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Create a WTC Queuing Bridge Redirection

Configuration Options     Related Tasks     Related Topics

Use this page to create a new WTC queuing bridge redirection.

Configuration Options

Name Description

The name of this redirection.


The direction of data flow. At least one redirection must be specified or the Tuxedo queuing bridge will fail to start and an error will be logged.

Each defined direction is handled by starting a new thread.

Redirection keywords:

  • JmsQ2TuxQ

    - From JMS to TUXEDO /Q

  • TuxQ2JmsQ

    - From TUXEDO /Q to JMS

  • JmsQ2TuxS

    - From JMS to TUXEDO Service reply to JMS

  • JmsQ2JmsQ

    - From JMS to JMS

MBean Attribute:

Translation Type

The type of XML/FML translation.

NO indicates that no data translation is performed. FLAT indicates that the message payload is transformed using the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector translator. WLXT indicates that translation is performed by the XML-to-non-XML WebLogic XML Translator (WLXT).

Note: WLXT is not supported for this release.

MBean Attribute:

Reply Q

The name of the JMS queue used specifically for synchronous calls to a Tuxedo service. The response is returned to the JMS ReplyQ.

MBean Attribute:

Source Access Point

The name of the local or remote access point where the source is located.

MBean Attribute:

Source Qspace

The name of the Qspace for a source location.

MBean Attribute:

Source Name

The name of a source queue or service. Specifies a JMS queue name, a Tuxedo queue name, or the name of a Tuxedo service.

MBean Attribute:

Target Access Point

The name of the local or remote access point where the target is located.

MBean Attribute:

Target Qspace

The name of the Qspace for a target location.

MBean Attribute:

Target Name

The name of the target queue or service. Specifies a JMS queue name, a Tuxedo queue name, or the name of a Tuxedo service.

MBean Attribute:

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