43 Creating a Sample Socket Transport Provider

This chapter describes how to build and run the sample socket transport provider. This sample and its source code are installed with Service Bus. The sample serves as an example implementation of a custom transport provider.

This chapter includes the following sections:

43.1 Sample Socket Transport Provider Design

The primary purpose of the sample socket transport provider is to serve as an example transport provider implementation. This publicly available sample demonstrates the implementation and configuration details of the Transport SDK.

43.1.1 Concepts Illustrated by the Sample

The sample transport is designed to send and receive streamed data to and from a configured TCP socket in Service Bus. The sample transport illustrates the following Transport SDK concepts:

  • Implementing the set of Transport SDK APIs that are required to build a custom transport.

  • Performing transport endpoint validations, such as checking that no socket endpoint is listening on the configured address.

  • Implementing several UI configuration options, including socket properties and message patterns.

  • Implementing a one-way or synchronous request-response message pattern.

  • Using POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) for metadata and headers of endpoint requests and responses.

  • Using streaming in Service Bus pipelines.

43.1.2 Basic Architecture of the Sample

Figure 43-1 shows the basic architecture of the sample socket transport provider. Any client can connect to the server socket. Data is received at the server socket and passes through the pipeline. The response comes back through the outbound transport. The response is finally sent back to the inbound transport and back to the client.

Figure 43-1 Sample Socket Transport Architecture

Description of Figure 43-1 follows
Description of "Figure 43-1 Sample Socket Transport Architecture "

43.1.3 Configuration Properties

Figure 43-2 illustrates the configuration properties for the transport endpoint. These properties are configured in the schema file, SocketTransport.xsd. For the location of this file, see Sample Location and Directory Structure .. This file allows you to extend the basic set of properties defined in the common schema provided with the SDK. Refer to the SocketTransport.xsd file for information on each of the properties.


For more information about these configuration properties, see Step 4. Define Transport-Specific Artifacts .

Figure 43-2 SocketEndpointConfiguration Properties

Description of Figure 43-2 follows
Description of "Figure 43-2 SocketEndpointConfiguration Properties"

Also in the SocketTransport.xsd file are the request and response header and metadata properties, as illustrated in Figure 43-3. Refer to the SocketTransport.xsd file for more information about these properties.

Figure 43-3 Request and Response Header and Metadata Configurations

Description of Figure 43-3 follows
Description of "Figure 43-3 Request and Response Header and Metadata Configurations "

43.2 Sample Location and Directory Structure

This section briefly describes some of the key folders in the sample project. You can use this directory structure as a model for developing your custom transport provider. The sample socket transport provider is installed with Service Bus and is located in the following directory: OSB_ORACLE_HOME/samples/servicebus/sample-transport.

Table 43-1 lists and briefly describes key sample-transport directories.

Table 43-1 Key Sample Transport Provider Directories

Directory Description


This directory is created when you build the sample socket transport. It contains the built and packaged transport for use in Service Bus.


This directory contains these internationalization files. There is one of each file for each supported locale.

SocketTransportMessages.xml: The configuration file for messages that are displayed on the Oracle Service Bus Console.

SocketTransportTextMessages.xml: The configuration file for custom transport field names and their descriptions.


This directory contains these application deployment descriptor files:

application.xml: J2EE application descriptor file

weblogic-application.xml: WebLogic application descriptor file


This directory contains one file, transport-socket.xml, which specifies the fully-qualified class name and the name and location of its library JAR file.


This directory contains the socket transport provider configuration file used by the Transport SDK, which is named SocketConfig.xml. It also includes sample help files for the transport.


This directory contains the relevant schemas defined for this transport, in this case, SocketTransport.xsd. This file describes the socket endpoint request and response metadata and headers.


This directory contains the source tree of the sample transport.


This directory includes a testing utility for the sample transport provider, along with the source tree for the test server and client.


This directory contains the deployment descriptors required for the sample transport help web application.

The following Ant build files are also located in the sample-transport directory:

  • build.properties – Properties file for Ant.

  • build.xml – An Ant build file with different targets for compile, build, stage, and deploy.

43.3 Building and Deploying the Sample

Perform the steps provided in this section in the order given to build and deploy the sample transport provider.

43.3.1 How to Set Up the Environment

A script is provided in the Service Bus domain to configure the environment for building the sample.

To set up the environment:

  1. Create a new domain or use one of the preconfigured domains installed with Service Bus.
  2. Set the domain environment by running the following script:

    DOMAIN_HOME/bin/setDomainEnv.cmd (or setDomainEnv.sh on a UNIX system)

43.3.2 How to Build the Sample Transport Provider

Once you set the environment configuration, you can build the transport using the Ant build files provided in the sample-transport directory.

To build the sample transport provider:

  1. In a command window, navigate to OSB_ORACLE_HOME/samples/servicebus/sample-transport.
  2. Run the following command:
    ant build

    This command compiles the source files in OSB_ORACLE_HOME/samples/servicebus/sample-transport/build.

  3. After the transport builds successfully, run the following command:
    ant stage

    This copies sock_transport.ear and sock_transport.jar to OSB_ORACLE_HOME/lib/transports and copies transport-socket.xml to OSB_ORACLE_HOME/config/plugins.

43.3.3 How to Deploy the Sample Transport Provider

The sockets sample also provides automated scripts for you to deploy the sample transport provider to the WebLogic Server. Once the sample is built and staged successfully, you can run the deploy command.

To deploy the sample transport provider:

  1. Set the following variables in sample-transport/build.properties:
  2. Deploy the transport provider on the server by running the following command:
    ant deploy

43.3.4 Registering the Sample Transport Provider With JDeveloper

If you want to be able to create or import projects in JDeveloper using the sample socket transport provider, you need to modify the transport registration file.

To register the sample transport provider with JDeveloper:

  1. Navigate to /MW_HOME/osb/config/plugins.
  2. Open transport-socket.xml in an XML or text editor.
  3. In the transport element, add the following attributes:

    The final file should look like this:

    <plugin xmlns="http://www.bea.com/alsb/offline/extensions">
            <library name='lib/transports/sock_transport.jar'/>
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Restart JDeveloper if it is running.

43.4 Creating a Socket Transport Sample Project

The sample consists of a test server and a test client. The client sends a message to the server. You configure Service Bus to receive and process the message.

Perform the tasks in this section in the order given. These instructions are for creating the sample project in the Oracle Service Bus Console, but you can do this in JDeveloper as well.

43.4.1 Creating the Project

The first step to creating the sample is to create the actual project that will contain the Service Bus resources.

To create the project:

  1. Start the Oracle Service Bus Console and either create a new session or edit an existing one.
  2. In the Project Navigator, right-click All Projects, point to Create, and select Project.
  3. On the Create a New Project dialog, enter SocketTest in the Resource Name field.
  4. Click Create.

    The new project appears in the Project Definition Editor.

43.4.2 Creating the Business Service

In the sample project, you create a business service to talk to the server.

To create the business service:

  1. In the Project Navigator, right-click the SocketTest project, point to Create, and select Business Service.

    The Create Business Service wizard appears.

    Figure 43-4 Create Business Service Wizard

    Description of Figure 43-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 43-4 Create Business Service Wizard"
  2. In the Resource Name field, enter SocketBS.
  3. In the Transport field, select socket. Click Next.
  4. For the Service Type, select Any XML Service, and click Next.
  5. In the Endpoint URI field, change the default URI to tcp://localhost:7031.
  6. Click Create.

    The business service appears in the Business Service Definition Editor. You can click the different subtabs to view the configuration.

  7. Click Save.

43.4.3 Creating the Proxy Service

In this section, you create a proxy service to accept messages from the client.

To create the proxy service:

  1. In the Project Navigator, right-click the SocketTest project, point to Create, and select Proxy Service.

    The Create Proxy Service wizard appears.

    Figure 43-5 Create Proxy Service Wizard

    Description of Figure 43-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 43-5 Create Proxy Service Wizard"
  2. In the Resource Name field, enter SocketProxy.
  3. In the Transport field, select socket. Click Next.
  4. For the Service Type, select Any XML Service, and click Next.
  5. In the Endpoint URI field, change the default URI to 7032.
  6. Click Create.

    The proxy service appears in the Proxy Service Definition Editor. You can click the different subtabs to view the configuration.

  7. Click Save.

43.4.4 Creating the Pipeline

Now that the business and proxy services are defined, you can create a pipeline to route incoming messages to the business service.

To create the pipeline:

  1. In the Project Navigator, right-click the SocketTest project, point to Create, and select Pipeline.

    The Create Pipeline dialog appears.

  2. In the Pipeline Name field, enter SocketPipeline.
  3. For the Service Type, select Any XML Service.
  4. Deselect Expose as Proxy Service.

    Figure 43-6 Create Pipeline Dialog

    Description of Figure 43-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 43-6 Create Pipeline Dialog"
  5. Click Create.

    The pipeline appears in the Pipeline Definition Editor. You can click the different subtabs to view the configuration.

  6. Click the Open Message Flow icon in upper right section of the editor.

    The Edit Message Flow window appears.

  7. Click the SocketPipeline icon and select Add Route from the menu, as shown in Figure 43-8.

    Figure 43-8 Editing the Message Flow

    Description of Figure 43-8 follows
    Description of "Figure 43-8 Editing the Message Flow"
  8. Click the RouteNode1 icon and select Edit Route.
  9. In the Edit Stage Configuration window, click Add an Action and select Communication > Routing, as shown in Figure 43-9.

    Figure 43-9 Adding an Action

    Description of Figure 43-9 follows
    Description of "Figure 43-9 Adding an Action"
  10. Next to Route to, select <Service>.
  11. In the Select Service window, select SocketBS from the list, and click Submit.
  12. In the Edit Stage Configuration window, click Save.
  13. Optionally, click the RouteNode1 icon, change the name to SocketBS, and then click Save.
  14. Click Save again.

    You are returned to the Pipeline Definition Editor.

43.4.5 Connecting the Proxy Service and Pipeline

In this section, you configure the proxy service to send messages to the pipeline you created.

To connect the proxy service and pipeline:

  1. In the Project Navigator, click the SocketProxy proxy service.

    The Proxy Service Definition Editor appears.

  2. On the General subtab of the Configuration tab, click Choose a Service Resource by the Target Name field.
  3. On the Search and Select dialog, enter SocketPipeline in the Name field and click Search.
  4. Select the pipeline in the results list, and then click OK.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Activate to deploy the new resources to the WebLogic Server.

43.5 Testing the Socket Transport Provider

You can test the socket transport provider using the client and server tools provided with the sample files, and you can test project components using the Test Console in the Oracle Service Bus Console.

43.5.1 Using the Sample Server and Client for Testing

The sample project includes a simple socket server and a client to test the socket transport provider. First you need to start the sample server and client, and then you can work with the Test Console to test the transport provider. Starting the Sample External Service

Run the following command from the sample-transport directory to start the test server, which is a server socket that listens on a specified port and receives and sends the messages.

java -classpath .\test\build\test-client.jar -Dfile-encoding=utf-8
-Drequest-encoding=utf-8 com.bea.alsb.transports.sample.test.TestServer 7031

7031 is the port number in the business service endpoint URI, where ServerSocket is listening. The file and request encoding indicate the encoding of the request and response. message-file-location is the path and name of the message file to send as a response to the business service.

If the server is started successfully, a message appears indicating that it is started and listening on a socket. If you specify a file to process, the text of the file appears in the command window. Starting the Sample Initiating Service

Run the following command to start the initiating socket service, which is a client to the configured socket proxy service. It sends a message and receives the response from Service Bus.

java -classpath .\test\build\test-client.jar -Dfile-encoding=utf-8
-Dresponse-encoding=utf-8 com.bea.alsb.transports.sample.test.TestClient
<host-name> <port> <thread-ct> <message-file-location>


  • host-name is the host name on which the Service Bus server is located.

  • port is the port number at which the proxy service is listening (7032, in our example).

  • thread-ct is the number of clients that can send a message to Service Bus.

  • message-file-location (optional) is the location of the message file to send as a response to the business service.

  • file-encoding is an optional argument specifying the encoding of the file. The default is utf-8.

  • response-encoding is the encoding of the response received from the socket proxy service. The default is utf-8.

43.5.2 Using the Test Console

In this section you test the transport provider using the Oracle Service Bus Console.

To test using the Test Console:

  1. Start the test server, as explained previously in Starting the Sample External Service .
  2. In the Project Navigator, click SocketPipeline to open it in the Pipeline Definition Editor.
  3. In the upper right portion of the editor, click the Launch Test Console icon.

    The Test Console appears in a new browser window.

  4. In the Test Console, enter any valid XML stanza in the text area, or use the Browse button to select a valid XML file on the local system.

    Figure 43-10 Testing the Sample Transport Provider in the Test Console

    Description of Figure 43-10 follows
    Description of "Figure 43-10 Testing the Sample Transport Provider in the Test Console"
  5. Click Execute. If the test is successful, information similar that shown in Figure 43-11 appears in the Test Console. In addition, the XML text input into the Test Console is echoed in the server console.

    Figure 43-11 Successful Sample Transport Provider Test

    Description of Figure 43-11 follows
    Description of "Figure 43-11 Successful Sample Transport Provider Test"
  6. Close the Test Console.