The EVALUATE function in your analyses is not enabled by default in Logical SQL queries because it exposes the database to SQL injection attacks. If you encounter any error while generating any views after migrating to Oracle BI 12c, then you must set the value of the EVALUATE_SUPPORT_LEVEL parameter appropriately in the NQSConfig.INI file.
The default value of the EVALUATE_SUPPORT_LEVEL parameter is "0", which means that evaluate is not supported.
# 1: evaluate is supported for users with manageRepositories permission
# 2: evaluate is supported for any user.
# other: evaluate is not supported if the value is anything else.
Manually set the value of the EVALUATE_SUPPORT_LEVEL parameter same as it is in the 11g NQSConfig.INI file or as required by your organization.
The NQSConfig.INI file is located at the following location:
On UNIX operating system:
On Windows operating system: