3 Starting Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control

This chapter describes how to access Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console, and display Oracle WebCenter Portal-related pages from where you can perform all necessary configuration, monitoring, and management tasks.

This chapter includes the following topics:


To perform the tasks in this chapter, you must be granted the WebLogic Server Admin, Operator, or Monitor role through the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

See also, Understanding Administrative Operations, Roles, and Tools.

3.1 Displaying Fusion Middleware Control Console

System administrators can login to Fusion Middleware Control Console and access pages for managing Oracle WebCenter Portal. Your role determines what you can see and do after logging in. For more information, see Understanding Administrative Operations, Roles, and Tools.

To access the Fusion Middleware Control Console:

  1. Start Fusion Middleware Control.

    Fusion Middleware Control is configured for a domain, and it is automatically started when you start the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Server. See Starting and Stopping Fusion Middleware Control in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

  2. Enter the following URL in your browser: http://hostname.domain:port/em

    For example: http://myhost.mycompany.com:7001/em

    The port number is the port number of the Administration Server. By default, the port number is 7001. The port number is listed in config.xml:

    • On Windows: DOMAIN_HOME\config\config.xml

    • On UNIX: DOMAIN_HOME/config/config.xml

    See also, About Managing Ports in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

  3. Enter valid administrator User Name and Password details for the domain.

    The default user name for the administrator user is weblogic. This is the account you can use to log in to Fusion Middleware Control for the first time.

  4. Click Login.

    The first page you see is the Domain home page (Figure 3-1 ). You can view this page at any time by selecting the name of the domain in the navigation pane.


    If you are unable to log in, try logging in to the WebLogic Administration Console to confirm your host/port/credentials. The Weblogic Admin Console is accessible at the same host/port as Fusion Middleware Control: http://host.domain:port/console.

From the navigation pane, you can drill down to view and manage all components in your domain, including WebCenter Portal. For detailed instructions, see Navigating to the Home Page for WebCenter Portal.

3.2 Navigating to the Home Page for WebCenter Portal

This section includes the following topics:

3.2.1 Home Page for WebCenter Portal

The WebCenter Portal home page (Figure 3-2 ) is your starting place for managing WebCenter Portal. The page displays status, performance and availability of all the components and tools/services that make up WebCenter Portal.

Figure 3-2 WebCenter Portal Home Page

Description of Figure 3-2 follows
Description of "Figure 3-2 WebCenter Portal Home Page"

The metrics displayed on WebCenter Portal's home page enable you to:

  • Check the status of the WebCenter Portal application and view key performance data.

  • Quickly see whether the application is performing as expected through charts that immediately report:

    • availability and performance issues with pages, and portlets

    • general health of the WebLogic Server and the back-end LDAP server

    Hover over the links in the WebCenter Portal Metrics and WebLogic Server Metrics sections for a brief description about the information displayed and click the links to drill down to more detail.

  • Monitor CPU and heap memory usage charts to detect whether system resources are running low.

  • Track overall response time compared with the user access rate to see how the application preforms under different loads and to diagnose system resource issues.

  • Quickly see which portals are used the most, and then drill down to see the slowest performers, and determine which portals are recording the most errors.

  • View status and key performance metrics for WebCenter Portal tools/services used in the application.

  • Drill down to detailed performance information for individual portals, tools/services, external applications, portlets, and producers.

  • Navigate to other key components, including the WebLogic Server managed server on which the WebCenter Portal application is running, and the MDS repository.


To find out more about the performance metrics displayed on the home page, what to look out for, and how to diagnose issues with your installation, see Using Key Performance Metric Data to Analyze and Diagnose System Health.

The home page for WebCenter Portal also displays a WebCenter Portal menu (Figure 3-3 ).

Figure 3-3 Menu for the WebCenter Portal Application

Description of Figure 3-3 follows
Description of "Figure 3-3 Menu for the WebCenter Portal Application"

From the WebCenter Portal menu, you can:

  • Drill down to detailed performance metrics for all components

  • Select and chart live metrics

  • Start and stop the WebCenter Portal application

  • Analyze diagnostic information and configure logs

  • Export and import the WebCenter Portal application

  • Register and manage portlet producers

  • Configure application settings

  • Manage back-end services

  • Manage external applications

  • Configure security policies and roles

  • Configure ADF and MDS options

  • View web services-related information

Most tasks that you perform from WebCenter Portal's home page are described in this guide. For more information, see Getting Started Administering WebCenter Portal.

3.2.2 Navigating to the WebCenter Portal Home Page

To navigate to the main home page for WebCenter Portal:

  1. Log on to Fusion Middleware Control.
  2. Click the Target Navigation icon at the top of the page.
  3. In the Target Navigation (Figure 3-4 ), expand WebCenter > Portal > Server.
  4. Select WebCenter Portal (WC_Portal) to navigate to the home page for your WebCenter Portal installation (Figure 3-4 ).

    Figure 3-4 Navigating to the WebCenter Portal Home Page

    Description of Figure 3-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-4 Navigating to the WebCenter Portal Home Page"

    Notice how the Navigator menu changes to WebCenter Portal (Figure 3-5 ).

    Figure 3-5 Displaying the WebCenter Portal Home Page and Menu

    Description of Figure 3-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-5 Displaying the WebCenter Portal Home Page and Menu"

    Another way to access the context menu for a particular component is to right-click the node in the navigation tree. For example, if you right-click the WebCenter Portal (WC_Portal) node (under the Server node on the left in Figure 3-4 ), the same WebCenter Portal menu displays.

3.3 Navigating to Dependent Components

From WebCenter Portal pages it is easy to navigate to pages belonging to related components, such as WebLogic Server domains, servers, Java components, and MDS repository.

On the WebCenter Portal home page, click the links in the Related Components section to navigate to WebCenter Portal application itself, WebLogic Server installation pages, or MDS repository pages in Fusion Middleware Control. See also, Navigating to the Home Page for WebCenter Portal.