4 Reviewing and editing documents

Whether you are working with documents at a production or small batch level, most likely you will need to review and adjust them in the document pane. This chapter describes how to review and update documents before releasing them for indexing, further processing, or writing to a content repository.

This chapter covers the following main topics:

4.1 Reviewing documents and pages

This section covers the following topics:

4.1.1 Automatically reviewing and indexing documents after capturing them

After you scan or import a batch, its properties are displayed by default in the right pane. You can set a preference so that the document pane is automatically displayed instead, with the first page in the first document of the batch selected.

  1. Click the drop-down list arrow in the upper right corner of the window and select Preferences. The Preferences window displays.
  2. Select the Auto Review/Index batch after scanning field.

4.1.2 Zooming in and out of the selected page

Use the Zoom In, Zoom Out, Fit to Height, Fit to Width, and Fit to Window buttons to enlarge or reduce the image in the viewer to examine image quality. These settings are not saved with the batch. When you open a batch, its images are always displayed in the Fit to Window size.

  • In the document pane, click the Zoom In button to enlarge the image. Click the Zoom Out button to reduce the image.

  • Another way to zoom is to click and drag a rectangular area on the image using the left mouse button (rubberband zooming).

  • Click the Fit to Height button to change the page display so that the entire height fits in the window.

  • Click the Fit to Width button to change the page display so that the entire width fits in the window.

  • At any point, click the Fit to Window button to display the entire image in the viewer.

4.1.3 Resizing or repositioning the thumbnail display

You can display the scrollable thumbnail bar either vertically (default) or horizontally. To resize the panes, click and drag the pane separator (Resizing the window panes).

After you resize or reposition the thumbnail display, Capture saves the new settings for subsequent sessions.

  1. In the document pane, click the Thumbnail size button in the toolbar.
  2. Select Small, Medium, or Large, and the thumbnail size changes to reflect your new selection.
  3. Click the View thumbnails horizontally/vertically button to switch the display to horizontal or vertical thumbnails, if desired.

4.1.4 Printing a page

To print a scanned or imported page:

  1. In the document pane, select the page to be printed by selecting its thumbnail.
  2. Click the Print Page button. In the Print window, select the printer and configure settings as needed. The page is printed.

4.1.5 Viewing a document or an attachment in associated application

To view a non-image document or a non-image attachment in an associated application, you can either:
  • Right click a document or an attachment and select View document in associated application from the context menu.

  • Select the document or attachment in the batch pane and click View document in associated application from the document pane's toolbar.

4.1.6 Viewing file information

Select the document or attachment in the batch pane and click the Show File Information button from the document pane's toolbar to view information about a document or attachment. For image documents or image attachments, select a page in the document pane to display information about the page. The File Information window is displayed listing the following details about the file or page:

Table 4-1 File Information

Property Description

System Identification

The file attributes listed under this group are:
  • Workspace

  • Workspace ID

  • Batch Name

  • Batch ID

  • Document ID

  • Attachment ID

  • Item ID

Note: The Document ID attribute is displayed only for documents and the Attachment ID attribute is displayed only for attachments.


The file attributes listed under this group are:
  • System File Type

  • File Name

  • Original File Name

  • File Location

  • Size

  • Date modified

Note: The Original File Name attribute is displayed only for non-image files.


The file attributes listed under this group are:
  • Format

  • Author

  • Compression

  • Color bit depth

  • Width

  • Height

  • Resolution - Horizontal

  • Resolution - Vertical

  • Photometric Interpretation

  • Bits per sample

Note: The Image property group is displayed only for image files. The following attributes are displayed only for TIFF images: Author, Photometric Interpretation, and Bits per sample.

Tiff Tags

Displays tag numbers and tag values. This property is displayed only for TIFF image files.

Click the Copy to Clipboard button in the File Information window to copy the entire set of file attributes to the Windows clipboard.

4.1.7 Finding a document

Perform the following steps to find a document within a batch where a displayed metadata field matches the criteria in the Find field:
  1. You can either select the document in the batch pane and click Find Document from the batch pane's toolbar or right click the document and select Find Document from the context menu. A horizontal toolbar with the Find Document options is displayed in the batch pane above the metadata pane.
  2. Enter a value to search in the Find field. The search is case sensitive.
  3. In the Options drop-down list select one of the following options:
    • Blank Required Fields: To find blank required fields.

    • Use wildcards: To specify wildcard characters in the Find field. Use ? as a wildcard to match any single character. Use * as a wildcard to match zero, one, or more characters.

  4. To start the search, either press the ENTER key in the Find field or click Find Next or Find Previous. The search starts at the next metadata field after the current metadata field.
  5. The document on which the search value is found is displayed. If no documents are found, the message “No documents found” is displayed.
    You can optionally continue to search by clicking the Find Previous or Find Next icons. Click the Close Find Toolbar icon to close the Find toolbar.

4.2 Editing documents and pages

This section covers the following topics:

4.2.1 Increasing an image's quality

Many scanners have capabilities to improve black/white image quality using features such as noise removal and dynamic thresholding. Review your scanner's documentation to optimize image quality when scanning in black/white.

Follow these steps to increase image quality:

  1. Make sure the scanner is operating optimally as described in its documentation (for example, ensure that the glass is clean).
  2. In the batch pane, click the left side of the Capture Settings/Source button and adjust the available scanner settings (for example, adjust brightness and contrast for scanning). Note that a client profile may restrict you from changing some scanner settings such as DPI resolution and color.
  3. If needed, contact your Capture workspace manager to request that scanner settings such as DPI or brightness and contrast be adjusted for the client profile.

4.2.2 Moving a page to another document

To move a page within a document or to another document, drag and drop the page's thumbnail to the new location.

Note: If you drag the only remaining page in a document to another document, the document is automatically removed.

4.2.3 Duplicating one or more pages of a document

Follow these steps to duplicate one or more pages of a document to a new document:
  1. Select one or more pages of an image document and either click Duplicate from the document pane's toolbar or right click the document and select Duplicate from the context menu.
    The Duplicate window is displayed.
  2. Select the Selected Pages option.
  3. Specify the number of copies to be created in the Number of Copies field. The default value is 1 and the maximum value is 10.
  4. Select the Keep Metadata Values field if you want the duplicated document(s) to have the same document profile and metadata values as the source document.
  5. Click OK.
    The duplicated document(s) that are newly created using the selected pages are inserted immediately after the source document in the batch/document list tree.

4.2.4 Rotating or flipping a page

To rotate or flip pages:

  1. In the Document pane, select the thumbnails of one or more pages to rotate or flip.

    Hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple thumbnails. If you scanned an entire batch upside down, press Ctrl+A to select all pages before selecting the Flip option described in the next step.

  2. Click one of the rotate buttons. Rotating or flipping a page saves it that way within the batch.
    • Click Rotate Left to rotate images 90 degrees counterclockwise.

    • Click Rotate Right to rotate images 90 degrees clockwise.

    • Click Flip to rotate images by 180 degrees.

4.3 Creating and removing documents

This section covers the following topics:

4.3.1 Splitting a document and creating a new document

For example, suppose you realize that certain pages belong to another customer and need to be in a separate document.

  1. Select the page at which to create a new document.
  2. From the document pane toolbar, click the Create New Document button.

    A new document that starts with the current page and includes all pages below it until the next document is created.

4.3.2 Removing a document separation

Follow these steps to remove a document separation, which appends the selected document's pages to the previous document. To delete a document and its pages instead, see Deleting a document and its pages.

  1. Select the document to merge with its previous document.

    If you select the first document in a batch, you are prompted to delete the document because it has no previous document.

  2. Click the Remove/Delete Documents button.

    Figure 4-1 Deleting a Document or Removing a Document Separation

    Description of
    Description of "Figure 4-1 Deleting a Document or Removing a Document Separation"
  3. When prompted, select the option to remove the separation and click OK. The document is merged with its previous document.

4.3.3 Deleting a document and its pages

Follow these steps to delete a document and its pages.

  1. Select the document to delete.

    You can select the document in the batch pane or select one of its thumbnails in the document pane.

  2. Click the Remove/Delete Documents button in the document pane's toolbar.
  3. When prompted, select the option to delete the document and click OK.

4.3.4 Duplicating a document

Follow these steps to duplicate a document:
  1. You can either select the document in the batch pane and click Duplicate from the document pane's toolbar or right click the document and select Duplicate from the context menu.
    The Duplicate window is displayed.
  2. Select the Current Document option.
  3. Specify the number of copies to be created in the Number of Copies field. The default value is 1 and the maximum value is 10.
  4. Select the Keep Metadata Values field if you want the duplicated document(s) to have the same document profile and metadata values as the selected source document.
  5. Click OK.

    The newly created duplicated document(s) are inserted immediately after the currently selected source document in the batch/document list tree.

To duplicate one or more pages of a document, see Duplicating one or more pages of a document

4.4 Creating and removing attachments

This section covers the following topics:

4.4.1 Creating a new attachment when appending pages

You can create a new attachment when appending pages to a document or attachment by scanning pages or importing files. Note that you can append an attachment to a batch that contains non-image items, but you cannot append pages to a non-image document or attachment. To append:
  1. 1. If needed, press Ctrl+Alt+S and set a capture source (Selecting a scanner to use for Capture scanning). If scanning, place pages to append in the scanner.
  2. In the batch or document pane, select the document or attachment to append to.
  3. From the document pane’s toolbar, click the Append Pages button.
  4. In the Append Pages window, select the Create new attachment option. If importing, specify whether to create one attachment for all import files or an attachment for each file and then select files to import when prompted. Click OK.

4.4.2 Splitting an attachment and creating a new attachment

To create a new attachment:
  1. From the source attachment, select the page at which to create a new attachment.
  2. From the document pane toolbar, click the Create New Attachment button.
    A new attachment that starts with the current page and includes all pages below it is created and listed below the source attachment in the batch pane.


You can perform this task only for image attachments.

4.4.3 Deleting an attachment and its pages

To delete an attachment and its pages:
  1. Select the attachment to delete.
    You can select the attachment in the batch pane or select one of its thumbnails in the document pane.
  2. Click the Remove/Delete Attachments button in the document pane's toolbar.
  3. Click Yes to delete the selected attachment and all its pages.

4.5 Adding, replacing, and deleting pages

This section covers the following topics:

Note that you can edit individual pages in image documents or image attachments only. When editing non-image documents or non-image attachments, toolbar options for editing individual pages are disabled.

4.5.1 Inserting pages before a selected page

You can add to an image document or image attachment by scanning pages or importing files. To insert:

  1. If needed, press Ctrl+Alt+S and set a capture source (Selecting a scanner to use for Capture scanning). If scanning, place pages to insert in the scanner.
  2. In the document pane, select the thumbnail page before which to insert pages.
  3. From the document pane's toolbar, click the Insert Pages button. If importing, select one or more files to insert.

    The pages or files are inserted before the selected thumbnail's page.

4.5.2 Appending pages to a document or attachment

You can append to a document or attachment by scanning pages or importing files. Note that you can append a document or attachment to a batch that contains non-image items, but you cannot append pages to a non-image document or attachment. To append:

  1. If needed, press Ctrl+Alt+S and set a capture source (Selecting a scanner to use for Capture scanning). If scanning, place pages to append in the scanner.
  2. In the batch or document pane, select the document or attachment to append to.
  3. From the document pane's toolbar, click the Append Pages button.


    The Create new document option is disabled if appending to an attachment.
  4. In the Append Pages window, select an append option and click OK.

    Figure 4-2 Appending Pages or Creating a New Document

    Description of
    Description of "Figure 4-2 Appending Pages or Creating a New Document"

    You can either:

    • Append the scanned pages or imported file to the end of the selected document or attachment.

    • Create a new document. If importing, specify whether to create one document for all import files or a document for each file, then select files to import when prompted.

    • Create a new attachment. If importing, specify whether to create one attachment for all import files or an attachment for each file, then select files to import when prompted.

    Based on your selections, the pages or files are appended or added in one or more new documents or attachments.

4.5.3 Replacing a page

You might want to replace a page in an image document or image attachment if a problem occurred while scanning and only half of the page was scanned. To replace a page:

  1. If needed, press Ctrl+Alt+S and set a capture source (Selecting a scanner to use for Capture scanning). If scanning, place the replacement page in the scanner.
  2. In the document pane, select the thumbnail of the page to replace.
  3. From the document pane's toolbar, click the Replace Page button.
  4. Click Yes to confirm that you are deleting the selected page and replacing it with the page(s) you are scanning or importing. If importing, select one or more files to replace the selected page.

4.5.4 Deleting a page

To delete one or more pages in an image document or image attachment:

  1. In the document pane, select the thumbnails of pages to delete. Hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple thumbnails.
  2. Click the Delete Pages button and confirm the deletion.