2 Getting Started with Capture

This chapter describes how to get started using the Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture client. First the basics of Capture are introduced, including how Capture works with batches, documents, attachments, and profiles. After starting the client application, you learn how to navigate its panes. Lastly, you identify your Capture role by learning the main ways users use the client to scan, import, index, and work with document batches.

This chapter covers the following main topics:

2.1 Understanding Capture basics

This section describes what you need to know about Capture to start using it.

2.1.1 About the Capture client

The Capture client is Capture's user application for:

  • Scanning and importing (capturing) documents

  • Reviewing, editing, and indexing documents

  • Releasing documents so that they can be further processed, checked into a content repository, or attached to business application records

The Capture client is installed and launched as a native desktop application that does not require a web browser.

2.1.2 About batches and documents

Batches and documents are the primary drivers of work in Capture.

  • As a client user, you scan or import groups of pages in batches using a client profile, which is defined by an administrator known as a Capture workspace manager. See About client profiles.

  • A batch contains one or more documents, which may be related (for example, multiple documents for a customer) or unrelated (for example, documents divided by separator sheets). A document may consist of scanned images or an electronic file such as a Microsoft Word or a PDF file. See Which document types you can scan or import into Capture.

  • A document contains zero or more attachments. An attachment may consist of images or an electronic file such as Microsoft Word or a PDF file.

  • A batch can be locked or unlocked. A lock icon displays when a batch is locked by you or another user. Releasing a batch removes the batch icon’s lock and depending on the client profile settings, frees the batch for another user or a system processor to work on. See About processing and releasing batches.

    Figure 2-1 Batches and Documents

    Description of
    Description of "Figure 2-1 Batches and Documents"
  • If the client profile includes indexing, each document can be assigned metadata (index) values. A customer document might be assigned metadata values such as a customer ID and name. Documents of different types in a batch typically have different sets of metadata fields available. A document profile identifies the set of metadata fields to complete for a selected document.

2.1.3 About client profiles

A client profile is a group of settings you select to instruct Capture how to scan, import, or index a batch's documents. A client profile controls such things as scanner settings, how documents are created and separated in the batch, whether metadata fields are available, and what happens next to batches after you release them.

2.1.4 Which document types you can scan or import into Capture

In Capture, a document consists of one of the following:

  • One or more images obtained from a scanner or imported from a file.

  • A non-image, electronic file such as a Microsoft Word or a PDF file. When you import non-image files, the client profile determines if they are retained in their original format, converted to an image format, or prevented from being imported.

2.1.5 Understanding whether you can capture and index batches

The selected client profile determines whether you can use it to capture documents only, capture and index documents, or index documents only. You can tell the client profile's type by the toolbar buttons and panes that display when you select a document in the batch pane:

  • If no metadata pane displays, the client profile is capture-only. Capture-only profiles do not include indexing.

  • If metadata fields display in the lower left pane and capture buttons display in the batch pane, the client profile is capture-and-index.

  • If metadata fields display in the lower left pane but no capture buttons display in the batch pane, the client profile is index-only. You can assign metadata values to documents in index-only batches, but cannot append, insert, or replace pages.

2.1.6 About processing and releasing batches

When you are done working on a batch's documents, you release the batch, which unlocks it from your use (if there are no release processes defined). If you selected an available release process and released batches, the next action performed on the batch depends on the selected release process. What happens next depends on the client profile settings:

  • The batch may be removed from the batch pane list and committed elsewhere such as to a content repository, or it may be placed in a queue for further processing such as document conversion or bar code recognition.

  • The batch may remain in the list but unlocked (no lock icon displays). This allows you or another user to lock the batch for use and make further changes.

2.2 Starting the Capture client

The first time you access the client, enter the web address in a browser, sign in using your user ID and password, and click the Install Client button to install the client application on your workstation. After the client application is installed on your workstation, start the Capture client in one of the following ways:

  • Enter a web address in a browser, sign in using your user ID and password, and click the Launch Client button in the browser to launch the client application on the workstation.

    For example, you might enter a URL with the following format in a browser address field:


  • Use the Start menu shortcut or desktop shortcut to launch the client application on the workstation.

  • Begin scanning in another application, such as a business application.

    For example, you might click a Scan button from a record in your business application, to scan a document and attach it to the selected business record.


When prompted, sign in to Capture by entering a user ID, a password, and a resolvable host name or IP address of the Capture server that is being accessed.

2.3 Navigating the Capture client

The Capture client provides a single window with three distinct work areas, or panes. You perform actions on batches, documents, attachments, and pages in these panes:

  • Batch pane

    The batch pane in the upper left is fixed, while its other panes change, depending on your selection in the batch pane's tree. See About the Batch pane.

    When you select a batch in the batch pane, batch information displays in the right pane to view or edit. For example, change the batch's status or priority, or include a note as a reminder or for others to view. See About the Batch Information pane.

  • Document pane

    When you select a document or a document’s attachment in the batch pane, the right pane displays the document pane, containing the batch's documents, their thumbnail images, and document options in a top toolbar. See About the Document pane.

  • Metadata pane

    The lower left pane, the metadata pane, displays metadata fields for indexing documents. Note that the metadata pane displays only when indexing is configured for the selected client profile. See About the Metadata pane.

Figure 2-2 Capture Client Window Displaying Batch, Document, and Metadata Panes

Description of
Description of "Figure 2-2 Capture Client Window Displaying Batch, Document, and Metadata Panes"

2.3.1 About the Batch pane

The batch pane always displays in the upper left pane, listing batches and their documents in a hierarchical batch list tree. Use the batch pane to select batches, documents, and attachments, and to perform actions on batches by clicking batch toolbar buttons above the tree.

Table 2-1 describes the batch pane toolbar buttons and keyboard shortcuts.

Table 2-1 Batch Pane Buttons and Keyboard Shortcuts

Batch Pane Buttons Button Name Shortcut Description

Client Profiles

Client Profiles


Select a profile to apply its settings when scanning or importing batches. A client profile must always be selected when creating, updating, or releasing batches.




Begin scanning or importing documents, using the selected client profile, capture settings, and capture source.

Capture Settings/ Capture Source

Capture Settings/

Capture Source

Ctrl+S (Settings)

Ctrl+Alt+S (Source)

This button has two functions:

  • Click its left side (Capture Settings) to change capture settings for the selected scanner or for the import source. Settings you select are saved for the client profile.

  • Click the triangle on its right side (Capture Source) to select a scanner or the import source as the capture source.

Unlock / Release


F10 (Unlock)

Ctrl+Alt+R (Release)

Click the Unlock button to unlock one or more selected batches, which synchronizes their data with the Capture server.

If there are one or more release processes defined for the client profile, choose a release process to be performed when releasing the batches and click the Release button.

Either the Unlock button or the Release button will be visible to the user. To switch between the Unlock and Release buttons, click the triangle next to one of these buttons.

Delete Batch

Delete Batch


Permanently remove one or more selected batches, including their documents and metadata.




Specify criteria to search for batches and filter the batch list. Filtering remains (even during batch refreshes) until you select the client profile again or clear the search criteria.

You can search based on batch name, creation date, status, priority, or processing state. Note that client profile settings can affect the batches displayed.

Refresh Batch List

Refresh Batch List


Reload the list of batches to reflect recent batch changes.

Note that filtering remains during batch refreshes.

Find Document

Find Document


Finds a document within a batch where a displayed metadata field matches the criteria in the Find field.

Find Previous

Find Previous


This is a Find toolbar icon. Click to find the previous document within a batch where a displayed metadata field matches the criteria in the Find field.

Find Next

Find Next


This is a Find toolbar icon. Click to find the next document within a batch where a displayed metadata field matches the criteria in the Find field.


Select First Document


Keyboard shortcut that selects the first document in the batch when a document is currently selected.


Select Last Document


Keyboard shortcut that selects the last document in the batch when a document is currently selected.

Table 2-2 describes batch list icons, which indicate whether you can work on a batch.

Table 2-2 Batch List Icons

Batch List Icon Icon Name Description

Locked to You

Locked to You

Indicates that the batch is locked to you, the user currently using the workstation.

You can have multiple batches locked and open to you at once. Other users cannot access these batches until you release them.

Locked to Another User

Locked to Another User

Indicates that the batch is locked by another user.

You cannot expand a batch that is locked by another user.



Indicates that the batch is unlocked and ready for you or another user to select it to work on.



Indicates that the batch is currently undergoing processing and cannot be accessed.

For example, depending on client profile settings, the batch's documents might be undergoing conversion, bar code recognition, or commit processing. You can click the Refresh Batch List button to check if the batch is still in the processing state.



Indicates that the batch contains one or more documents with errors. See Handling batch errors.

2.3.2 About the Document pane

Use the document pane to review and edit selected documents. This pane displays in the right pane whenever a document is selected in the batch pane. It displays details for the batch's documents, including a scrollable thumbnail view of document pages, in which:

  • The selected thumbnail's page also displays as an adjacent full page view, allowing you to carefully review pages and further magnify them if needed. A dotted outline indicates the selected thumbnail.

  • A light-colored bar between pages identifies the end of one document and the start of the next.

  • You can drag and drop thumbnails from image documents to move pages within or between documents.


    You cannot move pages contained in non-image documents.

Toolbar buttons along the top of the pane allow you to make changes to documents or their pages, as listed in Table 2-3. Note that a document must be selected to use keyboard shortcuts.

Table 2-3 Document Pane Buttons and Keyboard Shortcuts

Button Name Shortcut Description

Create New Document

Create New Document


Create a new document, using the current page and all pages below it, until the next document.

Remove/Delete Documents

Remove/Delete Documents


Depending on your selection, either:

  • Remove the selected document, adding its pages to the end of the previous document. (If the selected document is the first document in the batch, only an option to delete the document displays.) Note that removing a document also removes its metadata values.

  • Delete the selected document, including all of its pages, from the batch.

See Removing a document separation.

Create New Attachment

Create New Attachment


Create a new attachment, using the current page and all pages below it. This button is available when page 2 or greater is selected in a document attachment.

Remove/Delete Attachments

Remove/Delete Attachments


Delete the selected attachment, including all of its pages, from the batch.




Duplicates the selected document, page, or pages.

Insert Pages

Insert Pages


Scan or import new pages into the batch, inserting them before the selected page. See Inserting pages before a selected page.

  • If scanning, prompts you to scan one page or all pages in the feeder.

  • If importing, prompts you to specify files to import.

Append Pages

Append Pages


Scan or import pages to add to the batch. See Appending pages to a document.

  • If scanning, prompts you to scan one page or all pages in the feeder.

  • If importing, prompts you to specify files to import, and to add them to the end of the selected document or to create a new document.

Replace Page

Replace Page


Delete the selected page and replace it with the page you scan or import. See Replacing a page.

Delete Pages

Delete Pages


Delete one or more selected pages. See Deleting a page.

View document in associated application

View document in associated application


View a non-image document/attachment in its native application. See Viewing a document in associated application.

Database Lookup

Database Lookup


Perform a database search for the selected metadata field. This button is active only when configured for the metadata field. Enter a search value and click the Database Lookup toolbar button or press Ctrl+L. If multiple matching values display in a results list, select a value.

Zoom In

Zoom In


Increases the magnification of the selected page view. Click repeatedly to further zoom in.

Zoom Out

Zoom Out


Decreases the magnification of the selected page view. Click repeatedly to further zoom out.

Fit to Window

Fit to Window


Changes the page display so that the entire page fits in the window.

Fit to Height

Fit to Height


Changes the page display so that the entire height fits in the window.

Fit to Width

Fit to Width


Changes the page display so that the entire width fits in the window.

Rotate Left

Rotate Left


Rotates the selected page to the left 90 degrees. The page is saved as last rotated (applies to images only).

Rotate Right

Rotate Right


Rotates the selected page to the right 90 degrees. The page is saved as last rotated (applies to images only).




Rotates the selected page upside down 180 degrees. The page is saved as last rotated (applies to images only).

Print Page

Print Page


Prints the selected page to the selected printer.

Show File Information

Show File Information


Displays file information for the selected document.

View thumbnails horizontally/vertically

View thumbnails horizontally/vertically


Switches the thumbnail display between a vertical and horizontal orientation.

Thumbnail size

Thumbnail size


Displays thumbnails using a small, medium, or large view.


Next Document


Keyboard shortcut that selects the next document.


Previous Document


Keyboard shortcut that selects the previous document.


Next Page


Keyboard shortcut that moves the thumbnail selection to the next page.


Previous Page


Keyboard shortcut that moves the thumbnail selection to the previous page.


Display Document First Page


Keyboard shortcut that moves the thumbnail selection to the first page of the document. This shortcut works only when the cursor focus is in the thumbnail area.


Display Document Last Page


Keyboard shortcut that moves the thumbnail selection to the last page of the document. This shortcut works only when the cursor focus is in the thumbnail area.


Select All Document Pages

Ctrl + A

Keyboard shortcut that selects all thumbnail pages in the selected document. This shortcut works only when the cursor focus is in the thumbnail area.

2.3.3 About the Metadata pane

Use the metadata pane to index documents by completing their metadata values.

  • The metadata pane displays when the selected client profile includes indexing and a document is selected in either the batch or document pane.

  • Values you enter in the metadata fields apply to all pages in the selected document. To ensure standard input, metadata fields may use input masks or special formatting, numeric or date fields, choice lists, or database lookups, as described in Indexing documents. An asterisk indicates a required metadata field. See Understanding indexing.

    For example, you might enter an account number or look up a value from the database, which might auto populate related metadata fields.

  • Use the Document Profile field to identify the set of metadata fields to complete for the selected document.

    For example, a batch of customer documents might contain correspondence and customer agreement document profiles. While indexing, you would select a Correspondence document profile each time you encounter a correspondence document and complete its fields, then select the Customer Agreement document profile each time you encounter an agreement document.

  • To move between metadata fields using keyboard shortcuts, press Tab to move to the next metadata field, and Shift-Tab to move to the previous metadata field.

  • Use the Attachment Type field to change the attachment type for a selected attachment. This field is not available for capture-only profiles.

2.3.4 About the Batch Information pane

Whenever you select a batch in the left batch pane, batch information displays in the right pane. Use the batch information to add or edit notes about the batch, and change its status or priority. You can also view the name of the user who created the batch and when it was created and last modified. See Working with batches.

2.4 Capture client uses

This section introduces ways that production, knowledge, and business users use Capture.

Capture users typically fall into one of the following categories:

2.4.1 Scenario 1: Scanning and indexing documents

This scenario applies to both a production user assigned to scan entire boxes of paper document folders and a user who scans document batches on an occasional basis. Regardless, the user must know the client profiles to use for different types of document batches. For example, this user might select:

  • A client profile called Separator Pages to scan batches that have separator pages placed between documents.

  • A client profile called Simplex or Duplex to scan batches that are composed of only single or double-sided documents.

  • A client profile called Prompt that prompts the user to specify how documents are comprised.

Within the client, the user chooses a client profile configured for the type of batch to scan and begins capturing a batch. The user reviews and indexes each document, then unlocks or releases the batch. See Scanning documents for more information.

2.4.2 Scenario 2: Scanning documents only

In this case, the user's task is to scan batches of documents without indexing them. When scanning in Capture, a capture-only batch contains one document only, which may be separated into multiple documents and indexed later. For example, these batches may be later separated and indexed by users who index only (Scenario 4: Indexing documents only) or through an automated process such as bar code recognition or intelligent document recognition.

Within the client, the user chooses a client profile configured for capture only and begins capturing a batch. The user reviews each document, then unlocks or releases the batch. See Scanning documents for more information.

2.4.3 Scenario 3: Importing document files

This case involves creating batches by importing electronic files, either multiple image files or non-image files such as Microsoft Word or PDF files.

Within the client, the user chooses a client profile configured for the type of batch to import and begins capturing a batch by selecting files to import. The user reviews and indexes each document (if configured), then unlocks or releases the batch. See Importing documents for more information.

2.4.4 Scenario 4: Indexing documents only

In this case, the user's task is to assign metadata values to previously captured documents. For example, batches might have been scanned by production users, imported as electronic files, or imported as part of a bulk process.

Within the client, the user chooses an index-only client profile, then selects a batch to index. Typically, the batch list is filtered to display only batches that need indexing. If the documents are unorganized within the batch, all batch pages are assigned to the first document. The user creates new documents if needed. After indexing each document, the user unlocks or releases the batch. See Understanding indexing for more information.

2.4.5 Scenario 5: Scanning or importing documents via business application

This scenario begins from a business application rather than the Capture client. After completing customer entry fields, the user needs to scan or import a related document and attach it to the selected customer record.

The user clicks a Scan or Import button from a business application record. The client window displays and Capture immediately begins scanning or prompting for import, using the settings in a preselected client profile. Once captured, the batch is displayed. Often, metadata fields are automatically populated with values entered for the business application record.

Typically, the user reviews and indexes the documents, then releases the batch. The user returns to the business application record or another web page, and the document becomes attached to the business application record. See Scanning or importing from a business application for details.

2.5 Setting preferences

Use preferences to select scanning settings, accessibility features, logging options, and other settings. To view and edit Capture client preferences:

  1. Click the drop-down list arrow in the upper right corner of the window and select Preferences. The Preferences window displays.

    Figure 2-5 Preferences Window

    Description of
    Description of "Figure 2-5 Preferences Window"
  2. Set other preferences as needed.
  3. Click Save.

2.5.1 Resizing the window panes

You can resize the left and right panes as well as the batch and metadata panes. To resize, move the cursor over the pane separation. When the cursor changes to a double-headed arrow, click and drag to resize.

After resizing, the new dimensions are automatically saved and displayed the next time you open the client.