B Exception Handling
This appendix provides procedures to handle exceptions during or after migrating from Oracle BI 11g to 12c.
- Configuration Failure with TRANSFORMBAREXCEPTION
The 12c configuration might fail with a TRANSFORMBAREEXCEPTION error, if any objects in the catalog are older than Release You can confirm the need to update the catalog items by viewing the metrics in Fusion Middleware Control. In the Catalog folder, find a metric called Reads Needing Upgrade with the description "The number of objects read that required upgrading." If the number is large, then you can resolve this issue by updating objects in the catalog using the Administration page in Presentation Services.
- Multiple Y-Axis Highcharts Graph is not Displayed After Migration
You may not be able to render the Multiple Y-axis Highcharts graph in 12c after migration because the required JavaScript (.js) files are not present in the 12c instance.
- Setting the Evaluate Parameter in the NQSConfig.INI File
The EVALUATE function in your analyses is not enabled by default in Logical SQL queries because it exposes the database to SQL injection attacks. If you encounter any error while generating any views after migrating to Oracle BI 12c, then you must set the value of the EVALUATE_SUPPORT_LEVEL parameter appropriately in the NQSConfig.INI file.
- Error: ava.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment
You can encounter the "ava.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment" error if you have set the value of the DISPLAY variable manually or the system has manipulated it automatically. In case you change the value of the DISPLAY variable to a Windows-client system IP, to run the 64-bit Linux installer through a Windows client, reset it to its original value after the installation is complete. If you generate an analysis that contains graphs without resetting the value of the DISPLAY variable, you can get this error.
- Verifying File Data Sources in Oracle BI Publisher
While generating reports, if you encounter an error stating oracle.xdo.XDOException: File does not exist or is not readable:..., you might not have copied the supporting XML files to the 12c system. To solve this issue, manually validate that the path for each data source points to the appropriate directory on the 12c system.
- [nQSError: 46168] Operation RawFile::checkSoftLimit failed
You can get the [nQSError: 43119] Query Failed: [nQSError: 46168] Operation RawFile::checkSoftLimit failed, it'll exceed the current limitation. 1073758528 error if the BI query requires more temporary space to complete the request than the BI Administrator has allocated.
- Act As Configuration Failing in 12c
The Act As functionality allows you to act for another user in Oracle BI EE. This functionality is useful, for example, when you need to work on another user's dashboard or content, or when IT support staff wants to troubleshoot another user's account. If you have migrated from BI 11g to 12c, and are unable to configure Act As functionality in 12c, follow the procedure in this topic to fix the issue.
- Custom Link and SampleApp Oracle Technology Network Page Not Visible Post Migration
Custom Link and SampleApp Oracle Technology Network page may not be visible in the 12c system directly after the migration. This happens because the Custom Links xml settings is not copied from BI 11g to 12c during the migration. You must manually copy the Custom Links xml settings from BI 11g to 12c.
- Migrating 11g WebLogic Users to 12c
After migrating from 11g to 12c, you must manually migrate the WebLogic users in to your 12c domain. You can do this by exporting the security data from a security realm and importing it in to another security realm. Security data includes authentication, authorization, credential map, and role data.