Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-02
Interface SAML2CredentialNameMapper

public interface SAML2CredentialNameMapper

Interface used to perform mapping of user and group information to SAML2 assertions.

To specify an instance of this interface to be used by the SAML2 Credential Mapper, set the NameMapperClassName attribute.

Classes implementing this interface must have a public no-arg constructor and must be in the system classpath.

Method Summary
 SAML2NameMapperInfo mapName(String name, ContextHandler handler)
          Maps a String name to a set of values used to construct a SAML NameIdentifier element for a SAML assertion.
 SAML2NameMapperInfo mapSubject(Subject subject, ContextHandler handler)
          Maps a Subject to a set of values used to construct a SAML NameIdentifier element for a SAML assertion.
 void setNameQualifier(String nameQualifier)
          Called by the SAML Credential Mapper to inform a SAMLCredentialNameMapper of the currently configured SAML NameQualifier value.

Method Detail


void setNameQualifier(String nameQualifier)
Called by the SAML Credential Mapper to inform a SAMLCredentialNameMapper of the currently configured SAML NameQualifier value.

nameQualifier - The currently configured Name Qualifier


SAML2NameMapperInfo mapSubject(Subject subject,
                               ContextHandler handler)
Maps a Subject to a set of values used to construct a SAML NameIdentifier element for a SAML assertion. The returned SAMLNameMapperInfo may optionally include a Collection of group names, which will be used to construct a SAML AttributeStatement containing a WLSGroups attribute.

subject - The Subject that should be mapped.
handler - The ContextHandler passed to the SAML Credential Mapper.
A SAMLNameMapperInfo containing user and group information, or null if no mapping is made.


SAML2NameMapperInfo mapName(String name,
                            ContextHandler handler)
Maps a String name to a set of values used to construct a SAML NameIdentifier element for a SAML assertion. The returned SAMLNameMapperInfo may optionally include a Collection of group names, which will be used to construct a SAML AttributeStatement containing a WLSGroups attribute.

name - The String name that should be mapped.
handler - The ContextHandler passed to the SAML Credential Mapper.
A SAMLNameMapperInfo containing user and group information, or null if no mapping is made.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-02