3.1.7 Extending the WsdlSelectionPage

Many adapter wizards (such as wizards for the File, FTP, AQ, MQ, and JMS adapters) provide the user the option to select a existing WSDL, portType, and operation rather than generating a default WSDL Picking an operation essentially defines the schema that will be used by the adapter.

However, selecting an existing WSDL is not supported by adapters that supply or generate their own schemas (for example, the DB, B2B, BAM, and Oracle Application adapters generate their own schemas).

Some adapter wizards are a mix of the two: if an existing WSDL is selected, then certain operations that have required schemas are disabled.

If your adapter needs to support existing WSDLs, you need to create a class that extends WsdlSelectionPage.

See CustomWsdlSelectionPage for an example. There are three abstract methods that must be implemented to extend this class:

  • boolean adapterSupportsSynchRead(). Returns true if the adapter has a sync read option. This enables WSDL operations with an output element to be selected on the WsdlSelection page.

  • boolean adapterSupportsCallback(). Returns true if the adapter can have a callback (inbound or outbound). If true, the WsdlSelection page enables the user to choose two port types.

  • createPagesForOperation(). Enables you to add new wizard pages after the user chooses the WSDL operation.


Subsequent wizard pages must disable operations and features that are not supported by the selected operation. For example, with the File and FTP adapters, if the operation selected has an output element, all operations on the Operation page must be disabled except the Synchronous Read operation. See additional details under JcaOperationPage.

When an existing WSDL is selected, the adapter framework still generates a WSDL, but rather than generating port types, operations, messages, and schemas in the WSDL, the framework imports the WSDL the user has selected. A wrapper WSDL that will import the selected WSDL. It only contains the import and the partnerlinkTypes.

Generating a wrapper WSDL is similar in approach to that of BPEL when the user selects a WSDL that does not have a partnerLinkType.

The adapter wrapper WSDL also defines partnerLinkTypes and can define a header message that is not available in the user-selected WSDL