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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ServerMBean   


Uses of ServerMBean in


Methods in that return ServerMBean
abstract  ServerMBean DomainMBean.createServer(String name)
          This is the factory method for Servers that are scoped at the domain level.
abstract  ServerMBean[] MigratableTargetMBean.getAllCandidateServers()
          The list of servers that are candidates to host the migratable services deployed to this migratable target.
abstract  ServerMBean[] SingletonServiceMBean.getAllCandidateServers()
          Return a list of servers that are candidates to host the services deployed to this migratable target.
abstract  ServerMBean[] MigratableTargetMBean.getConstrainedCandidateServers()
          The (user-restricted) list of servers that can host the migratable services deployed to this migratable target.
abstract  ServerMBean[] SingletonServiceMBean.getConstrainedCandidateServers()
          Returns the (user restricted) list of servers that may host the migratable target.
abstract  ServerMBean[] SNMPTrapSourceMBean.getEnabledServers()
          This attribute is applicable only when the SNMP Agent is running on the Admin Server of a WebLogic Domain.
abstract  ServerMBean SingletonServiceBaseMBean.getHostingServer()
          Returns the name of the server that currently hosts the singleton service.
abstract  ServerMBean AdminServerMBean.getServer()
abstract  ServerMBean ServerDebugMBean.getServer()
          Returns the server for this bean
abstract  ServerMBean[] ClusterMBean.getServers()
          The servers which have declared membership in this cluster.
abstract  ServerMBean[] DomainMBean.getServers()
          Returns the ServerMBeans representing the servers that have been configured to be part of this domain.
abstract  ServerMBean SingletonServiceBaseMBean.getUserPreferredServer()
          Returns the server that the user prefers the singleton service to be active on.
abstract  ServerMBean DomainMBean.lookupServer(String name)
          Lookup a particular server from the list.


Methods in with parameters of type ServerMBean
abstract  boolean MigratableTargetMBean.addConstrainedCandidateServer(ServerMBean constrainedCandidateServer)
abstract  boolean SingletonServiceMBean.addConstrainedCandidateServer(ServerMBean constrainedCandidateServer)
abstract  boolean SNMPTrapSourceMBean.addEnabledServer(ServerMBean server)
          Adds a feature to the EnabledServer attribute of the SNMPTrapSourceMBean object
abstract  void DomainMBean.destroyServer(ServerMBean server)
          Destroys and removes a server which is a child of this Domain with the specified short name .
abstract  boolean MigratableTargetMBean.removeConstrainedCandidateServer(ServerMBean constrainedCandidateServer)
abstract  boolean SingletonServiceMBean.removeConstrainedCandidateServer(ServerMBean constrainedCandidateServer)
abstract  boolean SNMPTrapSourceMBean.removeEnabledServer(ServerMBean server)
abstract  void MigratableTargetMBean.setAllCandidateServers(ServerMBean[] servers)
abstract  void SingletonServiceMBean.setAllCandidateServers(ServerMBean[] servers)
abstract  void MigratableTargetMBean.setConstrainedCandidateServers(ServerMBean[] constrainedCandidateServers)
          All constrained candiate servers must belong to the same cluster.
abstract  void SingletonServiceMBean.setConstrainedCandidateServers(ServerMBean[] constrainedCandidateServers)
          All constrained candiate servers must belong to the same cluster.
abstract  void SNMPTrapSourceMBean.setEnabledServers(ServerMBean[] serversEnabled)
          Sets the value of the EnabledServers attribute.
abstract  void ServerDebugMBean.setServer(ServerMBean value)
          Set the server.
abstract  void JTAMigratableTargetMBean.setUserPreferredServer(ServerMBean userPreferredServer)
abstract  void MigratableTargetMBean.setUserPreferredServer(ServerMBean t)
abstract  void SingletonServiceBaseMBean.setUserPreferredServer(ServerMBean t)


Uses of ServerMBean in


Methods in that return ServerMBean
abstract  ServerMBean DomainRuntimeServiceMBean.findServerConfiguration(String serverName)
          Returns the active ServerMBean for the specified server.


Uses of ServerMBean in


Methods in that return ServerMBean
abstract  ServerMBean RuntimeServiceMBean.getServerConfiguration()
          Contains the active ServerMBean for the current server instance.


Uses of ServerMBean in


Methods in with parameters of type ServerMBean
abstract  String PartitionLifeCycleRuntimeMBean.getState(ServerMBean serverMBean)
          Get the state of partition on a specific server.
abstract  void MigratableServiceCoordinatorRuntimeMBean.migrate(MigratableTargetMBean migratableTarget, ServerMBean destination)
          Migrates all services deployed to the migratableTarget to the destination server.
abstract  void MigratableServiceCoordinatorRuntimeMBean.migrate(MigratableTargetMBean migratableTarget, ServerMBean destination, boolean sourceUp, boolean destinationUp)
          Migrates all services deployed to the migratableTarget to the destination server.
abstract  void MigratableServiceCoordinatorRuntimeMBean.migrateJTA(MigratableTargetMBean migratableTarget, ServerMBean destination, boolean sourceUp, boolean destinationUp)
          Migrates the JTARecoveryManager deployed to a migratableTarget to the destination server.
abstract  void MigratableServiceCoordinatorRuntimeMBean.migrateSingleton(SingletonServiceMBean singletonService, ServerMBean destination)
          Migrates the singleton service specified by the SingletonServiceMBean to the destination server.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09