A Advanced Client Configuration

This section covers these topics:


This section deals with advanced configuration on your computer. Make sure that you consult with your system administrator to verify you are allowed to perform the tasks in this section.


For administrative Desktop tasks, see Managing Oracle WebCenter Content.

A.1 Setting Windows Explorer Integration Options

Desktop offers a number of advanced configuration options that enable you to fine-tune the way it works with Windows Explorer on your computer. To see the advanced options dialog, do the following:

  • Windows 7 and Windows Vista: Open Windows Explorer and then right-click the WebCenter Content Servers item in the folders list (not in your favorites list!) while simultaneously holding the Shift and Ctrl keys.


    Make sure all folders are shown in Windows Explorer (which is not the default): click Tools, then Folder Options, then General, and then Show all folders.

  • Windows XP: Open Windows Explorer and then right-click the WebCenter Content Servers item in the folders list while simultaneously holding the Shift and Ctrl keys. Alternatively, Shift+Ctrl+right-click the WebCenter Content Servers icon on the Windows desktop.

The context menu now includes an option called Properties.... Choose this option to open the Windows Explorer Integration Properties dialog (Figure A-1).

Figure A-1 Windows Explorer Integration Properties Dialog

Description of Figure A-1 follows
Description of "Figure A-1 Windows Explorer Integration Properties Dialog"


Modify these settings only if you know what you are doing or if specifically instructed to do so, for example by an Oracle support engineer. Changing these settings may break your Desktop client installation!


Your system administrator may have set up your computer to prevent you from making any changes to the configuration settings in this dialog. If that is the case, you can change a setting, but the changes will not "stick" after you click OK.

Element Description

Windows Explorer Integration logging

Select this check box if you want errors that occur during software execution to be written to a log file. This may be useful for troubleshooting and diagnostic purposes. The log file is called WebDAVClient.log, and it is located in the Windows temp directory (as defined by the %TEMP% system variable).

Maximum log file size (MB)

Specify the maximum file size that the Windows Explorer integration log file is allowed to have (in megabytes). After the log file exceeds this size limit, it is deleted and a new log file is started.

Application Integration logging

Select this check box if you want normal Desktop operations, such as program calls and the like, to be written to a log file. This can be useful for troubleshooting and diagnostic purposes. The log file is called DIS_Log.log, and it is located in the Windows temp directory (as defined by the %TEMP% system variable). There is no size limit to this log file other than any dictated by the file system.

IdcClient.ocx logging

Select this check box if you want the IdcClient operations to be written to a log file. This can be useful for troubleshooting and diagnostic purposes. The IdcClient handles communications with content servers. The log file is called IdcClient.log, and it is located in the Windows temp directory (as defined by the %TEMP% system variable). There is no size limit to this log file other than any dictated by the file system.

View Log...

Click any of these buttons to view their associated log file.

Open files with URLs in native characters instead of %XX UTF8 format

Select this check box if you want URLs to be encoded in the operating system's native encoding (for example, Big-5) rather than Unicode.

Use %XX format

Select this check box to encode all URL bytes in the %XX escaped format, except for the following characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 ! # $ & ' ( ) + - . ; = _.

Use WebDAV URL when opening files with the following extensions

Select this check box if you want files with the specified file extensions to be opened using WebDAV rather than downloading them and then opening them from the offline cache. In other words, the WebDAV URL is provided to the application, so that it acts as a WebDAV client. Use commas to separate the file extensions.

Make 'Open' the default file action, not 'View'

Select this check box if you want a content file on a server to be opened rather than viewed when you select it in the folder tree in Windows Explorer and press Enter or double-click it. Note that local copies of managed documents always open in full edit mode regardless of this setting.

For a comparison of the 'view' and 'open' actions, see Content Management Actions on Files.

Hide the Close Document check-in dialog

Select this check box if you do not want to see the special close dialog for managed documents in Microsoft Office applications. Instead, managed documents are saved in much the same way as unmanaged Office documents ("Do you want to save the changes?").

Remove Passwords

Click this button to remove the cached passwords for all content server connections on your computer. This forces a login prompt the next time you connect to a server, which may be useful if the incorrect login credentials were inadvertently cached for a content server.

Launch document URLs with DDE

Select this check box to attempt to open URLs using a DDE transaction instead of a ShellExecute API call. The connection and transaction are timeout values (in milliseconds) that help to ascertain if the DDE conversation has succeeded.

Launch document URLs with associated executables

Select this check box to issue a call to ShellExecute using the document's associated executable as the exe and the URL as the document argument. (This is done for URLs.)

Launch local documents with associated executables

Select this check box to issue a call to ShellExecute using the document's associated executable as the exe and the file path as the document argument. (This is done for files on the file system; that is, those that are checked out and cached locally on the disk.)

Unquote secondary launch API

Select this check box to call ShellExecute without the document path surrounded by quotes.


Click this button to close this dialog and submit any changes you made.


Click this button to close this dialog and cancel any changes you made.

A.2 Changing the Location of the Local File Cache

Desktop uses temporary storage cache on the file system of client computers. For more information, see Local Caching of Content Files. By default, this storage cache is located in the following directory:

  • Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Application Data\Stellent\ SyndicationCache

  • Windows Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Stellent\ SyndicationCache

However, this may not comply with your organization's standards for where data should be stored on client computers. To accommodate for this, you can use the following Windows Registry keys to modify the location of the temporary storage cache on a client computer (the paths below are examples):


Check with your system administrator whether you are allowed to make changes to the Windows registry. Also, changing the registry, if done incorrectly, may affect the stability of your computer. Do not edit the Windows registry unless you are confident about doing so.

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Oracle\WebCenter Desktop\Content\WebDAV]
"Syndication Dir"="H:\\Application Data\\SyndicationCache"


  • The AppData structure in Windows Vista and Windows 7 is hidden by default. You must enable the option to view hidden folders in Windows Explorer.

  • This registry value is not included by default; you must add it manually.

  • The registry value is a string value.

  • Any files already in the offline cache are not automatically moved from the old to the new location. It is therefore recommended that you empty your offline cache before changing its location.

  • The offline cache location has subdirectories for each defined server connections.

  • Make sure that you restart your computer (or log off and log back on) after modifying this setting.

  • When entering the path in Registry Editor, use single backslashes (\) to separate directories in the path. However, if you export the registry branch to a file, the value will contain double backslashes (\\).

  • Setting this registry key affects the offline cache location for all defined server connections. You cannot change the cache location setting for individual content servers. However, the settings are user-specific, so if there are multiple user accounts on the computer, the settings apply to the current user only.

  • Your system administrator may have disabled the ability to make changes to the Desktop configuration settings on your computer.

A.3 Disabling Overriding the Default Content Profile Selection

If you are prompted to provide metadata when dragging and dropping or copying and pasting a new file into a folder that has a default content profile assigned to it, you can normally change that profile in the content check-in dialog.

You can use the following Windows Registry key to disable the ability to override the default content profile selection:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Oracle\WebCenter Desktop\Content]
"Metadata Prompts Allow Any Profile"=dword:00000000


Check with your system administrator whether you are allowed to make changes to the Windows registry. Also, changing the registry, if done incorrectly, may affect the stability of your computer. Do not edit the Windows registry unless you are confident about doing so.


  • This registry value is not included by default; you must add it manually.

  • The registry value is a dword value.

  • Setting the value to '0' prevents you from changing the default content profile selection in the content check-in dialog. The default value is '1'.

  • If you are using 32-bit Microsoft Office on 64-bit Windows, you do not need to use Wow6432Node.

  • Your system administrator may have disabled the ability to make changes to the Desktop configuration settings on your computer.

A.4 Configuring and Disabling Pattern-based File Naming for Email Check-ins

You can use the registry to change the pattern used for naming the email files. By default, pattern-based file naming is enabled when checking in email files. The default is to use the subject line and date received as the file name, in the form <$xEmailSubject$>-<$xReceivedDate$>.msg. For example:

Re Sales figures for 2012-05152013 153025.msg

If you want to disable pattern-based file naming, you can do so by specifying an empty string as the file naming pattern in the Windows Registry key.

To configure or disable pattern-based file naming, use the following Windows Registry key:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Oracle\WebCenter Desktop\Content]
"MSG File Name Pattern"="<token>"

To disable pattern-based file naming, use an empty string:

"MSG File Name Pattern"=""

To configure pattern-based file naming, use one or more of the following tokens:

  • <$xEmailSubject$>

  • <$xEmailFrom$>

  • <$xEmailTo$>

  • <$xEmailCC$>

  • <$xPublicationDate$>

  • <$xReceivedDate$>

  • <$xEmailId$>

For example:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Oracle\WebCenter Desktop\Content]
"MSG File Name Pattern"="<$xEmailSubject$>-<$xEmailFrom$>-<$xPublicationDate$>"

An example of how this would appear:

Re Sales figures for 2012-John Doe-06252013 091159.msg


Check with your system administrator whether you are allowed to make changes to the Windows registry. Also, changing the registry, if done incorrectly, may affect the stability of your computer. Do not edit the Windows registry unless you are confident about doing so.


  • These settings apply only to Microsoft Outlook message files. Lotus Notes message files are not subject to pattern-based file naming.

  • This registry value is not included by default; you must add it manually if you want to disable or configure pattern-based file naming.

  • The email metadata component of Desktop may have been set up to override pattern-based file naming, in which case these registry settings will have no effect.

  • The date based tokens will be resolved into MMDDYYYY HHMMSS (for example, 4/23/2013 5:18:52 PM becomes 04232013 171852) and the date is based on UTC. If the message header value cannot be retrieved then the token will resolve to no value.

  • If pattern-based file naming is disabled, generated file names are based on the subject line, the internet message ID, or the GUID, as available and appropriate. Examples of each of these are:

    Re Sales figures for 2012.msg



  • These settings apply to all servers accessed through the Desktop instance to which the registry key applies.

  • Your system administrator may have disabled the ability to make changes to the Desktop configuration settings on your computer.