Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-02
Interface WLDFHarvesterManagerRuntimeMBean

All Superinterfaces:
DynamicMBean, MBeanRegistration, NotificationBroadcaster, RuntimeMBean, WebLogicMBean

public interface WLDFHarvesterManagerRuntimeMBean
extends RuntimeMBean

Provides statistical information relative to a particular configured Harvester instance, and a means to retreive an on-demand snapshot of configured attribute values.

Method Summary
 long getAverageSamplingTime()
          The average amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent in sampling cycles.
 long getCurrentDataSampleCount()
          The number of collected data samples in the current snapshot.
 long getCurrentSnapshotElapsedTime()
          The elapsed time, in nanoseconds, of a snapshot.
 long getCurrentSnapshotStartTime()
          The start time, in milliseconds, of the latest archived snapshot.
 long getMaximumSamplingTime()
          The maximum observed sampling time, in nanoseconds.
 long getMinimumSamplingTime()
          The minimum observed sampling time, in nanoseconds.
 long getTotalDataSampleCount()
          The number of configured data samples that have been collected and archived so far in this server session.
 long getTotalSamplingCycles()
          The total number of periodic sampling cycles taken thus far.
 long getTotalSamplingTime()
          The total amount of observed time, in nanoseconds, spent in sampling cycles.
 Map<ObjectName,AttributeList> retrieveSnapshot()
           Retrieves a snapshot of values for attributes configured in this Harvester instance at the moment the request is made; these values are returned to the caller and not persisted in the WLDF archive.
Methods inherited from interface
getMBeanInfo, getName, getObjectName, getParent, getType, isCachingDisabled, isRegistered, setParent
Methods inherited from interface
getAttribute, getAttributes, invoke, setAttribute, setAttributes
Methods inherited from interface
postDeregister, postRegister, preDeregister, preRegister
Methods inherited from interface
addNotificationListener, getNotificationInfo, removeNotificationListener

Method Detail


long getAverageSamplingTime()

The average amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent in sampling cycles.

the average amount of time spent (in nanoseconds) in sampling cycles


long getCurrentDataSampleCount()

The number of collected data samples in the current snapshot.

the number of data samples collected in the current snapshot


long getCurrentSnapshotElapsedTime()

The elapsed time, in nanoseconds, of a snapshot.

the elapsed time (in nanoseconds) of the most recent snapshot


long getCurrentSnapshotStartTime()

The start time, in milliseconds, of the latest archived snapshot.

the start time in milliseconds


long getMaximumSamplingTime()

The maximum observed sampling time, in nanoseconds.

the maximum sampling time in nanoseconds


long getMinimumSamplingTime()

The minimum observed sampling time, in nanoseconds.

the minimum sampling time in nanoseconds


long getTotalDataSampleCount()

The number of configured data samples that have been collected and archived so far in this server session.

the number of configured data samples collected in this server session


long getTotalSamplingCycles()

The total number of periodic sampling cycles taken thus far.

the number of sampling cycles taken


long getTotalSamplingTime()

The total amount of observed time, in nanoseconds, spent in sampling cycles.

the total amount of time spent (in nanoseconds) in all sampling cycles


Map<ObjectName,AttributeList> retrieveSnapshot()
                                               throws JMException

Retrieves a snapshot of values for attributes configured in this Harvester instance at the moment the request is made; these values are returned to the caller and not persisted in the WLDF archive. The Harvester instance does not need to be actively polling for this call to be made.

The returned Map contains a list of instances collected from and the set of values harvested from each instance. The map key is the ObjectName of MBean instance that the values were retrieved from, and the value for each key is an AttributeList containing the attributes and values retrieved from that instance.

Each returned snapshot will contain an implicit entry accessed by the reserved key "serverTimestamp"; its AttributeList payload will consist of a single attribute of the name "serverTimestamp", where the value for that "attribute" will be the timestamp in milliseconds, relative to the server, that the snapshot request was made.

NOTE that the attribute names in the returned AttributeList instances may not map to an actual attribute on the target MBean. For example, this would be the case where the attribute of a WLDFHarvestedTypeBean is actually an attribute expression, or in the case above where the snapshot timestamp is returned as an "attribute" of the WLDFHarvesterManagerRuntimeMBean instance it was requested from.

Current snapshot of harvester configured entitites as a Map object, keyed by the ObjectName, and whose payload is an AttributeList of retrieved values

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-02