Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-02
Interface WLDFInstrumentationRuntimeMBean

All Superinterfaces:
DynamicMBean, MBeanRegistration, NotificationBroadcaster, RuntimeMBean, WebLogicMBean

public interface WLDFInstrumentationRuntimeMBean
extends RuntimeMBean

This interface defines various methods for accessing runtime information about the diagnostic instrumentation system.

Method Summary
 int getCallJoinpointCount()
          The number of affected CALL joinpoints for all classes that were inspected.
 int getClassweaveAbortCount()
          Number of classes for which the class weaving aborted with some exceptional situation
 int getExecutionJoinpointCount()
          The number of affected EXECUTION joinpoints for all classes that were inspected.
 int getInspectedClassesCount()
          The number of classes inspected for weaving (weaving is the insertion of diagnostic code).
 long getMaxWeavingTime()
          For all classes, the weaving time in nanoseconds for the class that required the most time to process (includes the time spent both for inspection and for modification).
 Map getMethodInvocationStatistics()
          Map containing the method invocation statistics for this scope.
 Object getMethodInvocationStatisticsData(String expr)
          Drills down into the nested MethodInvocationStatistics Map structure and returns the object at the specified level.
 Map getMethodMemoryAllocationStatistics()
          Map containing the method memory allocation statistics for this scope.
 Object getMethodMemoryAllocationStatisticsData(String expr)
          Drills down into the nested MethodMemoryAllocationStatistics Map structure and returns the object at the specified level.
 long getMinWeavingTime()
          For all classes, the weaving time in nanoseconds for the class that required the least time to process (includes the time spent both for inspection and for modification).
 int getModifiedClassesCount()
          The number of modified classes (classes where diagnostic code has been inserted).
 long getTotalWeavingTime()
          For all classes, the total weaving time in nanoseconds for processing (includes the time spent both for inspection and for modification).
 void resetMethodInvocationStatisticsData(String expr)
          Resets the nested MethodInvocationStatistics structure and reinitializes the underlying metrics.
 void resetMethodMemoryAllocationStatisticsData(String expr)
          Resets the nested MethodMemoryAllocationStatistics structure and reinitializes the underlying metrics.
Methods inherited from interface
getMBeanInfo, getName, getObjectName, getParent, getType, isCachingDisabled, isRegistered, setParent
Methods inherited from interface
getAttribute, getAttributes, invoke, setAttribute, setAttributes
Methods inherited from interface
postDeregister, postRegister, preDeregister, preRegister
Methods inherited from interface
addNotificationListener, getNotificationInfo, removeNotificationListener

Method Detail


int getInspectedClassesCount()

The number of classes inspected for weaving (weaving is the insertion of diagnostic code).

the number of inspected classes for weaving


int getModifiedClassesCount()

The number of modified classes (classes where diagnostic code has been inserted).

the number of modified classes


long getMinWeavingTime()

For all classes, the weaving time in nanoseconds for the class that required the least time to process (includes the time spent both for inspection and for modification).

Minimum weaving time for a class in nanoseconds


long getMaxWeavingTime()

For all classes, the weaving time in nanoseconds for the class that required the most time to process (includes the time spent both for inspection and for modification).

the maximum weaving time for a class in nano-seconds


long getTotalWeavingTime()

For all classes, the total weaving time in nanoseconds for processing (includes the time spent both for inspection and for modification).

Total weaving time in nanoseconds for all classes


int getExecutionJoinpointCount()

The number of affected EXECUTION joinpoints for all classes that were inspected. (EXECUTION joinpoints are on the callee side.)

the number of affected EXECUTION joinpoints


int getCallJoinpointCount()

The number of affected CALL joinpoints for all classes that were inspected. (CALL joinpoints are on the caller side.)

the number of affected CALL joinpoints


int getClassweaveAbortCount()

Number of classes for which the class weaving aborted with some exceptional situation

Number of classes for which weaving failed with some exceptional situation


Map getMethodInvocationStatistics()

Map containing the method invocation statistics for this scope. It is a nested Map structure. The first level Map is keyed by the fully qualified class names within the instrumentation scope. It yields another Map containing the method data within an instrumented class. The method data Map is keyed by the method name and it yields another Map structure that is keyed by the method signatures. Method signature key is represented by a comma separated list of the input parameters. Each method signature key's value is the ultimate statistics Map object that contains entries with predefined keys: count, min, max, avg, sum, sum_of_squares, and std_deviation. The value for these keys indicate the associated metric.

When specifying this attribute as part of a variable within a WLDF Watch rule expression, you must explicitly declare the WLDFInstrumentationRuntime type. Otherwise, the system can't determine the type when validating the attribute expression, and the expression won't work.

Map containing the method invocation statistics for this scope.


Object getMethodInvocationStatisticsData(String expr)
                                         throws ManagementException
Drills down into the nested MethodInvocationStatistics Map structure and returns the object at the specified level.

expr - Expression conforming to the harvester syntax for the MethodInvocationStatistics property without the attribute name prefix.


void resetMethodInvocationStatisticsData(String expr)
                                         throws ManagementException
Resets the nested MethodInvocationStatistics structure and reinitializes the underlying metrics.

expr - Expression conforming to the harvester syntax for the MethodInvocationStatistics property without the attribute name prefix.


Map getMethodMemoryAllocationStatistics()

Map containing the method memory allocation statistics for this scope. It is a nested Map structure. The first level Map is keyed by the fully qualified class names within the instrumentation scope. It yields another Map containing the method data within an instrumented class. The method data Map is keyed by the method name and it yields another Map structure that is keyed by the method signatures. Method signature key is represented by a comma separated list of the input parameters. Each method signature key's value is the ultimate statistics Map object that contains entries with predefined keys: count, min, max, avg, sum, sum_of_squares, and std_deviation. The value for these keys indicate the associated metric.

When specifying this attribute as part of a variable within a WLDF Watch rule expression, you must explicitly declare the WLDFInstrumentationRuntime type. Otherwise, the system can't determine the type when validating the attribute expression, and the expression won't work.

Map containing the method memory allocation statistics for this scope.


Object getMethodMemoryAllocationStatisticsData(String expr)
                                               throws ManagementException
Drills down into the nested MethodMemoryAllocationStatistics Map structure and returns the object at the specified level.

expr - Expression conforming to the harvester syntax for the MethodMemoryAllocationStatistics property without the attribute name prefix.


void resetMethodMemoryAllocationStatisticsData(String expr)
                                               throws ManagementException
Resets the nested MethodMemoryAllocationStatistics structure and reinitializes the underlying metrics.

expr - Expression conforming to the harvester syntax for the MethodMemoryAllocationStatistics property without the attribute name prefix.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-02