23 Using Chart Components

This chapter describes how to use the ADF Data Visualization chart components to display data in charts using simple UI-first development. The chart components include area, bar, horizontal bar, bubble, combination, line, pie, scatter, and spark charts. The chapter defines the data requirements, tag structure, and options for customizing the look and behavior of these components.

If your application uses the Fusion technology stack, you can use data controls to create charts. For more information, see "Creating Databound Charts" in Developing Fusion Web Applications with Oracle Application Development Framework.

This chapter includes the following sections:

The DVT graph components are legacy server-side components used for displaying data in graphs. However, the use of these components is discouraged in favor of the client-side charts. Graph components include funnel, Pareto, radar, and stock graphs. For information about the DVT graph components, see Appendix H, "Using Graph Components."

23.1 About the Chart Component

The DVT chart components give you the capability of producing a variety of data visualizations that let you evaluate multiple data points on multiple axes in many ways. For example, a number of charts assist you in the comparison of results from one group with the results from another group.

Charts display series and groups of data. Series and groups are analogous to the rows and columns of a grid of data. Typically, the rows in the grid appear as a series in a chart, and the columns in the grid appear as groups.

For most charts, a series appears as a set of markers that are the same color. Typically, the chart legend shows the identification and associated color of each series. For example, in a bar chart, the yellow bars might represent the sales of shoes and the green bars might represent the sales of boots.

Groups appear differently in different chart types. For example, in a stacked bar chart, each stack is a group. A group might represent time periods, such as years. A group might also represent geographical locations such as regions.

Depending on the data requirements for a chart type, a single data item might require one or more data values. For example, a scatter chart requires two values for each data marker. The first value determines where the marker appears along the x-axis while the second value determines where the marker appears along the y-axis.

23.1.1 Chart Component Use Cases and Examples

The chart components include nine types of charts with one or more variations for a total of over 13 different charts that you can use to display data. JDeveloper provides a Components window that displays available chart categories. Figure 23-1 shows the Components window for area, horizontal bar, bubble, combination, line, pie, scatter, and spark charts.

Figure 23-1 Components Window for Charts

This image is described in the surrounding text.

The funnel, pareto, radar, and stock graphs are legacy server-side components used for displaying data in graphs, and their use is discouraged in favor of the client-side chart components. For information about the DVT graph components, see Appendix H, "Using Graph Components."

When you select a chart category in the Components window, JDeveloper displays a dialog with descriptions about the available chart types to provide visual assistance when you are creating charts. Figure 23-2 shows the different area chart types and layouts available when you select the Area chart in the Components window.

Figure 23-2 Area Chart Types in Create Area Chart Dialog

This image is described in the surrounding text.

Chart categories include:

  • Area: Represents data as a filled-in area. Use area charts to show trends over time, such as sales for the last 12 months. Area charts require at least two groups of data along an axis. The axis is often labeled with increments of time such as months.

    Area charts represent these kinds of data values:

    • Absolute: Each area marker connects a series of two or more data values.

    • Stacked: Area markers are stacked. The values of each set of data are added to the values for previous sets. The size of the stack represents a cumulative total.


      Stacked charts are generally preferred over absolute charts. Areas in absolute charts can be visually obscured by other areas, depending on the area's data value.

    All variations of area charts can be configured with a single y-axis or dual y-axis.

    Figure 23-3 shows an example area chart.

    Figure 23-3 Area Chart Example

    Area graph example.
  • Bar: Represents data as a series of vertical bars. Use bar charts to examine trends over time or to compare items at the same time, such as sales for different product divisions in several regions.

    Bar charts represent these kinds of data values:

    • Clustered: Each cluster of bars represents a group of data. For example, if data is grouped by employee, one cluster might consist of a Salary bar and a Commission bar for a given employee. This kind of chart includes the following variations: vertical clustered bar charts and horizontal clustered bar charts.

    • Stacked: Bars for each set of data are appended to previous sets of data. The size of the stack represents a cumulative data total.

    All variations of bar charts can be configured with a single y-axis or dual y-axis.

    Figure 23-4 shows variations of the bar chart type as displayed in the Create Bar Chart dialog with the Dual-Y Stacked Bar chart selected.

    Figure 23-4 Bar Chart Types

    bar graph type variations

    Figure 23-5 shows an example bar chart.

    Figure 23-5 Bar Chart Example

    Bar graph example
  • Horizontal bar: Displays bars horizontally along the y-axis. Use horizontal bar charts to provide an orientation that allows you to show trends or compare values.

    Figure 23-6 shows variations of the horizontal bar chart type as displayed in the Create Horizontal Bar Chart dialog with the default chart selected. Horizontal bar charts can be configured with a single y-axis or dual y-axis. In this example, the Dual-Y Bar chart is shown with a split dual y-axis, but the split dual-y axis is not available, and the appearance of the Dual-Y Bar will be similar to the Dual-Y Stacked Bar shown below.

    Figure 23-6 Horizontal Bar Chart Type Variations

    The image is described in the surrounding text.

    Figure 23-7 shows an example horizontal bar chart.

    Figure 23-7 Horizontal Bar Chart Example

    Horiztontal Bar Graph Example
  • Bubble: Represents data by the location and size of round data markers (bubbles). Use bubble charts to show correlations among three types of values, especially when you have a number of data items and you want to see the general relationships. For example, use a bubble chart to plot salaries (x-axis), years of experience (y-axis), and productivity (size of bubble) for your work force. Such a chart allows you to examine productivity relative to salary and experience.

    Figure 23-8 shows an example bubble chart.

    Figure 23-8 Bubble Chart Example

    The image is described in the surrounding text.
  • Combination: Chart that uses different types of data markers (bars, lines, or areas) to display different kinds of data items. Use combination charts to compare bars and lines, bars and areas, lines and areas, or all three combinations.

    Figure 23-9 shows variations of the combination chart type as displayed in the Create Combination Chart dialog with the default combination chart selected. Combination charts can be configured with a single y-axis or dual y-axis.

    Figure 23-9 Combination Chart Type Variations

    The image is described in the surrounding text.

    Figure 23-10 shows an example combination chart.

    Figure 23-10 Combination Chart Example

    Combination graph example
  • Line: Represents data as a line, as a series of data points, or as data points that are connected by a line. Line charts require data for at least two points for each member in a group. For example, a line chart over months requires at least two months. Typically a line of a specific color is associated with each group of data such as the Americas, Europe, and Asia. Use line charts to compare items over the same time.

    Figure 23-11 shows an example line chart. Line charts can be configured with a single y-axis or dual y-axis

    Figure 23-11 Line Chart Example

    Line graph example
  • Pie: Represents a set of data items as proportions of a total. The data items are displayed as sections of a circle causing the circle to look like a sliced pie. Use pie charts to show the relationship of parts to a whole such as how much revenue comes from each product line.

    Figure 23-12 shows an example pie chart.

    Figure 23-12 Pie Chart Example

    Pie graph example
  • Scatter: Represents data by the location of data markers. Use scatter charts to show correlation between two different kinds of data values such as sales and costs for top products. Use scatter charts in particular to see general relationships among a number of items.

    Figure 23-13 shows an example scatter chart.

    Figure 23-13 Scatter Chart Example

    Scatter Graph Example
  • Spark: A simple, condensed chart that displays trends or variations in a single data value, typically stamped in the column of a table or in line with related text. Spark charts have basic conditional formatting. Since spark charts contain no labels, the adjacent columns of a table or surrounding text provide context for spark chart content

    Figure 23-14 shows variations of the spark chart type as displayed in the Create Spark Chart dialog with the default chart selected.

    Figure 23-14 Spark Chart Type Variations

    sparkchart graph type variations

    Figure 23-15 shows examples of bar, line, area, and floating bar spark charts.

    Figure 23-15 Spark Chart Example

    bar sparkchart example


The funnel, pareto, radar, and stock components shown in the Components window are legacy server-side graphs, and their use is discouraged in favor of the client-side chart components. For information about using legacy graphs, see Appendix H, "Using Graph Components."

23.1.2 End User and Presentation Features of Charts

Chart end user and configurable presentation features include a rich variety of options. Chart Data Labels

Use data labels to display information about the data points. You can customize the text, position, and style.

Figure 23-16 shows a bubble chart and a scatter chart, each configured to show data labels. In the bubble chart, the group's value is displayed in the center of the bubble. In the scatter chart, the label position varies by series. In the first series, the label is positioned below the series marker, and the second series is set to auto which displays the label after the marker. The third series label is configured to display the label before the series marker, and the fourth series label displays the label above the marker.

Figure 23-16 Chart Data Labels

The image is described in the surrounding text. Chart Element Labels

You can add descriptive labels to most chart components and subcomponents, including titles, subtitles, axis labels, footnotes, and legends.

Figure 23-17 shows a bar chart configured to show a title and subtitle. The chart is also configured to show titles for the x-axis, y-axis, legend, and footnote.

Figure 23-17 Bar Chart Configured with Labels for Chart, X-Axis, Y-Axis, and Legend

The image is described in the surrounding text. Chart Sizing

Charts use client-side layout management for controlling the size of the chart. A chart can automatically adjust to the size of the chart's container, and the user can resize the chart by resizing its container. You can also specify the size of a chart using its inlineStyle or styleClass attributes.

Figure 23-18 shows a portion of a page configured with the af:panelSplitter and dvt:barChart components. The user can drag the splitter to change the bar chart's size.

Figure 23-18 Bar Chart Resized by Dragging a Panel Splitter

The image is described in the surrounding text.

When charts are displayed in a horizontally or vertically restricted area, as in a web page sidebar, the chart is displayed in a fully featured, although simplified display. Chart Legends

Chart legends identify the chart's series and associated colors. Figure 23-19 shows a pie chart configured with a legend. In this example, the number of series is greater than the legend area, and the user can scroll through the legend items to see all series on the chart.

Figure 23-19 Pie Chart With Scrollable Legend

The image is described in the surrounding text. Chart Styling

Charts support styling of colors, sizes, and text to customize series, markers, lines, and data items. Figure 23-20 shows an area chart configured with custom colors for the series items and borders and a scatter chart configured with custom markers.

Figure 23-20 Charts Showing Styling for Colors and Markers

The image is described in the surrounding text. Chart Series Hiding

You can configure charts to allow the user to click on a legend series item to hide a series item from view. The resulting chart can be rescaled or rendered without rescaling.

Figure 23-21 shows a bar chart configured for series show and hide. When the user clicks the MaxInStock series item in the chart legend, the series no longer renders, and the legend changes to show which series item is hidden from view. The user can click the series item again to restore the series view.

Figure 23-21 Bar Chart Configured for Series Show and Hide

The image is described in the surrounding text. Chart Reference Objects

You can add reference lines or areas to a specified location or area on a chart's axis.

Figure 23-22 shows an example of a bar chart configured to show a reference line and reference area along its y-axis. In this example, the chart is configured to display a green reference line at 1665 on the y-axis. The reference area is configured to display in blue all values between a minimum of 1900 and a maximum of 2200.

Figure 23-22 Bar Chart Configured With Reference Line and Reference Area

The image is described in the surrounding text. Chart Series Effects

By default, charts apply gradients to chart series. You can remove the gradients to achieve a flatter design or display the series with patterns. Figure 23-23 shows three area charts configured for series effects.

Figure 23-23 Area Charts Configured for Series Effects

The image is described in the surrounding text. Chart Series Customization

You can customize the appearance of individual series in a chart. Depending upon the chart type, you can customize colors, markers, lines, and fill effects. For combination charts, the series is a chart, and you can also specify which chart to display.

Figure 23-24 shows a bubble, scatter, line, and combination chart configured with customized series. The charts illustrate how you might customize series colors, lines, and markers. The combination chart also shows how you might configure the series type to display an area, bar, and line chart.

Figure 23-24 Chart Series Customization

The image is described in the surrounding text. Chart Data Cursor

You can add a data cursor to a chart that the user can move to display detail about a data point.

Figure 23-25 shows a line chart configured with a data cursor. In this example, the user chose to display the detail for the chart's third series in the fourth group.

Figure 23-25 Line Chart Configured With Data Cursor

The image is described in the surrounding text. Chart Time Axis

Charts support the use of a time axis when the chart's data is based on dates. For example, you can use a time axis to display daily sales. The time data can cover regular or irregular time intervals. Time axes also support mixed frequency time data, where the time stamps vary by series.

Figure 23-26 shows three charts configured with a time axis. The horizontal bar chart's time axis contains regular monthly data and is configured to show the year and month with nested labels. The bar chart shows the time axis configured for irregular yearly intervals. The combination chart shows a mixed frequency time axis with time data that varies by series.

Figure 23-26 Charts Configured With a Time Axis

The image is described in the surrounding text. Chart Popups and Context Menus

You can configure charts to display popups or context menus using the af:showPopupBehavior tag.

Figure 23-27 shows a bar chart configured to show a popup when the user clicks the chart. The popup displays an output message in a note window.

Figure 23-27 Bar Chart Showing a Popup

The image is surrounded in the surrounding text. Chart Selection Support

Charts can be enabled for single or multiple selection of data markers such as bubbles in a bubble chart or shapes in a scatter chart. Enabling selection is required for popups and context menus and for responding programmatically to user clicks on the data markers.

Figure 23-28 shows a pie chart enabled for multiple selection. Each data marker is highlighted as the user moves over it to provide a visual clue that the marker is selectable. The user can press Ctrl while selecting to add or delete slices from the selection.

Figure 23-28 Pie Chart Enabled for Selection

The image is described in the surrounding text. Chart Zoom and Scroll

Charts provide the ability to scroll through the data via a view port or simple scrollbar. This feature can be useful for charts containing large amounts of data.

Figure 23-29 shows a line chart configured for scrolling with a view port. As the user moves the view port on the master line chart, the detail chart changes to reflect the selected range.

Figure 23-29 Line Chart Configured With Viewport for Scrolling

The image is described in the surrounding text.

The user can also choose to zoom in on a specific period by clicking the Marquee Zoom icon that appears when the user hovers over the chart. Figure 23-30 shows the same line chart configured for marquee zoom. In this example, the user chose to zoom the chart on the October 2013 time period.

Figure 23-30 Line Chart Configured for Marquee Zoom

The image is described in the surrounding text. Legend and Marker Dimming

Charts provide the ability to highlight a series when the user hovers over a legend item or marker. Figure 23-31 shows a bar chart configured with three series. As the user hovers over each series, the remaining series dim from view.

Figure 23-31 Chart Configured for Legend and Marker Dimming

The image is described in the surrounding text. Pie Chart Other Slice Support

Pie charts provide the ability to aggregate data if your data model includes a large number of smaller contributors in relation to the larger contributors.

Figure 23-32 shows a pie chart configured to aggregate all values less than two percent of the total. In this example, the tooltip shows the total value of the aggregated slices.

Figure 23-32 Pie Chart Showing Other Slice Support

The image is described in the surrounding text. Exploding Slices in Pie Charts

When one slice is separated from the other slices in a pie, this display is referred to as an exploding pie slice. You can explode a slice to make it stand out from the other slices.

Figure 23-33 shows an example of an exploded pie slice.

Figure 23-33 Pie Chart Configured With Exploding Pie Slice

The image is described in the surrounding text. Chart Animation

Charts support animation upon initial display or data change. Chart Image Formats

Chart components rely on HTML5 technologies available in modern browsers for animations and interactivity.

23.1.3 Additional Functionality for Chart Components

You may find it helpful to understand other ADF Faces features before you implement your chart. Additionally, once you have added a chart to your page, you may find that you need to add functionality such as validation and accessibility. Following are links to other functionality that chart components can use:

  • Client-side framework: DVT components are rendered on the client when the browser supports it. You can respond to events on the client using the af:clientListener tag. For more information, see Section 4.4, "Listening for Client Events."

  • Partial page rendering: You may want a chart to refresh to show new data based on an action taken on another component on the page. For more information, see Chapter 8, "Rerendering Partial Page Content."

  • Personalization: When enabled, users can change the way the chart displays at runtime, those values will not be retained once the user leaves the page unless you configure your application to allow user customization. For information, see Chapter 34, "Allowing User Customization on JSF Pages."

  • Accessibility: You can make your chart components accessible. For more information, see Chapter 33, "Developing Accessible ADF Faces Pages."

  • Touch devices: When you know that your ADF Faces application will be run on touch devices, the best practice is to create pages specific for that device. For additional information, see Appendix D, "Creating Web Applications for Touch Devices Using ADF Faces."

  • Skins and styles: You can customize the appearance of chart components using an ADF skin that you apply to the application or by applying CSS style properties directly using a style-related property (styleClass or inlineStyle). For more information, see Chapter 31, "Customizing the Appearance Using Styles and Skins."

  • Automatic data binding: If your application uses the Fusion technology stack, then you can create automatically bound charts based on how your ADF Business Components are configured. For more information, see "Creating Databound Charts" in Developing Fusion Web Applications with Oracle Application Development Framework.


    If you know the UI components on your page will eventually use ADF data binding, but you need to develop the pages before the data controls are ready, then you should consider using placeholder data controls, rather than manually binding the components. Using placeholder data controls will provide the same declarative development experience as using developed data controls. For more information, see the "Designing a Page Using Placeholder Data Controls" section in Developing Fusion Web Applications with Oracle Application Development Framework.

Additionally, data visualization components share much of the same functionality, such as how data is delivered, automatic partial page rendering (PPR), and how data can be displayed and edited. For more information, see Section 22.2, "Common Functionality in Data Visualization Components."

23.2 Using the Chart Component

To use the chart component, define the data, add the chart to a page, and complete the additional configuration in JDeveloper.

23.2.1 Chart Component Data Requirements

The chart component use a standard CollectionModel for its data structure. This class extends the JSF DataModel class and adds on support for row keys and sorting. In the DataModel class, rows are identified entirely by index. This can cause problems when the underlying data changes from one request to the next, for example a user request to delete one row may delete a different row when another user adds a row. To work around this, the CollectionModel class is based on row keys instead of indexes. For more information about collection-based components, see Chapter 12, "Using Tables, Trees, and Other Collection-Based Components."

Data requirements for charts differ with chart type. Data requirements can be any of the following kinds:

  • Geometric: Some chart types need a certain number of data points in order to display data. For example, a line chart requires at least two groups of data because a line requires at least two points.

  • Complex: Some chart types require more than one data point for each marker (which is the component that actually represents the data in a chart). A scatter chart, for example, needs two values for each group so that it can position the marker along the x-axis and along the y-axis. If the data that you provide to a chart does not have enough data points for each group, the chart component does its best to display a chart.

  • Logical: Some chart types cannot accept certain kinds of data. The following examples apply:

    • Negative data: Do not pass negative data to a pie chart.

    • Null or zero data: A bar or marker will not be visible if its value is zero, but an invisible region will be drawn to provide tooltip information.

    • Insufficient sets (or series) of data: Dual-Y charts require a set of data for each y-axis. Usually, each set represents different information. For example, the y-axis might represent sales for specific countries and time periods, while the y2-axis might represent total sales for all countries. If you pass only one set of y-axis data, then the chart cannot display data on two different y-axes. It displays the data on a single y-axis. Area, Bar, Horizontal Bar, and Line Chart Data Requirements

Data requirements for area, bar, horizontal bar, and line charts include:

  • At least two groups of data are required for area and line charts. A group is represented by a position along the horizontal axis of area, bar, and line charts or vertical axis for horizontal bar charts. In a chart that shows data for a three-month period, the groups might be labeled January, February, and March.

  • One or more series of data is required. In a chart that shows data for a three-month period, the series might be sales and quota.

  • Dual-Y charts require two sets of data. Bubble Chart Data Requirements

Bubble charts require at least three data values for a data marker. Each data marker in a bubble chart represents three group values:

  • The x value that determines the marker's location along the x-axis.

  • The y value that determines the marker's location along the y-axis.

  • The z value that determines the size of the marker.

For more than one group of data, bubble charts require that data be in multiples of three. For example, in a specific bubble chart, you might need three values for Paris, three for Tokyo, and so on. An example of these three values might be: x value is average life expectancy, y value is average income, and z value is population.


When you look at a bubble chart, you can identify groups of data by examining tooltips on the markers. However, identifying groups is not as important as looking at the overall pattern of the data markers. Combination Chart Data Requirements

Combination charts require one set of data for each chart included in the combination chart. Each chart in the combination chart must meet the data requirements for the area, bar, or line chart components on which it is based. For a list of the data requirements for area, bar, or line chart components, see Section, "Area, Bar, Horizontal Bar, and Line Chart Data Requirements." Pie Chart Data Requirements

One collection of data with one or more sets of data items is required for a pie chart. The data structure is as follows:

  • A series or set of data is represented by the pie slice. You see legend text for each set of this data. For example, if there is a separate set of data for each country, then the name of each country appears in the legend text.

  • Data values cannot be negative. Scatter Chart Data Requirements

Scatter charts require at least two data values for each marker. Each data marker represents the following:

  • The x value that determines the marker's location along the x-axis.

  • The y value that determines the marker's location along the y-axis.

For more than one group of data, the data must be in multiples of two. Spark Chart Data Requirements

Line, bar, and area spark charts require a single series of data values.

Floating bar spark charts require two series of data values, one for the float offset, and one for the bar value.

23.2.2 Configuring Charts

Because of the many chart types and the significant flexibility of the chart components, charts have a large number of DVT tags. The prefix dvt: occurs at the beginning of each chart tag name indicating that the tag belongs to the ADF Data Visualization Tools (DVT) tag library. The following list identifies groups of tags related to the chart component:

  • Chart component tags: The nine chart component tags provide a convenient and quick way to create a chart type. They are represented in the Components window as categories of charts with one or more type variations.

    Table 23-1 provides a description of the chart component tags and their variations.

    Table 23-1 Chart Component Tags

    Chart Tag Description Variations


    Represents data as a filled in area.

    dual y-axis



    Represents data as a series of vertical bars.

    dual y-axis



    Represents data by the location and size of the round (bubble) data marker.



    Represents data as a combination of area, bar, or line markers.

    dual y-axis



    Represents data as a series of horizontal bars.

    dual y-axis



    Represents data as a series of lines.

    dual y-axis



    Displays values that are parts of a whole, where each value is shown as a sector of a circle.



    Represents data by the location of data markers on a two-dimensional plane.



    Simple, condensed chart that displays trends or variations in a single data value, typically stamped in the column of a table or in line with related text.



    floating bar


  • Chart child component tags: These child tags are supported by most chart components to provide a variety of customization options.

    Table 23-2 provides a list and description of these child tags.

    Table 23-2 Common Chart Child Tags

    Child Tag Description


    Defines properties for the data item of an area, bar, bubble, combination, horizontal bar, line, or scatter chart.


    Defines properties for the chart legend.


    Defines properties for the series of an area, bar, bubble, combination, horizontal bar, line, or scatter chart.


    Defines formatting properties for the values of a chart.


    Defines properties for the x-axis of a chart.


    Defines properties for the y-axis of a chart.


    Defines properties for the y2-axis of a chart.







    Child tags of the chartXAxis, chartYAxis, and chartY2Axis components. Provides additional customization for the chart axes.


    Defines properties for the data item of a pie chart.

  • Chart attributes: Properties of chart components. Attributes may be applicable to all charts or specific to a chart type.

    Table 23-3 provides a list and description of commonly used attributes.

    Table 23-3 Common Chart Attributes

    Child Tag Description


    Specifies the type of data change animation indicator.


    Specifies whether or not the data cursor is enabled.


    Specifies the position of the data labels.


    Specifies the selection mode for the chart.



    Defines the footnote and its horizontal alignment.


    Specifies the hide and show behavior when clicking on legend items.


    Specifies whether or not to dim other markers when the user hovers over a marker.



    Defines the color and percentage for the Other slice in a pie chart.


    Defines the fill properties for data items.


    Specifies the position of the pie chart's data labels.


    Specifies whether or not the data should be stacked.


    Specifies the subtitle for the chart.


    Defines a time axis type for the chart.



    Defines the title and its horizontal alignment.


    EL variable that iterates through each element in the collection.


    Specifies the chart's zoom and scroll behavior.

  • Chart facets: All charts with the exception of spark charts and pie charts support facets, which are named sections within a component.

    Table 23-4 provides a list and description of supported chart facets.

    Table 23-4 Chart Facets

    Child Tag Description


    Wraps the data item component or components to stamp for each row of the model. To stamp multiple data items, wrap them in the af:group tag.


    Specifies the rendering of the optional overview window.


    Specifies the series style component to stamp for each row of the model. The properties of the stamp will be processed once for each unique series. To declaratively define multiple series, wrap them in the af:group tag.

  • Spark chart tags: Properties of the spark chart component. Spark charts contain a minimal set of formatting attributes.

    Table 23-5 provides a list and description of commonly used spark chart tags.

    Table 23-5 Common Spark Chart Attributes

    Child Tag Description


    Specifies whether or not the axis is scaled to include the baseline value of zero.


    Specifies the color of the bars, line, or area in the spark chart.






    Specifies the colors for the first, last, high, and low markers and whether or not the markers are displayed.


    Specifies the data value for the spark chart


    Specifies whether the spark chart is displayed as an area, bar, floating bar, or line.


    Specifies the selection mode for the chart.



    Defines thresholds for the spark chart.


    Specifies text to display when the user hovers over the spark chart.


    Defines a time axis type for the chart.

For complete descriptions of all the tags, their attributes, and a list of valid values, consult the DVT tag documentation. To access this documentation for a specific chart tag in JDeveloper, select the tag in the Structure window and press F1 or click Component Help.in the Properties window.

DVT charts also share many of the same attributes as other ADF Faces and DVT components. For additional information, see Section 23.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Chart Components."

23.2.3 How to Add a Chart to a Page

When you are designing your page using simple UI-first development, you use the Components window to add a chart to a JSF page. When you drag and drop a chart component onto the page, a Create Chart dialog displays available categories of chart types, with descriptions, to provide visual assistance when creating charts. You can also specify a quick start layout of the chart's legend.

Figure 23-34 shows the Create Bar Chart dialog for bar charts with the default bar chart type and quick start layout selected.

Figure 23-34 Create Bar Chart Dialog

The image is described in the surrounding text.

Once you complete the dialog, and the chart is added to your page, you can use the Properties window to specify data values and configure additional display attributes for the chart.

In the Properties window you can click the icon that appears when you hover over the property field to display a property description or edit options. shows the dropdown menu for a bar chart component value attribute.

Figure 23-35 Bar Chart Value Attribute

The image is described in the surrounding text.


If your application uses the Fusion technology stack, then you can use data controls to create a chart and the binding will be done for you. For more information, see "Creating Databound Charts" in Developing Fusion Web Applications with Oracle Application Development Framework

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how chart attributes and chart child tags can affect functionality. For more information, see Section 23.2.2, "Configuring Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Section 23.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Chart Components."

You must complete the following tasks:

  1. Create an application workspace as described in Chapter 3, "Creating an Application Workspace."

  2. Create a view page as described in Chapter 3, "Creating a View Page."

To add a chart to a page:

  1. In the ADF Data Visualizations page of the Components window, from the Charts panel, drag and drop the desired chart category onto the page to open the Create Graph dialog.

  2. Use the dialog to select the chart type and the quick start layout for display of chart title, legend, and labels. For help with the dialog, press F1 or click Help.

  3. Click OK to add the chart to the page.

  4. In the Properties window, view the attributes for the chart. Use the Component Help button to display the complete tag documentation for the chart.

23.2.4 What Happens When You Add a Chart to a Page

JDeveloper generates only a minimal set of tags when you drag and drop a gauge from the Components window onto a JSF page.

Example 23-1 shows the code inserted in the JSF page for a bar chart with the quick start layout selected in Figure 23-34.

Example 23-1 Bar Chart Sample Code

<dvt:barChart id="chart1">
  <dvt:chartLegend id="leg1" rendered="true"/>

After inserting a chart component into the page, you can use the visual editor or Properties window to add data or customize chart features. For information about setting component attributes, see Section 3.4.7, "How to Set Component Attributes."

23.3 Adding Data to Charts

The process to add data to charts depends upon the chart's type. In most cases, you specify the data model in the chart's value attribute and configure the chart's data items in the chartDataItem or pieDataItem attributes. For spark charts, you specify the spark chart's value in the sparkItem child component.

You can specify the chart's value and chart data items in a managed bean that returns the chart's data or by binding a data control to the chart.

23.3.1 How to Add Data to Area, Bar, Horizontal Bar, Combination, and Line Charts

To add data to area, bar, horizontal bar, combination, and line charts, specify the data model in the chart's value attribute and configure a chartDataItem for each unique group. For details about data requirements, see Section 23.2.1, "Chart Component Data Requirements."

Example 23-2 shows an example of a managed bean that defines the data for a line chart that shows weekly portfolio values for four investors. In this example, the ChartDataSource class defines the chart's CollectionModel in the getWeeklyStockData() method which calls the getPortfolioData() method to define the chart's data items.

Example 23-2 Managed Bean Example Defining Data for a Line Chart

package view;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.CollectionModel;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.ModelUtils;
public class ChartDataSource {
* Object representing the data for a single row of the model.
  public static class ChartDataItem extends HashMap<String, Object> {
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  public ChartDataItem(String series, Object group, Number value) {
    put("series", series);
    put("group", group);
    put("value", value);
  public ChartDataItem(String series, Object group, Object x, Number y) {
    put("series", series);
    put("group", group);
    put("x", x);
    put("y", y);
  public ChartDataItem(String series, Object group, Number x, Number y, Number z) {
    put("series", series);
    put("group", group);
    put("x", x);
    put("y", y);
    put("z", z);
  public CollectionModel getWeeklyStockData() {
    return getPortfolioData(4, 157, 2013, 6, 1, Calendar.DATE, 7);
  private Random random = new Random(23);
  private double getNextValue(double curValue, double std) {
    if (curValue == 0)
      return 0;
      return Math.max(curValue + random.nextGaussian() * std, 0);

  public CollectionModel getPortfolioData(int numSeries, int numGroups,
                                          int startYear, int startMonth,
                                          int startDate, int dateField,
                                          int addCount) 
    List<ChartDataItem> dataItems = new ArrayList<ChartDataItem>();
    GregorianCalendar cal;
    double curValue;
    for(int series=0; series<numSeries; series++) {
      cal = new GregorianCalendar(startYear, startMonth, startDate);
      curValue = 100;
      for(int group=0; group<numGroups; group++) {
        dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Investor " + (series+1), cal.getTime(),
        cal.add(dateField, addCount);
        curValue = getNextValue(curValue, 10);
    return ModelUtils.toCollectionModel(dataItems);

Example 23-3 shows the code on the JSF page that defines the line chart and references the ChartDataSource class. In this example, the managed bean is named chartDataSource.

Example 23-3 Sample Code on JSF Page for Line Chart Using Managed Bean for Data

<dvt:lineChart id="chart1" value="#{chartDataSource.weeklyStockData}"
               timeAxisType="enabled" var="row">
  <dvt:chartLegend id="leg1" rendered="true" position="top"/>
  <f:facet name="dataStamp">
    <dvt:chartDataItem id="cdi1" series="#{row.series}" group="#{row.group}"

Figure 23-36 shows the line chart that is displayed if you configure the line chart using the ChartDataSource class.

Figure 23-36 Line Chart Showing Portfolio Data for Four Investors

The figure is described in the surrounding text.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how chart attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring charts, see Section 23.2.2, "Configuring Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Section 23.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Chart Components."

Add an area, bar, combination, horizontal bar, or line chart to your page. For help with adding a chart to a page, see Section 23.2.3, "How to Add a Chart to a Page."

To add data to an area, bar, combination, horizontal bar, or line chart:

  1. Optionally, create the managed bean that will return the chart's data model.

    If you need help creating classes, see "Working with Java Code" in Developing Applications with Oracle JDeveloper. For help with managed beans, see Section 3.6, "Creating and Using Managed Beans."

  2. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Go To Properties.

  3. In the Properties window, expand the Data section, and enter a value for the Var field.

    The var property is the name of an EL variable that references each element in the data collection. In Example 23-3, the var attribute is defined as row.

  4. In the Properties window, do one of the following:

    • To reference a managed bean that returns the chart's data model, expand the Common section and specify the EL expression that references the data model in the Value field.

      You can enter a static numeric value or specify an EL expression that references the managed bean and metric value.

      For example, to specify an EL expression for a managed bean named chartDataSource that includes the class referenced in Example 23-2, enter the following in the Value field: #{chartDataSource.weeklyStockData}.

      For help with creating EL expressions, see Section 3.5.1, "How to Create an EL Expression."

    • To bind the chart to a data control, click Bind to ADF Control to select a data collection.

      For more information about using data controls to supply data to your chart, see "Creating Databound Charts" in Developing Fusion Web Applications with Oracle Application Development Framework.

  5. If you specified a managed bean for the chart's data model, do the following to add a chartDataItem to the chart:

    1. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Insert Inside Chart > Facet dataStamp.

    2. To add multiple chart data items, right-click f:facet - dataStamp and choose Insert Inside Facet data Stamp > Group.

    3. Right-click f:facet - dataStamp or af:group and choose Insert Inside (Facet data Stamp or Group) > Chart Data Item.

    4. To add additional data items, right-click af:group and choose Insert Inside Group > Chart Data Item for each additional data item.

    5. Right-click dvt:chartDataItem and choose Go to Properties.

    6. In the Properties window, in the Common section, enter a value for the Value field.

      For example, to reference the value defined in the chartDataSource managed bean, enter the following in the Value field: #{row.value}.

      In this example, row is the variable that you defined in the previous step, and value is defined in the chartDataSource bean's getPortfolioData() method shown in Example 23-2.

    7. Expand the Data section, and enter a value in the Group field.

      To use the same chartDataSource managed bean, enter the following in the Group field: #{row.group}.

    8. Enter a value in the Series field.

      To use the same chartDataSource managed bean, enter the following in the Series field: #{row.series}.

    9. To customize the tooltip that is displayed when the user moves the focus to a data point, enter a value in the shortDesc field.

    10. Configure any additional properties as needed to customize the data item.

      For example, you can add a label or configure a series marker. For additional information, see Section 23.4, "Customizing Chart Display Elements."

      If your chart includes time data on the x-axis, you can enable a time axis. For additional information, see Section, "How to Configure a Time Axis."

    11. To configure additional chart data items, repeat Step f through Step i for each additional data item.

23.3.2 How to Add Data to Pie Charts

To add data to a pie chart, specify the data model in the pie chart's value attribute and configure a pieDataItem for each unique series. For information about pie chart data requirements, see Section, "Pie Chart Data Requirements."

The process to add data to pie charts is similar to the process for adding data to area, bar, horizontal bar, bubble, combination, line, and scatter charts. The primary difference is that you add a pieDataItem instead of a chartDataItem to the chart.

Example 23-4 shows a simple example for configuring a pie chart from a managed bean. In this example, the getDefaultPieData() method is added to the chartDataSource bean referenced in Example 23-2.

Example 23-4 Sample Method to Supply Data to a Pie Chart

public CollectionModel getDefaultPieData() {
  List<ChartDataItem> dataItems = new ArrayList<ChartDataItem>();
    dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1", "Group A", 42));
    dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 2", "Group A", 55));
    dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 3", "Group A", 36));
    dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 4", "Group A", 22));
    dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 5", "Group A", 22));
    return ModelUtils.toCollectionModel(dataItems);

Example 23-5 shows the code on the JSF page that defines a pie chart and references the ChartDataSource class. In this example, the managed bean is named chartDataSource.

Example 23-5 Sample Code on JSF Page for Pie Chart Using Managed Bean for Data

<dvt:pieChart id="chart1" value="#{chartDataSource.defaultPieData}" var="row">
  <dvt:chartLegend id="leg1" rendered="true"/>
    <dvt:pieDataItem label="#{row.series}" value="#{row.value}" id="pdi1"/>

Figure 23-37 shows the pie chart at run time. In this example, the pie chart is rendered with a legend, and the data labels show the percentage of each slice as a portion of the total.

Figure 23-37 Pie Chart Configured From Managed Bean

The image is described in the surrounding text.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how chart attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring charts, see Section 23.2.2, "Configuring Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Section 23.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Chart Components."

Add a pie chart to your page. For help with adding a chart to a page, see Section 23.2.3, "How to Add a Chart to a Page."

To add data to a pie chart:

  1. Optionally, create the managed bean that will return the chart's data model.

    If you need help creating classes, see "Working with Java Code" in Developing Applications with Oracle JDeveloper. For help with managed beans, see Section 3.6, "Creating and Using Managed Beans."

  2. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:pieChart and choose Go To Properties.

  3. In the Properties window, do one of the following:

    • To reference a managed bean that returns the chart's data model, expand the Common section and specify the EL expression that references the data model in the Value field.

      You can enter a static numeric value or specify an EL expression that references the managed bean and metric value.

      For example, to specify an EL expression for a managed bean named chartDataSource that includes the method shown in Example 23-4, enter the following in the Value field: #{chartDataSource.defaultPieData}.

      For help with creating EL expressions, see Section 3.5.1, "How to Create an EL Expression."

    • To bind the chart to a data control, click Bind to ADF Control to select a data collection.

      For more information about using data controls to supply data to your chart, see "Creating Databound Charts" in Developing Fusion Web Applications with Oracle Application Development Framework.

  4. If you specified a managed bean for the chart's data model, do the following to add a pieDataItem to the pie chart:

    1. Right-click dvt:pieChart and choose Insert Inside Pie > Pie Data Item.

    2. In the Insert Pie Data Item dialog, enter a label and value for the data item.

      For example, to use the chartDataSource managed bean, enter the following for the label and value, respectively:

    3. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:pieChart and choose Go to Properties.

    4. In the Properties window, expand the Data section, and enter a value for the Var field.

      The var property is the name of an EL variable that references each element in the data collection. In Example 23-3, the var attribute is defined as row.

    5. To customize the tooltip that is displayed when the user moves the focus to a data point, enter a value in the shortDesc field.

    6. Configure any additional properties as needed to customize the data item.

      For example, you can customize the label or explode the pie slice. For additional information, see Section 23.4, "Customizing Chart Display Elements."

    7. To add additional pie data items, repeat Step a through Step e for each additional data item.

23.3.3 How to Add Data to Bubble or Scatter Charts

To add data to a bubble or scatter chart, specify the data model in the chart's value attribute and configure a chartDataItem for each unique group. For details about data requirements, see Section 23.2.1, "Chart Component Data Requirements."

The process to add data to bubble or scatter charts is similar to the process for adding data to area, bar, horizontal bar, bubble, combination, line, and scatter charts. The primary difference is that you must also specify values for the x-axis and y-axis. For bubble charts, you must also specify values for the z-axis, which represents the size of the bubbles.

Example 23-6 shows a simple example for configuring a bubble chart from a managed bean. In this example, the getDefaultBubbleData() method is added to the chartDataSource bean referenced in Example 23-2.

Example 23-6 Sample Method to Supply Data to a Bubble Chart

public CollectionModel getDefaultBubbleData() {
  List<ChartDataItem> dataItems = new ArrayList<ChartDataItem>();
  // Each data item below defines a series, group, x, y, and z value
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1", "Group A", 15, 25, 5));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1", "Group B", 25, 30, 12));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1", "Group C", 25, 45, 12));

  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 2", "Group A", 15, 15, 8));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 2", "Group B", 20, 35, 14));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 2", "Group C", 40, 55, 35));

  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 3", "Group A", 10, 10, 8));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 3", "Group B", 18, 55, 10));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 3", "Group C", 40, 50, 18));

  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 4", "Group A", 8, 20, 6));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 4", "Group B", 11, 30, 8));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 4", "Group C", 30, 40, 15));
  return ModelUtils.toCollectionModel(dataItems);

For scatter charts, only the x-axis and y-axis positions are required. Example 23-7 shows a simple example for configuring a scatter chart from a managed bean. In this example, the getDefaultScatterData() method is added to the chartDataSource bean referenced in Example 23-2

Example 23-7 Sample Method to Supply Data to a Scatter Chart

public CollectionModel getDefaultScatterData() {
  List<ChartDataItem> dataItems = new ArrayList<ChartDataItem>();
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1", "Group A", 15, 15));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1", "Group B", 25, 43));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1", "Group C", 25, 25));

  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 2", "Group A", 25, 15));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 2", "Group B", 55, 45));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 2", "Group C", 57, 47));

  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 3", "Group A", 17, 36));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 3", "Group B", 32, 52));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 3", "Group C", 26, 28));

  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 4", "Group A", 38, 22));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 4", "Group B", 43, 43));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 4", "Group C", 58, 36));
  return ModelUtils.toCollectionModel(dataItems);

Figure 23-38 shows the bubble chart and scatter chart displayed at runtime. The tooltips show the data from the first ChartDataItem defined in Example 23-6 and Example 23-7.

Figure 23-38 Bubble and Scatter Charts Configured From Managed Bean

The image is described in the surrounding text.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how chart attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring charts, see Section 23.2.2, "Configuring Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Section 23.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Chart Components."

Add a bubble or scatter chart to your page. For help with adding a chart to a page, see Section 23.2.3, "How to Add a Chart to a Page."

To add data to a bubble chart:

  1. Optionally, create the managed bean that will return the chart's data model.

    If you need help creating classes, see "Working with Java Code" in Developing Applications with Oracle JDeveloper. For help with managed beans, see Section 3.6, "Creating and Using Managed Beans."

  2. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Go To Properties.

  3. In the Properties window, expand the Data section, and enter a value for the Var field.

    The var property is the name of an EL variable that references each element in the data collection. For the bubble and scatter charts shown in Figure 23-38, the var attribute is defined as row.

  4. In the Properties window, do one of the following:

    • To reference a managed bean that returns the chart's data model, expand the Common section and specify the EL expression that references the data model in the Value field.

      You can enter a static numeric value or specify an EL expression that references the managed bean and metric value.

      For example, to specify an EL expression for a managed bean named chartDataSource that includes the method referenced in Example 23-6, enter the following in the Value field: #{chartDataSource.defaultBubbleData}.

      For help with creating EL expressions, see Section 3.5.1, "How to Create an EL Expression."

    • To bind the chart to a data control, click Bind to ADF Control to select a data collection.

      For more information about using data controls to supply data to your chart, see "Creating Databound Charts" in Developing Fusion Web Applications with Oracle Application Development Framework.

  5. If you specified a managed bean for the chart's data model, do the following to add a chartDataItem to the chart:

    1. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Insert Inside Chart > Facet dataStamp.

    2. To add multiple chart data items, right-click f:facet - dataStamp and choose Insert Inside Facet data Stamp > Group.

    3. Right-click f:facet - dataStamp or af:group and choose Insert Inside (Facet data Stamp or Group) > Chart Data Item.

    4. To add additional data items, right-click af:group and choose Insert Inside Group > Chart Data Item for each additional data item.

    5. Right-click dvt:chartDataItem and choose Go to Properties.

    6. Expand the Data section, and enter a value in the X field.

      To use the managed beans shown in Example 23-6 and Example 23-7, enter the following in the X field: #{row.x}.

    7. Enter a value in the Y field.

      For example, enter the following in the Y field: #{row.y}.

    8. For bubble charts, enter a value in the Z field.

      For example, enter the following in the Z field: #{row.z}.

    9. Enter a value in the Group field.

      For example, enter the following in the Group field: #{row.group}.

    10. Enter a value in the Series field.

      For example, enter the following in the Series field: #{row.series}.

    11. To customize the tooltip that is displayed when the user moves the focus to a data point, enter a value in the shortDesc field.

    12. Configure any additional properties as needed to customize the data item.

      For example, you can add a label or configure a series marker. For additional information, see Section 23.4, "Customizing Chart Display Elements."

    13. To configure additional chart data items, repeat Step 5 through Step 12 for each additional data item.

23.3.4 How to Add Data to Sparkcharts

Spark charts are simple, charts that display trends or variations, often in the column of a table, or inline with text. Line, bar, and area spark charts require a single series of data values. Example 23-7 shows an example of a line spark chart in a table column.

Figure 23-39 Line Spark Chart in Table of Stock Prices

The image is described in the surrounding text

Floating bar spark charts require two series of data values, one for the float offset, and one for the bar value. Figure 23-40 shows an example of a floating bar spark chart.

Figure 23-40 Floating Bar Spark Chart

This image is described in the surrounding text

In a simple UI-first development scenario you can insert a spark chart using the Components window and bind it to data afterwards.

You can provide data to spark charts in any of the following ways:

  • Specify data statically in child dvt:sparkItem tags. Example 23-8 shows an example of providing static data to a spark chart.

    Example 23-8 Static Data in Sparkchart

      <dvt:sparkItem value="20"/>
      <dvt:sparkItem value="15"/>
      <dvt:sparkItem value="30"/>
  • Specify data using EL Expression in child dvt:sparkItem tags.

    Example 23-9 shows an example of providing data to spark charts using EL Expressions to produce the table shown in Figure 23-39.

    Example 23-9 EL Expression Data in Sparkchart

    <af:table summary="Table" value="#{sparkChart.tableData}" var="row"
              rowBandingInterval="1" id="t1" width="230"
              contentDelivery="immediate" autoHeightRows="8">
      <af:column sortable="false" headerText="Stock Symbol" align="start" id="c1"
        <af:outputText value="#{row[0]}" id="ot4"/>
      <af:column sortable="false" headerText="Prices for 2014" id="c2">
        <dvt:sparkChart id="sparkchart1" subType="line" axisScaledFromBaseline="off"
                        shortDesc="Sparkchart in Table">
          <dvt:sparkItem value="#{row[1]}" id="si6"/>
          <dvt:sparkItem value="#{row[2]}" id="si5"/>
          <dvt:sparkItem value="#{row[3]}" id="si4"/>
          <dvt:sparkItem value="#{row[4]}" id="si3"/>
          <dvt:sparkItem value="#{row[5]}" id="si2"/>
          <dvt:sparkItem value="#{row[6]}" id="si1"/>

    In this example, the spark chart's data is defined in a managed bean named sparkChart. Example 23-10 shows the managed bean. The class is defined as SparkchartSample, and the getTableData() method defines the columns for the table.

    Example 23-10 Sample Method to Define Data for a Table Containing a Sparkchart

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Random;
    public class SparkchartSample {
      public List <List <Object>> getTableData() {
        List <List <Object>> list = new ArrayList <List <Object>>();
        // Create a random number generator with a constant seed
        Random rand = new Random(5);
        String stocks[] = {"ORCL", "AAPL", "MSFT", "YHOO", "CSCO", "PALM", "GOOG",
                           "SAP", "HPQ", "IBM", "INTC", "RIMM"};
          Arrays.sort(stocks); // sort to look nice
            for(int i=0; i<stocks.length; i++) 
              List <Object> row = new ArrayList <Object>();
              for(int j=0; j<6; j++) {
                // Let the value vary between 40 and 70 (for simplicity)
                row.add((rand.nextDouble()*30) + 40);
            return list;
  • Use af:iterator to stamp spark items.

    Example 23-11 shows an example of using af:iterator to provide data to a bar spark chart.

    Example 23-11 Using af:iterator to Stamp Sparkchart Data Items

    <dvt:sparkChart subType="bar" id="sc5">
      <af:iterator value="#{sparkChart.collection}" var="row" id="i3">
        <dvt:sparkItem value="#{row.close}" id="si9"/>

    In this example, the iteration is defined in the sparkChart managed bean. Example 23-12 shows the collection() method that creates the spark items.

    Example 23-12 Sample Method to Define Sparkchart Items Used by af:iterator

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Map;
    public List <Map <String,Object>> getCollection() {
      List <Map <String,Object>> list = new ArrayList <Map <String,Object>>();
      // Generate some sort of stock data
      double open[] =  {5,   6,   4.5, 6.3, 4.1, 7.6, 8.4, 11.5, 10.5, 11.3};
      double close[] = {6.8, 4.2, 6.7, 4.5, 7.1, 8.6, 10.4, 10.0, 12.5, 14.5};
      for(int i=0; i<open.length; i++) 
          Map <String,Object> row = new HashMap <String,Object>();
          row.put("open", open[i]); 
          row.put("close", close[i]);
      return list;

    Figure 23-41 shows the runtime view of the spark chart that displays if you create the spark chart defined in Example 23-11.

    Figure 23-41 Sparkchart Data Items Stamped by af:iterator

    The image is described in the surrounding text.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how chart attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring charts, see Section 23.2.2, "Configuring Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Section 23.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Chart Components."

If you plan on displaying your spark chart in a table, create the ADF table. If you need help creating the table, see Section 12.3.4, "How to Display a Table on a Page."

Add a spark chart to your page. For help with adding a chart to a page, see Section 23.2.3, "How to Add a Chart to a Page."

To add data to a spark chart:

  1. Create the managed bean that will return the chart's data model.

    If you need help creating classes, see "Working with Java Code" in Developing Applications with Oracle JDeveloper. For help with managed beans, see Section 3.6, "Creating and Using Managed Beans."

  2. To use an af:iterator to stamp the spark chart data items, do the following:

    1. Right-click dvt:sparkChart and choose Insert Inside Spark Chart > Iterator.

    2. In the Structure window, right-click af:iterator and choose Go to Properties.

    3. In the Properties window, expand the Common section, and enter a value for the Value field.

      Reference the EL expression that returns the value for the spark chart data item. To reference the method used in Example 23-12, specify the following for the value: #{sparkChart.collection}.

    4. Enter a value for the Var field.

      The var property is the name of an EL variable that references each element in the data collection. In Example 23-12, the var attribute is defined as row.

    5. Configure any additional properties as needed to customize the iterator.

      For example, you can specify a maximum number of rows. For more information about working with af:iterator, click Component Help.

  3. To add the spark chart data items, do the following:

    1. Right-click dvt:sparkChart or af:iterator and choose Insert Inside (Spark Chart or Iterator > ADF Data Visualizations) > Spark Item.

    2. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:sparkItem and choose Go to Properties.

    3. In the Properties window, expand the Common section, and enter a value for the Value field.

      You can enter a static numeric value or reference an EL expression that returns the value for the spark chart data item. To reference the method used in Example 23-12, specify the following for the Value: #{row.close}.

    4. Configure any additional properties as needed to customize the data item.

      For example, you must specify a FloatValue for floating bar spark charts. For additional information about the available attributes, click Component Help.

    5. To add additional spark chart data items, repeat Step a through Step d for each additional data item.


You can also bind the spark chart to a data control if your application uses the Fusion technology stack. To do so, click Bind to ADF Control in the Properties window to select a data collection. For more information about using data controls to supply data to your chart, see "Creating Databound Charts" in Developing Fusion Web Applications with Oracle Application Development Framework.

23.4 Customizing Chart Display Elements

You can customize most aspects of the chart's display, including its labels, legend, axes, series, and animation effects.

Depending upon the chart type, you can also add reference objects to charts, specify the stacking behavior, or add a dual Y-Axis to charts that support it. Pie charts also support the ability to aggregate smaller values or explode a pie slice.

23.4.1 How to Configure Chart Labels

You can customize the style and position of chart data labels on all charts other than spark charts. Depending on the chart type, you can also add a title, subtitle, footnote, legend title, or axis title.


Use data labels sparingly because they cause clutter and decrease readability. Use data labels primarily to highlight outliers or important values and not to show values for all data points. How to Configure Chart Data Labels

To configure chart data labels, configure the attributes of the dvt:chartDataItem or dvt:pieDataItem chart child component.

If you want the style and position of all chart or pie data items to be the same, you can configure attributes directly on the chart component.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how chart attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring charts, see Section 23.2.2, "Configuring Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Section 23.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Chart Components."

Add a chart to your page. For help with adding a chart to a page, see Section 23.2.3, "How to Add a Chart to a Page."

Add data to your chart. For additional information, see Section 23.3, "Adding Data to Charts."

To configure data labels for charts:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:chartDataItem or dvt:pieDataItem and choose Go to Properties.

  2. In the Properties window, expand the Appearance section.

  3. To customize the data label colors, enter a value for the following:

    • Color: Specify the RGB value in hexadecimal notation or choose Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu to enter an expression that evaluates to the RGB value.

      For example, enter #008000 to render the data label in green.

    • BorderColor: For all charts except spark charts, specify the RGB value in hexadecimal notation or choose Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu to enter an expression that evaluates to the RGB value.

      For example, enter #FF0000 to render the data label in red.

  4. To customize the position and style of the data label on area, bar, bubble, combination, horizontal bar, line, and scatter charts:

    1. In the Properties window, expand the Data section.

    2. From the DataLabelPosition attribute's dropdown list, choose a location for the data label.

      By default, the DataLabelPosition attribute is set to auto which will center the label on bubble and stacked bar charts, render the label inside the bar edge for non-stacked bar charts, and render the label after the marker on line, area, and scatter charts.

      You can select Center to position the label on the center of the data point. For bubble charts, if the label is too long, the content will be truncated.

      You can also select aboveMarker, belowMarker, beforeMarker, and afterMarker to position the label above, below, before, or after the marker for area, bubble, line, and scatter charts. For bar charts, you can also select insideBarEdge which renders the label inside the bar edge or outsideBarEdge to render the data label on top of the bar for positive data values and below the bar for negative data values.

    3. To customize the text style of the data label, in the Style section, enter a value for the StyleClass or InlineStyle attributes.

      For example, if you want to specify a bold font for the data label, enter the following for the InlineStyle attribute:

    4. To customize the position or text style of a specific chart data item, in the Properties window, configure the LabelPosition, Style, or InlineStyle attributes of the dvt:chartItem child component.


      If you configure label positions on both the chart and its child data item, the values you set for the chart's data item will override any settings on the chart.
  5. To customize the position and style of the data label on pie charts:

    1. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:pieChart and choose Go to Properties.

    2. In the Properties window, from the SliceLabelPosition attribute's dropdown list, choose a location for the data label.

      By default, the SliceLabelPosition is set to auto which will position the label outside the slide. You can select inside to position the label inside the slice or none to remove the label entirely.

    3. To customize the text style of the data label, in the Style section, enter a value for the StyleClass or InlineStyle attributes.

      For example, if you want to specify a bold font for the data label, enter the following for the InlineStyle attribute:

      font-weight:bold; How to Configure Chart Element Labels

To configure a chart label, add the chart child component as needed, and configure the style and position of the label. Depending upon the chart type, you can specify labels for the chart's title, subtitle, footnote, legend title, or axis title and tick labels.


Sparkcharts are condensed charts that contain minimal formatting and have little support for labels. Use the spark chart's container to provide descriptive text for the spark chart.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how chart attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring charts, see Section 23.2.2, "Configuring Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Section 23.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Chart Components."

Add a chart to your page. For help with adding a chart to a page, see Section 23.2.3, "How to Add a Chart to a Page."

To add a title, subtitle or footnote to a chart:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Go to Properties.

  2. In the Properties window, expand the Appearance section.

  3. To add a title to the chart:

    • In the Properties window, enter a value for the title in the Title field.

      You can enter text for the title or choose Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu to enter an expression that evaluates to the chart's title.

    • From the TitleHAlign attribute's dropdown list, select the alignment to use for the title.

      By default, the title's alignment is set to start which aligns the title to the left in left-to-right mode and aligns the title to the right in to right-to-left mode.

      You can set the alignment to center which positions the title in the center. You can also set the alignment to end which aligns the title to the right in left-to-right mode and aligns the title to the left in right-to-left mode.

  4. To add a subtitle to the chart, enter a value in the Subtitle field.

    You can enter text for the subtitle or choose Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu to enter an expression that evaluates to the chart's subtitle.

  5. To add a footnote to the chart:

    • In the Properties window, enter a value for the footnote in the Footnote field.

      You can enter text for the footnote or choose Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu to enter an expression that evaluates to the chart's footnote.

    • From the FootnoteHAlign attribute's dropdown list, select the alignment to use for the title.

      By default, the footnote's alignment is set to start which aligns the footnote to the left in left-to-right mode and aligns the footnote to the right in to right-to-left mode.

      You can set the alignment to center which positions the footnote in the center. You can also set the alignment to end which aligns the footnote to the right in left-to-right mode and aligns the footnote to the left in right-to-left mode.

To configure chart axis labels:

  1. In the structure window, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Insert Inside Chart > (Chart X Axis or Chart Y Axis or Chart Y2 Axis).

  2. Right-click the axis you added in the previous step and choose Go to Properties.

    For example, right-click ChartXAxis and choose Go to Properties.

  3. To add a title to the axis, in the Properties window, expand the Common section and enter a value in the Title field.

    You can enter text for the axis title or choose Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu to enter an expression that evaluates to the axis title.

  4. To configure axis tick labels, in the Structure window, right-click the dvt:chartXAxis, dvt:chartYAxis, or dvt:ChartY2Axis node and choose Insert Inside Axis > Chart Tick Label.

  5. Right-click dvt:chartTickLabel and choose Go to Properties.

  6. In the Properties window, enter values for the following:

    • LabelStyle: Enter the CSS attribute to use for the axis label.

      For example, if you want to specify a bold font for the axis label, enter the following for the InlineStyle attribute:

    • Rotation: From the Rotation attribute's dropdown list, select off to turn off rotation.

      By default, the chart will automatically rotate the labels by 90 degrees if needed to fit more labels on the axis. The rotation will only be applied to categorical labels for a horizontal axis.

    • Scaling: From the attribute's dropdown list, select the scale factor for the numeric value.

      Scaling options range from none to quadrillion.

For information about customizing chart legend titles, see Section 23.4.2, "How to Configure Chart Legends."

23.4.2 How to Configure Chart Legends

You can add a legend to all charts except the spark chart to identify the chart's series and associated colors. If you chose a quick start layout that included a legend when you created your chart, you should already have a legend on the page.

After you have added the legend, you can customize its position, configure a legend title, or disable scrolling.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how chart attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring charts, see Section 23.2.2, "Configuring Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Section 23.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Chart Components."

Add a chart to your page. For help with adding a chart to a page, see Section 23.2.3, "How to Add a Chart to a Page."

To configure a chart legend:

  1. In the Structure window, expand the dvt:typeChart node.

  2. If the dvt:chartLegend node is missing in the expanded display, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Insert Inside Chart > Chart Legend.

  3. Right-click dvt:chartLegend and choose Go to Properties.

  4. In the Properties window, enter values in the following fields as needed.

    • Position: From the Position attribute's dropdown list, select a position for the legend.

      By default, the legend's position is set to auto which will position the legend on the side or bottom of the chart, depending upon the size and content of the chart.

      You can set the position to start, which aligns the legend to the left in left-to-right mode and aligns the legend to the right in to right-to-left mode, or end which aligns the legend to the right in left-to-right mode and aligns the legend to the left in right-to-left mode

      You can also set the alignment to top which positions the legend at the top of the chart or bottom to position the legend at the bottom of the chart.

    • Title: Enter a title for the legend.

      You can enter text for the legend title or choose Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu to enter an expression that evaluates to the legend title.

    • TitleHAlign: From the TitleHAlign attribute's dropdown list, select an alignment for the legend's title.

      By default, the legend's alignment is set to start which aligns the legend's title to the left in left-to-right mode and aligns the legend to the right in to right-to-left mode.

      You can set the alignment to center which positions the legend's title in the center. You can also set the alignment to end which aligns the legend's title to the right in left-to-right mode and aligns the title to the left in right-to-left mode.

    • ReferenceObjectTitle: Enter a title for the reference object area, if one exists.

      You can enter text for the title or choose Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu to enter an expression that evaluates to the title.

      For information about adding reference objects to your chart, see Section 23.4.5, "Adding Reference Objects to a Chart."

    • Scrolling: From the Scrolling attribute's dropdown list, select the legend's scrolling behavior.

      By default, the chart's scrolling behavior is set to asNeeded which will add a scrollbar to the legend if needed. You can select off to disable legend scrolling.

23.4.3 How to Format Chart Numerical Values

You can customize the appearance of numeric values on charts using the dvt:chartValueFormat or dvt:chartTickLabel tags.

Use the dvt:chartValueFormat tag to format numeric values for the chart's value, value label, or axis values. Use the dvt:chartTickLabel tag to format the values on the axis labels.

The dvt:chartValueFormat and dvt:chartTickLabel tags both allow you to specify the scaling for numeric display. The dvt:chartTickLabel tag also has a rotation property to specify whether the chart will automatically rotate the labels by 90 degrees in order to fit more labels on the axis. The rotation will only be applied to categorical labels for a horizontal axis.

You can also specify specific patterns for the numeric values or change the numeric display to currency or percent by adding the af:convertNumber tag to the dvt:chartValueFormat or dvt:chartTickLabel tags. For additional information about using the af:convertNumber tag, see Chapter 7, "Validating and Converting Input."

Figure 23-42 shows the effect of adding dvt:chartValueFormat and dvt:chartTickLabel tags to a bar chart configured to display monthly salaries for a fictitious department. In this example, the top bar chart is using default numeric formatting. The bar chart at the bottom of the figure is configured to display the series value and axis label as currency values.

Figure 23-42 Bar Chart Configured to Display Currency Values

The image is described in the surrounding text.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how chart attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring charts, see Section 23.2.2, "Configuring Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Section 23.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Chart Components."

Add a chart to your page. For help with adding a chart to a page, see Section 23.2.3, "How to Add a Chart to a Page."

To format numeric values on a chart's value, value label, or axis values:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Insert Inside Chart > Chart Value Format.

  2. Right-click the dvt:chartValueFormat node and choose Go to Properties.

  3. In the Properties window, enter values for the following:

    • Type: From the attribute's dropdown list, select the tag that identifies the chart element that you wish to format. Valid values include x, y, y2, z, value, or label.

      For example, to format the numeric value for the bar chart's series shown in Figure 23-42, select y from the Type attribute's dropdown list.

    • Scaling: From the attribute's dropdown list, select the scale factor for the numeric value.

      Scaling options range from none to quadrillion.

To format numeric values on a chart's axis label:

  1. In the Structure window, expand the dvt:typeChart node.

  2. If the expanded node does not contain the axis that you wish to format, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Insert Inside Chart > (Chart X Axis or Chart Y Axis or Chart Y2 Axis).

  3. Right-click the dvt:chartXAxis, dvt:chartYAxis, or dvt:ChartY2Axis node and choose Insert Inside Axis > Chart Tick Label.

  4. Right-click dvt:chartTickLabel and choose Go to Properties.

  5. In the Properties window, enter values for the following:

    • Rotation: From the Rotation attribute's dropdown list, select off to turn off rotation.

      By default, the chart will automatically rotate the labels by 90 degrees in order to fit more labels on the axis. The rotation will only be applied to categorical labels for a horizontal axis.

    • Scaling: From the attribute's dropdown list, select the scale factor for the numeric value.

      Scaling options range from none to quadrillion.

To specify numeric patterns, currency, or percent using af:convertNumber:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:chartTickLabel or dvt:chartValueFormat and choose Insert Inside (Chart Tick Label or Chart Value Format) > Convert Number.

  2. Right-click af:convertNumber and choose Go to Properties.

  3. In the Properties window, from the Type attribute's dropdown list, select the desired numeric type.

    By default, Type is set to number, but you can also select currency or percent.

  4. Configure additional attributes as needed.

    For example, you can specify which currency symbol to use in the CurrencySymbol field. For help with an individual field or to look at the complete tag documentation for the af:convertNumber tag, click Component Help.

23.4.4 Customizing a Chart Axis

Depending upon the chart type, you can configure a time axis on the x-axis or customize the properties of a chart's x-axis, y-axis, y2-axis, or z-axis. How to Configure a Time Axis

If your x-axis includes time data, then you can enable the time axis display. Charts include support for time data that is based on regular or irregular intervals. Charts also support mixed frequency time data, where the individual series contain differing dates.

Figure 23-43 shows three charts configured for a time axis. In the horizontal bar chart, the time data is spaced equally. The vertical bar chart shows an example of irregularly spaced data, and the chart provides a visual clue that there is no data for 2014. The combination chart shows mixed frequency time data. In this example, the time data is different for each series (chart) in the combination chart.

Figure 23-43 Charts Configured for Regular, Irregular, and Mixed Frequency Time Data

The image is described in the surrounding text.

To configure a time axis, set the timeAxisType attribute's value to enabled for regular or irregular data, and set it to mixedFrequency for time data that varies by series.

Example 23-13 shows the code snippet on the JSF page that defines the horizontal bar chart, bar chart, and combination chart, with the timeAxisType definition highlighted in bold font.

Example 23-13 Code on JSF page Defining timeAxisType

<af:panelBox text="Time Axis Nested Labels: Year and Month"
  <dvt:horizontalBarChart value="#{chartDataSource.monthlyTimeData}"
             var="row" hoverBehavior="dim" timeAxisType="enabled">
    <f:facet name="dataStamp">
      <dvt:chartDataItem series="#{row.series}" group="#{row.group}"
<af:panelBox text="Time Axis with Irregular Intervals" showDisclosure="false">
  <dvt:barChart value="#{chartDataSource.yearlyIrregularTimeData}"
                var="row" hoverBehavior="dim" timeAxisType="enabled">
    <f:facet name="dataStamp">
      <dvt:chartDataItem series="#{row.series}" group="#{row.group}"
      <dvt:majorTick rendered="true"/>
<af:panelBox text="Mixed Frequency Time Axis" showDisclosure="false">
  <dvt:comboChart value="#{chartDataSource.yearlyMixedFrequencyTimeData}"
                  var="row" hoverBehavior="dim" timeAxisType="mixedFrequency">
    <f:facet name="dataStamp">
      <dvt:chartDataItem series="#{row.series}" group="#{row.group}" x="#{row.x}"

The code that defines the charts' collection models and populate them with data is stored in the chartDataSource managed bean shown in Example 23-2.

Example 23-14 shows the getMonthlyTimeData(), getYearlyIrregularTimeData(), and getYearlyMixedFrequencyTimeData() methods. In this example, the getMonthlyTimeData() method calls the getTimeData() method which is a reusable method that takes the series, group, and time data as its arguments.

Example 23-14 Sample Methods Defining Chart Collection Models With Time Data

public CollectionModel getYearlyIrregularTimeData() {
  List<ChartDataItem> dataItems = new ArrayList<ChartDataItem>();
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1", new GregorianCalendar(2011, 7, 27).getTime(), 55));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1", new GregorianCalendar(2012, 7, 27).getTime(), 60));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1", new GregorianCalendar(2013, 7, 27).getTime(), 75));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1", new GregorianCalendar(2015, 1, 27).getTime(), 70));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1", new GregorianCalendar(2016, 1, 27).getTime(), 35));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 2", new GregorianCalendar(2011, 7, 27).getTime(), 45));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 2", new GregorianCalendar(2012, 7, 27).getTime(), 40));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 2", new GregorianCalendar(2013, 7, 27).getTime(), 65));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 2", new GregorianCalendar(2015, 1, 27).getTime(), 65));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 2", new GregorianCalendar(2016, 1, 27).getTime(), 45));

  return ModelUtils.toCollectionModel(dataItems);
public CollectionModel getYearlyMixedFrequencyTimeData() {
  List<ChartDataItem> dataItems = new ArrayList<ChartDataItem>();
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1", "Group 1", new GregorianCalendar(2011, 7, 27).getTime(), 55));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1", "Group 2", new GregorianCalendar(2013, 7, 27).getTime(), 60));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1", "Group 3", new GregorianCalendar(2015, 7, 27).getTime(), 75));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1", "Group 4", new GregorianCalendar(2017, 7, 27).getTime(), 70));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1", "Group 5", new GregorianCalendar(2019, 7, 27).getTime(), 35));

  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 2", "Group 1", new GregorianCalendar(2012, 1, 27).getTime(), 45));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 2", "Group 2", new GregorianCalendar(2013, 7, 27).getTime(), 40));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 2", "Group 3", new GregorianCalendar(2014, 7, 27).getTime(), 65));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 2", "Group 4", new GregorianCalendar(2016, 1, 27).getTime(), 65));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 2", "Group 5", new GregorianCalendar(2020, 7, 27).getTime(), 45));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 3", "Group 1", new GregorianCalendar(2010, 7, 27).getTime(), 15));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 3", "Group 2", new GregorianCalendar(2012, 7, 27).getTime(), 20));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 3", "Group 3", new GregorianCalendar(2014, 7, 27).getTime(), 35));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 3", "Group 4", new GregorianCalendar(2016, 7, 27).getTime(), 30));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 3", "Group 5", new GregorianCalendar(2018, 7, 27).getTime(), 55));
  return ModelUtils.toCollectionModel(dataItems);
public CollectionModel getMonthlyTimeData() {
  return getTimeData(2, 10, 2013, 7, 1, Calendar.MONTH, 1);
private double getValue() {return Math.random() * 100;}
public CollectionModel getTimeData(int numSeries, int numGroups,
                       int startYear, int startMonth, int startDate,
                       int dateField, int addCount){
  List<ChartDataItem> dataItems = new ArrayList<ChartDataItem>();
  GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(startYear, startMonth, startDate);
  for(int group=0; group<numGroups; group++) {
    for(int series=0; series<numSeries; series++) {
      dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series " + (series+1), cal.getTime(), getValue()));
    cal.add(dateField, addCount);
  return ModelUtils.toCollectionModel(dataItems);

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how chart attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring charts, see Section 23.2.2, "Configuring Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Section 23.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Chart Components."

Add a chart to your page. For help with adding a chart to a page, see Section 23.2.3, "How to Add a Chart to a Page."

To configure a chart time axis:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Go To Properties.

  2. In the Properties window, expand the Appearance section.

  3. From the TimeAxisType attribute's dropdown list, select enabled if your chart includes regular or irregular time data. Select mixedFrequency if your chart contains mixed frequency time data. How to Customize the Chart Axis

Charts include support for customizing the x-axis, y-axis, and y2-axis. Depending upon the axis type, you can customize the minimum and maximum values of the data and axis, add a title, specify tick mark increments, configure viewport boundaries, and specify whether the axis baseline starts at the minimum value of the data or at zero.

To customize a chart axis, add the dvt:chartXAxis, dvt:chartYAxis, or dvt:chartY2Axis component to the chart and configure the properties for the axis in the Properties window.

Table 23-6 lists the chart axis attributes and the axis on which they apply. Most attributes have default settings which are based upon the data, and you only need to change these if you want to modify the defaults. However, you must specify values for the title, attributeChangeListener, and binding attributes if you want to use them.

Table 23-6 Chart Axis Attributes

Name Description X-Axis Support? Y-Axis Support? Y2-Axis Support?


Specifies whether the tick marks of the y1 and y2 axes are aligned.





Method reference to a listener for renderer changes to a property without the application's specific request.





Specifies whether the axis baseline starts at the minimum value of the data or at zero.





Specifies a binding reference to store a specific instance of the axis from a backing bean. Set this attribute only to access code in a backing bean.





Specifies the maximum data value on a numerical axis. If not set, attribute defaults to the maximum value of the data set.





Specifies the minimum data value on a numerical axis. If not set, attribute defaults to the maximum value of the data set.





Specifies the component's identifier.





Specifies the increment for the major ticks of a numerical axis.





Specifies the maximum value of the axis.





Specifies the minimum value of the axis.





Specifies the minimum increment between tick marks on a numerical axis.





Specifies the increment for the minor ticks of the axis.





Specifies whether the axis is rendered.





Specifies the title of the axis.





Specifies the end group of the current viewport on group or time axes.





Specifies the start group of the current viewport on group or time axes.





Specifies the maximum x-coordinate or y-coordinate of the current viewport on bubble and scatter charts.





Specifies the minimum x-coordinate of the current viewport




Chart axes also support optional child components which allow you to customize the major and minor tick marks, axis tick labels, and axis lines.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how chart attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring charts, see Section 23.2.2, "Configuring Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Section 23.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Chart Components."

Add a chart to your page. For help with adding a chart to a page, see Section 23.2.3, "How to Add a Chart to a Page."

To customize a chart axis:

  1. In the Structure window, expand the dvt:typeChart node.

  2. If the expanded node does not contain the axis that you wish to customize, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Insert Inside Chart > (Chart X Axis or Chart Y Axis or Chart Y2 Axis).

  3. Right-click the dvt:chartXAxis, dvt:chartYAxis, or dvt:ChartY2Axis node and choose Go to Properties.

  4. To customize a numerical axis, in the Properties window, enter values for the following:

    • BaselineScaling: From the BaselineScaling's attribute's dropdown list, select min to set the axis baseline to the minimum value of the data. By default, this attribute is set to zero.

    • DataMaximum and DataMinimum: Enter the minimum and maximum values for which data will be displayed.

      By default, the chart will display the entire data set.

    • MajorTickIncrement and MinorTickIncrement: Specify the increments for the major and minor ticks.

      By default, the tick increments are calculated from the data.

    • Scaling: From the attribute's dropdown list, select the scale factor for the numeric value.

      Scaling options range from none to quadrillion.

  5. For all axis types, in the Properties window, enter values for the following attributes.

    • Minimum and Maximum: Enter the minimum and maximum axis values.

      By default, the minimum and maximum values are calculated from the data.

    • Title: Specify the axis title. By default, the axis does not include a title.

  6. To configure a viewport, in the Properties window, enter values for the viewportEndGroup, viewportStartGroup, viewportMaximum, and viewportMinimum attributes as needed.

    For information about adding a viewport to your chart, see Section 23.5.6, "How to Configure Chart Zoom and Scroll."

  7. Configure additional attributes as needed.

    For example, you can turn off alignment of the tick marks on the y1 and y2 axes of a dual-Y chart using the AlignTickMarks attribute. For help with an individual field or to look at the complete tag documentation for the axis, click Component Help.

  8. Right-click the dvt:chartXAxis, dvt:chartYAxis, or dvt:ChartY2Axis node and choose Insert Inside Axis > Chart Tick Label.

  9. Right-click dvt:chartTickLabel and choose Go to Properties.

  10. In the Properties window, enter values for the following attributes.

    • Rotation: From the Rotation attribute's dropdown list, select off to turn off rotation.

      By default, the chart will automatically rotate the labels by 90 degrees in order to fit more labels on the axis. The rotation will only be applied to categorical labels for a horizontal axis.

    • Scaling: From the attribute's dropdown list, select the scale factor for the numeric value.

      Scaling options range from none to quadrillion.

  11. To further customize the numeric value, in the Structure window, right-click dvt:chartTickLabel and choose Insert Inside Chart Tick Label > Convert Number.

  12. Right-click af:convertNumber and choose Go to Properties.

  13. In the Properties window, from the Type attribute's dropdown list, select the desired numeric type.

    By default, Type is set to number, but you can also select currency or percent.

  14. Configure additional attributes as needed.

    For example, you can specify which currency symbol to use in the CurrencySymbol field. For help with an individual field or to look at the complete tag documentation for the af:convertNumber tag, click Component Help.

To customize the chart's axis line:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:chartXAxis, dvt:chartYAxis, or dvt:ChartY2Axis node and choose Insert Inside Axis > Chart Axis Line.

  2. Right-click dvt:chartAxisLine and choose Go to Properties.

  3. In the Properties window, enter values for the following attributes.

    • LineColor: Specify the RGB value in hexadecimal notation or choose Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu to enter an expression that evaluates to the RGB value.

      For example, enter #008000 to render the axis line's color in green.

    • LineWidth: Enter the axis line's width in pixels. By default, LineWidth is set to 1.

To customize the axis major or minor ticks:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click the dvt:chartXAxis, dvt:chartYAxis, or dvt:ChartY2Axis node and choose Insert Inside Axis > (Major Tick or Minor Tick).

  2. Right-click dvt:majorTick or dvt:minorTick and choose Go to Properties.

  3. In the Properties window, enter values for the following attributes.

    • LineColor: Specify the RGB value in hexadecimal notation or choose Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu to enter an expression that evaluates to the RGB value.

      For example, enter #008000 to render the tick mark's color in green.

    • LineStyle: From the LineStyle attribute's dropdown list, select the tick mark's line style.

      By default, LineStyle is set to solid, but you can select dashed or dotted to change the default line style.

    • LineWidth: Enter the tick mark's width in pixels. By default, LineWidth is set to 1. Configuring Dual Y-Axis

You can add a second y-axis to area, bar, combination, horizontal bar, and line charts. This feature is useful if you have two series with different ranges of data. For example, you could have a bar chart that shows salary on one y-axis and commission percent on the second.

To configure a dual y-axis, add the dvt:chartSeriesStyle component to your chart, and set the assignedToY2 attribute to true. For instructions to configure the dvt:chartSeriesStyle component, see Section, "How to Customize a Chart Series."

23.4.5 Adding Reference Objects to a Chart

You can add reference areas or lines to all charts except pie charts using the dvt:referenceLine or dvt:referenceArea components. Reference areas are associated with the chart's axis and typically are associated with the y-axis. Use reference areas or lines to show target values or ranges.

Figure 23-44 shows the line chart displayed in Figure 23-36 with a reference area and reference line. In this example, the reference area is configured with a light blue color and a range between 200 and 250. The reference line is configured with a green color and a value of 25.

Figure 23-44 Line Chart Configured With Reference Area and Reference Line

The image is described in the surrounding text.

Example 23-15 shows the code snippet on the JSF page that defines the reference area and line. In this example, the reference area and line are configured as children of the chart's y-axis.

Example 23-15 Sample Code on JSF Page Defining Reference Area and Reference Line

<dvt:chartYAxis title="Portfolio Value (thousands of USD)">
  <dvt:referenceArea id="ra1" color="#A0CEEC" maximum="250" minimum="200"
                     displayInLegend="on" text="Target Portfolio Value"/>
  <dvt:referenceLine id="rl1" color="#008000" value="25" displayInLegend="on"
                     text="Target Minimum" rendered="true" lineWidth="3"/>

You can also specify multi-segment reference lines or areas as shown in Figure 23-45. In this example, the bar chart is configured with a multi-segment reference line, and the line chart is configured with a multi-segment reference area. In these examples, the target values vary by year.

Figure 23-45 Multi-Segment Reference Line and Reference Area

The figure is described in the surrounding text.

Multi-segment reference lines or reference areas are defined by adding the dvt:referenceAreaItem or dvt:referenceLineItem elements as children of the dvt:referenceArea and dvt:referenceLine components. You can explicitly define a reference area or line item for each segment in the reference line or area, or use the af:iterator tag to loop through the segments.

Example 23-16 shows the code snippets on the JSF page that define the bar and line charts. The code related to the reference area and reference line is highlighted in bold.

Example 23-16 Code on JSF Page Defining Segmented Reference Area and Line

<dvt:barChart value="#{chartDataSource.yearlyIrregularTimeData}"
              var="row" timeAxisType="enabled" inlineStyle="width:650px">
  <f:facet name="dataStamp">
    <dvt:chartDataItem series="Series 1" group="#{row.group}"
  <dvt:chartYAxis maximum="100">
    <dvt:referenceLine color="#A0CEEC" displayInLegend="on" text="Target Value"
                       lineWidth="3" shortDesc="Target Value">
      <af:iterator id="it1" value="#{chartDataSource.yearlyIrregularTimeData}"
        <dvt:referenceLineItem x="#{row.series == 'Series 1' ? row.group:0}"
                          value="#{row.series == 'Series 1' ? row.value + 15:0}"/>
  <dvt:chartLegend rendered="true"/>
<dvt:lineChart value="#{chartDataSource.yearlySingleTimeData}" var="row"
               timeAxisType="enabled" inlineStyle="width:650px" id="chart1">
  <f:facet name="dataStamp">
    <dvt:chartDataItem series="#{row.series}" group="#{row.group}"
    <dvt:referenceArea color="#A0CEEC" displayInLegend="on" text="Target Range"
                       shortDesc="Target Range">
      <af:iterator id="it3" value="#{chartDataSource.yearlySingleTimeData}"
        <dvt:referenceAreaItem x="#{row.group}" minimum="#{row.value - 15}"
                               maximum="#{row.value + 15}"/>
  <dvt:chartLegend rendered="true"/>

The data for the bar chart is defined in the getYearlyIrregularTimeData() method and is shown in Example 23-14, and the line chart's data is defined in the getYearlySingleTimeData() method. Both methods are contained in the chartDataSource managed bean.

Example 23-17 shows the getYearlySingleTimeData() method that defines the line chart's collection model and populates it with sample data.

Example 23-17 Sample Method to Define a Chart With Single Series

public CollectionModel getYearlySingleTimeData() {
  List<ChartDataItem> dataItems = new ArrayList<ChartDataItem>();
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1",
                new GregorianCalendar(2010, 1, 27).getTime(), 35));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1",
                new GregorianCalendar(2011, 1, 27).getTime(), 55));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1",
                new GregorianCalendar(2012, 1, 27).getTime(), 60));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1",
                new GregorianCalendar(2013, 1, 27).getTime(), 75));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1",
                new GregorianCalendar(2014, 1, 27).getTime(), 65));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1",
                new GregorianCalendar(2015, 1, 27).getTime(), 55));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1",
                new GregorianCalendar(2016, 1, 27).getTime(), 85));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1",
                new GregorianCalendar(2017, 1, 27).getTime(), 70));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1",
                new GregorianCalendar(2018, 1, 27).getTime(), 75));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1",
                new GregorianCalendar(2019, 1, 27).getTime(), 45));
  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1",
                new GregorianCalendar(2020, 1, 27).getTime(), 50));
  return ModelUtils.toCollectionModel(dataItems);
} How to Add a Reference Object to a Chart

To add a reference object to a chart, add the dvt:referenceArea or dvt:referenceLine component as a child of the chart's associated axis. The process is the same for all charts except the spark charts which use reference objects wrapped inside a reference object set for reference areas and lines.

To specify segmented reference lines or areas, add the dvt:referenceAreaItem or dvt:referenceLineItem as a child of the dvt:referenceArea or dvt:referenceLine. To use af:iterator to loop through the reference items, add the af:iterator as a child of the chart's axis and then add the reference item.


To add a reference line or object to a spark chart, add the dvt:referenceObjectSet component to the spark chart and configure a dvt:referenceObject for each reference line or area. Consult the tag documentation for additional information.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how chart attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring charts, see Section 23.2.2, "Configuring Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Section 23.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Chart Components."

Add a chart to your page. For help with adding a chart to a page, see Section 23.2.3, "How to Add a Chart to a Page."

To add a reference line to a chart:

  1. In the Structure window, expand the dvt:typeChart node.

  2. If the expanded node does not contain the axis that will contain the reference line, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Insert Inside Chart > (Chart X Axis or Chart Y Axis or Chart Y2 Axis).

  3. Right click the dvt:axis node and choose Insert Inside Axis > Reference Line.

  4. Right-click dvt:referenceLine and choose Go to Properties.

  5. In the Properties window, enter values for the following:

    • Value: Specify the value on the axis where the line is to appear.

      For example, enter 25 to position the line where the axis equals 25.

    • Color: Specify the RGB value in hexadecimal notation or choose Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu to enter an expression that evaluates to the RGB value.

      For example, enter #008000 to display the reference line in green.

    • LineStyle: From the attribute's dropdown list, select dashed or dotted to change the default display from solid.

    • LineWidth: Enter the width in pixels for the line.

    • Text: Enter a description for the reference line.

    • DisplayedInLegend: From the attribute's dropdown list, select on to have the reference line included in the chart's legend.

  6. In the Structure window, to specify a segmented reference line and define the reference line items using af:iterator, right-click dvt:referenceLine and choose Insert Inside Reference Line Item > Iterator.

  7. Right-click the af:iterator or dvt:referenceLine node and choose Insert Inside (Iterator or Reference Line) > Reference Line Item.

  8. Right-click dvt:referenceLineItem and choose Go to Properties.

  9. In the Properties window, enter values for the following:

    • Value: Specify the value of the reference line item.

      You can enter a static value or use an EL Expression that evaluates to the reference line item's value. For example, to specify the value for the reference line item for the line chart shown in Figure 23-45, enter #{row.series == 'Series 1' ? row.value + 15:0}.

    • X: Specify the location on the x-axis where the reference line item is to be rendered.

      For charts with time data, this is the time stamp. For charts with a categorical axis, this is the index of the group, which starts at 0.

      To specify the x-axis position for the line chart shown in Figure 23-45, enter #{row.series == 'Series 1' ? row.group:0}.

  10. To add additional reference line items, repeat Step 7 through Step 9 for each additional item.

To add a reference area to a chart:

  1. In the Structure window, expand the dvt:typeChart node.

  2. If the expanded node does not contain the axis that will contain the reference area, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Insert Inside Chart > (Chart X Axis or Chart Y Axis or Chart Y2 Axis).

  3. Right click the dvt:axis node and choose Insert Inside Axis > Reference Area.

  4. Right-click dvt:referenceArea and choose Go to Properties.

  5. In the Properties window, enter values for the following:

    • Maximum: Specify the upper bound of the reference area.

      For example, enter 300 to set the upper bound of the reference area to 300 along the chart's associated axis.

    • Minimum: Specify the lower bound of the reference area.

      For example, enter 250 to set the lower bound of the reference area to 250 along the chart's associated axis.

    • Color: Specify the RGB value in hexadecimal notation or choose Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu to enter an expression that evaluates to the RGB value.

      For example, enter #A0CEEC to display the reference line in light blue.

    • Text: Enter a description for the reference line.

    • DisplayedInLegend: From the attribute's dropdown list, select on to have the reference area included in the chart's legend.

  6. In the Structure window, to specify a segmented reference area and define the reference area items using af:iterator, right-click dvt:referenceArea and choose Insert Inside Reference Area Item > Iterator.

  7. Right-click the af:iterator or dvt:referenceArea node and choose Insert Inside (Iterator or Reference Area) > Reference Area Item.

  8. Right-click dvt:referenceAreaItem and choose Go to Properties.

  9. In the Properties window, enter values for the following:

    • Maximum: Specify the maximum value of the reference area item.

      You can enter a static value or use an EL Expression that evaluates to the reference area item's value. For example, to specify the maximum value for the reference area item for the line chart shown in Figure 23-45, enter #{row.value + 15}.

    • Minimum: Specify the minimum value of the reference area item.

      You can enter a static value or use an EL Expression that evaluates to the reference area item's value. For example, to specify the minimum value for the reference area item for the line chart shown in Figure 23-45, enter #{row.value + 15}.

    • X: Specify the location on the x-axis where the reference line item is to be rendered.

      For charts with time data, this is the time stamp. To specify the x-axis position for the line chart shown in Figure 23-45, enter #{row.group}.

  10. To add additional reference area items, repeat Step 7 through Step 9 for each additional item. What You May Need to Know About Adding Reference Objects to Charts

The multi-segmented reference line or area is supported on bubble charts, scatter charts, and charts configured with a time axis.

23.4.6 How to Configure a Stacked Chart

Stacked charts show cumulative values across groups. Stacked charts typically contain two or more series which are aggregated into one bar, area, or line. For example, you might want to show the total sales of three products, grouped by city. In a clustered bar chart, the bar chart would display three bars, one for each product. In a stacked bar chart, the three bars would be aggregated into one bar for each city.

Figure 23-46 shows the effect of stacking series in a bar chart. In this example, the five series in the clustered bar chart at the top of the figure are configured as a stacked bar chart at the bottom of the figure.

Figure 23-46 Stacked Bar Chart

The figure is described in the surrounding text.

If you chose a quick start layout that included a stacked display, then JDeveloper automatically stacked the series by group. Otherwise, you can enable stacking by setting the stack attribute to on.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how chart attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring charts, see Section 23.2.2, "Configuring Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Section 23.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Chart Components."

Add a chart to your page. For help with adding a chart to a page, see Section 23.2.3, "How to Add a Chart to a Page."

To configure a stacked chart:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Go To Properties.

  2. In the Properties window, from the Stack attribute's dropdown list, select on.

23.4.7 Customizing Chart Series

You can customize the fill of all series in a chart by setting the seriesEffect attribute on the chart component.

You can customize the appearance of individual series in a chart by adding the dvt:chartSeriesStyle component to your chart. Depending upon the chart type, you can customize colors, markers, lines, and fill effects. For combination charts, you can also specify which chart to display.


Spark charts contain only a single series and do not support seriesEffect or chartSeriesStyle. To customize the spark chart, enter values for the dvt:sparkChart component in the Properties window. You can customize the series color and specify which markers are displayed. For more information, click Component Help in the Properties window. How to Customize a Chart Series

To customize an individual series in a chart, add the dvt:chartSeriesStyle component and configure its properties in the Properties Window.

Table 23-7 lists the attributes available on the chartSeriesStyle component and the chart types for which they apply.

Table 23-7 dvt:chartSeriesStyle Tags

Chart Tag Description Supported Chart Types


Specifies whether the series should be assigned to the Y2 axis.

area, bar, combination, horizontal bar, line


Method reference to an attribute change listener.



Specifies the border color of the series.



Specifies the color of the series.



Specifies whether the series is displayed in the chart legend



Specifies the id of the component.



Specifies the appearance of the line.

combination (with line), line


Specifies the width of the line in pixels.

combination (with line), line


Specifies the color of the data item markers, if different than the series color.

area, bubble, combination (with area or line), line, scatter


Specifies whether the data item markers are displayed.

area, bubble, combination (with area or line), line, scatter


Specifies the shape of the data item markers.

area, bubble, combination (with area or line), line, scatter


Specifies the size of the data item markers if displayed.

area, bubble, combination (with area or line), line, scatter


Specifies the pattern of the series.



Specifies whether the component is rendered.



Identifies the series for which the series style applies.



Specifies whether the series is displayed as an area, bar, or line chart.


Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how chart attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring charts, see Section 23.2.2, "Configuring Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Section 23.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Chart Components."

Add a chart to your page. For help with adding a chart to a page, see Section 23.2.3, "How to Add a Chart to a Page."

To customize a chart series:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Insert Inside Chart > Facet seriesStamp.

  2. If you plan on customizing more than one series in your chart, right-click f:facet - dataStamp and choose Insert Inside Facet series Stamp > Group.

  3. Right-click af:group or f:facet seriesStamp and choose Insert Inside (Group or Facet seriesStamp) > Chart Series Style.

  4. To add additional series style elements, right-click af:group and choose Insert Inside Group > Chart Series Style for each additional element.

  5. Right-click dvt:chartSeriesStyle and choose Go to Properties.

  6. In the Properties window, enter values for the desired customization.

    • Assigned2Y2: From the attribute's dropdown list, select true to customize the y2-axis.

    • BorderColor: Specify the RGB value in hexadecimal notation to use for the border color, or choose Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu to enter an expression that evaluates to the RGB value.

      For example, enter #008000 to display the series border color in green.

    • Color: Specify the RGB value in hexadecimal notation to use for the series color, or choose Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu to enter an expression that evaluates to the RGB value.

    • DisplayInLegend: From the attribute's dropdown list, select false if you do not want to display the series in the legend. By default, this attribute is set to true.

    • LineStyle: From the attribute's dropdown list, select a line style. By default, this attribute is set to solid which will display a solid line. You can also set this to dashed or dotted.

    • LineWidth: Specify the width in pixels for the line.

    • MarkerColor: Specify the RGB value in hexadecimal notation to use for the series color, or choose Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu to enter an expression that evaluates to the RGB value.

    • MarkerDisplayed: From the attribute's dropdown list, select true to display the line or area series marker. By default, this attribute is set to false.

    • MarkerSize: Enter a value in pixels for the marker size.

    • Pattern: From the attribute's dropdown list, select a series pattern.

      Available patterns include smallChecker, smallCrosshatch, smallDiagonalLeft, smallDiagonalRight, smallDiamond, smallTriangle, largeChecker, largeCrosshatch, largeDiagonalLeft, largeDiagonalRight, largeDiamond, and largeTriangle.

    • Series: Enter the name of the series.

      For example, to customize the first series in your chart, enter: Series 1.

      If your application uses the Fusion technology stack and you are configuring a databound chart, the Series field will display the available bindings in the attribute's dropdown list. For more information about databound charts, see "Creating Databound Charts" in Developing Fusion Web Applications with Oracle Application Development Framework

    • Type: From the attribute's dropdown list, select the chart type to use for the combination chart series.

      Available choices include area, bar, or line. How to Configure Series Fill Effects on All Series in a Chart

To customize the series fill effects for all series in the chart, specify a value for the seriesEffect attribute.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how chart attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring charts, see Section 23.2.2, "Configuring Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Section 23.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Chart Components."

Add a chart to your page. For help with adding a chart to a page, see Section 23.2.3, "How to Add a Chart to a Page."

To configure series fill effects for all series in a chart:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Go To Properties.

  2. In the Properties window, from the SeriesEffect attribute's dropdown list, select the desired fill effect.

    By default, the SeriesEffect attribute is set to gradient. You can select color to render the chart without gradients or pattern to display each series in a different pattern.

    If you want to specify specific patterns for a series, see Section, "How to Customize a Chart Series."

23.4.8 How to Configure the Pie Chart Other Slice

Use the Other slice to aggregate smaller data sets visually into one larger set for easier comparison, as shown in Figure 23-32. To configure the Other slice, set a value for the otherThreshold attribute which specifies the percentage under which the slice would be aggregated into the Other slice. Optionally, you can set a value for the Other slice color.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how chart attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring charts, see Section 23.2.2, "Configuring Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Section 23.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Chart Components."

Add a chart to your page. For help with adding a chart to a page, see Section 23.2.3, "How to Add a Chart to a Page."

To configure the pie chart Other slice:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Go To Properties.

  2. In the Properties window, expand the Appearance section.

    By default, the SeriesEffect attribute is set to gradient. You can select color to render the chart without gradients or pattern to display each series in a different pattern.

    If you want to specify specific patterns for a series, see Section, "How to Customize a Chart Series."

  3. In the OtherThreshold field, enter a value between 0 and 1 to set the percentage under which the slide will be aggregated.

    For example, if you want to aggregate all slices whose values are less than two percent of the pie chart's total, enter 0.02.

  4. Optionally, in the OtherColor field, specify the RGB value in hexadecimal notation to use for the border color, or choose Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu to enter an expression that evaluates to the RGB value.

    For example, enter #008000 to display the Other slice in green.

23.4.9 How to Explode Pie Chart Slices

You can configure the slices of a pie chart so that each slice is separated from the other using the explode attribute of the dvt:pieDataItem. You can specify a value between 1 and 10 for the distance between the slices.

Figure 23-47 shows the pie chart displayed inFigure 23-37 configured for exploding slices. In this example, the explode attribute for the pie chart's data item is defined as 0.25.

Figure 23-47 Pie Chart Configured For Exploding Slices

The image is described in the surrounding text.

You can also configure an individual slice to explode using the explode attribute. Figure 23-48 shows the same pie chart configured to explode the Series 1 slice.

Figure 23-48 Pie Chart Configured With Single Exploding Slice

The image is described in the surrounding text.

To configure an individual slice, you can use an EL expression to identify the slice and the value for the explode attribute. The individual slices in a pie chart are its series, and you can reference the series number in the EL expression.

For example, to set the explode attribute for the first series (slice) in the pie chart to 0.5, enter the following for the EL expression: #{row.series == 'Series 1' ? 0.5 : 0}. If you wanted to set the explode attribute for the third series to 0.25, you could enter the following for the EL expression: #{row.series == 'Series 3' ? 0.25 : 0}.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how chart attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring charts, see Section 23.2.2, "Configuring Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Section 23.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Chart Components."

Add a chart to your page. For help with adding a chart to a page, see Section 23.2.3, "How to Add a Chart to a Page."

To explode pie slices:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:pieDataItem and choose Go To Properties.

  2. In the Properties window, expand the Appearance section.

  3. To explode all slices in the pie chart, in the Explode field, enter a value between 0 and 1.

  4. To explode a single slice in the pie chart, in the Explode field, enter an EL Expression that evaluates to the series name and explode value.

    For example, to explode the first series in the pie chart shown in Example 23-17, enter the following in the Explode field: #{row.series == 'Series 1' ? 0.5 : 0}.

23.4.10 How to Configure Animation

To configure chart animation, add the af:transition tag as a child of the chart component and configure the trigger type and transition effect.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how chart attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring charts, see Section 23.2.2, "Configuring Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Section 23.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Chart Components."

Add a chart to your page. For help with adding a chart to a page, see Section 23.2.3, "How to Add a Chart to a Page."

To configure gauge animation:

  1. In the Structure window, click the chart component.

  2. In the Source editor, add the af:transition tag as a child of the highlighted chart component as shown in the following example.

    <af:transition triggerType="display" transition="auto"/>

23.4.11 What You May Need to Know About Skinning and Customizing Chart Display Elements

Charts also support skinning to customize the color and font styles for the top level components as well as the axes, legend, series, marquee icon, labels, and plot area. You can also use skinning to define the animation duration and chart series effect.

Example 23-18 shows the skinning key for a chart configured to show patterns for its series fill effect.

Example 23-18 Using a Skinning Key to Define Chart Series Fill Effect

    -tr-series-effect: pattern;

For the complete list of chart skinning keys, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Data Visualization Tools Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Faces Skin Selectors. For additional information about customizing your application using skinning and styles, see Chapter 31, "Customizing the Appearance Using Styles and Skins."

23.5 Adding Interactive Features to Charts

You can add a variety of interactive features to your charts, including data cursors, hide and show behavior, hover behavior, selection support, popups, context menus, and zoom and scroll.

23.5.1 How to Add a Data Cursor

Add a data cursor to your chart to allow the user to focus more easily on data points. For charts where selection and other click interactivity is not enabled, the data cursor can be used to provide feedback for the closest data item to the mouse or touch gesture.

The data cursor is enabled by default for area and line charts on touch devices. To add the data cursor explicitly, set the dataCursor attribute to on and define the data cursor's behavior.

Figure 23-49 shows the line chart displayed in Figure 23-36 configured with a data cursor. In this example, the data cursor displays the series name, group value and series value. The box surrounding the data detail is displayed in the same color as the series fill color.

Figure 23-49 Line Chart With Data Cursor Showing Investor Detail

The image is described in the surrounding text.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how chart attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring charts, see Section 23.2.2, "Configuring Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Section 23.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Chart Components."

Add a chart to your page. For help with adding a chart to a page, see Section 23.2.3, "How to Add a Chart to a Page."

To configure a chart data cursor:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Go To Properties.

  2. In the Properties window, expand the Data section.

  3. From the DataCursor attribute's dropdown list, select on to enable the data cursor.

  4. From the DataCursorBehavior attribute's dropdown list, select smooth or snap to specify the data cursor behavior.

    By default, the data cursor's behavior is set to auto, and the data cursor moves smoothly for line and area charts, and it snaps for other chart types. You can set this to smooth or snap to set the behavior explicitly.


The content displayed in the data cursor's tooltip is determined by the dvt:chartDataItem or dvt:pieDataItem component's shortDesc attribute. You can edit this value in the Properties window for dvt:chartDataItem or dvt:pieDataItem.

23.5.2 How to Configure Hide and Show Behavior

To configure hide and show behavior, which permits the user to click on a legend series item to hide or show a series item, configure the chart's hideAndShowBehavior attribute.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how chart attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring charts, see Section 23.2.2, "Configuring Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Section 23.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Chart Components."

Add a chart to your page. For help with adding a chart to a page, see Section 23.2.3, "How to Add a Chart to a Page."

To configure hide and show behavior:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Go To Properties.

  2. In the Properties window, expand the Behavior section.

  3. From the HideAndShowBehavior attribute's dropdown list, select withRescale or withoutRescale to specify the data cursor behavior.

    If you select withoutRescale, the chart will not rescale the axes to fit the data. Select withRescale if you want the chart to rescale the axes.

23.5.3 How to Configure Legend and Marker Dimming

To configure legend and marker dimming, set the chart's hoverBehavior attribute to dim. As the user hovers over each series, the remaining series dim from view.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how chart attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring charts, see Section 23.2.2, "Configuring Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Section 23.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Chart Components."

Add a chart to your page. For help with adding a chart to a page, see Section 23.2.3, "How to Add a Chart to a Page."

To configure legend and marker dimming:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Go To Properties.

  2. In the Properties window, expand the Behavior section.

  3. From the HoverBehavior attribute's dropdown list, select dim.

23.5.4 How to Configure Selection Support

Charts can be enabled for single or multiple selection of data markers. Enabling selection is required for popups and context menus and for responding programmatically to user clicks on the data markers. To enable selection support, set the chart's dataSelection attribute to single or multiple.

After you have enabled selection support, you can specify a selection listener that will respond to user clicks on the chart.

Figure 23-50 shows a bar chart configured for multiple selection support. The user can click to select a single bar or use Ctrl-Click to select multiple bars. The bars highlight to show which bars are selected, and a message is displayed at the top of the page indicating which row key was selected.

Figure 23-50 Bar Chart Configured for Multiple Selection

The image is described in the surrounding text.

Example 23-19 shows the code on the JSF page that defines the bar chart and selection listener, with the selection code highlighted.

Example 23-19 Sample Code on JSF Page for Bar Chart Configured for Multiple Selection

<af:group id="g1">
  <af:outputText inlineStyle="font-size:large;" value="Selection Listener" id="ot1"/>
  <af:spacer width="50px"/>
  <af:outputText partialTriggers="chartSelect"
                 inlineStyle="font-size:larger;" id="ot2"/>
  <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl1" layout="horizontal">
    <dvt:barChart id="chartSelect" value="#{chartDataSource.defaultBarData}"
                  var="row" dataSelection="multiple"
      <dvt:chartLegend id="leg1" rendered="false"/>
      <f:facet name="dataStamp">
        <dvt:chartDataItem id="cdi1" value="#{row.value}" group="#{row.group}"

In this example, the code that defines the bar chart is included in a method named defaultBarData(), and the selection listener is defined in a method named selectionListener().

Example 23-20 shows the defaultBarData() and selectionListener() methods. The methods and imports were added to the chartDataSource class created in Example 23-2.

Example 23-20 Sample Methods to Create Bar Chart With a Selection Listener

// Additional imports needed by selection listener
import oracle.adf.view.faces.bi.component.chart.UIChartBase;import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.event.SelectionEvent;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet;

// Bar Chart data
public CollectionModel getDefaultBarData() {  List<ChartDataItem> dataItems = new ArrayList<ChartDataItem>();  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1", "Group A", 42));  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 1", "Group B", 34));  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 2", "Group A", 55));  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 2", "Group B", 30));  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 3", "Group A", 36));  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 3", "Group B", 50));  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 4", "Group A", 22));  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 4", "Group B", 46));  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 5", "Group A", 22));  dataItems.add(new ChartDataItem("Series 5", "Group B", 46));  return ModelUtils.toCollectionModel(dataItems);

// Selection state
private String m_selection = "No Nodes Selected";
public String getSelectionState() {
  return m_selection;

// Selection Listener
public void selectionListener(SelectionEvent event) {    
  UIChartBase chart = (UIChartBase) event.getComponent();
  RowKeySet rowKeySet = chart.getSelectedRowKeys();
  if(rowKeySet != null && rowKeySet.size() > 0) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Selection: ");
    for(Object rowKey : rowKeySet) {
      sb.append(rowKey).append(", ");
  // Remove the trailing comma and set the selection string
    m_selection = sb.toString();
    m_selection = "No Nodes Selected";

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how chart attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring charts, see Section 23.2.2, "Configuring Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Section 23.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Chart Components."

Add a chart to your page. For help with adding a chart to a page, see Section 23.2.3, "How to Add a Chart to a Page."

To configure chart selection support:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Go to Properties.

  2. In the Properties window, expand the Data section.

  3. From the DataSelection dropdown list, select single or multiple to enable selection support.

  4. Optionally, to enable a selection listener, do the following.

    1. Create the method or methods that define the selection listener, and add it to the chart's managed bean.

      If you need help creating classes, see "Working with Java Code" in Developing Applications with Oracle JDeveloper. For help with managed beans, see Section 3.6, "Creating and Using Managed Beans."

    2. In the Properties window, in the SelectionListener field, enter the name of the selection listener.

      For example, for a managed bean named chartDataSource and a method named selectionListener(), enter the following in the SelectionListener field:#{chartDataSource.selectionListener}.

      You can also choose Edit from the SelectionListener attribute's dropdown menu to select a managed bean and method in the Edit Property: Selection Listener dialog, or choose Expression Builder to enter an expression that returns the selection listener.

  5. Configure any additional elements as needed.

    For example, to duplicate the multiple selection example in this section, add the af:outputText components shown in Example 23-19.

23.5.5 How to Configure Popups and Context Menus

The process to add a popup or context menu is essentially the same. Add the af:showPopupBehavior tag as a child of one of the chart's data items, define the trigger type as click for popup menus or contextMenu for context menus, and add an af:popup containing the desired behavior to the page.

Figure 23-51 shows the pie chart displayed in Figure 23-37 configured for popup support. If the user clicks one of the pie slices, a note window pops up with a message.

Figure 23-51 Pie Chart Configured With a Note Window Popup

The image is described in the surrounding text.

Example 23-21 shows the code on the page for the popup menu shown in Figure 23-51. In this example, the af:showPopupBehavior component uses the popupId to reference the af:popup component. The af:popup component is configured with the af:noteWindow component which is configured to display a simple message in the af:outputFormatted component. The triggerType of the af:showPopupBehavior tag is set to click, and the note window will launch when the user clicks one of the pie chart's slices.

Example 23-21 Code Example for Pie Chart Popup

<af:group id="g1">
  <dvt:pieChart id="chart1" value="#{chartDataSource.defaultPieData}"
                var="row" dataSelection="single">
    <dvt:chartLegend id="leg1" rendered="true"/>
    <dvt:pieDataItem label="#{row.series}" value="#{row.value}" id="pdi1">
      <af:showPopupBehavior popupId="::noteWindowPopup" triggerType="click"
  <af:popup childCreation="deferred" autoCancel="disabled"
            id="noteWindowPopup" clientComponent="true"
            launcherVar="source" eventContext="launcher">
    <af:noteWindow id="nw1">
      <af:outputFormatted value="This is an example of a chart popup" id="of1"/>

You can change the popup to a context menu by simply changing the trigger type for the af:showPopupBehavior component to contextMenu as shown in the following code snippet:

<af:showPopupBehavior popupId="::noteWindowPopup" triggerType="contextMenu"/>

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how chart attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring charts, see Section 23.2.2, "Configuring Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Section 23.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Chart Components."

Add a chart to your page. For help with adding a chart to a page, see Section 23.2.3, "How to Add a Chart to a Page."

Add a popup component to your page. For help with configuring the af:popup component, see Chapter 16, "Using Popup Dialogs, Menus, and Windows."

To add a popup or context menu to a chart:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Insert Inside Chart > Show Popup Behavior.

  2. Right-click af:showPopupBehavior and choose Go to Properties.

  3. In the Properties window, enter values for the following:

    • PopupId: Specify the ID of the af:popup component.

    • TriggerType: For popup menus, enter click. For context menus, enter contextMenu.

    Optionally, set values for Align, AlignId, and Disabled. Click Component Help for more information about the af:showPopupBehavior component.

  4. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Go to Properties.

  5. In the Properties window, expand the Data section.

  6. From the DataSelection dropdown list, select single or multiple to enable selection support.

23.5.6 How to Configure Chart Zoom and Scroll

You can configure your chart to include marquee zoom and scroll which permits the user to focus on an area of the chart or scroll through the data using the mouse. This feature can be useful for large data sets.

Figure 23-52 shows the line chart shown in Figure 23-36 configured for marque zoom and scroll. The user can select an area on the chart and then release the mouse button to zoom in on the selected area. The user can also scroll the mouse wheel upward to zoom in on chart data. To restore the chart to its original display, the user can scroll the mouse wheel downward.

Figure 23-52 Line Chart Configured for Marquee Zoom and Scroll

The image is described in the surrounding text.

You can also add a viewport to the chart which uses a small form factor to display the entire data set, and then configure the original line chart to display a subset of the data.

Figure 23-53 shows the same line chart configured with an overview port. When the user zooms in on a chart area, the viewport changes to match the user's selection. The user can stretch or shrink the viewport dragging the handles on each side of the viewport.

Figure 23-53 Line Chart Configured With Overview

The image is described in the surrounding text.

To configure marque zoom and scroll, set a value for the chart's zoomAndScroll attribute. To configure an overview window, add the overview facet and overview window to the chart, and configure the chart's axis for the overview range.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how chart attributes and child tags can affect functionality. For more information about configuring charts, see Section 23.2.2, "Configuring Charts."

You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Section 23.1.3, "Additional Functionality for Chart Components."

Add a chart to your page. For help with adding a chart to a page, see Section 23.2.3, "How to Add a Chart to a Page."

To configure marquee zoom and scroll:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Go to Properties.

  2. In the Properties window, expand the Behavior section.

  3. From the ZoomAndScroll dropdown list, select the desired zoom and scroll behavior. By default, this attribute is set to off. Available options include:

    • delayed: Specifies that the chart update will wait until the zoom or scroll action is done. Both zoom and scroll will be enabled.

      Specify a delay if the chart display is slow to render.

    • delayedScrollOnly: Specifies that the chart update will wait until the scroll action is done. The marquee zoom icon will not be displayed.

    • live: Specifies that the chart will be updated continuously as it is being manipulated. Both zoom and scroll will be enabled.

    • liveScrollOnly: Specifies that the chart will be updated continuously as it is being manipulated. The marquee zoom icon will not be displayed.

    You can also choose Expression Builder from the ZoomAndScroll attribute's dropdown menu to enter an expression that returns the zoom and scroll behavior.

  4. Optionally, to enable a selection listener, do the following.

    1. Create the method or methods that define the selection listener, and add it to the chart's managed bean.

      If you need help creating classes, see "Working with Java Code" in Developing Applications with Oracle JDeveloper. For help with managed beans, see Section 3.6, "Creating and Using Managed Beans."

    2. In the Properties window, in the SelectionListener field, enter the name of the selection listener.

      For example, for a managed bean named chartDataSource and a method named selectionListener(), enter the following in the SelectionListener field:#{chartDataSource.selectionListener}.

      You can also choose Edit from the SelectionListener attribute's dropdown menu to select a managed bean and method in the Edit Property: Selection Listener dialog, or choose Expression Builder to enter an expression that returns the selection listener.

  5. Configure any additional elements as needed.

    For example, to duplicate the multiple selection example in this section, add the af:outputText components shown in Example 23-19.

To add an overview window to your chart:

  1. In the Structure window, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Insert Inside Chart > Facet overview.

  2. Right-click f:facet - overview and choose Insert Inside Facet overview > Overview.

  3. Right-click dvt:overview and choose Go to Properties.

  4. In the Properties window, enter values to style the overview window as desired.

    For example, you can specify an inline style or style class to use for the overview window. For help with the overview window properties, click Component Help.

  5. If your chart does not include an x-axis, in the Structure window, right-click dvt:typeChart and choose Insert Inside Chart > Chart XAxis.

  6. Right-click dvt:chartXAxis and choose Go to Properties.

  7. In the Properties window, expand the Viewport section.

  8. From the Viewport attribute's dropdown list, enter values for the following as needed to set the viewport's range.

    • ViewportStartGroup: Specifies the start group of the current viewport. This attribute only applies to charts with a group or time x axis. If not specified, the default start group is the first group in the data set.

      For example, if your chart's groups consist of city data, you could enter the city name for the ViewportStartGroup: London.

      You can also choose Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu to enter an expression that returns the viewport's start group.

    • ViewportEndGroup: Specifies the end group of the current viewport. This attribute only applies to charts with a group or time x axis. If not specified, the default end group is the last group in the data set.

    • ViewportMinimum: Specifies the minimum x-axis coordinate of the current viewport for zoom and scroll.

      For a group axis, the group index will be treated as the x-axis coordinate. For a time axis, the time stamp of the group will be treated as the x-axis coordinate.If both viewportStartGroup and viewportMinimum are specified, then viewportStartGroup takes precedence. If not specified, this value will be the axis minimum.

      You can also choose Expression Builder from the attribute's dropdown menu to enter an expression that returns the viewport minimum. For the line chart displayed in Figure 23-53, a method is added to the chartDataSource managed bean to return the viewport minimum.

      Example 23-22 shows a sample method that returns the viewport minimum. In this example, the chart is configured with a viewport minimum of January 1, 2016.

      Example 23-22 Sample Code to Return a Viewport Start Group on a Time Axis

      // Add these imports to your bean
      import java.util.Date;
      import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
      public Date getStockViewportMinimum() {
        return new GregorianCalendar(2016, 0, 1).getTime();

      To use this method for your chart, enter the following for the ViewportMinimum: #{chartDataSource.stockViewportMinimum}.

    • ViewportMaximum: Specifies the maximum x-axis coordinate of the current viewport for zoom and scroll.

      You can also choose Expression Builder from the ViewportMaximum attribute's dropdown menu to enter an expression that returns the zoom and scroll behavior.