Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-02

Interface WebLogicDeploymentFactory

All Superinterfaces:

public interface WebLogicDeploymentFactory
extends DeploymentFactory

This is a WebLogic extension to javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.factories.DeploymentFactory. Use this factory interface to select and allocate DeploymentManager objects that have different characteristics based on the URI provided to the getDeploymentManager method. The DeploymentManager characteristics are defined by public fields.

Field Summary
static String AUTH_DM_URI
          Pre-authorized DeploymentManager URI.
static int AUTH_URI_INDEX
static String DEFAULT_HOST
          Default Listen Address to get the DeploymentManager.
static int DEFAULT_PORT
          Default Listen Port as number to get the DeploymentManager.
          Default Listen Port as String to get the DeploymentManager.
          Default Protocol to get the DeploymentManager.
static String DEFAULT_URL
          Default URL to get the Deployment Manager.
static String LOCAL_DM_URI
          Local access DeploymentManager URI.
static int LOCAL_URI_INDEX
static String REMOTE_DM_URI
          Remote access DeploymentManager URI.
Method Summary
 String createUri(String deployerUri, String host, String port)
          Builds a URI for obtaining a connected DeploymentManager.
 String createUri(String protocol, String deployerUri, String host, String port)
          Builds a URI for obtaining a connected DeploymentManager.
 DeploymentManager getDeploymentManager(String uri, String username, String password)
          The uri parameter is of the form DMURI[:protocol://][host:port].
 DeploymentManager getDisconnectedDeploymentManager(String uri)
          The uri parameter must be one of those defined in this interface.
 String[] getUris()
          Returns the supported URIs for this factory.
Methods inherited from interface javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.factories.DeploymentFactory
getDisplayName, getProductVersion, handlesURI

Field Detail


static final int LOCAL_URI_INDEX
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int REMOTE_URI_INDEX
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int AUTH_URI_INDEX
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String LOCAL_DM_URI
Local access DeploymentManager URI.

Use this DeploymentManager for deployment sessions that run on the same host as the Administration Server for the domain. All paths and filenames referenced during the deployment session are treated as being local to the Administration Server. This DeploymentManager does not enable module-level targeting by default.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String REMOTE_DM_URI
Remote access DeploymentManager URI.

Use this DeploymentManager URI for deployment sessions that do not run on the same host as the Administration Server for the domain. Any files that are distributed as part of the deployment session are first uploaded to the Administration Server's configured upload directory.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String AUTH_DM_URI
Pre-authorized DeploymentManager URI.

This DeploymentManager assumes it is running on the same host as the admin server of the domain being deployed to, and that it does not require authentication. This provides the same characteristics as WebLogicDeploymentFactory.LOCAL_DM_URI but assumes that the deployer tool has already obtained a context with the server.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String DEFAULT_PROTOCOL
Default Protocol to get the DeploymentManager.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int DEFAULT_PORT
Default Listen Port as number to get the DeploymentManager.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String DEFAULT_PORT_STRING
Default Listen Port as String to get the DeploymentManager.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String DEFAULT_HOST
Default Listen Address to get the DeploymentManager.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String DEFAULT_URL
Default URL to get the Deployment Manager.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


DeploymentManager getDeploymentManager(String uri,
                                       String username,
                                       String password)
                                       throws DeploymentManagerCreationException
The uri parameter is of the form DMURI[:protocol://][host:port]. DMURI is one of the uri's defined by this interface. If a protocol is not provided, t3 will be used. If host:port is not provided, localhost:7001 is used. eg "deployer:WebLogic" is equivalent to "deployer:WebLogic:t3://localhost:7001".

Specified by:
getDeploymentManager in interface DeploymentFactory


DeploymentManager getDisconnectedDeploymentManager(String uri)
                                                   throws DeploymentManagerCreationException
The uri parameter must be one of those defined in this interface.

Specified by:
getDisconnectedDeploymentManager in interface DeploymentFactory


String[] getUris()
Returns the supported URIs for this factory. Each URI identifies a DeploymentManager having unique characteristics. Supported URIs are those defined by the public fields. The first URI in the returned array is always the local access URI, WebLogicDeploymentFactory.LOCAL_DM_URI.


String createUri(String deployerUri,
                 String host,
                 String port)
Builds a URI for obtaining a connected DeploymentManager. You must use one of the protocols specified in the public fields. This method does not perform validation on the result.

deployerUri - is one of the URIs defined in this interface. This param identifies the behaviors of the deployer
host - is the name or address of the domain's admin server
port - os the port number used by the admin server


String createUri(String protocol,
                 String deployerUri,
                 String host,
                 String port)
Builds a URI for obtaining a connected DeploymentManager. You must use one of the protocols specified in the public fields. This method does not perform validation on the result.

protocol - is an optional IP protocol
deployerUri - is one of the URIs defined in this interface. This param identifies the behaviors of the deployer
host - is the name or address of the domain's admin server
port - os the port number used by the admin server

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-02