistenceManager(String, String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getPersistenceManager(boolean, int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getPersistenceManager(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getPersistenceManagerFactory(Map) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCPersistenceManagerFactory
getPersistenceManagerFactory(Properties) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
Allows the JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory(java.util.Map) method to instantiate an instance of this class as a factory.
getPersistenceManagerFactory(Map) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getPersistenceManagerFactory() - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Returns a PersistenceManagerFactory configured based on your system defaults.
getPersistenceManagerFactory(Map) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
Used by JDOHelper.
getPersistenceManagerFactory() - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getPersistenceManagerFactory(Properties) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getPersistenceManagerFactory(Properties, ClassLoader) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getPersistenceManagerFactory(String) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getPersistenceManagerFactory(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getPersistenceManagerFactory(File) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getPersistenceManagerFactory(File, ClassLoader) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getPersistenceManagerFactory(String, Context) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getPersistenceManagerFactory(String, Context, ClassLoader) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getPersistenceManagerFactory() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
getPersistenceManagerFactory(Map) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getPersistenceManagerFactoryImpl() - Method in class kodo.query.KodoQuery
getPersistenceManagerFactoryImpl() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoExtent
getPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.conf.ConsolidatedConfiguration
getPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration
getPersistentTypeNames(boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
getPlaceholderValueString(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.KodoOracleDictionary
getPlaceholderValueString(Column) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.KodoSybaseDictionary
getPlugins() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
getPlugins() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
getPlugins() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocal
getPlugins() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote
getPopulateDataStoreCache() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether objects accessed during this transaction will be added to the store cache.
getPort() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
The port the server listens on.
getProfiling() - Method in class kodo.conf.ConsolidatedConfiguration
getProfiling() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration
getProfiling() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
Return a separate management configuration instance to delegate to for profiling information, or null to leave with no profiling.
getProfilingAgent() - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
getProfilingAgent() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
getProfilingAgent() - Method in interface kodo.manage.ManagementConfiguration
getProperties() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getProperties() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getProperties() - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
getProperties() - Method in class kodo.remote.ClientBrokerFactory
getProperties() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getQueryResultCache() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getQueryResultCache() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Return whether or not query caching is enabled.
getQueryResultCache() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
Return a view of the query result cache.
getQueryResultCache() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getQueryResultCache() - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
getQueryResultCache() - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManagerFactory
Deprecated. Access query result cache.
getQueryResultCache() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getQueryString() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Return a single-string representation of the query, if applicable.
getReadLockLevel() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
The lock level to use for locking loaded objects.
getReadLockLevel() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
getRecordFactory() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getRecordFactory() - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
getReference() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getReference() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getReference() - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
getRegion() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
The cache region.
getResource() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
getResourceAdapter() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOJCA15ManagedConnectionFactory
getRestoreMutableValues() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to restore mutable fields on rollback.
getRestoreValues() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getRestoreValues() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getRestoreValues() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getResult() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Return the result expression set for this query.
getResultClass() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Returns the result class that has been set through Query.setResultClass(java.lang.Class), or null if none.
getResultSetType() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
getResultSetType() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
The result set type to use as a constant from ResultSet.
getRetainValues() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getRetainValues() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getRetainValues() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getRetainValuesInOptimistic() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
getRow(Table, int, OpenJPAStateManager, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
getRows(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.TableLockUpdateManager.TableRows
getScope() - Method in class kodo.conf.LicenseKey
getSecondaryDeletes() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
getSecondaryRow(Table, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
getSecondaryUpdates() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
getSequenceGenerator(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getSequenceGenerator(PersistenceManager, Class) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getSeriesName() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
getServer() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.HTTPTransport
getServer() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
getServer() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.Transport
Return a transport server to listen for client connections.
getServletChannel(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.HTTPTransport
Channel built around an HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse.
getSoftReferenceSize() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
Returns the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep soft references to.
getSoftReferenceSize() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
Returns the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep soft references to.
getSoTimeout() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
The socket read timeout, in milliseconds.
getSourceFile(ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
getSourceFile(SequenceMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
getSQL() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
Return a boolean SQL expression that should be added to the WHERE clause of an UPDATE to test whether the current database record matches our stored version.
getStartIndex() - Method in class kodo.query.KodoQuery
getStartRange() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Return the 0-based start index for the returned results.
getStatistic() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.StatisticEvent
getStatistic() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.WatchableEvent
Get the statistic.
getStatistics() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.StatisticsProvider
getStatistics() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch
Get a collection of available statistics.
getStatistics() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Watchable
Get a collection of available statistics.
getStatistics() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringDataCache
Get statistics exported by this object.
getStatistics() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringQueryCache
Get statistics exported by this object.
getStatistics() - Method in class kodo.util.MonitoringCacheMap
Return cache statistics.
getStatisticsString() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringDataCache
Returns a localized string containing the number of hits, the number of misses, and the hit ratio (hits / (hits+misses)).
getStatisticsString() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringQueryCache
Returns a localized string containing the number of hits, the number of misses, and the hit ratio (hits / (hits+misses)).
getStoreCache() - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
getStoreCache(String) - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
getStoreCache() - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManagerFactory
Deprecated. Access the level 2 store cache.
getStoreCache(String) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManagerFactory
Deprecated. Access a named level 2 store cache.
getStreamDecorators() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Stream decorators.
getStreamDecorators() - Method in class kodo.remote.Remote
Return the transport decorators.
getSubclassFetchMode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
getSubclassFetchMode() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Return the subclass fetch mode.
getSubclassFetchMode() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
getSubtype() - Method in class kodo.jdo.LockException
getSubtype() - Method in exception kodo.jdo.ReferentialIntegrityException
getSupportsTotalCountsForBatch() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Whether the driver returns a total update count for batched statements.
getSupportsTotalCountsForBatch() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleAdvancedSQL
getSupportsUnion() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Union support.
getSupportsUnionWithUnalignedOrdering() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Support for unions with ordering on unaligned but same-aliased columns.
getSupportsUpdateCountsForBatch() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Whether the driver returns individual update counts for batched updates.
getSupportsUpdateCountsForBatch() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleAdvancedSQL
getSyncWithManagedTransactions() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to check for a global transaction upon every managed, non-transactional operation.
getSystemDataCache() - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoDataCacheManager
getSystemQueryCache() - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoDataCacheManager
getTable() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.TableLockUpdateManager.TableRows
getTable() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
The name of the mapping definition table.
getTableName() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
The name of the mapping definition table.
getTableType(Table, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
getTangosolCache() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
Returns the underlying NamedCache that this TangosolDataCache is using.
getTangosolCache() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
getTangosolCacheName() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
Returns the name of the Tangosol cache to use.
getTangosolCacheName() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
Returns the name of the Tangosol cache to use.
getTangosolCacheType() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
The tangosol cache type as one of the TYPE constants.
getTangosolCacheType() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
The tangosol cache type as one of the TYPE constants.
getTime() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.StatisticEvent
getTimeout() - Method in class kodo.jdo.LockException
getTimeWatch(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager
Get a named TimeWatch.
getTimeWatch() - Method in class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager
Get the default TimeWatch.
getTimeWatch(BrokerFactory, String) - Static method in class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager
Convenience static method for obtaining a named time watch associated with the OpenJPAConfiguration associated with the passed BrokerFactory.
getTimeWatch(Broker, String) - Static method in class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager
Convenience static method for obtaining a named time watch associated with the OpenJPAConfiguration associated with the passed Broker.
getTimeWatch(StoreContext, String) - Static method in class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager
Convenience static method for obtaining a named time watch associated with the OpenJPAConfiguration associated with the passed context.
getTimeWatch(BrokerFactory) - Static method in class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager
Convenience static method for obtaining the default TimeWatch associated with the OpenJPAConfiguration associated with the passed BrokerFactory.
getTimeWatch(Broker) - Static method in class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager
Convenience static method for obtaining the default TimeWatch associated with the OpenJPAConfiguration associated with the passed Broker.
getTimeWatch(StoreContext) - Static method in class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager
Convenience static method for obtaining the default TimeWatch associated with the OpenJPAConfiguration associated with the passed context.
getTitle() - Method in class kodo.conf.Patch
getTransactionalObjectId(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getTransactionalObjects() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return a set of current transaction instances.
getTransactionListenerCallbackMode() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
The CallbackModes flags for handling transaction listener exceptions.
getTransferListeners() - Method in class kodo.remote.ClientBrokerFactory
Immutable list of registered transfer listeners.
getTransport() - Method in class kodo.remote.Remote
Return the transport in use.
getType() - Method in interface kodo.beans.ClassAccessor
getType() - Method in interface kodo.beans.FieldAccessor
The type of this field.
getType() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor
getType() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
getType() - Method in exception kodo.jdo.ReferentialIntegrityException
getType() - Method in class kodo.persistence.DeprecatedPersistenceProductDerivation
getTypeColumn() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
The name of the type column on the mapping definition table.
getUpdatedClasses() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return the set of classes for objects that have been modified in the current transaction.
getUpdates() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
getURL() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.HTTPTransport
The URL used to contact the remote server.
getUserObject(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
getUserObject(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
User object association.
getUserObject(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
getUserObject(Object) - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
getUserObject(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
getValue() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Get the current value of the passed statistic.
getValue() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.StatisticEvent
getValue(Object) - Method in interface kodo.beans.FieldAccessor
Returns the field's value for the specified object.
getValue(Object) - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
getVariables() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
The declared variables.
getVendor() - Method in class kodo.conf.Patch
getVersion() - Method in class kodo.conf.Patch
getVersion(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
getWatchable() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.WatchableEvent
getWriteLockLevel() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
The lock level to use for locking dirtied objects.
getWriteLockLevel() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
getXAResources(ActivationSpec[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCResourceAdapter
getXValues() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
getYValues() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
GZIPStreamDecorator - Class in com.solarmetric.remote
Adds GZIP compression to IO streams.
GZIPStreamDecorator() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.remote.GZIPStreamDecorator


hasAutoAssignConstraints() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
hasFetchGroup(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
hasField(Class, String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Return true if the given field has been added.
hasField(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
hasField(Class, String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
hashCode() - Method in interface kodo.beans.ClassAccessor
Equality depends on the class described by the accessor.
hashCode() - Method in interface kodo.beans.FieldAccessor
Equality depends on the owning ClassAccessor and name and type of the field.
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroup
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
hashCode() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
hasJoin(Class, String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Return true if the given join has been added.
hasListeners() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Does the statistic have listeners?
hasResponse() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
Whether this command uses a response.
hasSubclasses() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Whether query results will include subclasses of the candidate class.
HSQLAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
HSQL-specific advanced SQL behavior.
HSQLAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.HSQLAdvancedSQL
HTTPTransport - Class in com.solarmetric.remote
HTTP transport layer.
HTTPTransport() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.remote.HTTPTransport


InformixAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
Informix-specific advanced SQL behavior.
InformixAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.InformixAdvancedSQL
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class kodo.remote.PersistenceServerServlet
initDBDictionary(DBDictionary) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.KodoPoolingDataSource
initialize(DataCacheManager) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
initialize(OpenJPAConfiguration, ObjectValue, ObjectValue) - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoDataCacheManager
initialize(DataCacheManager) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
initialize(DataCacheManager) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
initialize(AbstractBrokerFactory, DelegatingStoreManager, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
initialize(StateManagerImpl, boolean, FetchConfiguration, Object) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
initializeCache() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
initializeRegion(Cache, String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
initManagement(MBeanServer) - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
initManagement(MBeanServer) - Method in interface kodo.manage.ManagementConfiguration
initManagement(MBeanServer) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
initManagement(MBeanServer) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocal
initManagement(MBeanServer) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote
initProfiling(KodoProfilingAgent) - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
initProfiling(KodoProfilingAgent) - Method in interface kodo.manage.ManagementConfiguration
insert(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy
insert(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy
instantiateVersionStrategy(String, Version) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoMappingRepository
Instantiate the given version strategy.
InterbaseAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
Interbase-specific advanced SQL behavior.
InterbaseAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.InterbaseAdvancedSQL
invoke(String, Object[], String[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
invoke(String, Class[], Object[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
invokeMethod(Method, Object, Object[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
io - Variable in class kodo.remote.ClientConfigurationImpl
isClosed() - Method in interface com.solarmetric.remote.Transport.Server
Return true if this server has been closed.
isClosed() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
isClosed() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
isClosed() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
isDeclaredInterfacePersistent() - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
Whether declared interfaces of a given persistent-class are persistence-capable (i.e.
isDefault() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroup
Whether this is the default lock group.
isDeleted(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
isDetached(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
isDirty(OpenJPAStateManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroup
Whether this lock group is dirty for the given instance.
isDirty(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
isEditable(Object) - Method in interface kodo.beans.FieldAccessor
Returns true if this field is editable; else returns false.
isEditable(Object) - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
isLargeTransaction() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether memory usage is reduced during this transaction at the expense of possibly more aggressive data cache evictions.
isManaged() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether this persistence manager is using managed transactions.
isManagedType(EntityManager, Class) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Returns true if the specified class is an entity or embeddable type.
isManagedType(EntityManagerFactory, Class) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Returns true if the specified class is an entity or embeddable type.
isMappingOnlyFactory() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
isNew(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
isOpen() - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
isParseTopDown() - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
isPersistenceManagerServerRunning() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
isPersistenceServerRunning() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
isPersistenceServerRunning() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
Return true if a persistence server is running.
isPersistenceServerRunning() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
isPersistenceServerRunning() - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManagerFactory
Deprecated. Return true if a persistence server is running.
isPersistenceServerRunning() - Method in class kodo.remote.Remote
Return true if a persistence server is running.
isPersistenceServerRunning() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
isPersistent(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
isPopulateDataCache() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
isQueryCacheEnabled() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
isScanTopDown() - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
Whether to scan for class metadata top-down in the package tree.
isSingleFile() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.MappingFileDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Whether to use a single top-level mapping file.
isSingleRow() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Whether to use a single row for all mapping data.
isStoreActive() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Return true if the store has an active transaction (as opposed to Transaction.isActive() which works at the logical transaction level.
isTransactional() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
isTransactional() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
isTransactional(Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
isUnion() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
isUnique() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
The unique flag.
IV_DUPLICATE_OID - Static variable in exception kodo.jdo.ReferentialIntegrityException
IV_MIXED - Static variable in exception kodo.jdo.ReferentialIntegrityException
IV_REFERENCE - Static variable in exception kodo.jdo.ReferentialIntegrityException
IV_UNIQUE - Static variable in exception kodo.jdo.ReferentialIntegrityException
IV_UNKNOWN - Static variable in exception kodo.jdo.ReferentialIntegrityException


JDataStoreAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
JDataStore-specific advanced SQL behavior.
JDataStoreAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.JDataStoreAdvancedSQL
JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration - Class in kodo.jdbc.conf
Extension of OpenJPA configuration with getters and setters for Kodo-specific configuration properties.
JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration
JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration(boolean) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration
JDBCFetchConfiguration - Class in kodo.jdbc.runtime
JDBCFetchConfiguration(KodoPersistenceManager, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
JDBCFetchPlan - Interface in kodo.jdo.jdbc
JDBC extensions to the fetch plan.
JDBCManagedConnectionFactory - Class in kodo.jdbc.ee
JCA managed connection factory.
JDBCManagedConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCManagedConnectionFactory
JDBCPersistenceManagerFactory - Class in kodo.jdbc.runtime
JDBCPersistenceManagerFactory(PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCPersistenceManagerFactory
JDBCResourceAdapter - Class in kodo.jdbc.ee
A ResourceAdapter implementation for JCA 1.5 support.
JDBCResourceAdapter() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCResourceAdapter
JDOConnectionFactory - Class in kodo.jdo.jdbc
JCA ConnectionFactory for obtaining JDO PersistenceManagers.
JDOConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
JDOConnectionFactory(boolean) - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
JDOConnectionFactory(Properties) - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
JDOConnectionFactory(ManagedConnectionFactory, ConnectionManager) - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
JDOJCA15ManagedConnectionFactory - Class in kodo.jdo.jdbc
JCA 1.5 managed connection factory.
JDOJCA15ManagedConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOJCA15ManagedConnectionFactory
JDOManagedConnectionFactory - Class in kodo.jdo.jdbc
JCA managed connection factory.
JDOManagedConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOManagedConnectionFactory
JDOMetaDataFactory - Class in kodo.jdo
JDO-compliant MetaDataFactory.
JDOMetaDataFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
jdoPostAttach(Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.PostAttachCallback
Deprecated. Invoked on the managed persistent instance after it has been the subject of an attach process.
jdoPostDetach(Object) - Method in interface kodo.runtime.PostDetachCallback
Deprecated. Invoked on the detached copy of the persistent instance after it has been detached.
jdoPreAttach() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.PreAttachCallback
Deprecated. Invoked on the detached instance immediately before it is to be attached.
jdoPreDetach() - Method in interface kodo.runtime.PreDetachCallback
Deprecated. Invoked on the persistent instance before it is detached.
JDORMappingFactory - Class in kodo.jdo.jdbc
Specialization of JDOMetaDataFactory for JDOR mapping.
JDORMappingFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDORMappingFactory
JMXInterface - Interface in com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui
UI for JMX based management.
JMXValue - Class in kodo.manage
Configuration plugin for JMX.
JMXValue() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.JMXValue
JOIN_SYNTAX_DATABASE - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
JOIN_SYNTAX_SQL92 - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
JOIN_SYNTAX_TRADITIONAL - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
joinPersistenceManagerServer() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
joinPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
joinPersistenceServer() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
Join the thread running the persistence server for this factory.
joinPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
joinPersistenceServer() - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManagerFactory
Deprecated. Join the thread running the persistence server for this factory.
joinPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.remote.Remote
Join the thread running the persistence server for this factory.
joinPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
JPAConnectionFactory - Class in kodo.persistence.jdbc
JCA ConnectionFactory for obtaining JPA EntityManagers.
JPAConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
JPAConnectionFactory(Properties) - Constructor for class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
JPAConnectionFactory(ManagedConnectionFactory, ConnectionManager) - Constructor for class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
JPAManagedConnectionFactory - Class in kodo.persistence.jdbc
JCA managed connection factory.
JPAManagedConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAManagedConnectionFactory


KEY - Static variable in class kodo.conf.LicenseKey
KEY - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
KEY - Static variable in class kodo.kernel.ExecutionContextNameProviderValue
KEY - Static variable in class kodo.manage.JMXValue
KeyClassCriteria - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Deprecated. use the OpenJPA version of this annotation instead.
KeyColumn - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Deprecated. use the OpenJPA version of this annotation instead.
KeyColumns - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Deprecated. use the OpenJPA version of this annotation instead.
KeyEmbeddedMapping - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Deprecated. use the OpenJPA version of this annotation instead.
KeyForeignKey - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Deprecated. use the OpenJPA version of this annotation instead.
KeyIndex - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Deprecated. use the OpenJPA version of this annotation instead.
KeyJoinColumn - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Deprecated. use the OpenJPA version of this annotation instead.
KeyJoinColumns - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Deprecated. use the OpenJPA version of this annotation instead.
KeyNonpolymorphic - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Deprecated. use the OpenJPA version of this annotation instead.
keyRemoved(Object, boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoConcurrentDataCache
keyRemoved(Object, boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
keySet() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
keySet() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
keySet() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
keySet() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
KeyStrategy - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Deprecated. use the OpenJPA version of this annotation instead.
kodo.beans - package kodo.beans
Kodo Generic Data Access Layer
kodo.conf - package kodo.conf
Kodo Configuration
kodo.datacache - package kodo.datacache
Kodo Data Cache
kodo.ee - package kodo.ee
Kodo Enterprise Extensions
kodo.jdbc.conf - package kodo.jdbc.conf
Kodo-JDBC Configuration
kodo.jdbc.ee - package kodo.jdbc.ee
Kodo-JDBC Enterprise Extensions
kodo.jdbc.kernel - package kodo.jdbc.kernel
Kodo-JDBC Kernel Extensions
kodo.jdbc.manage.jmx.gui - package kodo.jdbc.manage.jmx.gui
Kodo-JDBC Remote JMX Tool
kodo.jdbc.meta - package kodo.jdbc.meta
Kodo-JDBC ORM Metadata
kodo.jdbc.meta.strats - package kodo.jdbc.meta.strats
Kodo-JDBC ORM Strategies
kodo.jdbc.runtime - package kodo.jdbc.runtime
kodo.jdbc.schema - package kodo.jdbc.schema
Kodo-JDBC Schema Management
kodo.jdbc.sql - package kodo.jdbc.sql
Kodo-JDBC SQL Abstraction
kodo.jdo - package kodo.jdo
Kodo JDO
kodo.jdo.jdbc - package kodo.jdo.jdbc
kodo.kernel - package kodo.kernel
Kodo Kernel Extenstions
kodo.manage - package kodo.manage
Kodo Management / Monitoring
kodo.persistence - package kodo.persistence
Kodo JPA
kodo.persistence.jdbc - package kodo.persistence.jdbc
kodo.query - package kodo.query
kodo.remote - package kodo.remote
Kodo Remote Persistence
kodo.runtime - package kodo.runtime
kodo.util - package kodo.util
Kodo Utilities
KodoBroker - Class in kodo.kernel
Kodo extensions to standard Broker.
KodoBroker() - Constructor for class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
KodoClassMapping - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta
ClassMapping with Kodo extensions.
KodoClassMapping(Class, MappingRepository) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoClassMapping
KodoClassMapping(ValueMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoClassMapping
Embedded constructor.
KodoConcurrentDataCache - Class in kodo.datacache
Extended concurrent data cache for Kodo product.
KodoConcurrentDataCache() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.KodoConcurrentDataCache
KodoConcurrentQueryCache - Class in kodo.datacache
Extended concurrent query cache for Kodo product.
KodoConcurrentQueryCache() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.KodoConcurrentQueryCache
KodoConnectionFactory - Interface in kodo.ee
Marker interface for JCA ConnectionFactories used to obtain persistence contexts for a particular runtime.
KodoDataCacheManager - Class in kodo.datacache
Kodo extensions to the data cache manager
KodoDataCacheManager() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.KodoDataCacheManager
KodoDataStoreCache - Interface in kodo.jdo
Interface implemented by Kodo L2 cache facade.
KodoEntityManager - Interface in kodo.persistence
KodoEntityManagerFactory - Interface in kodo.persistence
KodoExtent - Interface in kodo.jdo
Interface implemented by Kodo extents.
KodoExtent - Class in kodo.runtime
KodoExtent(KodoPersistenceManager, Extent) - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.KodoExtent
KodoFetchPlan - Interface in kodo.jdo
Interface implemented by all Kodo fetch plans.
KodoFieldMapping - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta
FieldMapping with Kodo extensions.
KodoFieldMapping(String, Class, ClassMapping) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoFieldMapping
KodoHelper - Class in kodo.runtime
KodoHelper() - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
KodoJDOHelper - Class in kodo.jdo
Static helper methods for JDO users, including switching between Kodo native and JDO APIs.
KodoJDOHelper() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
KodoManagedConnectionFactory - Interface in kodo.ee
Marker interface for a managed connection factory for Kodo.
KodoMappingRepository - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta
Mapping repository for Kodo extensions.
KodoMappingRepository() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoMappingRepository
KodoOracleDictionary - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
This class overrides the DBdictionary setting for the Essex release till we include openjpa version that has the JIRA OPENJPA-608 fix.
KodoOracleDictionary() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.KodoOracleDictionary
KodoPersistence - Class in kodo.persistence
KodoPersistence() - Constructor for class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
KodoPersistenceManager - Interface in kodo.jdo
Interface implemented by Kodo persistence managers.
KodoPersistenceManager - Class in kodo.runtime
KodoPersistenceManager(KodoPersistenceManagerFactory, Broker) - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
KodoPersistenceManagerFactory - Interface in kodo.jdo
Interface implemented by Kodo persistence manager factories.
KodoPersistenceManagerFactory - Class in kodo.runtime
KodoPersistenceManagerFactory(PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl) - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
KodoPoolingDataSource - Class in kodo.jdbc.schema
A PoolingDataSource that provides a generic configuration implementation.
KodoPoolingDataSource() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.schema.KodoPoolingDataSource
KodoQuery - Interface in kodo.jdo
Interface implemented by Kodo JDO queries.
KodoQuery - Interface in kodo.persistence
KodoQuery - Class in kodo.query
KodoQuery(KodoPersistenceManager, Query) - Constructor for class kodo.query.KodoQuery
KodoReverseCustomizer - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta
Customizer that adds Kodo-specific reverse mappings, then delegates through to a given customizer.
KodoReverseCustomizer() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
KodoSQLFactory - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
Kodo factory for SQL abstraction constructs.
KodoSQLFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.KodoSQLFactory
KodoStoreContext - Interface in kodo.kernel
Kodo product extensions to store context.
KodoSybaseDictionary - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
This class overrides the DBdictionary setting for the Essex release till we include openjpa version that has the JIRA OPENJPA-608 fix.
KodoSybaseDictionary() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.KodoSybaseDictionary
KodoTimeWatchManager - Class in kodo.manage
A KodoTimeWatchManager manages TimeWatch objects.
KodoTimeWatchManager(Management) - Constructor for class kodo.manage.KodoTimeWatchManager
KodoVersion - Class in kodo.conf
This class contains version information for Kodo.
KodoVersion() - Constructor for class kodo.conf.KodoVersion


LANG_JDO_SQL - Static variable in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
LicenseKey - Class in kodo.conf
This is no longer used; it's just here to consume license key property values for old installations.
LicenseKey(OpenJPAConfiguration) - Constructor for class kodo.conf.LicenseKey
list() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoExtent
Returns a list of all objects represented by this extent.
load(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, Result) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy
load(Class, int, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ExtensionDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
load(Class, int, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.MappingFileDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
load(Class, int, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
load(Class, int, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
load(Class, int, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
load(Class, int, ClassLoader) - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
loadXMLMetaData(FieldMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
loadXMLMetaData(FieldMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
LockException - Class in kodo.jdo
Exception indicating that locks on one or more objects could not be acquired.
LockException(String, Throwable[], Object, int) - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.LockException
LockGroup - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta
A group of fields that are versioned together.
LockGroup(String) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroup
Constructor; supply name.
LockGroup - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence
Declares the lock group of a field.
LockGroupNumberVersionStrategy - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta.strats
Uses a version number for optimistic versioning.
LockGroupNumberVersionStrategy() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupNumberVersionStrategy
LockGroups - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence
Pre-declares lock groups used in subclasses.
LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta.strats
Uses a state image to determine whether concurrency violations take place.
LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy
LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta.strats
Row implementation we use to pass to versionable mappings so they can set up the where conditions we need to add to update statements.
LockGroupTimestampVersionStrategy - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta.strats
Uses a timestamp for optimistic versioning.
LockGroupTimestampVersionStrategy() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupTimestampVersionStrategy
LockGroupVersionColumn - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Surrogate version column.
LockGroupVersionColumns - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Allows the specification of multiple version columns for complex versioning or multiple lock groups.
LockGroupVersionMappingInfo - Class in kodo.jdbc.meta
Version mapping information that contains additional information about lock groups.
LockGroupVersionMappingInfo() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroupVersionMappingInfo
lockInternal(OpenJPAStateManager, int, int, Object) - Method in class kodo.kernel.SingleJVMExclusiveLockManager
lockPersistent(Object, int, int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Ensure that the given instance is locked at the given lock level.
lockPersistent(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Ensure that the given instance is locked at the current lock level, as set in the fetch plan for the persistence manager.
lockPersistentAll(Collection, int, int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Ensure that the given instances are locked at the given lock level.
lockPersistentAll(Collection) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Ensure that the given instances are locked at the current lock level, as set in the fetch plan for the persistence manager.
lockPersistentAll(Object[], int, int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Ensure that the given instances are locked at the given lock level.
lockPersistentAll(Object[]) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Ensure that the given instances are locked at the current lock level, as set in the fetch plan for the persistence manager.
LOG_REMOTE - Static variable in class kodo.remote.Remote
Name of logger for messages from the remote persistence system: kodo.Remote.
LOOKUP_CHECK - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
LOOKUP_HOLLOW - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
LRUDataCache - Class in kodo.datacache
An lru-based data cache.
LRUDataCache() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
LRUQueryCache - Class in kodo.datacache
An lru-based query cache.
LRUQueryCache() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.RemoteJMXTool
Usage: java com.solarmetric.manage.RemoteJMXTool [option]* -host/-h <hostname> -port/-p <port> -name/-n <jndiName&gr;
main(Configuration, String[]) - Static method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.RemoteJMXTool
This allows other facades to this tool to pass in a configuration subclass.
main(String[]) - Static method in class kodo.conf.KodoVersion
main(String[]) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.StartPersistenceServer
Usage: java kodo.jdbc.kernel.StartPersistenceServer [option]*
main(String[]) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.manage.jmx.gui.RemoteJMXTool
See RemoteJMXTool for usage.
main(String[]) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Usage: java kodo.jdbc.meta.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory [option]* -action/-a <add | drop>
main(String[]) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Usage: java kodo.jdbc.meta.TableJDORMappingFactory [option]* -action/-a <add | drop>
MAJOR_RELEASE - Static variable in class kodo.conf.KodoVersion
makeClassDirty(Class) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Mark the given class as dirty within the current transaction.
makeDirty(Object, String) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
ManagementConfiguration - Interface in kodo.manage
Interface that allows for easy configuration of the management and profiling capabilities.
ManagementConfigurationManagement - Class in kodo.manage
Configuration for generic management.
ManagementConfigurationManagement() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote - Class in kodo.manage
Abstract configuration for local JMX.
ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
ManagementConfigurationManagementLocal - Class in kodo.manage
Abstract configuration for local management.
ManagementConfigurationManagementLocal() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocal
ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote - Class in kodo.manage
Abstract configuration for JMX management.
ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote
ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81 - Class in kodo.manage
Abstract configuration for WL profiling.
ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81
ManagementConfigurationNone - Class in kodo.manage
Configuration for no management.
ManagementConfigurationNone() - Constructor for class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationNone
ManagementLog - Class in com.solarmetric.manage
Management log supplier.
ManagementLog() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.manage.ManagementLog
map(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy
map(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy
MappingFileDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory - Class in kodo.jdo.jdbc
Specialization of the DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory for old-style mapping data stored in .mapping files.
MappingFileDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.MappingFileDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
matchManagedConnections(Set, Subject, ConnectionRequestInfo) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCManagedConnectionFactory
maxBatch - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.AutoOrderUpdateManager
maxStatementTracking - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The number of slow statements we will track.
mgmnt - Variable in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
MINOR_RELEASE - Static variable in class kodo.conf.KodoVersion
MonitoringCacheMap - Class in kodo.util
Extends standard cache map to keep monitoring statistics.
MonitoringCacheMap() - Constructor for class kodo.util.MonitoringCacheMap
MonitoringCacheMap(boolean, int) - Constructor for class kodo.util.MonitoringCacheMap
MonitoringCacheMap(boolean, int, int, float) - Constructor for class kodo.util.MonitoringCacheMap
MonitoringDataCache - Class in kodo.datacache
Delegating cache that provides monitoring statistics.
MonitoringDataCache(OpenJPAConfiguration, DataCache) - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.MonitoringDataCache
Provide delegate on construction.
MonitoringQueryCache - Class in kodo.datacache
Delegating query cache that provides monitoring statistics.
MonitoringQueryCache(OpenJPAConfiguration, QueryCache) - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.MonitoringQueryCache
Provide delegate on construction.
MySQLAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
MySQL-specific advanced SQL behavior.
MySQLAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.MySQLAdvancedSQL


NAME_DEFAULT - Static variable in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroup
Name of the default lock group.
NAME_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface kodo.jdo.KodoDataStoreCache
Name of default cache.
newAdvancedSQL(DBDictionary) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.KodoSQLFactory
Create a new AdvancedSQL for the given dictionary type.
newAnnotationSerializer() - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
newCacheMap() - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoConcurrentDataCache
newCacheMap() - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoConcurrentQueryCache
newCacheWrapper() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
Create a new GemFire cache wrapper for internal use.
newCacheWrapper() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
Create a new GemFire cache wrapper for internal use.
newClassArgParser() - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
newClassMetaData(Class) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoMappingRepository
newEmbeddedClassMetaData(ValueMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoMappingRepository
newFetchConfiguration(KodoPersistenceManager, FetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCPersistenceManagerFactory
newFetchConfiguration(KodoPersistenceManager, FetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
newFieldMetaData(String, Class, ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoMappingRepository
newInstance() - Method in interface kodo.beans.ClassAccessor
newInstance() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor
newInstance(Column[], int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
newInstance(ConfigurationProvider) - Static method in class kodo.remote.ClientBrokerFactory
Factory method for constructing a factory from properties.
newLock() - Method in class kodo.kernel.SingleJVMExclusiveLockManager
Create a new lock.
newMappingInfo(Version) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoMappingRepository
Create raw mapping info for the given instance.
newMetaDataFilter() - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
newParser(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
newParser(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDORMappingFactory
newParser(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
newParser(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
newPreparedStatementManager(JDBCStore, Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.AutoOrderUpdateManager
newPreparedStatementManager(JDBCStore, Connection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.BatchingOperationOrderUpdateManager
newQuery(String, Object) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
newQuery(String, Class, Object) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
newQueryImpl(String, StoreQuery) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
newQueryInternal(Query) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
newRowManager() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.ConstraintUpdateManager
newRowManager() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.TableLockUpdateManager
newSelect() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.KodoSQLFactory
newSerializableInstance(String, Throwable[], Object) - Method in class kodo.jdo.LockException
Return a new instance of this class with the given state, and add any additional serializable state from this instance.
newSerializableInstance(String, Throwable[], Object) - Method in exception kodo.jdo.ReferentialIntegrityException
newSerializer() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDORMappingFactory
newSerializer() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
newSerializer() - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
newStateManagerImpl(Object, ClassMetaData) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
newStoreManager() - Method in class kodo.remote.ClientBrokerFactory
newTangosolCache(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
Returns a new NamedCache for use as the underlying data cache.
newTangosolQueryCache(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
Returns a new NamedCache for use as the underlying query cache.
newUnion(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.KodoSQLFactory
newUnion(Select[]) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.KodoSQLFactory
newUnionSelect(SelectImpl, int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
next() - Method in class kodo.runtime.SequenceGenerator
Deprecated. Return the next sequence value.
nextVersion(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy
Return the next version given the current one, which may be null.
nextVersion(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupNumberVersionStrategy
nextVersion(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupTimestampVersionStrategy
NONE - Static variable in annotation type kodo.persistence.LockGroup
nontransactional(Object, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
nontransactionalAll(Collection, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker


onTypesChanged(TypesChangedEvent) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
OracleAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
Oracle-specific advanced SQL behavior.
OracleAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleAdvancedSQL
OracleSavepointManager - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
SavepointManager implementation that uses Oracle specific calls and savepoint implementation to store state.
OracleSavepointManager() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleSavepointManager
orderDirty() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.ConstraintUpdateManager
orderDirty() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.TableLockUpdateManager
ORMFileJDORMappingFactory - Class in kodo.jdo.jdbc
Plugin to load and store JDO mapping data in .orm files.
ORMFileJDORMappingFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory


parse(MetaDataParser, Class[]) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
Patch - Class in kodo.conf
Representation of code patch information.
Patch() - Constructor for class kodo.conf.Patch
PATCH_RELEASE - Static variable in class kodo.conf.KodoVersion
PerformanceTracker - Class in com.solarmetric.jdbc
A global tracker of performance-related statistics.
PerformanceTracker() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
persist(Object, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
persistAll(Collection, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl - Class in kodo.jdo
Kodo PersistenceManagerFactory implementation.
PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
Default constructor required for TCK.
PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl(BrokerFactory) - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
Constructor; supply delegate.
PersistenceServerServlet - Class in kodo.remote
Servlet that creates a server-side factory and listens for requests from remote brokers configured with the HTTP remote transport.
PersistenceServerServlet() - Constructor for class kodo.remote.PersistenceServerServlet
pin(Query) - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
Pin the given query's result to the cache.
pin(Query, Object[]) - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
Pin the given query's result to the cache.
pin(Query, Map) - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
Pin the given query's result to the cache.
pinInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
GemFire doesn't have a concept of pinning data.
pinInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
GemFire doesn't have a concept of pinning data.
pinInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
pinInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
pinInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
Coherence doesn't have a concept of expiring data, so pinning is meaningless.
pinInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
Coherence doesn't have a concept of expiring data, so pinning is meaningless.
PM_KEY - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
PMF_KEY - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
populateColumns(Version, Table, Column[]) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.DeprecatedJDOMappingDefaults
populateColumns(Discriminator, Table, Column[]) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.DeprecatedJDOMappingDefaults
populateForeignKeyColumn(ValueMapping, String, Table, Table, Column, Object, boolean, int, int) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.DeprecatedJDOMappingDefaults
populateNullIndicatorColumns(ValueMapping, String, Table, Column[]) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.DeprecatedJDOMappingDefaults
populateOrderColumns(FieldMapping, Table, Column[]) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.DeprecatedJDOMappingDefaults
PostAttachCallback - Interface in kodo.runtime
PostDetachCallback - Interface in kodo.runtime
postDirtyFlushed(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.DirtyFlushedLifecycleListener
Called after applying change.
PreAttachCallback - Interface in kodo.runtime
preClose() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
PreDetachCallback - Interface in kodo.runtime
preDirtyFlushed(InstanceLifecycleEvent) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.DirtyFlushedLifecycleListener
Called prior to applying change.
preFlush() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Run pre-flush actions on transactional objects, including persistence-by-reachability, inverse relationship management, deletion of dependent instances, and instance callbacks.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
put(Map, Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.util.MonitoringCacheMap
putBrokerFactoryAliases(Map) - Method in class kodo.persistence.DeprecatedPersistenceProductDerivation
putInternal(Object, DataCachePCData) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
putInternal(QueryKey, QueryResult) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
putInternal(Object, DataCachePCData) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
putInternal(QueryKey, QueryResult) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
putInternal(Object, DataCachePCData) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
putInternal(QueryKey, QueryResult) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
putUserObject(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
putUserObject(Object, Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
User object association.
putUserObject(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
putUserObject(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
putUserObject(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory


QUERY_FLUSH_FALSE - Static variable in class kodo.query.KodoQuery
QUERY_FLUSH_FALSE - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
QUERY_FLUSH_TRUE - Static variable in class kodo.query.KodoQuery
QUERY_FLUSH_TRUE - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
QUERY_FLUSH_WITH_CONNECTION - Static variable in class kodo.query.KodoQuery
QUERY_FLUSH_WITH_CONNECTION - Static variable in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
QueryResultCache - Class in kodo.jdo
Query result cache implementation for JDO.
QueryResultCache(QueryCache) - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
Constructor; supply delegate.
QueryResultCache - Interface in kodo.persistence


read(ObjectInput) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
Read in the state of the sent command from the given stream.
readMappingColumn(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Returns the mapping column data for the given class.
readMappingColumn(String, int, boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Returns the mapping column data for the given class.
readResponse(ObjectInput) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
Read the server's response to this command.
readType(ObjectInput) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Read the command type from the given stream and return a new command of the proper type.
recacheUpdates() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
recacheUpdates() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
recacheUpdates() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
Tangosol does not automatically update objects stored in the cache, so we must re-enlist them as appropriate.
recacheUpdates() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
Tangosol does not automatically update objects stored in the cache, so we must re-enlist them as appropriate.
ReferentialIntegrityException - Exception in kodo.jdo
Exception type reserved for violations of integrity constraints.
ReferentialIntegrityException(String, Throwable[], Object, int) - Constructor for exception kodo.jdo.ReferentialIntegrityException
refresh(Object, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
refreshAll(Collection, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
refreshTable() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Creates the schema table in the DB.
refreshTable() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Creates the schema table in the DB.
registerListener(TransactionListener) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
release(Object, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
RELEASE_DATE - Static variable in class kodo.conf.KodoVersion
RELEASE_STATUS - Static variable in class kodo.conf.KodoVersion
releaseAll(Collection, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
releaseSavepoint() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Release the last set savepoint and any resources associated with it.
releaseSavepoint(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Release the savepoint and any resources associated with it.
Remote - Class in kodo.remote
Entry point for controlling and interacting with Kodo Remote servers.
RemoteJMXTool - Class in com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui
Tool for remotely monitoring application.
RemoteJMXTool() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.RemoteJMXTool
RemoteJMXTool - Class in kodo.jdbc.manage.jmx.gui
Tool for remotely monitoring applications.
RemoteJMXTool() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.manage.jmx.gui.RemoteJMXTool
RemoteTransferListener - Interface in kodo.remote
A class that implements this interface can be registered with the ClientBrokerFactory.
remove(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
remove(Map, Object) - Method in class kodo.util.MonitoringCacheMap
removeAggregateListener(AggregateListener) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Remove an aggregate listener from the query.
removeAllInternal(Class, boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
Evict objects in cache by class.
removeAllInternal(Class, boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
removeAllInternal(Class, boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
removeDataSeriesListener(DiagnosticDataSeriesListener) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
removeDeclaredLockGroup(LockGroup) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoClassMapping
Remove the given lock group from this class.
removeFetchGroup(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
removeFetchGroups(String[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
removeFetchGroups(Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
removeField(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Remove the given fully-qualified field.
removeField(Class, String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Remove the given field.
removeField(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
removeField(Class, String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
removeFields(String[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
removeFields(Class, String[]) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
removeFields(Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
removeFields(Class, Collection) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
removeFilterListener(FilterListener) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Remove a filter listener from the query.
removeInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
removeInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
removeInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
removeInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
removeInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
removeInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
removeInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
removeInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
removeInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
removeJoin(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Remove the given fully-qualified field from the joins.
removeJoin(Class, String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Remove the given field from the joins.
removeLifecycleListener(Object) - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
removeListener(StatisticListener) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
Remove a listener.
removeListener(WatchableListener) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch
Remove a listener.
removeListener(WatchableListener) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Watchable
Remove a listener.
removeListener(TransactionListener) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
removeTransactionListener(Object) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Remove a listener for transaction-related events.
removeTransactionListener(Object) - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
removeTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
removeTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
This method only available on client factories.
removeTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
removeTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManagerFactory
Deprecated. This method only available on client factories.
removeTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in class kodo.remote.ClientBrokerFactory
removeTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in class kodo.remote.Remote
This method is only available on client factories.
removeTransferListener(RemoteTransferListener) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
reset() - Static method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
Reset all global statistics to their default values.
resetFetchGroups() - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
resetGroups() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Resets the set of fetch groups to the list in the global configuration.
resetStatistics() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringDataCache
Reset the caching statistics.
resetStatistics() - Method in class kodo.datacache.MonitoringQueryCache
Reset the caching statistics.
resetStatistics() - Method in class kodo.util.MonitoringCacheMap
Reset cache statistics.
restart() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch.Token
Restart the timer.
retrieve(Object, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Retrieve the persistent state of the given object.
retrieve(Object, boolean, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
retrieveAll(Collection, boolean, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
rollback() - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
rollbackAndResume() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Issue a rollback and then start a new transaction.
rollbackDataStore(AbstractJDBCSavepointManager.ConnectionSavepoint) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleSavepointManager
rollbackGemFireTransaction() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireCacheWrapper
rollbackMaxTime - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The slowest rollback made on a Connection.
rollbackMinTime - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The fastest rollback made on a Connection.
rollbacks - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The total number of rollbacks made on a Connection.
rollbackTimes - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
The total time taken on the execution of rollbacks made on all Connections.
rollbackToSavepoint() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Rollback the current transaction to the last savepoint.
rollbackToSavepoint(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Rollback the current transaction to the given savepoint name.
run(Map) - Static method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.StartPersistenceServer
Start a server with the given configuration.
run(JDBCConfiguration, String[], Options) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Run the tool.
run(JDBCConfiguration, String) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Run the tool.
run(JDBCConfiguration, String[], Options) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Run the tool.
run(JDBCConfiguration, String) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Run the tool.


select(Select, ClassMapping) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy
select(Union.Selector) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
send(Command, Transport.Channel) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Send a command via the given channel.
SequenceGenerator - Class in kodo.runtime
SequenceGenerator(Seq, Broker, ClassMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.runtime.SequenceGenerator
Deprecated. Constructor; supply broker context and metadata, if any.
setAdvancedSQL(AdvancedSQL) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.KodoSQLFactory
The AdvancedSQL for this runtime.
setAdvancedSQL(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.KodoSQLFactory
Set the AdvancedSQL type name.
setAttachFetchFields(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
setAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
setAttributes(AttributeList) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
setAutoClear(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to clear state when entering transactions.
setBatchLimit(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Maximum number of batched statements, or -1 for no limit.
setBatchParameterLimit(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Maximum number of combined parameters in batched statements, or -1 for no limit.
setCacheSize(int) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
Sets the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep hard references to.
setCacheSize(int) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
Sets the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep hard references to.
setClearOnClose(boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
Sets the option to clear the Tangosol cache when this facade is closed.
setClearOnClose(boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
Sets the option to clear the Tangosol cache when the PersistenceManagerFactory is closed.
setClientId(long) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
The server-assigned id of the client sending the command.
setColumnLockGroupNames(List) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroupVersionMappingInfo
List of lock group names matching the column list.
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.AutoOrderUpdateManager
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.BatchingOperationOrderUpdateManager
setConfiguration(Properties) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.KodoPoolingDataSource
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
setConnectionDriverName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setConnectionDriverName(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setConnectionFactory(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setConnectionFactory(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setConnectionFactory2(Object) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setConnectionFactory2(Object) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setConnectionFactory2Name(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setConnectionFactory2Name(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setConnectionFactoryName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setConnectionFactoryName(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setConnectionFactoryProperties(Properties) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.KodoPoolingDataSource
setConnectionPassword(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setConnectionPassword(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setConnectionURL(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setConnectionURL(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setConnectionUserName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setConnectionUserName(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setConstraintNames(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDORMappingFactory
Whether to write out constraint names in generated mapping data.
setConstraintNames(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
Whether to write out constraint names in generated mapping data.
setConstraintNames(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Whether to write out constraint names in generated mapping data.
setContextFactory(ContextFactory) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
A context factory to use to given executed commands context.
setCustomizer(ReverseCustomizer) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
Delegate customizer, or null.
setCustomizer(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
Used during auto-configuration to set delegate type.
setDataStore(AbstractJDBCSavepointManager.ConnectionSavepoint) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.OracleSavepointManager
setDeclaredInterfacePersistent(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
Whether declared interfaces of a given persistent-class are persistence-capable (i.e.
setDetachAllOnClose(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to detach all instances on close.
setDetachAllOnCommit(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
setDetachAllOnCommit(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setDetachAllOnCommit(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setDetachAllOnNontransactionalRead(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to detach all instances after a nontransactional read.
setDetachAllOnRollback(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to detach all instances on rollback / commit failure.
setDetachedObjectId(Object, String) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
setDetachedState(Object, Object) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Set the detached state of the specified object.
setDetachedState(Object, Object) - Static method in class kodo.runtime.KodoHelper
setDetachFields(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
setDetachOnClose(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
setEagerFetchMode(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
setEagerFetchMode(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Set the eager fetch mode.
setEagerFetchMode(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
setEnableLogMBean(boolean) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
setEnableRuntimeMBean(boolean) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
setEvictFromDataStoreCache(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to also evict an object from the data cache when it is evicted through this persistence manager.
setExecutionContextNameProvider(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.ConsolidatedConfiguration
setExecutionContextNameProvider(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration
setFetchBatchSize(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
setFetchDirection(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
setFetchDirection(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
The fetch direction to use as a constant from ResultSet.
setFields(String[]) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Sets fields as the set of fully-qualified field names to use when loading objects.
setFields(Class, String[]) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Sets fields as the set of field names to use when loading objects.
setFields(Collection) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Sets fields as the set of fully-qualified field names to use when loading objects.
setFields(Class, Collection) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Sets fields as the set of field names to use when loading objects.
setFileName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.MappingFileDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
The name of the file to use in single-file mode.
setFlushBeforeQueries(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
The query automatic flush configuration.
setFlushBeforeQueries(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
setGemFireCacheName(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
Sets the name of the GemFire region to use.
setGemfireCacheName(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
Deprecated. Retained for auto-conf compatibility with old conf files.
setGemFireCacheName(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
Sets the name of the GemFire cache region to use.
setGemfireCacheName(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
Deprecated. Retained for auto-conf compatibility with old conf files.
setHasResponse(boolean) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
Whether this command uses a response.
setHost(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
The server's host.
setHost(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
setHost(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote
setIgnoreCache(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
setIgnoreCache(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoExtent
Whether to ignore changes in the PM cache.
setIgnoreCache(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setIgnoreCache(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setInitialValue(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupNumberVersionStrategy
Set the initial value for version column.
setInstanceLifecycleListenerCallbackMode(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
The CallbackModes flags for handling lifecycle listener exceptions.
setInto(Options) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
setInto(Options) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.KodoSQLFactory
setJMX(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.ConsolidatedConfiguration
setJMX(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration
setJNDIName(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote
setJoins(String[]) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Sets fields as the set of fully-qualified field names to join when loading objects.
setJoins(Class, String[]) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Sets fields as the set of field names to join when loading objects.
setJoins(Collection) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Sets fields as the set of fully-qualified field names to join when loading objects.
setJoins(Class, Collection) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Sets fields as the set of field names to join when loading objects.
setJoinSyntax(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
setJoinSyntax(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
The join syntax to use.
setKnownClassExtension(ClassMetaData, String, String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory.ExtensionTranslatingParser
setKnownFieldExtension(FieldMetaData, String, String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory.ExtensionTranslatingParser
setLargeTransaction(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
If a large number of objects will be created, modified, or deleted during this transaction setting this option to true will reduce memory usage if you perform periodic flushes.
setLicenseKey(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.ConsolidatedConfiguration
setLicenseKey(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration
setLoadObjectIds() - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
setLockGroup(LockGroup) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoFieldMapping
The lock group for this field, or null if none.
setLockTimeout(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
The number of milliseconds to wait for an object lock, or -1 for no limit.
setLockTimeout(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
setLog(Log) - Static method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
Set the log to write to.
setLog(Log) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
A log to write about sent and received a commands.
setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCManagedConnectionFactory
setLRSSize(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
setLRSSize(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
The large result set size mode to use.
setMapping(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
The mapping suffix supplied by the user.
setMapping(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setMapping(String) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setMappingColumn(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
The name of the mapping column on the mapping definition table.
setMappingColumn(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
The name of the mapping column on the mapping definition table.
setMaximizeBatchSize(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.AutoOrderUpdateManager
Whether or not statements will be dynamically re-ordered to maximize batching.
setMaximizeBatchSize(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.BatchingOperationOrderUpdateManager
Whether or not statements will be dynamically re-ordered to maximize batching.
setMBeanInfo(MBeanInfo) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
setMBeanServer(MBeanServer) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.JMXInterface
setMBeanServerStrategy(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagement
setMultithreaded(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setMultithreaded(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setNameColumn(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
The name of the name on the mapping table.
setNameColumn(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
The name of the name on the mapping table.
setNamingImpl(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
setNontransactionalRead(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setNontransactionalRead(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setNontransactionalWrite(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setNontransactionalWrite(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setObject(Column, Object) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy.CustomUpdate
setObjectLookupMode(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
setOptimistic(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setOptimistic(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setOrderDirtyObjects(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether dirty objects will be returned in the order they were dirtied.
setParser(JDORMetaDataParser) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Set the metadata parser.
setParser(JDOMetaDataParser) - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
Set the metadata parser.
setPassword(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81
setPersistenceServer(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.ConsolidatedConfiguration
setPersistenceServer(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration
setPopulateDataCache(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
setPopulateDataStoreCache(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to populate the store cache with objects used by this transaction.
setPort(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
The port the server listens on.
setPort(int) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
setPort(int) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote
setProfiling(String) - Method in class kodo.conf.ConsolidatedConfiguration
setProfiling(String) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.conf.JDBCConsolidatedConfiguration
setQueryCacheEnabled(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
setQueryResultCache(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
Control whether or not query caching is enabled.
setReadLockLevel(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
The lock level to use for locking loaded objects.
setReadLockLevel(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
setReference(Reference) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
setReference(Reference) - Method in class kodo.persistence.jdbc.JPAConnectionFactory
setResource(Object) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.BaseDynamicMBean
setResourceAdapter(ResourceAdapter) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOJCA15ManagedConnectionFactory
setRestoreMutableValues(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to restore mutable fields on rollback.
setRestoreValues(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
setRestoreValues(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setRestoreValues(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setResultSetType(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
setResultSetType(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
The result set type to use as a constant from ResultSet.
setRetainValues(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
setRetainValues(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
setRetainValues(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
setRetainValuesInOptimistic(boolean) - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManager
setSavepoint(String) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Set a transactional savepoint where operations after this savepoint will be rolled back.
setScanTopDown(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
Whether to scan for class metadata top-down in the package tree.
setSeriesName(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
setServerName(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81
setServiceURL(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
setSingleFile(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.MappingFileDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Whether to use a single top-level mapping file.
setSingleRow(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Whether to use a single row for all mapping data.
setSoftReferenceSize(int) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
Sets the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep soft references to.
setSoftReferenceSize(int) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
Sets the maximum number of unpinned objects to keep soft references to.
setSoTimeout(int) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
The socket read timeout, in milliseconds.
setSourceFile(ClassMetaData, File) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
setSourceFile(SequenceMetaData, File) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
setStreamDecorators(StreamDecorator[]) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Stream decorators.
setSubclassFetchMode(int) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.runtime.JDBCFetchConfiguration
setSubclassFetchMode(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDBCFetchPlan
Set the subclass fetch mode.
setSubclassFetchMode(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
setSupportsTotalCountsForBatch(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Whether the driver returns a total update count for batched statements.
setSupportsUnion(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Union support.
setSupportsUnionWithUnalignedOrdering(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Support for unions with ordering on unaligned but same-aliased columns.
setSupportsUpdateCountsForBatch(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Whether the driver returns individual update counts for batched updates.
setSyncWithManagedTransactions(boolean) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
Whether to check for a global transaction upon every managed, non-transactional operation.
setTable(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
The name of the schema definition table.
setTableName(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
The name of the schema definition table.
setTangosolCacheName(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
Sets the name of the Tangosol cache to use.
setTangosolCacheName(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
Sets the name of the Tangosol cache to use.
setTangosolCacheType(int) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
The tangosol cache type as one of the TYPE constants.
setTangosolCacheType(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
If distributed, this cache implementation will use a distibuted cache.
setTangosolCacheType(int) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
The tangosol cache type as one of the TYPE constants.
setTangosolCacheType(String) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
If distributed, this cache implementation will use a distibuted cache.
setTool(ReverseMappingTool) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
setTransactional(boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
setTransactional(boolean) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
setTransactionListenerCallbackMode(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManager
The CallbackModes flags for handling transaction listener exceptions.
setTypeColumn(String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
The name of the type column on the mapping definition table.
setURL(String) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.HTTPTransport
The URL used to contact the remote server.
setURL(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81
setUrl(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81
Deprecated. Use ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81.setURL(java.lang.String).
setUserName(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81
setUsername(String) - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81
Deprecated. Use ManagementConfigurationManagementWL81.setUserName(java.lang.String).
setUseSchemaValidation(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Whether to use XSD schema validation (as opposed to DTD).
setUseSchemaValidation(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
Whether to use XSD schema validation (as opposed to DTD).
setValue(Object, Object) - Method in interface kodo.beans.FieldAccessor
Set the value of the specified field.
setValue(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
setWriteLockLevel(int) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoFetchPlan
The lock level to use for locking dirtied objects.
setWriteLockLevel(int) - Method in class kodo.runtime.FetchConfiguration
SingleJVMExclusiveLockManager - Class in kodo.kernel
An exclusive write single-JVM lock manager.
SingleJVMExclusiveLockManager() - Constructor for class kodo.kernel.SingleJVMExclusiveLockManager
size() - Method in class kodo.datacache.KodoDataCacheManager
Return the number of caches currently in the system
slowestStatements - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
A Map of SQLString : time, to track the slowest statements we have seen.
softMapOverflowRemoved(Object, Object) - Method in class kodo.util.MonitoringCacheMap
softMapValueExpired(Object) - Method in class kodo.util.MonitoringCacheMap
sortTables(Collection) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.TableLockUpdateManager
Sort TableLockUpdateManager.TableRows by table.
sqlComparator - Variable in class kodo.jdbc.kernel.AutoOrderUpdateManager
start(BootstrapContext) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCResourceAdapter
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.schema.KodoPoolingDataSource
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ORMFileJDORMappingFactory
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.manage.AbstractManagementConfiguration
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementJMX2Remote
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementLocal
startConfiguration() - Method in class kodo.manage.ManagementConfigurationManagementMX4J1Remote
startPersistenceManagerServer() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
StartPersistenceServer - Class in kodo.jdbc.kernel
Script to start a persistence server.
StartPersistenceServer() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.kernel.StartPersistenceServer
startPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
startPersistenceServer() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
Start the persistence server.
startPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
startPersistenceServer() - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManagerFactory
Deprecated. Start the persistence server.
startPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.remote.Remote
Start the persistence server.
startPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
StateClassAccessor - Class in kodo.beans
Implementation of ClassAccessor that uses a OpenJPAStateManager and a ClassMetaData to set and get field values.
StateClassAccessor(Class, StoreContext) - Constructor for class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor
StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor - Class in kodo.beans
StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor(FieldMetaData) - Constructor for class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
StateClassAccessorFactory - Class in kodo.beans
Implementation of ClassAccessorFactory that uses a StateClassAccessor.
StateClassAccessorFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessorFactory
statementTimes - Static variable in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
A cache of the time elements in PerformanceTracker.slowestStatements.
Statistic - Interface in com.solarmetric.manage
Defines an interface for a statistic.
statisticChanged(StatisticEvent) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.StatisticListener
StatisticEvent - Class in com.solarmetric.manage
Event produced by the Statistic class and sent to StatisticListeners.
StatisticEvent(Statistic, long, double) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.manage.StatisticEvent
StatisticListener - Interface in com.solarmetric.manage
The listener interface for receiving statistic events.
StatisticSeries - Class in com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui
Example implementation of a DiagnosticDataSeries to work with a DiagnosticsChart instance.
StatisticSeries(String) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
StatisticsProvider - Interface in com.solarmetric.manage.jmx
Implementations of this interface can provide a collection of Statistic instances.
stop() - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch.Token
Write out a statistic value and restart the timer.
stop() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCResourceAdapter
stopPersistenceManagerServer() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
stopPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.JDOConnectionFactory
stopPersistenceServer() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
Stop the persistence server.
stopPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
stopPersistenceServer() - Method in interface kodo.persistence.KodoEntityManagerFactory
Deprecated. Stop the persistence server.
stopPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.remote.Remote
Stop the persistence server.
stopPersistenceServer() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
store(ClassMetaData[], QueryMetaData[], SequenceMetaData[], int, Map) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.ExtensionDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
store(ClassMetaData[], QueryMetaData[], SequenceMetaData[], int, Map) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.MappingFileDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
store(ClassMetaData[], QueryMetaData[], SequenceMetaData[], int, Map) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
store(ClassMetaData[], QueryMetaData[], SequenceMetaData[], int, Map) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
StoreCache - Interface in kodo.persistence
StreamDecorator - Interface in com.solarmetric.remote
Decorator that wraps IO streams for added functionality.
summarizePerformance() - Static method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
supportedOptions() - Method in class kodo.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl
supportedOptions() - Method in class kodo.runtime.KodoPersistenceManagerFactory
supportsLocking() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
supportsRandomAccess(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
SybaseAdvancedSQL - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
Sybase-specific advanced SQL behavior.
SybaseAdvancedSQL() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.SybaseAdvancedSQL
syncWith(Version) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroupVersionMappingInfo
Synchronize internal information with the mapping data for the given version.


TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory - Class in kodo.jdo.jdbc
Specialization of the DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory for mapping data stored in a database table.
TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
TableJDORMappingFactory - Class in kodo.jdo.jdbc
Plugin to load and store JDO mapping data in a database table.
TableJDORMappingFactory() - Constructor for class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
TableLockUpdateManager - Class in kodo.jdbc.kernel
Example update manager, capable of statement batching, that ignores foreign keys and autoincrement, but optimizes for table level locking.
TableLockUpdateManager() - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.kernel.TableLockUpdateManager
TableLockUpdateManager.TableRows - Class in kodo.jdbc.kernel
Rows for a particular table.
TableLockUpdateManager.TableRows(Table) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.kernel.TableLockUpdateManager.TableRows
TangosolDataCache - Class in kodo.datacache
A level 2 cache that delegates to a Tangosol Coherence cache.
TangosolDataCache() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
TangosolQueryCache - Class in kodo.datacache
A query cache that delegates to a Tangosol Coherence cache.
TangosolQueryCache() - Constructor for class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
TCPTransport - Class in com.solarmetric.remote
TCP transport layer.
TCPTransport() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.remote.TCPTransport
test(Transport.Channel) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Test that the given client channel is still connected.
time(JDBCEvent) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
TimeWatch - Class in com.solarmetric.manage
A TimeWatch allows for marking code blocks and recording execution time statistics.
TimeWatch() - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.manage.TimeWatch
Create a new TimeWatch Watchable with the passed name.
TimeWatch.Token - Class in com.solarmetric.manage
A timer token.
toBroker(PersistenceManager) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return the underlying broker for the given persistence manager facade.
toBroker(EntityManager) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Return the underlying broker for the given entity manager facade.
toBrokerFactory(PersistenceManagerFactory) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return the underlying broker factory for the given persistence manager factory facade.
toBrokerFactory(EntityManagerFactory) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Return the underlying broker factory for the given entity manager factory facade.
toDoubleArray(LinkedList) - Method in class com.solarmetric.manage.jmx.gui.StatisticSeries
Internal helper for converting the internal lists into the required double[]'s for JClass and the DiagnosticsChart.
toEntityManager(Broker) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Return a persistence manager facade to the given broker retaining previously associated persistence context type.
toEntityManagerFactory(BrokerFactory) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Return an entity manager factory facade to the given broker factory.
toKodoObjectId(Object, PersistenceManager) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Translate from a JDO identity object to a Kodo one.
toKodoObjectId(ClassMetaData, Object) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Translate from a Persistence identity object to a Kodo one.
toKodoObjectIds(Object[], PersistenceManager) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return an array of Kodo oids for the given native oid array.
toKodoObjectIds(Collection, PersistenceManager) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return a collection of Kodo oids for the given native oid collection.
toKodoObjectIds(ClassMetaData, Object...) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Return an array of Kodo oids for the given native oid array.
toKodoObjectIds(ClassMetaData, Collection) - Static method in class kodo.persistence.KodoPersistence
Deprecated. Return a collection of Kodo oids for the given native oid collection.
toPersistenceManager(Broker) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return a persistence manager facade to the given broker.
toPersistenceManagerFactory(BrokerFactory) - Static method in class kodo.jdo.KodoJDOHelper
Return a persistence manager factory facade to the given broker factory.
toSelect(Union, boolean, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Create a UNION.
toSelect(boolean, JDBCFetchConfiguration) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
toSelectCount(Union) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.AdvancedSQL
Create a UNION count.
toSelectCount() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
toString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
Summarize the statistics.
toString() - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
toString() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor.StateFieldAccessor
toString() - Method in class kodo.beans.StateClassAccessor
toString() - Method in class kodo.conf.KodoVersion
toString() - Method in class kodo.conf.Patch
toString() - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.LockGroup
trackSlowStatements(String, long) - Method in class com.solarmetric.jdbc.PerformanceTracker
transactional(Object, boolean, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
transactionalAll(Collection, boolean, OpCallbacks) - Method in class kodo.kernel.KodoBroker
transferRead(Object, ObjectInput, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.remote.RemoteTransferListener
Notification that your persistent capable object (pcObject) is being transfered between the remote persistent manager and the server persistent manager.
transferWrite(Object, ObjectOutput, boolean) - Method in interface kodo.remote.RemoteTransferListener
Notification that your persistent capable object (pcObject) is being transfered between the remote persistent manager and the server persistent manager.
translateClassExtension(ClassMetaData, String, String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
Translate deprecated extensions into current equivalents.
translateFieldExtension(FieldMetaData, String, String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
Translate deprecated extensions into current equivalents.
Transport - Interface in com.solarmetric.remote
Abstraction of the transport layer.
Transport.Channel - Interface in com.solarmetric.remote
A communications channel.
Transport.Server - Interface in com.solarmetric.remote
Server side transport layer handler.
TRUE - Static variable in annotation type kodo.persistence.jdbc.ElementEmbeddedMapping
TRUE - Static variable in annotation type kodo.persistence.jdbc.KeyEmbeddedMapping
TRUE - Static variable in annotation type kodo.persistence.jdbc.XEmbeddedMapping
TrueUnion - Class in kodo.jdbc.sql
TrueUnion(JDBCConfiguration, int) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
TrueUnion(JDBCConfiguration, Select[]) - Constructor for class kodo.jdbc.sql.TrueUnion
Constructor used to seed the internal selects.
TYPE_CLASS - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
TYPE_CLASS_QUERY - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
TYPE_DISTRIBUTED - Static variable in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
TYPE_DISTRIBUTED - Static variable in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
TYPE_NAMED - Static variable in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
TYPE_NAMED - Static variable in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
TYPE_QUERY - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
TYPE_REPLICATED - Static variable in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
TYPE_REPLICATED - Static variable in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
TYPE_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory


unmappedTable(Table) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoReverseCustomizer
unpin(Query) - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
Unpin a previously-pinned query result.
unpin(Query, Object[]) - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
Unpin a previously-pinned query result.
unpin(Query, Map) - Method in class kodo.jdo.QueryResultCache
Unpin a previously-pinned query result.
unpinInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
GemFire doesn't have a concept of pinning data.
unpinInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
GemFire doesn't have a concept of pinning data.
unpinInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
unpinInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
unpinInternal(Object) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
Coherence doesn't have a concept of expiring data, so unpinning is meaningless.
unpinInternal(QueryKey) - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
Coherence doesn't have a concept of expiring data, so unpinning is meaningless.
UNSET - Static variable in interface com.solarmetric.manage.Statistic
update(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.ColumnPerLockGroupVersionStrategy
update(OpenJPAStateManager, JDBCStore, RowManager) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.LockGroupStateComparisonVersionStrategy
updatePersistentAll() - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Issue the update query.
updatePersistentAll(Object[]) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Issue the update query.
updatePersistentAll(Map) - Method in interface kodo.jdo.KodoQuery
Issue the update query.
useSchemaValidation() - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Whether to use XSD schema validation (as opposed to DTD).
useSchemaValidation() - Method in class kodo.jdo.JDOMetaDataFactory
Whether to use XSD schema validation (as opposed to DTD).


validateMapping(boolean) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.meta.KodoClassMapping
VALUE - Static variable in class kodo.jdo.DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory
VENDOR_NAME - Static variable in class kodo.conf.KodoVersion
VERSION_ID - Static variable in class kodo.conf.KodoVersion
VERSION_NUMBER - Static variable in class kodo.conf.KodoVersion


Watchable - Interface in com.solarmetric.manage
The Watchable interface specifies an interface for watching statistics.
watchableChanged(WatchableEvent) - Method in interface com.solarmetric.manage.WatchableListener
Called on the listener when a new watchable is registered.
WatchableEvent - Class in com.solarmetric.manage
Event produced by the Watchable class and sent to WatchableListeners.
WatchableEvent(Watchable, Statistic) - Constructor for class com.solarmetric.manage.WatchableEvent
Create a new event holding a reference to the watchable, and a reference to the newly registered statistic.
WatchableListener - Interface in com.solarmetric.manage
The listener interface for receiving watchable events.
write(ObjectOutput) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
Write this command to the given stream.
write(PrintStream) - Method in class kodo.jdbc.ee.JDBCManagedConnectionFactory
writeLock() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
writeLock() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
writeLock() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
writeLock() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
writeLock() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
writeLock() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache
writeMappingColumn(String, String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory
Writes the mapping as a string to the database.
writeMappingColumn(String, int, String) - Method in class kodo.jdo.jdbc.TableJDORMappingFactory
Writes the mapping as a string to the database.
writeResponse(ObjectOutput) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.Command
Write the server's response to this command.
writeType(Command, ObjectOutput) - Method in class com.solarmetric.remote.CommandIO
Write the type of this command to the given stream so that CommandIO.readType(java.io.ObjectInput) will be able to reconstruct the command.
writeUnlock() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireDataCache
writeUnlock() - Method in class kodo.datacache.GemFireQueryCache
writeUnlock() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUDataCache
writeUnlock() - Method in class kodo.datacache.LRUQueryCache
writeUnlock() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolDataCache
writeUnlock() - Method in class kodo.datacache.TangosolQueryCache


XEmbeddedMapping - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Deprecated. use the OpenJPA version of this annotation instead.
XMappingOverride - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Deprecated. use the OpenJPA version of this annotation instead.
XMappingOverrides - Annotation Type in kodo.persistence.jdbc
Deprecated. use the OpenJPA version of this annotation instead.

Kodo 4.2.0. (DEPRECATED)

Copyright 2013 Oracle, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

This documentation is deprecated and will be removed in the next release of WebLogic Server.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Kodo 4.2.0 (DEPRECATED)
12c (12.1.2)
Part Number E27740-01