13 Building Standards-Based Java Portlets Using JSR 286

This chapter describes how to build standards-based Java portlets using the Java Portlet Specification, JSR 286.

This chapter includes the following topics:

13.1 About Building Standards-Based Java Portlets Using JSR 286

WebCenter Portal supports standards-based Java portlets built using the JSR 286 standard.

JSR 286 is a specification that defines a set of APIs to enable interoperability between portlets and portals, addressing the areas of aggregation, personalization, presentation, and security. JSR 286 defines container services that provide:

  • A portlet API for coding portlet functionality

  • The URL-rewriting mechanism for creating user interaction within a portlet container

  • The security and personalization of portlets

  • Interportlet communication using portlet events and public render parameters

For more information, see the JSR 286 specification at:


WSRP is a web services standard that enables the plug-and-play of visual, user-facing web services with portals or other intermediary web applications. Being a standard, WSRP enables interoperability between a standards-enabled container and any WSRP portal. WSRP defines:

  • Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) interface for the invocation of WSRP services

  • Markup fragment rules for markup emitted by WSRP services

  • The methods to publish, find, and bind WSRP services and metadata

WSRP provides communication between a portlet client and a portlet container running on a remote server. JSR 286 describes the Java Portlet API for running portlet producer applications. Combining these standards enables developers to integrate their applications from any internal or external source as portlets with WSRP portals. Building pages becomes as simple as selecting portlets from the JDeveloper Resource Palette or Application Resources pane of the Application Navigator.

Figure 13-1 shows the architecture of the WSRP specification with JSR 286 portlets.

Figure 13-1 WSRP Specification Architecture

Description of Figure 13-1 follows
Description of "Figure 13-1 WSRP Specification Architecture"

13.2 Creating a JSR 286 Java Portlet

WebCenter Portal provides a wizard, available in JDeveloper, for quickly and easily creating the initial framework of your JSR 286 standards-based Java portlets.

In the Create JSR 286 Java Portlet wizard, you can choose which portlet modes you want to implement and the implementation method (JSP, HTTP servlet, Java class, or HTML) to use for each mode. The wizard then creates a simple implementation for each of the selected modes.

To create a JSR 286 Java portlet using the JDeveloper wizard:

  1. In JDeveloper, open the portlet producer application under which you want to create your portlet, or create a new portlet producer application.

    For information about how to create a portlet producer application, see Portlet Producer Applications.


    If you do not use the WebCenter Portal - Portlet Producer Application template to create the portlet producer application, you must manually add the appropriate portlet building technology scopes to the application.

  2. Right-click the project under which you want to create your portlet (for example Portlets), and choose New.

  3. In the New Gallery (Figure 13-2), expand Web Tier, select Portlets and then Standards-based Java Portlet (JSR 286), and click OK.

    Figure 13-2 Standards-based Java Portlet (JSR 286) Option in the New Gallery

    Description of Figure 13-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 13-2 Standards-based Java Portlet (JSR 286) Option in the New Gallery"


    If the project already contains JSR 286 portlets, you can also create a new portlet by:

    • Right-clicking portlet.xml and choosing Add Portlet.

    • Opening portlet.xml, clicking the Design tab, and clicking the Add icon on the Portlets tab.

  4. On the General Portlet Information page of the Create JSR 286 Java Portlet wizard, replace the default name provided in the Name field with one that better describes the purpose of the portlet.

  5. In the Class field, enter a name for the class for the portlet. You can accept the default name provided or supply your own. If you supply your own name, it must be a valid Java name.

  6. From the Package drop-down list, select the package in which to create the class, or enter a package name.

    Click the Browse button to find packages within the project, if required. If you do not select a specific package, the wizard uses the default package of the project.

  7. From the Language drop-down list, select the default language that your portlet supports. The wizard uses English by default.

  8. Select Enable users to edit portlet content if you want your portlet to support Edit mode. In the wizard, this option is selected by default.

    Edit mode enables users to personalize the portlet at runtime. For more information, see Edit Mode.

    If you select this option, you can specify implementation details for the portlet's Edit mode later on in the wizard.

  9. Click Next.

  10. On the Additional Portlet Information page, in the Portlet Title field, enter a descriptive title for your portlet.

    The portlet title is displayed in the resource catalog, so make the title something to help users decide whether the portlet is useful to them. The portlet title is also displayed on the portlet header when the portlet appears on a page.


    The Display Name, Short Title, Description, and Keyword attributes are not implemented in WebCenter Portal. You do not need to enter any values for these fields unless your portlet is likely to be consumed by other applications.

  11. At this point in the wizard, you can click Finish to create the portlet immediately, using the default values for all remaining settings.

    To provide additional details for your portlet, click Next and follow the remaining steps.

  12. On the Content Types and Portlet Modes page, in the Content Types and Portlet Modes list, select view.

  13. In the Implementation Method section, select how you want to implement View mode for your portlet (for more information about View mode, see View Mode):

    • Select Generate JSP to generate a skeleton JSP file for the portlet mode. Enter a name for the JSP in the corresponding field, or accept the default.

      When you complete the wizard, the generated JSP displays in the Application Navigator where you can select it for further development. This is the default selection for all portlet display modes.

    • Select Generate ADF-Faces JSPX to generate a page to which you can add ADF-Faces components. Enter a name for the JSF page in the corresponding field, or accept the default.

      If you choose this option, the portlet implementation class is created as a subclass of oracle.portlet.bridge.adf.application.ADFBridgePortlet, instead of as a subclass of javax.portlet.GenericPortlet. That is, the wizard generates a portlet producer application which uses the Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge. For more information about the Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge, see Creating Portlets from JSF Applications Using the Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge.

    • Select Map to Path to map the portlet mode to a web resource in the portlet producer application, such as a page. The resource is not generated by the wizard. Enter the name and path in the corresponding field. You can create this resource after completing the wizard if necessary.

      With this selection, you must write the targeted resource or file yourself. The target could be, for example, a JSP, a servlet, or an HTML file. This selection enters code in the generated portlet Java class that routes requests for the given mode to the specified target.

    • Select Custom Code to implement the portlet mode through a custom coded object. You must create this object later. This selection generates a skeleton method to render content (private void doMODE_NAMECONTENT_TYPE) in the generated portlet java class. You must update this code to render useful content.


    If you want this portlet mode to support a different content type, for example text/xml, see Step 16.

  14. If you selected Enable users to edit portlet content on the first page of the wizard, select edit and then select the implementation method for Edit mode (for information about Edit mode, see Edit Mode), as described in step 13.

  15. To implement another portlet mode for your portlet:

    1. In the Content Types and Portlet Modes list, select an existing mode (for example, view) under the appropriate content type (for example, text/html).

    2. Click Add.

    3. In the Portlet Modes dialog, move the required mode or modes to the Selected list and click OK.

      The Portlet Modes dialog lists the standard modes supported by JSR 286 and the extended modes supported by WebCenter Portal.

      For more information, see Portlet Modes.

    4. Select each of the portlet modes and specify the implementation method to use for rendering content, as described in step 13.

  16. The content type identifies what type of content the portlet supports. Portlets can support multiple content types. By default, portlets created using the Create JSR 286 Java Portlet wizard support the text/html content type.

    To add a different content type:

    1. In the Content Types and Portlet Modes list, select an existing content type (for example, text/html).

    2. Click Add.

    3. In the Content Types dialog, move the required content types to the Selected list and click OK.

      • text/html—The portlet supports text encoded with HTML. This is the default selection.

      • text/xml—The portlet supports text encoded with XML.

      • text/plain—The portlet supports plain, unencoded text.

      • text/vnd.oracle.mobilexml—The portlet supports text encoded with Oracle Mobile XML. Note, however, that WebCenter Portal does not support Oracle Mobile XML.

      • application/xhtml+xml—The portlet supports text encoded with XHTML.

      • application/xml—The portlet supports any XML content, including XHTML.

  17. Click Next.

    If you selected Enable users to edit portlet content on the General Portlet Information page earlier in the wizard, then you can create portlet preferences to enable users of the portlet to specify values for the portlet at runtime. Go to step 18.

    If you did not select this option, go to step 24.

  18. On the Customization Preferences page, click Add to add a new portlet preference to the portlet.

    By default, the wizard includes a portlet preference to enable users to customize the portlet title.

  19. In the Add New Preference dialog, in the Name field, enter a name for the new preference.

    The name must be unique in the portlet and cannot contain spaces.

  20. In the Default Values field, enter one or more default values for the new preference. Separate multiple values with commas.

  21. Select the Translate Preference check box if you want to be able to make the preference available in different languages.

    For example, if the portlet is likely to be consumed by a multilingual portal you want to ensure that the preference displays in the appropriate language.

    If you enable this option, then entries for the preference are added to the resource bundle class that JDeveloper generates for the portlet.


    Edit the resource bundle to provide translations for the preference name and default values. The name will almost always require translating, but the default values may not, for example, if the value is an integer.

  22. Click OK.

  23. Repeat the preceding steps to add more preferences. When you are done click Next.

  24. On the Security Roles page, to add an existing security role to your portlet, select the security role and move it to the Selected list.

    Security roles enable you to set tiered levels of access to the portlet. For example, a View user can view the portlet but cannot edit it; a Customize user can customize portlet settings; a Manage user can perform all available functions associated with the portlet.

    The Available list displays the security roles defined for the application in which you are creating the portlet. Moving a security role to the Selected list creates a reference of the security role in the application's portlet deployment file (portlet.xml) that refers to the security role in the application's web deployment file (web.xml).

    You can create new security roles for the application by editing web.xml. For more information, see the JDeveloper online help.

  25. Click Next.

  26. On the Caching Options page, select Cache Portlet to enable expiry-based caching for your portlet.

    For more information about expiry-based caching, see Portlet Performance and Implementing Expiry-Based Caching in JSR 286 Portlets.

    Selecting this option indicates that portlet caching is managed by the portlet container. The portlet itself may choose to cache content for any given response. The settings on this page apply only when the portlet itself does not specify a caching condition for a response.

    If you do not want any default caching for this portlet, choose Do Not Cache By Default. In this case, the wizard actually sets a cache duration of 0 seconds. As stated earlier, this cache setting only comes into play when the portlet itself does not specify a caching condition for a response.

    If you choose no caching here and you later decide to implement default caching for the portlet, then you can change the cache duration value in the portlet.xml file, which is generated by the wizard, to a number greater than zero.

    For information about how to implement validation-based caching, see Implementing Validation-Based Caching in JSR 286 Portlets.

  27. If you chose to cache the portlet, in the Default Expiry Conditions section, select:

    • Cache Content Expires After []seconds to expire the cached portlet content after a certain amount of time. Specify the time limit in the corresponding field.

    • Cache Content Never Expires to never expire the cached portlet content. You may want to select this option if the portlet contains static content that is unlikely to change.

  28. Click Next.

  29. On the Initialization Parameters page, you can add initialization parameters to your portlet.

    Initialization parameters provide the application developer, who decides what goes into the WAR file, an alternative to JNDI variables for configuring the behavior of all of the different components of the application (for example, servlets and portlets) in a compatible way. These initialization parameters are added to the portlet.xml file.

    For example, you might want to turn on some kind of debugging mode for the portlet or display different menu options in different environments.

    1. Click New to add a new initialization parameter to the portlet.

    2. In the newly added row, double-click each field to provide a Name, default Value, and Description for the parameter.

    3. Repeat these steps to add more initialization parameters.

    4. When you are done, click Finish to create the portlet.

When you use the Create JSR 286 Java Portlet wizard, JDeveloper generates a default implementation of the portlet. Specifically, the following files are created:

  • Java classes:

    • portletName.java is invoked by the portlet container and contains all the methods required by the portlet standards.

    • portletNameBundle.java contains all the translation strings for the portlet.

    • portletNameBacking.java contains the JSF backing bean for the JSF pages that implement portlet modes. This class is created if you implement portlet modes as ADF-Facelets JSP pages.

  • portlet.xml is the portlet deployment descriptor file for the application.

  • web.xml is the web deployment descriptor file for the application.

  • Files for each portlet mode you selected for the portlet:

    • If you selected Generate JSP for the portlet mode, a JSP page is created for the mode, for example, view.jsp.

    • If you selected Generate ADF-Faces JSPX, a JSF (.jspx) page is created for the mode, for example, view.jspx. You can add Faces components to this page.

    • If you selected Map to Path, no additional files are created as the code for the portlet mode resides in an existing resource. Code is added to the portlet's Java class to route requests to the specified target.

    • If you selected Custom Code, no additional files are created, but the code for the portlet mode resides in the portlet's Java class.

  • faces-config.xml is a configuration file that registers an application's resources, such as custom validators and managed beans and describes the page flow of the application. This file is created if you implement portlet modes as ADF-Facelets JSF pages.

You can see all the files in the Application Navigator, as shown in Figure 13-3.

Figure 13-3 Files Generated for a JSR 286 Java Portlet

Description of Figure 13-3 follows
Description of "Figure 13-3 Files Generated for a JSR 286 Java Portlet"

13.3 Developing JSR 286 Java Portlets

When you have built your initial portlet implementation using the Create JSR 286 Java Portlet wizard, the next step is to create the code that drives the portlet content and behavior. Because JSR 286 portlets adhere to the Java standards, you can find substantial information about enhancing them from many different sources, such as third-party books and web pages, including:


This section includes the following topics:

13.3.1 Example Portlet Deployment Descriptor File

The following example shows an example portlet deployment descriptor file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<portlet-app version="2.0"
 <portlet id="1328624289503">
 <display-name>English Display Name</display-name>
 <title>This Is My Portlet</title>
 <short-title>My Portlet</short-title>

13.3.2 How to Edit the Portlet Deployment Descriptor File

The portlet deployment descriptor file for the application, portlet.xml, specifies the portlet resources in the application. After you have created your JSR 286 portlet using the wizard, you can edit the portlet.xml file to edit the portlet resources.

When you open the portlet.xml file in JDeveloper, you can edit the source code or you can use the Overview Editor to edit portlet resources without having to manually modify it in the Source view.

To edit the portlet deployment descriptor file:

  1. In the Application Navigator, open the portlet producer application.
  2. Expand the portlet project (for example, Portlets).
  3. Expand the Web Content node and then the WEB-INF node.
  4. Right-click portlet.xml and choose Open.
  5. Click the Design tab to open the Overview Editor for portlet.xml.


    If you prefer to edit the source code directly, click the Source tab.

  6. The Overview Editor for portlet.xml contains the following tabs:
    • Application—Use to specify general information for the portlet producer application. These properties apply to all portlets within the application.

    • Portlets—Use to specify information for individual portlets within the application. For example, you can specify the portlet events and public render parameters supported by a portlet.

    • Events—Use to create and manage portlet events for use by all portlets in the application. For more information, see How to Use Portlet Events in JSR 286 Portlets.

    • Parameters—Use to create and manage public render parameters for use by all portlets in the application. For more information, see How to Use Public Render Parameters in JSR 286 Portlets.

    • Filters—Use to specify filter information for the portlets in the application. For more information, see How to Use Portlet Filters in JSR 286 Portlets.

    • Filter Mappings—Use to assign portlet filters to individual portlets. For more information, see How to Use Portlet Filters in JSR 286 Portlets.

13.3.3 Portlet Modes for JSR 286 Portlets

The standard modes supported by JSR 286 are:

  • View

  • Edit

  • Help

WebCenter Portal supports the following additional custom modes for JSR 286 portlets:

  • About

  • Config

  • Edit Defaults

  • Preview

  • Print

13.3.4 How to Add Custom Portlet Modes to JSR 286 Portlets

In the Create JSR 286 Java Portlet wizard, you add portlet modes by adding them to a list on the Content Types and Portlet Modes page. For more information about using the wizard, see Creating a JSR 286 Java Portlet.The wizard enables you to implement the standard modes supported by JSR 286 and the extended modes provided by WebCenter Portal.

After the initial creation of the portlet, you can also define your own custom portlet modes.

The principles of implementing portlet modes are the same for all modes.

To add a custom portlet mode:

  1. Open the Overview Editor for the portlet.xml file.
  2. Click the Application tab, if necessary.
  3. Expand the Custom Modes section, if necessary.

    This section lists all the custom modes available to the portlets within the application. It includes the WebCenter Portal extended portlet modes.

  4. Click the Add Custom Mode icon to create a new row for the portlet mode.
  5. In the Portlet Mode field, enter the name of the portlet mode.

    The name must be unique within the application.

  6. In the Description field, enter a brief description to explain the purpose of the mode.
  7. Deselect the Portal Managed check box if applications that consume the portlet do not need to be aware of the portlet mode, that is, the mode is used internally by the portlet.
  8. Save the portlet.xml file.
  9. After adding the custom portlet mode to the application, you must then create the code for the mode in the portlet implementation file.

13.3.5 How to Access User Information in JSR 286 Portlets

You can create user attributes in the portlet producer application to access commonly used user information, such as user.login.id or user.name.family. At runtime, these user attributes are mapped to the actual attributes of the current user. Portlets can use this information to obtain information about the current user.

To access user information:

  1. Open the Overview Editor for the portlet.xml file.
  2. Click the Application tab, if necessary.
  3. Expand the User Attributes section, if necessary.
  4. Click the Add User Attribute icon to create a new row for the attribute.
  5. In the Name field, enter the name of the user attribute, for example user.login.id.

    For a list of attribute names, see User Information Attribute Names appendix in the Java Portlet Specification.


    For a list of the user information attributes supported by WebCenter Portal, see Mapping User Attributes to LDAP Directories in Securing Applications with Oracle Platform Security Services.

  6. In the Description field, enter a description for the user attribute.
  7. Save the portlet.xml file.

    At runtime, the portlet container maps the defined user attributes to the appropriate values. For example, if the current user is John Doe, then the user.name.family user attribute is mapped to Doe. Portlets can obtain a Map object containing the user attributes from the PortletRequest interface.

13.3.6 How to Customize the Runtime Environment for JSR 286 Portlets

When a portlet is run, the portlet container provides the runtime environment and provides an interface between the portlet producer application and the portlet.

Container runtime options provide a way to customize the behavior of the portlet container and therefore customize the runtime environment.

This section includes the following topics: Supported Container Runtime Options

Table 13-1 lists the container runtime options supported by the WebCenter Portal portlet container.

For more information about the JSR 286 container runtime options, see the JSR 286 specification at:


Table 13-1 Supported Container Runtime Options

Container Runtime Option Supported by JSR 286 Standard










Not supported






































































































No javax.portlet.actionScopedRequestAttributes

Specifies whether to store action-scoped request attributes so that they are available to portlets until a new action occurs.

You can use the WebCenter Portal-specific excludedActionScopeRequestAttributes container runtime option to limit which request attributes are stored in the scopes.

Valid values:

  • true—store request attributes starting at processAction until the next processAction. You can specify a second value of numberOfCachedScopes and a third value indicating the number of scopes to be cached by the portlet container.

  • false—do not store request attributes. javax.portlet.escapeXml

Specifies whether to XML encode URLs returned from actionUrl, renderUrl, and resourceUrl JSR 286 tag library tags.

You can override this option on a per-tag basis using the encodeXml attribute.

Valid values:

  • true—(default) the URLs returned by the actionUrl, renderUrl, and resourceUrl tags are XML encoded (using ampersand entities for parameter separation).

  • false—the URLs returned by the actionUrl, renderUrl, and resourceUrl tabs are not XML encoded (and use just ampersand characters).


This option does not have any effect on the return value of PortletURL.toString() or ResourceURL.toString(). In both these cases, for JSR 286, the output uses only ampersand characters. To use ampersand entities or to be able to specify the XML encoding to use when generating URLs not using the tag libraries, see the BaseURL.write() methods. javax.portlet.servletDefaultSessionScope

Specifies the scope of the session object provided to servlets or JSPs that are included or forwarded from a Java portlet.

Valid values:

  • APPLICATION_SCOPE—(default) map the portlet session with application scope.

  • PORTLET_SCOPE—map the portlet session with portlet scope. com.oracle.portlet.allowEventPayloadsWithoutJAXBBinding

Allows event payload types declared in portlet.xml and event payloads sent from JSR 286 portlets to bypass the JSR 286 spec requirement that these types have a valid JAXB binding.

Valid values:

  • true—event payloads without valid JAXB bindings are allowed.

  • false—event payloads without valid JAXB bindings are not allowed, per the JSR 286 specification. com.oracle.portlet.allowWsrpExport

Specifies whether the WSRP export-portlets operation should be supported for the web application.

This option is used mainly for backward-compatibility; it is preferred to control the export-portlets operation through the wsrp-producer-config.xml setting.

Valid values:

  • true—(default) export-portlets is allowed.

  • false—export-portlets is not allowed. This overrides the setting in WEB-INF/wsrp-producer-config.xml. com.oracle.portlet.compatibilityMode

Set to owc168 to invoke the WebCenter Portal JSR 286 container JSR 168 compatibility mode.

This also automatically sets the disallowResourceServing runtime option to true if no other value for that option is specified. com.oracle.portlet.defaultProxiedResourceRequiresWsrpRewrite

Specifies the default WSRP requiresRewrite flag to use when encoding URLs for resources not served by the portlet. This setting is used for all URLs returned by the PortletResponse.encodeURL() method, unless overridden by the presence of the oracle.portlet.server.resourceRequiresRewriting request attribute when the PortletResponse.encodeURL() method is called.

Valid values:

  • true—(default) the requiresRewrite flag is set to true, indicating that the resource should be rewritten by the consumer.

  • false—the requiresRewrite flag is set to false, indicating that the resource does not necessarily need to be rewritten by the consumer. com.oracle.portlet.defaultServedResourceRequiresWsrpRewrite

Specifies the default WSRP requiresRewrite flag to use when generating resource URLs for portlet-served resources.

This setting is used for all resource URLs created by the portlet, unless overridden by the presence of the resourceRequiresRewriting request attribute when the resource URL methods write() or toString() are called. This setting is also used to specify the WSRP requiresRewriting flag on the served resource response, but can be overridden by the presence of the resourceRequiresRewriting request attribute when the portlet's serveResource() method returns.

Valid values:

  • true—the requiresRewrite URL flag and requiresRewriting response flag are set to true, indicating that the resource should be rewritten by the consumer

  • false—the requiresRewrite URL flag and requiresRewriting response flag are set to false, indicating that the resource does not necessarily need to be written by the consumer, although the consumer may choose to rewrite the URL.

If unspecified, the requiresRewrite URL flag is not given a value, and the requiresRewriting response flag for a serveResource operation is based on the MIME type of the response. com.oracle.portlet.disallowResourceServing

Specifies whether portlets are allowed to serve resources. This is useful if JSR 168 portlets are run in the 286 container, as any JSR 168 portlet extending javax.portlet.GenericPortlet automatically inherits the JSR 286 functionality, which automatically forwards resource requests to a file in the web application named after the resource ID, creating a potential security problem. For the same security reason, JSR 286 portlets that do not serve resources are safest to disallow resource serving.

Valid values:

  • true—portlets are not allowed to serve resources.

  • false—portlets are allowed to serve resources. com.oracle.portlet.escapeXmlEncodeUrls

Specifies whether the JSR 286 container should XML-encode URLs generated from the PortletResponse.encodeURL() method.

Valid values:

  • true—URLs generated by the PortletResponse.encodeURL() method are XML-encoded.

  • false—(default) URLs generated by PortletResponse.encodeURL() are not XML-encoded. com.oracle.portlet.eventPayloadsXmlType

Specifies optional XML schema types for JAXB-bindable Java object event payloads if events are sent over WSRP. This is a multi-valued runtime option; each value consists of a Java class name and QName pair, separated by a colon (:). The QName should use the standard Java String representation of a QName ({namespace}localpart). For each value specified, the QName is used as the XML schema type to annotate WSRP event payloads of the specified Java object type after the object has been marshalled to XML. This may be useful when using events to communicate across portlets on multiple producers. com.oracle.portlet.excludedActionScopeRequestAttributes

This is a multi-valued property with each value being a regular expression. Request attributes which match any of the regular expressions are not stored as action-scoped request attributes if the javax.portlet.actionScopedRequestAttributes container runtime option is used, in addition to any request parameters whose values match the regular expressions defined in the com.oracle.portlet.externalScopeRequestAttributes container runtime option. com.oracle.portlet.externalScopeRequestAttributes

This is a multi-valued property with each value being a regular expression. Request attributes which match any of the regular expressions are considered outside of portlet scope, and are shared with the underlying portal request.

If the javax.portlet.actionScopedRequestAttributes option is used, any request attributes matching the regular expressions declared in externalScopeRequestAttributes are not stored in the action scope request attributes. com.oracle.portlet.importCssToIFrame

Specifies to a portal consumer whether the CSS file should be imported to an IFRAME portlet.

Valid values:

  • false—(default) nothing is done.

  • true—the CSS file from the consumer is applied to an IFRAME portlet. com.oracle.portlet.minimumWsrpVersion

Specifies minimum required WSRP version for the portlet to work. If the WSRP version being used is less than the value specified, the portlet will not be included in a WSRP GetServiceDescription, GetPortletDescription, GetMarkup and other WSRP responses.

Valid values:

  • 1

  • 2 com.oracle.portlet.offerPortletOverWsrp

Specifies whether the portlet is offered in the WSRP producer's service description.

Any offerRemote setting in a .portlet file referencing the JSR 168/286 portlet overrides this container runtime option.

Valid values:

  • true—(default) the portlet is offered in the WSRP producer's service description.

  • false—the portlet is not included in the service description.

If not specified at all, the default value specified in the WEB-INF/producer-config.xml is used. com.oracle.portlet.portalInfoProvider

Specifies the class name of an optional implementation of com.bea.portlet.container.IPortalInfo interface. This implementation defines the value returned by the JSR 286 container's request.getPortalContext().getPortalInfo(). The default implementation returns the producer/local server name and version, but a custom implementation could pass both the consumer server information and the producer server information in a WSRP scenario. com.oracle.portlet.redirectAfterAction

Causes the JSR 286 container to send a redirect to the browser to the portlet's render URL after a processAction is run (and after events are handled) so that reloading the resulting page will not result in another processAction.

Valid values:

  • true—a redirect is issued after every portlet action.

  • false—no redirect is not automatically issued after portlet actions. com.oracle.portlet.requireIFrame

Specifies whether the portlet must be rendered inside an IFRAME.

Valid values:

  • true—renders the portlet inside an IFRAME.

  • false—does not force the portlet to be rendered inside an IFRAME. com.oracle.portlet.streamingOptimized

Indicates the portlet is optimized to run in streaming mode, which may enhance performance.

Valid values:

  • true—the portlet is optimized to run in streaming mode.

  • false—the portlet is not optimized to run in streaming mode. com.oracle.portlet.suppressWsrpOptimisticRender

Suppresses the optimistic render of a portlet after the action and/or event lifecycles if the portlet is being run over WSRP.

Valid values:

  • true—optimistic render is always suppressed.

  • false—optimistic render may be performed. com.oracle.portlet.trapWsrpRenderExceptions

Specifies whether the JSR 286 container should send exceptions during render as WSRP SOAP faults, or render an exception message for the portlet markup instead.

Valid values:

  • true—exceptions are not sent as SOAP faults but instead as rendered exception stack traces.

  • false—(default) exceptions generated by the portlet during render are treated as SOAP faults. com.oracle.portlet.trimEncodeUrls

Specifies whether the JSR 286 container should trim whitespace from URLs passed to the PortletResponse.encodeURL() method.

Valid values:

  • true—(default) leading and trailing whitespace is trimmed from the URL passed into PortletResponse.encodeURL().

  • false—whitespace is not trimmed from the URL passed into PortletResponse.encodeURL(). com.oracle.portlet.useWsrpUserContextForUserAuthentication

Specifies whether the PortletRequest methods getRemoteUser(), getUserPrincipal() and isUserInRole() are based on the WSRP user context information or on standard J2EE security.

Valid values:

  • true—the user information is based on the WSRP user context, if the portlet is run over WSRP. This can be a security problem so use this option with care.

  • false—(or the portlet is not being run over WSRP) the user information is based on the J2EE authenticated user. com.oracle.portlet.wsrpHeaderMode

Used only when portlets are being rendered as WSRP remote portlets, to indicate where cookies and headers should be put in the WSRP SOAP response as a hint to the WSRP consumer for the header or cookie's intended final destination.

When portlets are run locally (not over WSRP), headers and cookies set by portlets are always assumed to go to the client. Setting this container runtime option sets a default value for the PortletRequest attribute com.oracle.portlet.wsrpHeaderMode, which can still be overridden by the portlet at runtime on a per-header basis.

Valid values:

  • client—headers and cookies set by the portlet are directed to go to the client (for example, the browser).

  • consumer—headers and cookies set by the portlet are directed to go to the consumer and not passed on to the client.

  • both—headers and cookies set by the portlet are directed to go to the client and the consumer.

If not set, the portlet container assumes the default value for the producer as specified in the WEB-INF/wsrp-producer-config.xml file. com.oracle.portlet.wsrpLegacyPortletHandle

Allows the specification of a legacy WSRP portlet handle to be used for the portlet, which must be unique within the web application. This is useful for backward-compatibility with WebCenter Portal consumers that use the legacy, portlet-position-based WSRP portlet handles.

If specified, the legacy portlet handle is published in the WSRP serviceDescription as a legacy-handle extension on the portlet, and consumers are able to access the portlet using the legacy portlet handle, although the portlet will not be published in the WSRP serviceDescription under the legacy portlet handle. com.oracle.portlet.wsrpPortletHandle

Allows the specification of the WSRP portlet handle to be used for the portlet, which must be unique within the web application. oracle.portlet.bridge.adf.raiseUndeclaredContextualEvents

Allows the Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge to raise ADFm events that do not have corresponding portlet events declared in the portlet.xml file.

Valid values:

  • true—any ADFm event raised is forwarded on as a portlet event.

  • false—only events with corresponding portlet event declarations are forwarded. Setting Container Runtime Options for All Portlets in an Application

Setting container runtime options at the application level affects all the portlets in the application.

To set application-level container runtime options:

  1. Open the Overview Editor for the portlet.xml file.
  2. Click the Application tab, if necessary.
  3. Expand the Container Runtime Options section, if necessary.
  4. Click the Add Container Runtime Option icon to display a list of available options.

    The list includes all container runtime options supported by the WebCenter Portal portlet container, which are listed in Table 13-1.

    If you are using a different portlet container that supports additional container runtime options that are not listed, select Customize and enter the name of the option in the Name field.

    If you specify a container runtime option that is not supported by the portlet container, it is ignored.

  5. In the Value field, enter a value for the container runtime option.

    The container runtime option is added to the portlet.xml code, as shown below.

  6. Save the portlet.xml file. Setting Container Runtime Options for Individual Portlets

You can set container runtime options at the individual portlet level to override the application-wide settings.

To set portlet-level container runtime options:

  1. Open the Overview Editor for the portlet.xml file.
  2. Click the Portlets tab, if necessary.
  3. Click the Advanced tab.
  4. Click the Add Container Runtime Option icon to display a list of available options.

    The list includes all container runtime options supported by the WebCenter Portal portlet container, which are listed in Table 13-1.

    If you are using a different portlet container that supports additional container runtime options that are not listed, select Customize and enter the name of the option in the Name field.

    If you specify a container runtime option that is not supported by the portlet container, it is ignored.

  5. In the Value field, enter a value for the container runtime option.

    The container runtime option is added to the portlet.xml code, as shown below.

  6. Save the portlet.xml file.

13.3.7 How to Use Public Render Parameters in JSR 286 Portlets

This section includes the following topics: About Public Render Parameters

Public render parameters enable portlets to share parameter values, allowing a form of interportlet communication.

For example, if a Map portlet and a Weather portlet are both configured to use a Zipcode public render parameter, entering a zip code in the Map portlet updates the same parameter value in the Weather portlet.

Any public render parameters supported by a portlet must be declared in the application section of the portlet deployment descriptor file (portlet.xml). Public render parameters defined at the application level in this way are available to all the portlets in the application.

Individual portlets within the application can then specify which of these public render parameters they want to use.

If you declare and define public render parameters as described below, interportlet communication happens automatically, without any further coding required on your part.

For more information about public render parameters and how to implement them, see the JSR 286 specification at:

http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=286 Declaring a Public Render Parameter at the Application Level

For a public render parameter to be available to a portlet, it must first be declared in the application section of the portlet deployment descriptor file (portlet.xml).

To define a public render parameter at the application level:

  1. Open the Overview Editor for the portlet.xml file.

    For more information, see How to Edit the Portlet Deployment Descriptor File.

  2. Click the Parameters tab.

  3. Click the Add icon to create a new public render parameter.

  4. From the drop-down list, select whether you are specifying a fully qualified name (QName) for the parameter, or just the local part of the name.

    • Qualified Name—A QName uniquely identifies the public render parameter across applications by specifying a namespace for the parameter as well as a local name. Within the portlet code, a public render parameter is accessed by its identifier, which identifies the parameter uniquely within the application. However, a page typically contains multiple portlets which may come from different applications. Using QNames ensures that public render parameters from one portlet do not unintentionally interfere with the other portlets on a page regardless of where those portlets come from.

    • Unqualified Name—If the namespace for the parameter is the same as the application default namespace, you can omit the namespace when defining the parameter by specifying an unqualified name. If the application default namespace has not been defined, a parameter with an unqualified name uses the XML default namespace.


      To check whether an application default namespace has been defined, click the Application tab and see if a value has been entered in the Default Namespace field.

  5. Enter a name for the parameter.

    • If you selected Qualified Name—in the Namespace field, enter the namespace for the parameter and in the Name field, enter the local part of the parameter name.

    • If you selected Unqualified Name—in the Name field, enter the local part of the parameter name. The parameter uses the application default namespace as the namespace for the parameter (or the XML default namespace if no default namespace is defined for the application).

  6. In the Identifier field, enter a name to identify the public render parameter within the application.

    The identifier must be unique within the application and is used to identify the parameters used by a portlet and in the portlet code to access the parameter. Using the identifier means that portlet developers do not need to be aware of the parameter's fully qualified name; they simply need to know the simpler application-specific identifier.

  7. In the Description field, enter a description for the public render parameter. The description should provide enough information so that portlet developers can determine how to use this parameter in their portlets.

  8. (Optional) In the Aliases panel, you can provide a list of aliases so that the parameter can accept values from other public render parameters even if they have different QNames.

    1. Click the Create icon to create a new alias for the parameter.

    2. In the Namespace field, enter the namespace of the parameter to use for the alias.

    3. In the Name field, enter the local part of the parameter to use for the alias.


    When creating aliases for public render parameters, it is a good idea to set up reciprocal aliases. So if a parameter in portlet A has an alias to a parameter in portlet B, you should also, if possible, create an alias for the parameter in portlet B to the parameter in portlet A.

  9. The public render parameter is added to the application definition section of the portlet.xml file, as shown below.

     <description>Parameter for zip code</description>
     <qname xmlns:x="http://example.com/params">x:Zip</qname>
     <alias xmlns:x="http://example.com/params">x:ZipCode</alias>
  10. Save the portlet.xml file. Defining a Public Render Parameter for a Portlet

If you want a portlet to support a public render parameter, add it to the portlet.

To add a public render parameter to a portlet:

  1. Open the Overview Editor for the portlet.xml file.
  2. If the public render parameter has not yet been defined within the Portlet Producer application, you must do this first.
  3. Click the Portlets tab and select the portlet in which you want to use the public render parameter.
  4. Click the Parameters tab.

    In the Publishing Events panel, the Available list shows all the portlet events that have been defined for the application.

  5. Click the Parameters tab.

    In the Public Render Parameters panel, the Available list shows all the public render parameters that have been defined for the application.

  6. Select the public render parameter that you want to use in the portlet and click the Add icon to move it to the Selected list.

    This adds the public render parameter to the portlet definition in portlet.xml, as shown below.

  7. Save the portlet.xml file.
  8. You can now use this public render parameter in the code for your portlet. Using Public Render Parameters: An Example

The following example shows how to use public parameters to link the behavior of two portlets using parameters with different names. In the example, we take a generic Parameter Form portlet that allows us to update public render parameters, and show how that can be linked to a Stock Price portlet that renders stock prices, taking the stock symbol from a public render parameter. The generic name of the parameter from the Parameter Form portlet (parameter1) does not match the name of the parameter in the Stock Price portlet (stocksymbol), so the developer of the Stock Price portlet uses an alias to provide a link between the two parameters.

The example below shows an excerpt from the portlet.xml file for the portlet producer application that contains the Parameter Form portlet. The portlet producer application defines a public render parameter (parameter1) that is supported by the Parameter Form portlet.

<portlet-app ...>
 <portlet id="1234567890">
 <description>First parameter set by portlet</description>
 <qname xmlns:op="http://xmlns.oracle.com/portlet/oracle-portlet-app">

The code for the Parameter Form portlet sets the value of the parameter1 portlet when a value is entered in the portlet:

public void processAction(ActionRequest request,
 ActionResponse actionResponse)
 throws PortletException, IOException
//Read the new parameter value posted in the portlet form
String param1 =actionResponse.getParameter("form_param1");

//Set the new parameter values. These will be intepreted by the
 //container as public render parameters as the names match the names
 //of the declared parameters.
actionResponse.setRenderParameter("parameter1", param1);

The following example shows an excerpt from the portlet.xml file for the portlet producer application that contains the Stock Price portlet. This portlet producer application also defines a public render parameter (stocksymbol) that is supported by the Stock Price portlet. For the stocksymbol parameter to link to the Parameter Form portlet's parameter, an alias for parameter1 is added.

<portlet-app ...>
 <description>The stock symbol</description>
 <qname xmlns:s="http://www.oracle.com/stocks/">s:stocksymbol</qname>
 <!-- Alias matches the Parameter Form portlet's first parameter name -->
 <alias xmlns:op="http://xmlns.oracle.com/portlet/oracle-portlet-app">

The code for the Stock Price portlet reads the value of the public render parameter posted by the Parameter Form portlet:

public void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response)
 throws PortletException, IOException
 response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");
 PrintWriter out =response.getWriter();
//Retrieve any values for the public render parameter.
 //The parameter is looked up in the request using its identifier in portlet.xml
 //(not it's name or alias).
 String symbol =request.getParameter("stocksymbol");

When these two portlets are dropped onto the same page, they are automatically linked together. Entering a value in the first parameter field of the Parameter Form portlet causes the Stock Price portlet to be updated with the new value.

13.3.8 How to Use Portlet Events in JSR 286 Portlets

This section includes the following topics: About Portlet Events

Portlet events are a JSR 286 feature that enables interportlet communication by providing portlets with the ability to respond to actions that occur outside of the portlet itself, for example an action performed on the page that contains the portlet or on another portlet on the same page. Portlet events can be cascaded so that a portlet may respond to an event by triggering an event of its own, which in turn affects other portlets on the page.

Any portlet events supported by a portlet must be declared in the application section of the portlet deployment descriptor (portlet.xml). Portlet events defined at the application level in this way are available to all the portlets in the application.

Individual portlets within the application can then specify which of these portlet events they want to use. Portlets can declare events that they are interested in receiving, called processing events, and events that they trigger, called publishing events.

If you declare and define portlet events as described below, interportlet communication happens automatically, without any further coding required on your part.

For more information about portlet events and how to implement them, see the JSR 286 specification at:

http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=286 Declaring a Portlet Event at the Application Level

For a portlet event to be available to a portlet, it must first be declared in the application section of the portlet deployment descriptor file (portlet.xml).

To define a portlet event at the application level:

  1. Open the Overview Editor for the portlet.xml file.

    For more information, see How to Edit the Portlet Deployment Descriptor File.

  2. Click the Events tab.

  3. Click the Add icon to create a new portlet event.

  4. From the drop-down list, select whether you are specifying a fully qualified name (QName) for the portlet event, or just the local part of the name.

    • Qualified Name—A QName uniquely identifies the portlet event across applications by specifying a namespace for the event as well as a local name. A page typically contains multiple portlets which may come from different applications. Using QNames ensures that portlet events from one portlet do not unintentionally interfere with the other portlets on a page regardless of where those portlets come from.

    • Unqualified Name—If the namespace for the portlet event is the same as the application default namespace, you can omit the namespace when defining the event by specifying an unqualified name. If the application default namespace has not been defined, a portlet event with an unqualified name uses the XML default namespace.


      To check whether an application default namespace has been defined, click the Application tab and see if a value has been entered in the Default Namespace field.

  5. Enter a name for the portlet event.

    • If you selected Qualified Name—In the Namespace field, enter the namespace for the portlet event and in the Name field, enter the local part of the event name.

    • If you selected Unqualified Name—In the Name field, enter the local part of the portlet event name. The event uses the application default namespace as the namespace for the event (or the XML default namespace if no default namespace is defined for the application).

  6. In the Payload Type field, enter or browse for the data type of the payload provided by the portlet event.

  7. In the Description field, enter a description for the portlet event.

  8. (Optional) In the Aliases panel, you can provide a list of aliases so that a portlet event can be recognized by the portlet even if it has a different QName from the one defined by the portlet.

    1. Click the Create icon to create a new alias for the portlet event.

    2. In the Namespace field, enter the namespace of the portlet event to use for the alias.

    3. In the Name field, enter the local part of the portlet event to use for the alias.

  9. The portlet event is added to the application definition section of the portlet.xml file, as shown below.

    <event-definition id="latLong">
     <qname xmlns:x="http://xmlns.oracle.com/portlet/EventSample">
  10. Save the portlet.xml file. Defining a Processing Event for a Portlet

If you want a portlet to listen for a particular portlet event, define it as a processing event.

To add a processing event to a portlet:

  1. Open the Overview Editor for the portlet.xml file.
  2. If the portlet event has not yet been defined within the Portlet Producer application, you must do this first.
  3. Click the Portlets tab and select the portlet in which you want to use the portlet event.
  4. Click the Events tab.

    In the Processing Events panel, the Available list shows all the portlet events that have been defined for the application.

  5. Select the portlet event that you want to use in the portlet and click the Add icon to move it to the Selected list.

    This adds the portlet event as a processing event to the portlet definition in portlet.xml, as shown below.

    <supported-processing-event id="latLong">
     <qname xmlns:x="http://xmlns.oracle.com/portlet/EventSample">
  6. Save the portlet.xml file.

    You can now use this portlet event in the code for your portlet. Defining a Publishing Event for a Portlet

If you want a portlet to trigger a particular portlet event, define it as a publishing event.

To add a publishing event to a portlet:

  1. Open the Overview Editor for the portlet.xml file.
  2. If the portlet event has not yet been defined within the Portlet Producer application, you must do this first.

    For more information, see Defining a Publishing Event for a Portlet.

  3. Click the Portlets tab and select the portlet in which you want to use the portlet event.
  4. Click the Events tab.

    In the Publishing Events panel, the Available list shows all the portlet events that have been defined for the application.

  5. Select the portlet event that you want to use in the portlet and click the Add icon to move it to the Selected list.

    This adds the portlet event as a publishing event to the portlet definition in portlet.xml, as shown below.

     <qname xmlns:x="http://xmlns.oracle.com/portlet/EventSample">
  6. Save the portlet.xml file.

    You can now use this portlet event in the code for your portlet. Using Portlet Events: An Example

The following example shows how to use portlet events to use the actions in one portlet to affect another portlet on the same page. In the example, we have a portlet, the Department Locations portlet, that lists the geographical locations of a company's various offices. The example shows how that portlet can be linked to another portlet, the Map portlet, which displays a Google map of the location selected in the Department Locations portlet.

The example below shows an excerpt from the portlet.xml file for the portlet producer application that contains the two portlets. The portlet producer application defines a portlet event (latLong) that is supported by the two portlets. The payload of the event is an object that encapsulates the latitude and longitude of a location.

<event-definition id="latLong">
 <qname xmlns:x="http://xmlns.oracle.com/portlet/EventSample">x:latLong</qname>

The next example shows that the Department Locations portlet uses the latLong event as a publishing event. That is, it raises the event under particular circumstances.

<portlet id="locations">
 <qname xmlns:x="http://xmlns.oracle.com/portlet/EventSample">x:latLong<qname>

The Department Locations portlet raises the latLong event in its processAction method if a location is selected in the portlet (see example below). It also sets the payload of the event to the latitude and longitude of the selected location.

public void processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response)
 throws PortletException
String locationId =request.getParameter("locationId");
 Location location =getLocation(Integer.parseInt(locationId));

 if (location != null)
//QName matches the event declared as a supported-publishing-event in
 //portlet.xml for this portlet.

 //LatLong event used by the Map portlet.
 response.setEvent(new QName("http://xmlns.oracle.com/portlet/EventSample", "latLong"),
 new LatLong(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude()));


The example below shows another portlet, the Map portlet, that also uses the latLong event, but this time as a processing event. That is, it listens out for the event and takes a particular action if the event is raised elsewhere on the page.

<portlet id="map">
 <supported-processing-event id="latLong">
 <qname xmlns:x="http://xmlns.oracle.com/portlet/EventSample">x:latLong</qname>

The processEvent method for the Map portlet receives the latLong event and uses the payload from that event to set the LAT_LONG_PARAMETER render parameter, which the portlet uses during rendering to determine the location to display in the Google map:

 public void processEvent(EventRequest request,
 EventResponse response)
 throws PortletException, IOException
Event event =request.getEvent();
 if (event.getName().equals("latLong"))
response.setRenderParameter(LAT_LONG_PARAMETER, event.getValue().toString());


In this case, the events used by the Department Locations and Map portlets have the same name (latLong). If the Map portlet listens for an event using a different name (for example, geolocation), the two portlets could still be automatically linked by defining an alias for the geolocation event in the portlet.xml file as follows:

<event-definition id="geolocation"> <qname xmlns:x="http://xmlns.oracle.com/portlet/Map">
 </qname> <alias xmlns:x="http://xmlns.oracle.com/portlet/EventSample">

Note, however, that the payload type of the two events must be the same for automatic linking to work.


For an event payload to be passed between portlets it must be possible to form an XML payload from event payload. For this to be possible one of the following must be true:

  • The payload must have a JAXB binding, for example by adding the XmlRootElement annotation to the portlet class:

    package portlet;
    import java.io.Serializable;
    import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
    public class LatLong implements Serializable
     private final double _latitude;
     private final double _longitude;
  • The allowEventPayloadsWithoutJAXBBindings container runtime option must be set to true in portlet.xml.

    For more information, see How to Customize the Runtime Environment for JSR 286 Portlets.

13.3.9 How to Add Portlet Preferences to JSR 286 Portlets

This section includes the following topics: About Portlet Preferences

Portlet preferences enable end users to personalize or customize portlets at runtime. Personalizations are visible only to the user that performs them; not to other users. Customizations are visible to all users who have not personalized the portlet.

By default, when you create a JSR 286 portlet using the JDeveloper wizard, a portlet preference is created to enable users to change the title of the portlet at runtime. You can create additional portlet preferences, either during portlet creation or by editing the portlet.xml file after portlet creation, to enable end users to make other modifications to the portlet at runtime.

For information about how to add a portlet preference to the portlet.xml file after portlet creation, see Adding a Portlet Preference to a JSR 286 Portlet. For information about how to add a portlet preference during portlet creation, see Creating a JSR 286 Java Portlet. Adding a Portlet Preference to a JSR 286 Portlet

To enable users to modify portlet behavior or content at runtime, you must create portlet preferences for those attributes of the portlet that you want users to be able to modify.

To add a portlet preference to a portlet:

  1. Open the Overview Editor for the portlet.xml file.
  2. Click the Portlets tab and select the portlet for which you want to add the portlet preference.
  3. Click the Advanced tab.

    The Preferences panel lists any existing portlet preferences that exist for the portlet, for example, the portletTitle preference.

  4. Click the Add icon to create a new portlet preference.
  5. In the Name field, enter a name for the preference.

    The name must be unique within the portlet.

  6. In the Value field, enter one or more default values for the preference.

    Separate multiple entries with commas.

  7. Select Read-only if you do not want users to be able to update the value of the preference.

    The portlet preference is added to the application definition section of the portlet.xml file, as shown below.

  8. Save the portlet.xml file.

    You can now use this preference in your portlet code using the getPreference method.


    If you want the preference to be translatable, you must add the appropriate key-value pairs to the resource bundle class. Adding Simple Portlet Personalization: An Example

The following example provides a simple illustration of how you can enable personalization in portlets.

To add simple personalization to a portlet:

  1. In JDeveloper, create a Portlet Producer application, accepting the default values.
  2. Create a JSR 286 portlet, accepting the default values.
  3. In the Application Navigator, expand the Portlets project.
  4. Right-click portlet.xml and choose Open.
  5. Click the Portlets tab and select portlet1.
  6. Click the Advanced tab.
  7. Click the Add icon to create a new portlet preference.
  8. In the Name field, enter portletContent.
  9. In the Application Navigator, right-click view.jsp and choose Open.
  10. In the visual editor, click the Source tab and add the code indicated in bold in the example below to display the portletContent portlet preference:
    <%@ page contentType="text/html"
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/portlet" prefix="portlet"%>
    String[] str ={"Portlet Content"};
    PortletPreferences prefs =renderRequest.getPreferences();
    str =prefs.getValues("portletContent",str);
    for (int i=0; i<str.length; i++)
    %><%=(i<str.length-1)?str[i]+", ":str[i]%><%}%> 
  11. In the Application Navigator, right-click edit.jsp and choose Open.

    Notice that the JSP consists of a form field, a form input field, and two form button fields.

  12. In the visual editor, click the Source tab and add the code indicated in bold in the example below to implement a form field for users to enter a value for the portletContent customization preference:
    <%@ page contentType ="text/html; charset=windows-1252"
     pageEncoding ="windows-1252"
     import ="javax.portlet.*, java.util.*,
    @ <%@ taglib uri ="http://java.sun.com/portlet" prefix="portlet"%>
     PortletPreferences prefs =renderRequest.getPreferences();
     ResourceBundle res =
    <form action="<portlet:actionURL/>" method="POST">
     <table border="0">
     <td width="20%">
     <p class="portlet-form-field" align="right">
     <%= res.getString(PortletenhanceBundle.PORTLETCONTENT) %>
     <td width="80%">
     <input class="portlet-form-input-field"
     name="<%= Portletenhance.PORTLETCONTENT_KEY %>"
     value="<%= Portletenhance.buildValue(prefs,
    Portletenhance.PORTLETCONTENT_KEY) %>"
     <td width="20%">
     <p class="portlet-form-field" align="right">
     <%= res.getString(PortletenhanceBundle.PORTLETTITLE) %>
     <td width="80%">
     <input class="portlet-form-input-field"
     name="<%= Portletenhance.PORTLETTITLE_KEY %>"
     value="<%= prefs.getValue(Portletenhance.PORTLETTITLE_KEY,
    res.getString("javax.portlet.title")) %>"
     String[] str ={"Portlet Content"};
     str =prefs.getValues("portletContent",str);
    <tr><td width="20%">
    <p class="portlet-form-field" align="right">
    </td><td width="80%">
    <textarea rows="10" cols="60" class="portlet-form-input-field"
    for (int i=0; i<str.length; i++)
    {%><%= (i<str.length-1) ? str[i]+", " : str[i] %><%}%>
     <td colspan="2" align="center">
     <input class="portlet-form-button" type="submit"
     <input class="portlet-form-button" type="submit"
  13. In the Application Navigator, right-click Portlet1.java and choose Open.
  14. In the visual editor, click the Source tab and add the code in bold in the example below to the processAction method.
    // Save the preferences.
    PortletPreferences prefs =request.getPreferences();
    String param =request.getParameter(PORTLETTITLE_KEY);
    prefs.setValues(PORTLETTITLE_KEY, buildValueArray(param));
    String contentParam =request.getParameter("portletContent");
    if (contentParam != null)
     prefs.setValues("portletContent", buildValueArray(contentParam));

    When this portlet is available on a page, users can personalize it. The Edit mode of the portlet provides a Portlet Content field, where users can enter text. The text entered is then displayed as the content of the portlet.

13.3.10 How to Use Portlet Filters in JSR 286 Portlets

This section includes the following topics: About Portlet Filters

Portlet filters are a JSR 286 feature that enables you to alter the content of a portlet at runtime. A portlet filter is a reusable Java component that can transform the content of portlet requests and portlet responses. Filters do not generally create a response or respond to a request as portlets do, rather they modify or adapt the requests and responses.

For more information about portlet filters and how to implement them, see the JSR 286 specification at:

http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=286 Adding a Portlet Filter to an Application

For a portlet to be able to use a portlet filter, the filter must first be defined within the application.

To add a portlet filter to an application:

  1. Open the Overview Editor for the portlet.xml file.

    For more information, see How to Edit the Portlet Deployment Descriptor File.

  2. Click the Filters tab.

  3. Click the Add icon to create a new portlet filter.

  4. In the Create Portlet Filter dialog you can either create a new portlet filter, or select a previously created portlet filter:

    • To create a new portlet filter:

      1. Select New Portlet Filter.

      2. In the Name field, enter a name for the portlet filter.

        The name must be unique within the application and use only letters, numbers, and the underscore character.

      3. In the Package field, enter or browse for the package to contain the new filter class.

      4. Select one or more of the Lifecycle Phase check boxes to specify which of the javax.portlet.filter interfaces the filter class implements:

        Action—The filter class implements the ActionFilter interface

        Event—The filter class implements the EventFilter interface.

        Render—The filter class implements the RenderFilter interface.

        Resource—The filter class implements the ResourceFilter interface.


        When you create a new filter class using the Create Portlet Filter dialog, you can specify which of the filter interfaces the filter class implements. After the filter class has been created, you cannot add or remove filter interfaces through the Overview Editor. Instead, you must edit the source of the filter class directly to manually add or remove the interfaces and the doFilter methods defined for those interfaces.

    • To select an existing portlet filter:

      1. Select Choose from Existing Class.

      2. Enter or browse for the filter class.

  5. Click OK.

  6. In the Display Name field, enter a more user-friendly name for the portlet filter.

  7. In the Description field, enter a description for the portlet filter.

  8. In the Initialization Parameters panel, you can specify initialization parameters that pass values to the init() method of the filter class.

    1. Click the Add icon to specify an initialization parameter for the portlet filter.

    2. In the Name field, enter the name of the initialization parameter.

    3. In the Value field, enter the value to pass to the initialization parameter.

    4. In the Description field, enter a description of the initialization parameter.

    The portlet filter is added to the application definition section of the portlet.xml file, as shown below.

     <display-name>Test Filter</display-name>
  9. Save the portlet.xml file. Applying a Portlet Filter to a Portlet

After the portlet filter has been defined in the application, you can then apply it to one or more portlets within the application. You can also specify the order in which portlet filters are applied to portlets.

To apply a portlet filter to a portlet:

  1. Open the Overview Editor for the portlet.xml file.
  2. Click the Filter Mappings tab.
  3. Click the Add icon to add a row to the filter mappings table.
  4. From the Filter Name drop-down list, select the portlet filter that you want to apply to the portlet.

    The drop-down list is populated with all the portlet filters that are defined in the portlet.xml file.

  5. From the Portlet Name drop-down list, select the portlet to which you want to apply the portlet filter.

    The drop-down list is populated with all the portlets that are defined in the portlet.xml file.

    Alternatively, you can use wildcards to apply the portlet filter to more than one portlet. For example, you can enter *to apply the portlet filter to all the portlets in the application.

    The filter mapping is added to the application definition section of the portlet.xml file. The example below shows the filter_1 portlet filter applied to the portlet named Portlet1.

  6. Use the Top, Up, Down, and Bottom icons to order the portlet filters in the portlet.xml file. The order of the portlet filters determines the order in which the filters are applied to the portlets.


    Portlet filters can be mapped to multiple portlets. If you have multiple portlets mapped to (sharing) a filter, arbitrarily changing the filter order can produce undesired side effects. That is, if you change the order in which filters are applied in one portlet, the reordering will apply to all other portlets that share the filter.

  7. Save the portlet.xml file.

13.3.11 How to Implement Interportlet Communication Across Different Pages

Generally, interportlet communication occurs between portlets that are displayed on the same page. However, it is possible to communicate between portlets on different pages, as shown in the following example.

To implement interportlet communication across different pages:

  1. Create a custom data control and expose a method to capture the event that initiates the interportlet communication.
    public void handleEvent(Object payload) {    
        if(!(payload instanceof HashMap)){
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Payload not a HashMap<String,String>.");
            String p1 = "",p2 = "",p3 = "";
            HashMap map = (HashMap) payload;
            String[] pa1 = (String[])map.get("parameter1");
            String[] pa2 = (String[])map.get("parameter2");
            String[] pa3 = (String[])map.get("parameter3");
            if(pa1 != null)
                p1 = pa1[0];
            if(pa2 != null)
                p2 = pa2[0];
            if(pa3 != null)
                p3 = pa3[0];
            //Only forward when all 3 parameters have values
            if(!p1.equals("") && !p2.equals("") && !p3.equals("")){
                HashMap<String,String> paramMap = new HashMap<String,String>();
                paramMap.put("parameter1", p1);
                paramMap.put("parameter2", p2);
                paramMap.put("parameter3", p3);
                Map<String, Object> pageFlowScope = ADFContext.getCurrent().getPageFlowScope();
                pageFlowScope.put("paramMap", paramMap);
                //now the navigation
                FacesContext fctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
                Application application = fctx.getApplication();
                NavigationHandler navHandler = application.getNavigationHandler();
                navHandler.handleNavigation(fctx, null, "target");   
  2. Add this method to the page bindings and create an event from it.
    <methodAction id="handleEvent" InstanceName="EventDataControl.dataProvider"
                      DataControl="EventDataControl" RequiresUpdateModel="true"
                      Action="invokeMethod" MethodName="handleEvent"
          <NamedData NDName="payload" NDType="java.lang.Object"/>
          <events xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adfm/contextualEvent">
            <event name="handleEvent"/>
  3. Wire the event to the portlet event. This ensures that the payload of the event triggered by the portlet is passed to the custom method.
    <eventMap xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adfm/contextualEvent">
        <event name="ParameterFormPortlet1_1_Event">
          <producer region="*">
            <consumer region="" handler="handleEvent" handleCondition="">
                <parameter name="payload" value="#{payLoad}"/>
  4. Create a HashMap to pass the payload to the pageFlowScope of the page that contains the second portlet.
    HashMap<String,String> paramMap = new HashMap<String,String>();
     paramMap.put("parameter1", p1);
     paramMap.put("parameter2", p2);
     paramMap.put("parameter3", p3);            
     Map<String, Object> pageFlowScope = ADFContext.getCurrent().getPageFlowScope();
     pageFlowScope.put("paramMap", paramMap);
  5. Define a navigation rule in the faces-config.xml file to navigate to the target page.
    FacesContext fctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
     Application application = fctx.getApplication();
     NavigationHandler navHandler = application.getNavigationHandler();
     navHandler.handleNavigation(fctx, null, "target");
  6. Pass the parameters in the pageFlowScope to the target portlet using the parameterMap attribute.
    <portlet id="ParameterDisplayPortlet1_1"
            <event eventType="ParametersChange"


You can also create a single generic eventHandler and add it to the page template. By adding a method binding in the page template, this is available on all pages. By using a wildcard for the publisher, you can also make sure that it listens to all events with a specific name.

For more information and to download a sample application, see the blog entry at:


13.3.12 How to Enhance JSR 286 Portlet Performance with Caching

This section includes the following topics: About Portlet Caching

When you have completed the basic functionality of your portlet, you may want to turn your attention to portlet performance.

Caching is a common technique for enhancing the performance of web sites that include a great deal of dynamic content. JSR 286 portlets support expiry-based and validation-based caching.

For more information about caching, see Portlet Performance. Implementing Expiry-Based Caching in JSR 286 Portlets

You can choose to implement expiry-based caching when you first create a portlet using the Create JSR 286 Portlet Wizard. However, during the initial development of a portlet, you may prefer to turn portlet caching off and implement it later in the development cycle when the portlet content becomes more stable. You may also want to edit the expiration period, or change the cache scope.

To implement expiry-based caching:

  1. Open the Overview Editor for the portlet.xml file.
  2. Click the Portlets tab and select the portlet for which you want to implement expiry-based caching.
  3. Click the Advanced tab.
  4. In the Cache Management panel, select Cache Portlet.


    To disable portlet caching, deselect Cache Portlet. This sets the cache expiration period to 0, meaning that the cached content is always expired.

  5. Select the Cache Scope:
    • Select Public to share the cached content across users

    • Select Private if the cached content should not be shared across users.

  6. Specify the cache expiration period:
    • Select Cache Content Never Expires to set the cache expiration period to -1. This means that the cached content never expires and the content is always retrieved from the cache. Use this option if you are confident that the portlet contains static content that is unlikely to change. Setting this option results in the following code being added to the portlet.xml file:

    • Select Cache Content Expires After to expire the cached portlet content after a specified number of seconds. Enter the expiration period (n), in seconds, in the adjacent field. Setting this option results in the following code being added to the portlet.xml file:

  7. Save the portlet.xml file. Implementing Validation-Based Caching in JSR 286 Portlets

Implementation of validation-based caching takes place after the initial portlet creation and requires hand coding.

The example below shows how a GenericPortlet would typically implement its doView() method such that the consumer caches the markup using validation-based caching. The example also shows how expiry-based caching can be defined programmatically (using the CacheControl.setExpirationTime() method) and used in conjunction with validation-based caching to further reduce the load on the producer. This would work equally well for serveResource().

protected void doView (RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response)
 throws PortletException, IOException 
CacheControl cacheControl =response.getCacheControl();
 String eTag =request.getETag();
 if (isMarkupStillValid(eTag)) 
//Wait 30 seconds before checking ETag again
//Tell consumer to use its cached content
//ETag not valid so set a new one ...
 //Define a new ETag
 //Wait 60 seconds before checking ETag again
 //... and generate fresh portlet markup
 createMarkup(request, response);
private boolean isMarkupStillValid(String eTag)
 if (eTag ==null)
return false; //No ETag was supplied
//Perform portlet specific checks for the consumer's cached 
//copy of the markup still being valid based on the given ETag
private String generateETag(...)
 //Portlet specific code to generate an ETag, for example, a hash 
//of the data on which the portlet's markup is based
 return eTag;

For more information about validation-based caching in JSR 286 portlets, see the JSR 286 specification at:


13.3.13 How to Implement Rewritten URLs for Resource Proxy

Resource proxying is the standard way to retrieve resources with WSRP. To avoid problems with URLs within your portlet, you can set a flag to rewrite all of the URLs within a specified resource. For example, if you have an HTML fragment that contains URLs, then you could set this flag to rewrite its URLs taking into account the WSRP resource proxying.

To indicate that URLs should be rewritten, set the PortletRequest attribute, oracle.portlet.server.resourceRequiresRewriting, to true. For example, you might include code similar to the excerpt in the code below to use resource proxying for a URL that you are encoding. Encapsulate this code within a method to avoid repeating it for every URL individually.

String url =response.encodeURL(pathToResourceForRewriting); 

If you do not specifically set oracle.portlet.server.resourceRequiresRewriting, then it defaults to false, meaning that URLs are not rewritten. You must explicitly activate the feature by setting this attribute to true.

You can use the defaultProxiedResourceRequiresWsrpRewrite container runtime option to specify the default WSRP requiresRewrite flag to use. The option specified by this container runtime option (which is set to true by default) is used unless overridden by the request attribute. For more information, see "com.oracle.portlet.defaultProxiedResourceRequiresWsrpRewrite."

13.3.14 How to Implement Stateless Resource Proxying

If you have out of protocol resources that do not require rewriting, you may want to use stateless resource proxying. Stateless resource proxying means that the URLs returned to the browser do not require portlet IDs or any other contextual information. This increases the cache hit ratio for such resources. You might find stateless resource proxying useful for functionality such as static JavaScript files, static images, and so on.

To indicate that stateless proxying is required, set the PortletRequest attribute oracle.portlet.server.useStatelessProxying to true. For example, you might include code similar to the excerpt in the code below to use stateless proxying for a URL that you are encoding. Encapsulate this code within a method to avoid repeating it for every URL individually.

request.setAttribute("oracle.portlet.server.useStatelessProxying", Boolean.TRUE);
String url =response.encodeURL(pathToResource);

If you do not specifically set oracle.portlet.server.useStatelessProxying, it defaults to false. You must explicitly activate the feature by setting this attribute to true.

13.3.15 How to Manage the Persistence Store for JSR 286 Portlets

This section includes the following topics: About the Persistence Store

The portlet persistence store is used for persisting consumer registration handles and portlet preference data. Portlet producers can use one of three types of persistence store:

  • Consumer—Ties the producer metadata to the consumer application. This is the recommended method.

  • Database—Persists data using a relational database. This is mainly provided for backward compatibility but may be useful if there is likely to be a large number of customizations.

  • File—Persists data using the file system. This is provided for backward compatibility. You should not use a file based persistence store in your production environment as it does not support multi-tier or high availability environments. You may, however, want to use a file based persistence store while testing your application using Integrated WLS.

For more information, see Portlet Personalization and Customization. JNDI Variables for WSRP Producer Persistence Store

Table 13-2 lists and describes the JNDI variables used to specify the persistence store for WSRP producers.

Table 13-2 WSRP Producer Database Preference Store-Related JNDI Variable

Variable Name Variable Value Description





Determines which data store (File, Database, or Consumer) is used for persisting a portlet producer application's consumer registration handles and portlet preferences.



Defines the path to the root directory to be used by the file preference store.

Absolute paths are interpreted relative to the file system root. Relative paths are interpreted relative to the WC_ORACLE_HOME/portal directory.

Note that all producers running within the same WebLogic Server must use the same path for this variable. Otherwise, you get a Portlet unavailable error for some portlets. Setting Up a Persistence Store for a WSRP Producer

WSRP portlet producers use a JNDI variable (persistentStore) to determine which type of persistence store to use. When you create a portlet for the first time in an application, by default this variable is set to Consumer. You can change the value of this variable in the web.xml file of the portlet producer application.


If you create a portlet in an application that already contains other portlets, the existing persistence store setting is maintained.

If you use a File persistence store, you must also use the fileStoreRoot JNDI variable to specify the path to the root directory to be used by the persistence store. See JNDI Variables for WSRP Producer Persistence Store.

To set up the persistence store for a WSRP portlet producer:

  1. In JDeveloper, open the portlet producer application for which you want to set up the persistence store.
  2. Expand the portlet project (for example, Portlets).
  3. Expand the Web Content node and then the WEB-INF node.
  4. Right-click web.xml and choose Open.
  5. Click the Source tab.
  6. To specify a Database persistence store, add the following code:

    To specify a File-based persistence store, add the following code:


    To specify a Consumer persistence store, add the following code:

  7. Save the web.xml file.
  8. Restart your WebLogic Server. Migrating a WSRP Producer Persistence Store

If you want to change the type of persistence store used by your portlet producer, for example when moving from a testing to production environment, you can migrate the existing data from the old to the new persistence store.

This section includes the following topics: Migrating a Database or File-Based Persistence Store

The WSRP portlet producer persistence store migration utility, PersistenceMigrationTool, enables you to migrate existing data between Database and File-based persistence stores (for example, from a File-based persistence store used for testing to a production Database persistence store). This utility also enables upgrading users to ensure that their existing locale-specific portlet preference data uses a naming format compatible with the latest JPS release. You can also use this utility to migrate between source and destination stores of the same type, enabling data to be moved from one database store to another.


There are several libraries that must be referenced in the classpath when running the PersistenceMigrationTool utility:

  • wcs-producer-spi.jar

  • portlet-utils.jar

  • portlet-producer-container-common.jar

  • portlet-producer-container-persistence.jar

  • oracle-portlet-api.jar

  • wsrp-container.jar

  • oracle-portlet-tags.jar

  • ojdbc6.jar

The ojdbc6.jar library referenced in the classpath must be the same as the one used by your database.

To migrate a database or file-based persistence store:

  1. Ensure that the appropriate libraries are referenced in the classpath:
    ./java -classpath
  2. Run the PersistenceMigrationTool using the following syntax:
    java oracle.portlet.server.containerimpl.PersistenceMigrationTool
    -sourceType [file |db]
    -destType [file |db]
    {-sourcePath [dir |
    -sourceUsername username -sourcePassword password -sourceDatabase db
     -sourceDriver srcDriver]}
    {-destPath [dir |destUsername username -destPassword password -destDatabase db
     -destDriver dstDriver]}


    • sourceType indicates whether the source store is in a file (file) or database (db). You can have source and destination stores of the same type. Hence, you can migrate from one database to another or one file system to another.

    • destType indicates whether the destination store is in a file (file) or database (db). You can have source and destination stores of the same type. Hence, you can migrate from one database to another or one file system to another.

    • sourcePath is the location of a file-based persistence store. This argument is required when sourceType is file.

    • sourceUsername is the database user name for a persistence store database. This argument is required when sourceType is db.

    • sourcePassword is the database password for a persistence store database. This argument is required when sourceType is db.

    • sourceDatabase is the name of a persistence store database. This argument is required when sourceType is db.

    • sourceDriver is the name of a database driver to use. For example, for a SQL Server database, the database driver is com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver. If you do not specify a value for this argument, the migration tool attempts to determine the correct driver to use from the sourceDatabase argument.

    • destPath is the location of a file-based persistence store. This argument is required when destType is file.

    • destUsername is the database user name for a persistence store database. This argument is required when destType is db.

    • destPassword is the database password for a persistence store database. This argument is required when destType is db.

    • destDatabase is the name of a persistence store database. This argument is required when destType is db.

    • destDriver is the name of a database driver to use. For example, for a SQL Server database, the database driver is com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver. If you do not specify a value for this argument, the migration tool attempts to determine the correct driver to use from the destDatabase argument.

    • debug turns on full logging through standard output to enable users to diagnose issues that arise when the tool runs.

The example below demonstrates running the PersistenceMigrationTool utility. In this example, preferences from a File store are copied to a Database store.

./java -classpath

-sourceType file \
-sourcePath /data/prefs
-destType db \
-destUsername scott \
-destPassword tiger \
-destDatabase abc.mycompany.com:1521:yourdatabase \


  • ORACLE_COMMON_HOME is your Oracle Common home

  • DB_ORACLE_HOME is your database Oracle home if it is on the same machine as the WebCenter Portal Oracle home. If the database Oracle home is on a separate machine, then you must copy the DB_ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib directory into a temporary directory on the WebCenter Portal Oracle home and reference the ojdbc6.jar library from this temporary directory in the classpath. Migrating to or from a Consumer Persistence Store

You cannot use the persistence store migration utility to migrate to or from a consumer persistence store. To migrate to or from a consumer persistence store, you must export the data from one producer from the consumer and import into another.

To migrate a consumer persistence store:

  1. Export the producer metadata from your consumer application to an EAR file.

    This contacts the remote producer to get customization data, and so on. You can use WLST to do this, see exportPortletClientMetadata in WebCenter WLST Command Reference.

  2. Either remap the producer connection to another producer, which can be using any persistence store type, or change the preference store configuration of the current producer, and restart it.
  3. Import from the exported EAR file back to your consumer application. This pushes the relevant metadata back to the producers, which then store it in their configured persistence store. Moving a WSRP Portlet Producer

If you move a portlet producer to a different server, you may also have to move the persistence store for the producer.

After installing the new producer, move the persistence store according to the following:

  • Consumer persistence store—Because the data is stored with the consumer, there is no requirement to move the persistence store.

  • Database persistence store—Perform one of the following:

    • Configure the new producer to point the WebLogic Server data source to the same database as the original producer.

    • Migrate the persistence store using the Persistence Store Migration Utility (see Migrating a WSRP Producer Persistence Store for more information).

  • File persistence store—Perform one of the following:

    • Configure the new producer to point the same file system location as the original producer.

    • Migrate the persistence store using the Persistence Store Migration Utility (see Migrating a WSRP Producer Persistence Store for more information).

Finally, update the URL of the producer registration by using Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control or the WLST command setWSRPProducerRegistration.

13.4 Testing JSR 286 Portlets

Before making your portlets available in a production environment, it is highly advisable to test them first to make sure that they behave as expected.

This section includes the following topics:

13.4.1 How to Run a WSRP Portlet Producer on Integrated WebLogic Server

The Integrated WebLogic Server (Integrated WLS) provides a quick and easy way of testing your portlets because it is preconfigured so that you can run applications within JDeveloper without needing to create deployment profiles.

To test a JSR 286 portlet on Integrated WLS:

  1. In JDeveloper, open the portlet producer application that owns the portlet that you want to test.
  2. Expand the portlet project (for example, Portlets).
  3. Expand the Web Content node and then the WEB-INF node.
  4. Right-click portlet.xml and choose Run.

    Running portlet.xml triggers the packaging and deployment of your portlet producer application on an Integrated WLS instance named after the application.

  5. Check the IntegratedWebLogicServer - Log window to monitor the deployment progress. The log shows the URL of the application page. The WSRP producer URL uses the following syntax:


    • host is the server to which your producer has been deployed.

    • port is the HTTP Listener port. Typically, it is 7101. When the server is started, the port is displayed in the console.

    • context-root is the Web application's context root.

    A test page similar to Figure 13-4displays in a browser window.

    Figure 13-4 WSRP Producer Test Page

    Description of Figure 13-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 13-4 WSRP Producer Test Page"
  6. While the application is running, you can switch back and forth between JDeveloper and your browser to make changes at design time in your application, save the changes, and then refresh the test page in your browser.
  7. When the producer is successfully running, you should register it with an application and add one or more portlets to a page to check that it is working correctly. A producer gives applications the information they require to locate and communicate with that producer. After you register a producer, it is exposed as a connection, and the producer and its portlets become available in the Application Resources panel under the Connections node, or in the Resource Palette.
  8. To stop an Integrated WLS instance, in the Run Manager tab, select DefaultServer and click the red Stop icon. When the instance stops, the application is undeployed, and therefore, becomes unavailable.


    You can also stop an Integrated WLS instance by clicking the red Stop icon in the IntegratedWebLogicServer - Log window and selecting DefaultServer.

What Happens When You Run a WSRP Portlet Producer on Integrated WebLogic Server

These configurations vary depending upon the portlet requirements.

  • WSDLs and other configuration files are added to the WEB-INF directory to configure the portlets as a web service.

  • The web.xml file is updated with listener and server classes, filters, parameters, and other configurations that are required to run the JSR 286 portlet producer application successfully.

    For example, the oracle.portlet.server.adapter.web.ServerContextListener class, WSRP_v2_PortletManagement_Service and WSRPBaseService filters, and so on.

  • Libraries required for JSR 286 portlets are added to the weblogic.xml file, for example, oracle.portlet-producer.wsrp.

When you run a WSRP portlet producer on Integrated WLS, the following happens:

13.4.2 How to Deploy a WSRP Portlet Producer to the Integrated WebLogic Server

When you run a WSRP portlet producer application on the Integrated WLS instance, when the instance stops, the application is undeployed and therefore becomes unavailable. For a more persistent testing scenario, you can deploy your portlet producer application to the Integrated WLS so that it is always available while the Default Server is running.

If you choose this method, then you must first create deployment profiles. If you deploy your application to the Integrated WLS, then the Deployment Configuration dialog displays to enable you to configure and customize deployment settings. The file system MDS repository precreated by JDeveloper displays in the Repository Name field.

13.4.3 How to Hide or Remove the WSRP Test Page

For security purposes, you may want to hide the WSRP test page so that it is visible only to administrators, or you may want to remove it entirely.

This section includes the following subsections:


There is also a Webservice test page, which enables you to build up SOAP requests to the producer in a web browser. For WSRP portlet producers this test page is disabled by default. Although this test page does not provide any useful information for testing your portlet producers, you can enable it, if desired, by extracting the oracle-webservices.xml file from the deployed producer's WAR file, setting the expose-testpage flag to true for both WSRP v1 and WSRP v2 producers, and then repacking the WAR and EAR files and redeploying the producer. Hiding the WSRP Test Page

If you do not want all users to be able to see the WSRP test page, you can protect it so that only administrators can see it.

To hide the WSRP test page:

  1. In JDeveloper, open the portlet producer application for which you want to hide the test page.
  2. Expand the portlet project (for example, Portlets).
  3. Expand the Web Content node and then the WEB-INF node.
  4. Right-click web.xml and choose Open.
  5. Click the Source tab.
  6. Add the following code:
     <description>Protect the test page servlet.</description>
  7. Save the web.xml file. Removing the WSRP Test Page

You can remove the WSRP test page completely.

To remove the WSRP test page, you must edit an element that is injected into the web.xml file at packaging time, so you must edit the web.xml file in the resulting EAR file.

To remove the WSRP test page:

  1. Extract the web.xml file from the EAR file created at packaging time and open it in an editor of your choice.
  2. Comment out the following code:
  3. Save the web.xml file and add the edited file to the EAR file.

13.5 Migrating WebLogic Portal Portlets to WebCenter Portal

In general, JSR 286 standard portlets (Java portlets) that were developed with the WebLogic Portal's Eclipse IDE can be moved directly to a WebCenter Portal/JDeveloper environment. Simply copy all of the portlet artifacts (portlet.xml, .java files, .jsp files, and so on) into a JDeveloper Portlet Producer application project.


Any WebLogic Portal specific APIs used by the portlet must be rewritten to use WebCenter Portal APIs. WebLogic Portal specific APIs will not work in a WebCenter environment.


You can use the WebLogic Portal Export feature to export your Java portlets to an archive file and then import the archive file into your JDeveloper project. This technique may be simpler than manually copying all the portlet artifacts from one environment to another. See Exporting Java Portlets for Use on Other Systems in the Portlet Development Guide for Oracle WebLogic Portal.

Moving portlets from a WLP development environment to a WebCenter Portal development environment is not directly supported. In general, this process can involve substantial rewriting or refactoring of the migrated portlet code and related files.


If a portlet (regardless of type) was capable of running over WSRP in WebLogic Portal, the portlet can be consumed directly from the WebLogic Portal's portlet producer in a WebCenter Portal consumer. See WSRP Interoperability with Oracle WebCenter Portal and Oracle Portal in the Federated Portals Guide for Oracle WebLogic Portal.

Below are some general guidance on moving WLP portlets into WebCenter Portal's portlet producer environment.

  • JSP portlets –Moving JSP portlets directly into a WebCenter Portal project is not supported. You can consider refactoring the JSP portlet into a JSR286 portlet and then migrate it.

  • JSR 168/286 portlets –Most Java (JSR 168 /286) portlets can be directly imported to a WebCenter Portal portlet producer and run as JSR286 portlets. Some JSR168 portlets that take advantage of specific error conditions guaranteed by the JSR168 specification may need to be run in a JSR168 compatibility mode. See JSR-286/JSR-168 Portlet Compatibility in the Portlet Development Guide for Oracle WebLogic Portal. JSR168 portlets using WLP's proprietary eventing (event subscriptions declared in a .portlet file) must be re-written to use JSR286 events.

  • Java Page Flow portlets –JPF portlets are not supported by WebCenter Portal's portlet producer and must be either consumed from a WebLogic Portal WSRP producer or refactored to become JSR286 or JSF portlets.

  • JSF portlets –If the portlet is written to the JSR329 JSF Portlet bridge in WLP, it should run on a WebCenter producer with no changes. For portlets using the WLP "native" JSF portlet bridge, the portlet must be consumed from a WebLogic Portal producer or upgraded to a JSF 1.2 portlet using the JSR329 bridge. See also Working With JSF-Java Portlets in the Portlet Development Guide for Oracle WebLogic Portal.

  • Clipper portlets –Clipper portlets are not supported in WebCenter portal, but the web clipping features in WebCenter Portal's pagelet producer provide equivalent functionality.

  • Struts portlets –Moving Struts portlets directly into a WebCenter Portal project is not supported. You can consider refactoring the JSP portlet into a JSR286 portlet and then migrate it.

  • Content Presenter portlets –WLP Content Presenter portlets will not work over WSRP and will not work with WebCenter Portal. However, equivalent functionality is available in WebCenter Portal's Content Presenter. See Publishing Content Using Content Presenter in Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal.

  • Remote (WSRP) portlets –Remote (WSRP) portlets consumed in WLP can be consumed in a WebCenter Portal's consumer instead. Remote portlets taking advantage of WLP-specific WSRP features may need modification. For example the custom data transfer feature must be replaced by using events or shared parameters to convey data. See WSRP Interoperability with Oracle WebCenter Portal and Oracle Portal and Configuring WSRP Security Between WLP and a WebCenter Portal: Framework Application in the Federated Portals Guide for Oracle WebLogic Portal.

Problems inherent in moving WebLogic Portal portlets directly to a WebCenter Portal project in JDeveloper can include the following:

  • URL Generation –Some URL types supported by WebLogic Portal do not work in WebCenter Portal, including DesktopURL, CustomEventURL, PageURL, WindowURL, StandalonePortletURL, and possibly others.

  • Events –The WebCenter Portal consumer does not generate all of the events that the WebLogic Portal framework generates. These unsupported events include Init, LookAndFeelReinit, Notification, Refresh, WindowActivation, WindowDeactivation, and possibly others.

  • Render Dependencies –WLP render dependencies do not work in WebCenter Portal.

  • WLP Framework APIs –Many WLP APIs are not supported in WebCenter Portal.

13.6 Files Related to JSR 286 Portlets

This section describes the files that are created for you when you build a JSR 286 portlet. It includes the following topics:

13.6.1 portlet.xml

portlet.xml defines the characteristics of your JSR 286 portlet. For complete details on portlet.xml, you should see the Java Portlet Specification available at:


The example below provides a sample fragment from a portlet.xml file. Note that this example does not include all of the available elements of portlet.xml.

Example portlet.xml

 <description>JSR 286 map portlet </description>
 <display-name>Map Portlet</display-name>
 <title>Map Portlet</title>

For JSR 286 portlets, the portlet.xml file contains all information related to portlets and their settings. Note that not all of these settings are used in the previous sample.

  • <description> describes the portlet, providing details to the end user.

  • <portlet-name> uniquely identifies the portlet within the Portlet Producer application.

  • <display-name> is used when presenting a list of available portlets to the user.

  • <portlet-class> contains the fully qualified class name of the class implementing the javax.portlet.Portlet interface or extending the GenericPortlet abstract class that becomes the entry point for the portlet logic. The portlet container uses this class when it invokes the portlet life cycle methods. For JSF portlets created using the Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge, this is oracle.portlet.bridge.adf.application.ADFBridgePortlet.

  • <expiration-cache> the default duration (in seconds) of the expiration cache.

  • <init-param> defines initialization parameters for configuring the behavior of the portlet. The Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge uses initialization parameters to identify the entry points for the different portlet modes supported by the portlet, for example, for View mode:


    Initialization parameters for other WebCenter Portal-supported modes are:

    • Edit mode: javax.portlet.faces.defaultViewId.edit

    • Help mode: javax.portlet.faces.defaultViewId.help

    • About mode: javax.portlet.faces.defaultViewId.about

    • Config mode: javax.portlet.faces.defaultViewId.config

    • Edit Defaults mode: javax.portlet.faces.defaultViewId.edit_defaults

    • Preview mode: javax.portlet.faces.defaultViewId.preview

    • Print mode: javax.portlet.faces.defaultViewId.print


    The value for the defaultViewId is relative to the application context root and must always start with a /. In the example provided, the value for defaultViewId.view is /myPage.jspx.

    If you add a defaultViewId for other portlet modes, then you must also add the mode to the <supports> tag. For example, <portlet-mode>HELP</portlet-mode>.

  • <supports> provides information about the portlet modes supported for each content type. Portlet modes supported by WebCenter Portal include: edit, help, about, config, edit_defaults, preview, and print.

  • <supported-locale> lists the locales supported by the portlet at runtime.

  • <resource-bundle> is the fully qualified class name of the resource bundle used to provide language specific portlet information, such as title and keywords.

  • <title> is the static title of the portlet, usually displayed in the portlet decoration on the portlet window.

  • <short-title> is the title that is used on devices (such as mobile phones) that have limited display capabilities.

  • <keywords> are used by applications that offer search capabilities for their users.

  • <portlet-preferences> are preference attribute definitions.

  • <supported-processing-event> are events that the portlet can receive.

  • <supported-publishing-event> are events that the portlet raises.

  • <supported-public-render-parameter> is a public render parameter supported by the portlet.

  • <container-runtime-option> an option for defining additional runtime behavior.

  • <security-role-ref> maps a role name to a security role in web.xml. The list of roles in web.xml that the <security-role-ref> maps to is published to the consumer as the producer's user categories. In web.xml, <security-role> appears similar to the following:

     <description>Viewer role</description>

13.6.2 oracle-portlet-tags.jar

oracle-portlet-tags.jar is the Oracle implementation of the JSP tag library defined by the Java Portlet Specification.

13.6.3 portlet_mode.jsp

Depending on the implementation style of the portlet mode that you choose to create for your portlet, a corresponding JSP file is created in your portlet_name\html directory to define that mode. For example, if you choose to have View and Edit modes for your portlet, then you need view.jsp and edit.jsp in your portlet_name\html directory. For JSR 286 portlets, you can have the following JSP files for your portlet modes:

  • about.jsp

  • config.jsp

  • edit_defaults.jsp

  • edit.jsp

  • help.jsp

  • preview.jsp

  • print.jsp

  • view.jsp

For further explanation of portlet modes, see Portlet Modes.

13.6.4 portlet_name.java

portlet_name.java is the class that acts as the entry point for the portlet logic. This class must implement the javax.portlet.Portlet interface or extend the GenericPortlet abstract class. The portlet container uses this class when it invokes the portlet lifecycle methods.

13.6.5 portlet_nameBundle.jar

portlet_nameBundle.jar is a resource bundle class, containing translation of the strings used by the portlet.

13.6.6 web.xml

web.xml is a Java EE standard descriptor that contains details about Web applications. For more information about web.xml, see Developing Fusion Web Applications with Oracle Application Development Framework.