Kodo 4.2.0. (DEPRECATED)

Package kodo.jdo.jdbc



Interface Summary
JDBCFetchPlan JDBC extensions to the fetch plan.

Class Summary
DeprecatedJDOMappingDefaults MappingDefaults matching Kodo JDO 3.x behavior.
ExtensionDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory Specialization of the DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory for old-style mapping data stored as metadata extensions.
JDOConnectionFactory JCA ConnectionFactory for obtaining JDO PersistenceManagers.
JDOJCA15ManagedConnectionFactory JCA 1.5 managed connection factory.
JDOManagedConnectionFactory JCA managed connection factory.
JDORMappingFactory Specialization of JDOMetaDataFactory for JDOR mapping.
MappingFileDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory Specialization of the DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory for old-style mapping data stored in .mapping files.
ORMFileJDORMappingFactory Plugin to load and store JDO mapping data in .orm files.
TableDeprecatedJDOMappingFactory Specialization of the DeprecatedJDOMetaDataFactory for mapping data stored in a database table.
TableJDORMappingFactory Plugin to load and store JDO mapping data in a database table.

Package kodo.jdo.jdbc Description


JDBC-specific extensions to Kodo JDO runtime.

Kodo 4.2.0. (DEPRECATED)

Copyright 2013 Oracle, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

This documentation is deprecated and will be removed in the next release of WebLogic Server.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Kodo 4.2.0 (DEPRECATED)
12c (12.1.2)
Part Number E27740-01