What's New in This Guide for Release 12c (12.2.1)

The following topics introduce the new and changed features of ADF Faces and other significant changes, which are described in this guide.

New and Changed Features for Release 12c (12.2.1)

Oracle Fusion Middleware Release 12c (12.2.1) of Oracle JDeveloper and Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF) includes the following new and changed development features, which are described in this guide.

  • Now you handle the new ADF beforeunload event in an ADF client listener when you want to control navigation away from a page by displaying a native browser confirmation dialog to confirm the navigation. For more information, see How to Use an ADF Client Listener to Control Navigating Away From a JSF Page.

  • Now you can specify negative numbers in the af:convertNumber tag using client-side conversion. For more information, see How to Specify Negative Numbers for Converters.

  • Now you can use code completion and enhanced error message functionality in the codeEditor component. For more information, see Using Code Editor.

  • Now you can control the behavior for tabbing out and clicking out side an LOV component using the new ADF Faces context parameter lov-show-searchdialog-onerror context parameter. For more information, see About List-of-Values Components.

  • Now you can arrange ADF Faces components dynamically using the masonryLayout component. The masonryLayout treats each component as a tile, which can be resized, reordered, and manipulated. For more information, see Displaying Contents in a Dynamic Grid Using a masonryLayout Component.

  • Now you can define a contentDelivery attribute on the inputComboboxListOfValues component to control when content is delivered to the dropdown list of the component. For more information, see How to Use the InputComboboxListOfValues Component.

  • Now you can view saved searches in the Query component alphabetically, and they are case-insensitive. For more information, see Using Query Components.

  • Now the session timeout mechanism determines if the client is still active by detecting the last keyboard or mouse event and comparing to the ADF Faces WARNING_BEFORE_TIMEOUT interval. For more information, see Session Timeout Warning.

  • The ADF DVT area, bar, combination, line, and scatter charts now support cartesian and polar coordinate systems. These client-side charts are recommended over the legacy server-side radar and polar graphs. Area, bar, and line charts now support a horizontal display, and pie charts can be configured in a ring or donut display. For more information, see Using Chart Components .

  • A new chart component, the ADF DVT funnel chart, is now available. The funnel chart represents data related to steps in a process. Use to compare actual versus target values or to compare values in a sequence of steps in a vertical or horizontal display. The client-side funnel chart is recommended over the legacy server-side funnel graph. For more information, see Using Chart Components .

  • ADF DVT chart and gauge components now support active data support (ADS). For more information, see Active Data Support.

  • A new data visualization component, the ADF DVT NBox, is now available. The NBox is an interactive data visualization tool that allows users to view data displayed in a grid across two dimensions, each dimension representing a range of data. Customizable nodes representing data items are displayed in the cells formed by the intersection of the two dimensions. For more information, see Using NBox Components.

  • A new data visualization component, the ADF DVT diagram, is now available. The diagram produces an interactive component that you can use to model, represent, and visualize information using a shape called a node to represent data and links to represent relationships between the nodes. Use diagrams when you want to highlight both the data objects and the relationship between them. For more information, see Using Diagram Components .

  • For a timeline item in an ADF DVT timeline component, you can now configure a span or duration of time instead of a specific instance of time. For more information, see Configuring a Timeline Duration.

  • ADF DVT Gantt charts menus and menu items can now be customized. For more information, see Customizing Gantt Chart Toolbars and Menus and Creating Custom Toolbar and Menu Items.

  • ADF DVT thematic map components can be configured to retrieve geographic data from any data source including a database or an eLocation service such as Oracle MapViewer or geocoder service using any file type. For more information, see Defining a Custom Basemap Using Map Provier APIs.

  • For an ADF DVT sunburst component, the other node threshold can now be specified as a percentage of the sunburst total. For more information, see How to Configure the Treemap and Sunburst Other Node.

  • Now you can specify a list of origins that are allowed to frame documents in your application. To do this, use the org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.security.FRAME_BUSTING context parameter set to whitelist and the oracle.adf.view.ALLOWED_ORIGINS context parameter. For more information, see Framebusting.

Other Significant Changes in this Document for Release 12c (12.2.1)

For Release 12c (12.2.1), this document has been updated in several ways, to include corrections and clarifications. In addition, the following significant changes or additions have occurred in these sections: