Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-02
Interface SNMPAgentRuntimeMBean

All Superinterfaces:
DynamicMBean, MBeanRegistration, NotificationBroadcaster, RuntimeMBean, WebLogicMBean

public interface SNMPAgentRuntimeMBean
extends RuntimeMBean

Runtime information for an SNMP agent that is running in the current WebLogic Server domain.

See Also:
SNMPAgentMBean, SNMPAgentDeploymentMBean

Method Summary
 long getAttributeChangeTrapCount()
          The number of attribute change notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.
 long getCounterMonitorTrapCount()
          The number of counter monitor notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.
 int getFailedAuthenticationCount()
          The number of requests that this agent has rejected because of incorrect user credentials.
 int getFailedAuthorizationCount()
          The number of requests that this agent has rejected because an authenticated user does not have sufficient privileges to view the requested information.
 int getFailedEncryptionCount()
          The number of requests that this agent has rejected because of incorrect privacy (encryption) credentials
 long getGaugeMonitorTrapCount()
          The number of gauge monitor notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.
 long getLogMessageTrapCount()
          The number of log message notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.
 int getMasterAgentXPort()
          The port that this SNMP agent uses to communicate with subagents.
 long getMonitorTrapCount()
          The total number of all notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.
 long getServerStartTrapCount()
          The number of serverStart notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.
 long getServerStopTrapCount()
          The number of serverShutdown notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.
 String getSNMPAgentName()
 long getStringMonitorTrapCount()
          The number of string monitor notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.
 int getUDPListenPort()
          The UDP port on which this SNMP agent is listening for incoming requests from SNMP managers.
 void invalidateLocalizedKeyCache(String username)
          Immediately invalidates the cached security keys for the specified WebLogic Server user.
 boolean isRunning()
          Indicates whether this SNMP agent is running.
 String outputCustomMBeansMIBModule()
          Returns WebLogic Server's MIB module for custom MBeans as a java.lang.String.
Methods inherited from interface
getMBeanInfo, getName, getObjectName, getParent, getType, isCachingDisabled, isRegistered, setParent
Methods inherited from interface
getAttribute, getAttributes, invoke, setAttribute, setAttributes
Methods inherited from interface
postDeregister, postRegister, preDeregister, preRegister
Methods inherited from interface
addNotificationListener, getNotificationInfo, removeNotificationListener

Method Detail


boolean isRunning()
Indicates whether this SNMP agent is running.

indicator of whether SNMPAgent is functioning


long getAttributeChangeTrapCount()
The number of attribute change notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.

the number of AttributeChange Traps issued


long getMonitorTrapCount()
The total number of all notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.

the number of ALL Monitor Traps issued


long getCounterMonitorTrapCount()
The number of counter monitor notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.

the number of Counter Monitor Traps issued


long getGaugeMonitorTrapCount()
The number of gauge monitor notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.

the number of Gauge Monitor Traps issued


long getStringMonitorTrapCount()
The number of string monitor notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.

the number of String Monitor Traps issued


long getLogMessageTrapCount()
The number of log message notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.

the number of Log Message Traps issued


long getServerStartTrapCount()
The number of serverStart notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.

the number of Server Start Traps issued


long getServerStopTrapCount()
The number of serverShutdown notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.

the number of Server Stop Traps issued


int getUDPListenPort()

The UDP port on which this SNMP agent is listening for incoming requests from SNMP managers.

SNMP agents can also communicate through the host server's TCP listen port (7001 by default) or through a TCP port that is configured by a custom network channel.

the UDP listen port on which this agent is available
See Also:


int getMasterAgentXPort()

The port that this SNMP agent uses to communicate with subagents.

The agent uses subagents to provide access to custom MBeans (MBeans that you create and register) and to other Oracle software components. WebLogic Server SNMP agents do not enable users to register their own subagents.


String outputCustomMBeansMIBModule()
                                   throws ManagementException

Returns WebLogic Server's MIB module for custom MBeans as a java.lang.String. You can save the String to a file and then load the file into a MIB browser.

When you register custom MBeans in the WebLogic Server Runtime MBean Server, WebLogic Server adds entries to a runtime MIB module that it maintains for custom MBeans. For each custom MBean type, WebLogic Server adds a table to the MIB module. For each instance of the custom MBean, it adds a table row. While WebLogic Server does not persist the MIB module as a file or other data structure, the OIDs in the module remain constant across server sessions.

The MIB definition for the custom MBean entries.


int getFailedAuthenticationCount()
The number of requests that this agent has rejected because of incorrect user credentials.

Number of authentication attempt failures


int getFailedAuthorizationCount()
The number of requests that this agent has rejected because an authenticated user does not have sufficient privileges to view the requested information. You use the WebLogic Server security realm to assign privileges to users.

Number of authorization failures


int getFailedEncryptionCount()

The number of requests that this agent has rejected because of incorrect privacy (encryption) credentials

Number of encryption failures


void invalidateLocalizedKeyCache(String username)

Immediately invalidates the cached security keys for the specified WebLogic Server user.

An SNMP security key is an encrypted version of an SNMP agent's engine ID and an authentication password or privacy password. WebLogic Server generates one security key for each entry that you create in the SNMP credential map. When a WebLogic Server SNMP agent receives an SNMPv3 request, it compares the key that is in the request with its WebLogic Server keys. If it finds a match, it processes the request. The SNMP agent also encodes these keys in its responses and notifications. (You configure which keys are encoded when you create a trap destination.)

Instead of regenerating the keys for each SNMPv3 communication, WebLogic Server caches the keys. To make sure that the cache contains the latest set of SNMP credentials, WebLogic Server periodically invalidates the cache. After the cache is invalidated, the next time an SNMP agent requests credentials, WebLogic Server regenerates the cache.

Note that making a change to the credential map does not automatically update the cache. Instead, the cache is updated only after it has been invalidated.

Instead of waiting for WebLogic Server to invalidate the cached entry for a key, you can invalidate it immediately.

username - Name of the user
See Also:


String getSNMPAgentName()

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-02