6.3 DMS Parameter-Scoped Metrics Rules Commands

Parameter-scoped metrics commands enable you to create a metric, specifying a constraint and rules that associate sets of noun-types with sets of parameter names.

Use the commands in Table 6-4 to manage parameter-scoped metrics.

Table 6-4 DMS Parameter-Scoped Metrics Rules Commands

Use this command... To... Use with WLST...


Create a parameter constraint that can be used in the setParameterScopedMetricsRule command.



Delete the specified parameter-scoped metric rules.



Display the parameter-scoped metric data for the specified rule id.



List the set of execution context parameters known to DMS.



Display the current parameter-scoped metrics configuration.



Reset the parameter-scoped metric data associated with the given rule identifiers.



Collect a sample of the set of values for the named context parameter.



Create or update a parameter-scoped metric rule.


6.3.1 createDMSScopedMetricsParameterConstraint

Command Category: DMS Parameter-Scoped Metrics

Use with WLST: Online


Creates a constraint that can be used with the setParameterScopedMetricsRule command.


createDMSScopedMetricsParameterConstraint(name [, values] [,maxnumofvalues])

Argument Definition

The name of the parameter to which the constraint refers.


Optional. A list of specific values to be applied by the constraint.


Optional. The maximum number of values that the constraint will use. If omitted, and relevant, a value of 10 is assumed. This value is ignored if the values option is provided.


The following example creates the parameter constraint name URI. It applies the values MyApp/advSearch.jspx and MyApp/basicSearch.jspx.

createDMSScopedMetricsParameterConstraint(  name="URI", values=["MyApp/advSearch.jspx", "MyApp/basicSearch.jspx"])

6.3.2 deleteDMSParameterScopedMetricsRules

Command Category: DMS Parameter-Scoped Metrics

Use with WLST: Online


Deletes the specified parameter-scoped metric rule and its accumulated data.


deleteDMSParameterScopedMetricsRules([server,] ids)

Argument Definition

Optional. Specifies the server from which to delete the parameter-scoped metrics. Valid values are a list of WebLogic Server instance names and system component names.

To specify the server, use the following syntax:


If this argument is not specified, the command returns the list of metric tables for all WebLogic servers and system components.

You must be connected to the Administration Server to use this argument.

For system components, such as Oracle HTTP Server, use the following format:

servers=['component_name], servertype='component_type')    

The list of identifiers of the rules to be deleted. To specify more than one identifier, surround the ids with brackets and separate them with commas. For example:

ids=["id1", "id2"


The following example deletes the parameter-scoped metric rules for the Managed Server wls_server1 and with the id of rule1:

deleteDMSParameterScopedMetricsRules(server='wls_server1', rule1)

6.3.3 dumpParameterScopedMetrics

Command Category: DMS Parameter-Scoped Metrics

Use with WLST: Online


Displays the parameter-scoped metric data for the specified rule id.


dumpParameterScopedMetrics([server,] ruleid)

Argument Definition

Optional. Specifies the server for which to dump the parameter-scoped metric data. Valid values are a list of WebLogic Server instance names and system component names.

To specify the server, use the following syntax:


If this argument is not specified, the command returns the list of metric tables for all WebLogic servers and system components.

You must be connected to the Administration Server to use this argument.

For system components, such as Oracle HTTP Server, use the following format:

servers=['component_name], servertype='component_type')    

The id of the parameter-scoped metric rule for which data is to be displayed


The following example displays data for the parameter-scoped metric rule regionRule for the Managed Server wls_server1:

dumpParameterScopedMetrics(server="wls_server1", ruleid="regionRule")

6.3.4 listDMSContextParameters

Command Category: DMS Parameter-Scoped Metrics

Use with WLST: Online


Lists the set of execution context parameters known to DMS.


listDMSContextParameters([server][, parameternames] [, verbose])

Argument Definition

Optional. Specifies the server for which to display the execution context parameters. Valid values are a list of WebLogic Server instance names and system component names.

To specify the server, use the following syntax:


If this argument is not specified, the command returns the list of metric tables for all WebLogic servers and system components.

You must be connected to the Administration Server to use this argument.

For system components, such as Oracle HTTP Server, use the following format:

servers=['component_name], servertype='component_type')    

Optional. A list of names of execution context parameters of interest. Any parameter name not found on the server will be ignored (no error will be reported). If this argument is not used, all execution context parameters will be listed.


Optional. If true, then for each execution context parameter the output will include, where available, the description of the execution context parameter along with its set of possible values and their descriptions.


The following example shows the parameter-scoped metric rules for the Managed Server wls_server1:

Server: ManagedServer1

6.3.5 listDMSParameterScopedMetricsRules

Command Category: DMS Parameter-Scoped Metrics

Use with WLST: Online


Displays the current parameter-scoped metric configuration.



Argument Definition

Optional. Specifies the server for which to display the parameter-scoped metric configuration. Valid values are a list of WebLogic Server instance names and system component names.

To specify the server, use the following syntax:


If this argument is not specified, the command returns the list of metric tables for all WebLogic servers and system components.

You must be connected to the Administration Server to use this argument.

For system components, such as Oracle HTTP Server, use the following format:

servers=['component_name], servertype='component_type')    


The following example shows the parameter-scoped metric rules for the Managed Server wls_server1:


  Rule: ruleA 
   Noun types: 
   Context Parameter Constraints: 
      Parameter: URI 
        Constraining values: 

6.3.6 resetDMSParameterScopedMetrics

Command Category: DMS Parameter-Scoped Metrics

Use with WLST: Online


Resets the parameter-scoped metric data associated with the given rule identifiers. The operation is not guaranteed to be atomic, that is, metric data will continue to be gathered while the reset operation is in progress.


resetDMSParameterScopedMetrics([server,] ids)

Argument Definition

Optional. Specifies the server for which to reset the parameter-scoped metrics. Valid values are a list of WebLogic Server instance names and system component names.

To specify the server, use the following syntax:


If this argument is not specified, the command returns the list of metric tables for all WebLogic servers and system components.

You must be connected to the Administration Server to use this argument.

For system components, such as Oracle HTTP Server, use the following format:

servers=['component_name], servertype='component_type')    

The list of identifiers of the rules to be reset. To specify more than one identifier, surround the ids with brackets and separate them with commas. For example:

ids=["id1", "id2"


The following example resets the rule with the id ruleA for the managed server wls_server1:

resetDMSParameterScopedMetrics(server="wls_server1", ids="ruleA")

6.3.7 sampleDMSContextParameterValues

Command Category: DMS Parameter-Scoped Metrics

Use with WLST: Online


Collects a sample of the set of values for the named context parameter.


sampleDMSContextParameterValues([parametername] [, naxmuofvaleus] [,action])

Argument Definition

Optional. The name of the context parameter to be sampled. This argument must be used in combination with the argument action.


Optional. The maximum number of distinct values to include in the sample. If omitted, a value of 10 is applied. A value of 0 will cause all distinct values to be sampled. Depending on the context parameter, this could mean sampling a set of unbounded size. Only relevant when specifying the action="start".


Optional. The action to be sampled. This argument must be used in combination with the argument parametername.

The valid values are:

  • start: Start sampling values

  • stop: Stop sampling values and show the values

  • show: Display the histogram of sampled values.


The following example starts sampling the values for the parameter bespoke.ServiceLevel:

sampleDMSContextParameterValues(parametername="bespoke.ServiceLevel", maxnumofvalues=5, action="start")
Values of the parameter bespoke.ServiceLevel are now being sampled.
 List of parameters currently being sampled:
    bespoke.ServiceLevel has been sampled for 0 seconds.

The following example stops the sampling and displays the histogram of the values:

  List of parameters currently being sampled:    bespoke.ServiceLevel has been sampled for 87 seconds.
sampleDMSContextParameterValues(parametername="bespoke.ServiceLevel", action="stop")
  Histogram of values for parameter bespoke.ServiceLevel.
    Gold 21
    Silver 5
    Bronze 37
  Values of the parameter bespoke.ServiceLevel will no longer be sampled.

6.3.8 setDMSParameterScopedMetricsRule

Command Category: DMS Parameter-Scoped Metrics

Use with WLST: Online


Creates or updates a parameter-scoped metric rule. Only one rule at a time can manage the collection of metrics for a particular noun type and parameter combination. For example, you cannot have two separate rules to attempt to collect parameter-scoped metrics based on the context parameter URI and the noun type JDBC_Connection.


setDMSParameterScopedMetricsRule([server,] id, nountypes [, ctxparamconstraints][, actparamconstraints] [,replace={true|false}])

Argument Definition

Optional. Specifies the server for which to set the parameter-scoped metric rule. Valid values are a list of WebLogic Server instance names and system component names.

To specify the server, use the following syntax:


If this argument is not specified, the command returns the list of metric tables for all WebLogic servers and system components.

You must be connected to the Administration Server to use this argument.

For system components, such as Oracle HTTP Server, use the following format:

servers=['component_name], servertype='component_type')    

The identifier of the rule.


The list of noun types to which the rule applies.


Optional. The list of context parameter constraints to be used by this rule. You must specify at least one of this argument or actparamconstraints.

See "createDMSScopedMetricsParameterConstraint".


Optional. The list of activation parameter constraints to be used by the rule. You must specify at least one of this argument or ctxparamconstraints.

See "createDMSScopedMetricsParameterConstraint".


Optional. If true, the new rule replaces an existing rule of the same id. If false or if left unset, and a rule with the id already exists an error is raised.


The following example creates the rule with the id ruleA, the nountype JDBC_Connection and the context parameter constraint ctxP1:

setDMSParameterScopedMetricsRule(id="ruleA", nountypes=["JDBC_Connection"],  ctxparamconstraints=[ctxP1])